package com.hexated import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import class TimefourTv : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "Time4tv" override val hasDownloadSupport = false override val hasMainPage = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Live ) private val homePoster = "" private val detailPoster = "" override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "$mainUrl/24-7-channels.php" to "24/7 Channels", "$mainUrl/schedule/schedule-generated.json" to "Schedule Channels" ) override suspend fun getMainPage( page: Int, request: MainPageRequest ): HomePageResponse { val items = mutableListOf() if ( == "24/7 Channels") { val req = app.get( mainUrl = getBaseUrl(req.url) val res = req.document val channels ="div.grid-container div.grid-item").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResponse() } if (channels.isNotEmpty()) items.add(HomePageList(, channels, true)) } else { val res = app.get(>>>() res?.forEach { tag -> val header = tag.key val channels = tag.value.mapNotNull { LiveSearchResponse( it.key, Item(it.key, items = it.value.toJson()).toJson(),, TvType.Live, posterUrl = homePoster, ) } if (channels.isNotEmpty()) items.add(HomePageList(header, channels, true)) } } return newHomePageResponse(items, false) } private fun Element.toSearchResponse(): LiveSearchResponse { val title ="strong").text() val href = fixUrl("a").attr("href")) return LiveSearchResponse( title, Item(title, href).toJson(),, TvType.Live, posterUrl = homePoster, ) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val document = app.get("$mainUrl/24-7-channels.php").document return"div.grid-container div.grid-item:contains($query)").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResponse() } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val data = AppUtils.parseJson(url) val episodes = if (data.items.isNullOrEmpty()) { listOf(Episode(arrayListOf(Channels(data.title, data.url)).toJson())) } else { val items = AppUtils.parseJson>(data.items) items.mapNotNull { eps -> Episode( data = eps.channels?.toJson() ?: return@mapNotNull null, name = "${eps.event} • ${eps.time}", description = { it.channel_name }.joinToString(" • "), posterUrl = detailPoster, ) } } return newTvSeriesLoadResponse( data.title ?: "", url, TvType.TvSeries, episodes = episodes ) { posterUrl = homePoster } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val json = AppUtils.parseJson>(data) json.apmap { val iframe = app.get( fixChannelUrl( it.channel_id ?: return@apmap ) ).document.selectFirst("iframe#thatframe")?.attr("src") ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("No Iframe Found") val host = getBaseUrl(iframe) val video = extractVideo(iframe) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(, it.channel_name ?: return@apmap, video ?: return@apmap, "$host/", Qualities.Unknown.value, isM3u8 = true, ) ) } return true } private suspend fun extractVideo(url: String): String? { val res = app.get(url, referer = mainUrl) return Regex("""source:['"](\S+.m3u8)['"],""").find(res.text)?.groupValues?.getOrNull( 1 ) ?: run { val scriptData = res.document.selectFirst("div#player")?.nextElementSibling()?.data() ?.substringAfterLast("return(")?.substringBefore(".join") scriptData?.removeSurrounding("[", "]")?.replace("\"", "")?.split(",") ?.joinToString("") } } private fun fixChannelUrl(url: String): String { return if (url.startsWith(mainUrl)) { url } else { "$mainUrl/stream/stream-$url.php" } } private fun getBaseUrl(url: String): String { return URI(url).let { "${it.scheme}://${}" } } data class Item( val title: String? = null, val url: String? = null, val items: String? = null, ) data class Items( val time: String? = null, val event: String? = null, val channels: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class Channels( val channel_name: String? = null, val channel_id: String? = null, ) }