package com.hexated import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addTrailer import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Element class NontonAnimeIDProvider : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "NontonAnimeID" override val hasQuickSearch = false override val hasMainPage = true override var lang = "id" override val hasDownloadSupport = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Anime, TvType.AnimeMovie, TvType.OVA ) companion object { fun getType(t: String): TvType { return when { t.contains("TV") -> TvType.Anime t.contains("Movie") -> TvType.AnimeMovie else -> TvType.OVA } } fun getStatus(t: String): ShowStatus { return when (t) { "Finished Airing" -> ShowStatus.Completed "Currently Airing" -> ShowStatus.Ongoing else -> ShowStatus.Completed } } } override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request : MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { val document = app.get(mainUrl).document val homePageList = ArrayList()"section#postbaru").forEach { block -> val header = block.selectFirst("h2")!!.text().trim() val animes ="article.animeseries").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResult() } if (animes.isNotEmpty()) homePageList.add(HomePageList(header, animes)) }"aside#sidebar_right > div.side").forEach { block -> val header = block.selectFirst("h3")!!.ownText().trim() val animes ="ul li.fullwdth").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResultPopular() } if (animes.isNotEmpty()) homePageList.add(HomePageList(header, animes)) } return HomePageResponse(homePageList) } private fun getProperAnimeLink(uri: String): String { return if (uri.contains("/anime/")) { uri } else { var title = uri.substringAfter("$mainUrl/") val fixTitle = Regex("(.*)-episode.*").find(title)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1).toString() title = when { title.contains("utawarerumono-season-3") -> fixTitle.replace( "season-3", "futari-no-hakuoro" ) title.contains("kingdom-season-4") -> fixTitle.replace("season-4", "4th-season") title.contains("maou-sama-season-2") -> fixTitle.replace("season-2", "2") title.contains("overlord-season-4") -> fixTitle.replace("season-4", "iv") title.contains("kyoushitsu-e-season-2") -> fixTitle.replace( "kyoushitsu-e-season-2", "kyoushitsu-e-tv-2nd-season" ) title.contains("season-2") -> fixTitle.replace("season-2", "2nd-season") title.contains("season-3") -> fixTitle.replace("season-3", "3rd-season") title.contains("movie") -> title.substringBefore("-movie") else -> fixTitle } "$mainUrl/anime/$title" } } private fun Element.toSearchResult(): AnimeSearchResponse? { val href = getProperAnimeLink(fixUrl(this.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href"))) val title = this.selectFirst("h3.title")?.text() ?: return null val posterUrl = fixUrl("img").attr("data-src")) return newAnimeSearchResponse(title, href, TvType.Anime) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl addDubStatus(dubExist = false, subExist = true) } } private fun Element.toSearchResultPopular(): AnimeSearchResponse? { val href = getProperAnimeLink(fixUrl(this.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href"))) val title = this.selectFirst("h4")?.text()?.trim() ?: return null val posterUrl = fixUrl("img").attr("data-src")) return newAnimeSearchResponse(title, href, TvType.Anime) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl addDubStatus(dubExist = false, subExist = true) } } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val link = "$mainUrl/?s=$query" val document = app.get(link).document return".result > ul > li").mapNotNull { val title = it.selectFirst("h2")!!.text().trim() val poster = it.selectFirst("img")!!.attr("src") val tvType = getType( it.selectFirst(".boxinfores > span.typeseries")!!.text().toString() ) val href = fixUrl(it.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href")) newAnimeSearchResponse(title, href, tvType) { this.posterUrl = poster addDubStatus(dubExist = false, subExist = true) } } } private data class EpResponse( @JsonProperty("posts") val posts: String?, @JsonProperty("max_page") val max_page: Int?, @JsonProperty("found_posts") val found_posts: Int?, @JsonProperty("content") val content: String ) override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val document = app.get(url).document val title = document.selectFirst("h1.entry-title.cs")!!.text().trim() val poster = document.selectFirst(".poster > img")?.attr("data-src") val tags =".tagline > a").map { it.text() } val year = Regex("\\d, ([0-9]*)").find(".bottomtitle > span:nth-child(5)").text() )?.groupValues?.get(1)?.toIntOrNull() val status = getStatus("span.statusseries").text().trim() ) val type = getType("span.typeseries").text().trim()) val rating ="span.nilaiseries").text().trim().toIntOrNull() val description =".entry-content.seriesdesc > p").text().trim() val trailer = document.selectFirst("a.trailerbutton")?.attr("href") val episodes = if ("button.buttfilter").isNotEmpty()) { val id ="input[name=series_id]").attr("value") val numEp = document.selectFirst(".latestepisode > a")?.text()?.replace(Regex("[^0-9]"), "") .toString() Jsoup.parse( url = "$mainUrl/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data = mapOf( "misha_number_of_results" to numEp, "misha_order_by" to "date-DESC", "action" to "mishafilter", "series_id" to id ) ).parsed().content ).select("li").map { val name = Regex("(Episode\\s?[0-9]+)").find( it.selectFirst("a")?.text().toString() )?.groupValues?.getOrNull(0) ?: it.selectFirst("a")?.text() val link = fixUrl(it.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href")) Episode(link, name) }.reversed() } else {"ul.misha_posts_wrap2 > li").map { val name = Regex("(Episode\\s?[0-9]+)").find( it.selectFirst("a")?.text().toString() )?.groupValues?.getOrNull(0) ?: it.selectFirst("a")?.text() val link ="a").attr("href") Episode(link, name) }.reversed() } val recommendations =".result > li").mapNotNull { val epHref = it.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href") val epTitle = it.selectFirst("h3")!!.text() val epPoster =".top > img").attr("data-src") newAnimeSearchResponse(epTitle, epHref, TvType.Anime) { this.posterUrl = epPoster addDubStatus(dubExist = false, subExist = true) } } return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, type) { engName = title posterUrl = poster this.year = year addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes) showStatus = status this.rating = rating plot = description addTrailer(trailer) this.tags = tags this.recommendations = recommendations } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val document = app.get(data).document val sources = ArrayList()".container1 > ul > li:not(.boxtab)").apmap { val dataPost = it.attr("data-post") val dataNume = it.attr("data-nume") val dataType = it.attr("data-type") val iframe = url = "$mainUrl/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data = mapOf( "action" to "player_ajax", "post" to dataPost, "nume" to dataNume, "type" to dataType ), referer = data, headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") )"iframe").attr("src") sources.add(fixUrl(iframe)) } sources.apmap { loadExtractor(it, "$mainUrl/", subtitleCallback, callback) } return true } }