package com.hexated import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.M3u8Helper import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec class OnetwothreeTv : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "123tv" override val hasDownloadSupport = false override val hasMainPage = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Live ) override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "1" to "United States (USA)", "$mainUrl/top-streams/" to "Top Streams", "$mainUrl/latest-streams/" to "Latest Streams", ) override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { val items = mutableListOf() val nonPaged = ( == "Top Streams" || == "Latest Streams") && page <= 1 if (nonPaged) { val res = app.get( val home ="div.col-md-3.col-sm-6").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResult() } items.add(HomePageList(, home, true)) } if ( == "United States (USA)") { val res = "$mainUrl/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data = mapOf( "action" to "_123tv_load_more_videos_from_category", "cat_id" to, "page_num" to "${page.minus(1)}" ), headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest" ) ).document val home ="div.col-md-3.col-sm-6").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResult() } items.add(HomePageList(, home, true)) } return newHomePageResponse(items) } private fun Element.toSearchResult(): LiveSearchResponse? { return LiveSearchResponse( this.selectFirst(" h4")?.text() ?: return null, fixUrl(this.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href")),, TvType.Live, fixUrlNull(this.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src")), ) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { return app.get( "$mainUrl/?s=$query" )"div.videos-latest-list.row div.col-md-3.col-sm-6").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResult() } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse? { val document = app.get(url).document return LiveStreamLoadResponse( document.selectFirst(" h1")?.text() ?: return null, url,, document.selectFirst("div.embed-responsive iframe")?.attr("src") ?: url, fixUrlNull(document.selectFirst("meta[name=\"twitter:image\"]")?.attr("content")), plot =" p").text() ?: return null ) } private fun String.decodeHex(): ByteArray { check(length % 2 == 0) { "Must have an even length" } return chunked(2) .map { it.toInt(16).toByte() } .toByteArray() } private fun cryptojsAESHandler( data: AesData, pass: String, encrypt: Boolean = true ): String { val factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512") val spec = PBEKeySpec(pass.toCharArray(), data.s.decodeHex(), 999, 256) val key = factory.generateSecret(spec) val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/NoPadding") return if (!encrypt) { cipher.init( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec(key.encoded, "AES"), IvParameterSpec(data.iv.decodeHex()) ) String(cipher.doFinal(base64DecodeArray(data.ct))) } else { cipher.init( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec(key.encoded, "AES"), IvParameterSpec(data.iv.decodeHex()) ) base64Encode(cipher.doFinal(data.ct.toByteArray())) } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { if (data.contains(".m3u8")) { app.get( data, referer = "$mainUrl/" )"script").find {"var player=") }?.data() ?.substringAfter("source:'")?.substringBefore("',")?.let { link -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( source = name, name = name, url = link, referer = "", quality = Qualities.Unknown.value, isM3u8 = true, headers = mapOf("Origin" to "") ) ) } } else { val script = app.get(data)"script").find {"var post_id") } ?.data() ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("No data found") val encodeData = Regex("\\w{6,10}=\\[(\\S+)];return").find(script)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) ?.split(",")?.joinToString("") { it.replace("'", "") } .let { base64Decode("$it") } val aesData = tryParseJson(encodeData) ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("Invalid json responses") val pass = Regex("\\[((\\d{2,3},?\\s?){4})];").findAll(script).map { it.groupValues[1] } .toList().flatMap { it.split(",") }.map { it.toInt().toChar() }.reversed() .joinToString("") val decryptData = cryptojsAESHandler(aesData, pass, false) val jsonData = Regex("[\"|'](\\?1&json=\\S+)[\"|'];").find(script)?.groupValues?.get(1) val m3uLink = "${decryptData.substringBefore(".m3u8")}.m3u8$jsonData" app.get(m3uLink, referer = data).let { tryParseJson>(it.text)?.map { res -> M3u8Helper.generateM3u8(, res.file, "$mainUrl/", headers = mapOf("Origin" to mainUrl) ).forEach(callback) } } } return true } data class Source( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String, ) data class AesData( @JsonProperty("ciphertext") val ct: String, @JsonProperty("salt") val s: String, @JsonProperty("iv") val iv: String, @JsonProperty("iterations") val iterations: Int? = null, ) }