import // use an integer for version numbers version = 2 android { defaultConfig { val properties = Properties() properties.load(project.rootProject.file("").inputStream()) buildConfigField("String", "SUPERSTREAM_FIRST_API", "\"${properties.getProperty("SUPERSTREAM_FIRST_API")}\"") buildConfigField("String", "SUPERSTREAM_SECOND_API", "\"${properties.getProperty("SUPERSTREAM_SECOND_API")}\"") buildConfigField("String", "SUPERSTREAM_THIRD_API", "\"${properties.getProperty("SUPERSTREAM_THIRD_API")}\"") buildConfigField("String", "SUPERSTREAM_FOURTH_API", "\"${properties.getProperty("SUPERSTREAM_FOURTH_API")}\"") } } cloudstream { language = "en" // All of these properties are optional, you can safely remove them // description = "Lorem Ipsum" authors = listOf("Blatzar") /** * Status int as the following: * 0: Down * 1: Ok * 2: Slow * 3: Beta only * */ status = 1 // will be 3 if unspecified tvTypes = listOf( "AsianDrama", "Anime", "TvSeries", "Movie", ) iconUrl = "" }