package com.hexated import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addAniListId import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addMalId import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addTrailer import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.safeApiCall import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.getQualityFromName import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Element class KuronimeProvider : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "Kuronime" override val hasQuickSearch = false override val hasMainPage = true override var lang = "id" override val hasDownloadSupport = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Anime, TvType.AnimeMovie, TvType.OVA ) companion object { private const val jikanAPI = "" fun getType(t: String): TvType { return if (t.contains("OVA") || t.contains("Special")) TvType.OVA else if (t.contains("Movie")) TvType.AnimeMovie else TvType.Anime } fun getStatus(t: String): ShowStatus { return when (t) { "Completed" -> ShowStatus.Completed "Ongoing" -> ShowStatus.Ongoing else -> ShowStatus.Completed } } } override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "$mainUrl/page/" to "New Episodes", "$mainUrl/popular-anime/page/" to "Popular Anime", "$mainUrl/movies/page/" to "Movies", "$mainUrl/genres/donghua/page/" to "Donghua", "$mainUrl/live-action/page/" to "Live Action", ) override suspend fun getMainPage( page: Int, request: MainPageRequest ): HomePageResponse { val document = app.get( + page).document val home ="article").map { it.toSearchResult() } return newHomePageResponse(, home) } private fun getProperAnimeLink(uri: String): String { return if (uri.contains("/anime/")) { uri } else { var title = uri.substringAfter("$mainUrl/") title = when { (title.contains("-episode")) && !(title.contains("-movie")) -> Regex("nonton-(.+)-episode").find( title )?.groupValues?.get(1).toString() (title.contains("-movie")) -> Regex("nonton-(.+)-movie").find(title)?.groupValues?.get( 1 ).toString() else -> title } "$mainUrl/anime/$title" } } private fun Element.toSearchResult(): AnimeSearchResponse { val href = getProperAnimeLink(fixUrlNull(this.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href")).toString()) val title =".bsuxtt, .tt > h4").text().trim() val posterUrl = fixUrlNull( this.selectFirst("div.view,")?.nextElementSibling()?.select("img") ?.attr("data-src") ) val epNum =".ep").text().replace(Regex("[^0-9]"), "").trim().toIntOrNull() val tvType = getType(this.selectFirst(".bt > span")?.text().toString()) return newAnimeSearchResponse(title, href, tvType) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl addSub(epNum) } } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val link = "$mainUrl/?s=$query" val document = app.get(link).document return"").map { it.toSearchResult() } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val document = app.get(url).document val title = document.selectFirst(".entry-title")?.text().toString().trim() val poster = document.selectFirst("div.l[itemprop=image] > img")?.attr("data-src") val tags =".infodetail > ul > li:nth-child(2) > a").map { it.text() } val type = document.selectFirst(".infodetail > ul > li:nth-child(7)")?.ownText()?.removePrefix(":") ?.lowercase()?.trim() ?: "tv" val trailer = document.selectFirst("div.tply iframe")?.attr("data-src") val year = Regex("\\d, ([0-9]*)").find(".infodetail > ul > li:nth-child(5)").text() )?.groupValues?.get(1)?.toIntOrNull() val malId = app.get("$jikanAPI/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&type=$type&limit=1") .parsedSafe()?.data?.firstOrNull()?.mal_id val anilistId = "", data = mapOf( "query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}", ) ).parsedSafe()?.data?.media?.id val status = getStatus( document.selectFirst(".infodetail > ul > li:nth-child(3)")!!.ownText() .replace(Regex("\\W"), "") ) val description ="span.const > p").text() val episodes ="div.bixbox.bxcl > ul > li").map { val name = it.selectFirst("a")?.text()?.trim() val episode = it.selectFirst("a")?.text()?.trim()?.replace("Episode", "")?.trim()?.toIntOrNull() val link = it.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href") Episode(link, name = name, episode = episode) }.reversed() return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, getType(type)) { engName = title posterUrl = poster this.year = year addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes) showStatus = status plot = description addMalId(malId?.toIntOrNull()) addAniListId(anilistId?.toIntOrNull()) addTrailer(trailer) this.tags = tags } } private suspend fun invokeKuroSource( url: String, sourceCallback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val doc = app.get(url, referer = "${mainUrl}/").document"script").map { script -> if ("function jalankan_jwp() {")) { val data = val doma = data.substringAfter("var doma = \"").substringBefore("\";") val token = data.substringAfter("var token = \"").substringBefore("\";") val pat = data.substringAfter("var pat = \"").substringBefore("\";") val link = "$doma$token$pat/index.m3u8" val quality = Regex("\\d{3,4}p").find("title").text())?.groupValues?.get(0) sourceCallback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, link, referer = "", quality = getQualityFromName(quality), headers = mapOf("Origin" to ""), isM3u8 = true ) ) } } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val document = app.get(data).document val sources =".mobius > .mirror > option").mapNotNull { fixUrl(Jsoup.parse(base64Decode(it.attr("value"))).select("iframe").attr("data-src")) } sources.apmap { safeApiCall { when { it.startsWith("") -> invokeKuroSource(it, callback) else -> loadExtractor(it, mainUrl, subtitleCallback, callback) } } } return true } data class Data( @JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null, ) data class JikanResponse( @JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) private data class IdAni( @JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null, ) private data class MediaAni( @JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null, ) private data class DataAni( @JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null, ) }