package com.hexated import android.util.Base64 import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.base64DecodeAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.baymoviesAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.consumetCrunchyrollAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.filmxyAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.gdbot import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.smashyStreamAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.tvMoviesAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.twoEmbedAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.watchOnlineAPI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.getCaptchaToken import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.suspendSafeApiCall import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.ioSafe import com.lagradost.nicehttp.NiceResponse import com.lagradost.nicehttp.RequestBodyTypes import com.lagradost.nicehttp.requestCreator import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import okhttp3.FormBody import okhttp3.Headers import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrl import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaTypeOrNull import okhttp3.RequestBody.Companion.toRequestBody import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import import import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import import import java.util.* import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec import kotlin.collections.ArrayList import kotlin.math.min val soraAPI = base64DecodeAPI("cA==YXA=cy8=Y20=di8=LnQ=b2s=a2w=bG8=aS4=YXA=ZS0=aWw=b2I=LW0=Z2E=Ly8=czo=dHA=aHQ=") val chillAPI = base64DecodeAPI("dg==LnQ=bGw=aGk=dGM=dXM=Lmo=b2s=a2w=bG8=Ly8=czo=dHA=aHQ=") val soraHeaders = mapOf( "lang" to "en", "versioncode" to "33", "clienttype" to "android_tem3", "deviceid" to getDeviceId(), ) val encodedIndex = arrayOf( "GamMovies", "JSMovies", "BlackMovies", "CodexMovies", "RinzryMovies", "EdithxMovies", "XtremeMovies", "PapaonMovies[1]", "PapaonMovies[2]", "JmdkhMovies", "RubyMovies", "ShinobiMovies", "VitoenMovies", ) val lockedIndex = arrayOf( "CodexMovies", "EdithxMovies", ) val mkvIndex = arrayOf( "EdithxMovies", "JmdkhMovies", ) val untrimmedIndex = arrayOf( "PapaonMovies[1]", "PapaonMovies[2]", "EdithxMovies", ) val needRefererIndex = arrayOf( "ShinobiMovies", ) val mimeType = arrayOf( "video/x-matroska", "video/mp4", "video/x-msvideo" ) data class FilmxyCookies( val phpsessid: String? = null, val wLog: String? = null, val wSec: String? = null, ) fun String.filterIframe(seasonNum: Int?, lastSeason: Int?, year: Int?, title: String?): Boolean { val slug = title.createSlug() val dotSlug = slug?.replace("-", ".") val spaceSlug = slug?.replace("-", " ") return if (seasonNum != null) { if (lastSeason == 1) { this.contains(Regex("(?i)(S0?$seasonNum)|(Season\\s0?$seasonNum)|(\\d{3,4}p)")) && !this.contains( "Download", true ) } else { this.contains(Regex("(?i)(S0?$seasonNum)|(Season\\s0?$seasonNum)")) && !this.contains( "Download", true ) } } else { this.contains(Regex("(?i)($year)|($dotSlug)|($spaceSlug)")) && !this.contains( "Download", true ) } } fun String.filterMedia(title: String?, yearNum: Int?, seasonNum: Int?): Boolean { val fixTitle = title.createSlug()?.replace("-", " ") return if (seasonNum != null) { when { seasonNum > 1 -> this.contains(Regex("(?i)(Season\\s0?1-0?$seasonNum)|(S0?1-S?0?$seasonNum)")) && this.contains( Regex("(?i)($fixTitle)|($title)") ) else -> this.contains(Regex("(?i)(Season\\s0?1)|(S0?1)")) && this.contains( Regex("(?i)($fixTitle)|($title)") ) && this.contains("$yearNum") } } else { this.contains(Regex("(?i)($fixTitle)|($title)")) && this.contains("$yearNum") } } fun Document.getMirrorLink(): String? { return"div.mb-4 a").randomOrNull() ?.attr("href") } fun Document.getMirrorServer(server: Int): String { return"div.text-center a:contains(Server $server)").attr("href") } suspend fun extractMirrorUHD(url: String, ref: String): String? { var baseDoc = app.get(fixUrl(url, ref)).document var downLink = baseDoc.getMirrorLink() run lit@{ (1..2).forEach { if (downLink != null) return@lit val server = baseDoc.getMirrorServer( baseDoc = app.get(fixUrl(server, ref)).document downLink = baseDoc.getMirrorLink() } } return if (downLink?.contains("") == true) downLink else base64Decode( downLink?.substringAfter( "download?url=" ) ?: return null ) } suspend fun extractBackupUHD(url: String): String? { val resumeDoc = app.get(url) val script = resumeDoc.document.selectFirst("script:containsData(FormData.)")?.data() val ssid = resumeDoc.cookies["PHPSESSID"] val baseIframe = getBaseUrl(url) val fetchLink = script?.substringAfter("fetch('")?.substringBefore("',")?.let { fixUrl(it, baseIframe) } val token = script?.substringAfter("'token', '")?.substringBefore("');") val body = FormBody.Builder() .addEncoded("token", "$token") .build() val cookies = mapOf("PHPSESSID" to "$ssid") val result = fetchLink ?: return null, requestBody = body, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", "Origin" to baseIframe, "Sec-Fetch-Site" to "same-origin" ), cookies = cookies, referer = url ).text return tryParseJson(result)?.url } suspend fun extractGdbot(url: String): String? { val headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", ) val res = app.get( "$gdbot/", headers = headers ) val token = res.document.selectFirst("input[name=_token]")?.attr("value") val cookiesSet = res.headers.filter { it.first == "set-cookie" } val xsrf = cookiesSet.find { it.second.contains("XSRF-TOKEN") }?.second?.substringAfter("XSRF-TOKEN=") ?.substringBefore(";") val session = cookiesSet.find { it.second.contains("gdtot_proxy_session") }?.second?.substringAfter("gdtot_proxy_session=") ?.substringBefore(";") val cookies = mapOf( "gdtot_proxy_session" to "$session", "XSRF-TOKEN" to "$xsrf" ) val requestFile = "$gdbot/file", data = mapOf( "link" to url, "_token" to "$token" ), headers = headers, referer = "$gdbot/", cookies = cookies ).document return requestFile.selectFirst(" a.float-right")?.attr("href") } suspend fun extractDirectDl(url: String): String? { val iframe = app.get(url).document.selectFirst(" a:contains(Direct DL)") ?.attr("href") val request = app.get(iframe ?: return null) val driveDoc = request.document val token ="section#generate_url").attr("data-token") val uid ="section#generate_url").attr("data-uid") val ssid = request.cookies["PHPSESSID"] val body = """{"type":"DOWNLOAD_GENERATE","payload":{"uid":"$uid","access_token":"$token"}}""".toRequestBody( RequestBodyTypes.JSON.toMediaTypeOrNull() ) val json = "", requestBody = body, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Cookie" to "PHPSESSID=$ssid", "X-Requested-With" to "xmlhttprequest" ), referer = request.url ).text return tryParseJson(json)?.download_url } suspend fun extractDrivebot(url: String): String? { val iframeDrivebot = app.get(url).document.selectFirst(" a:contains(Drivebot)") ?.attr("href") ?: return null return getDrivebotLink(iframeDrivebot) } suspend fun extractGdflix(url: String): String? { val iframeGdflix = app.get(url).document.selectFirst(" a:contains(GDFlix Direct)") ?.attr("href") ?: return null val base = getBaseUrl(iframeGdflix) val req = app.get(iframeGdflix).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(replace)")?.data() ?.substringAfter("replace(\"") ?.substringBefore("\")")?.let { app.get(fixUrl(it, base)) } ?: return null val iframeDrivebot2 = req.document.selectFirst("a.btn.btn-outline-warning")?.attr("href") return getDrivebotLink(iframeDrivebot2) // val reqUrl = req.url // val ssid = req.cookies["PHPSESSID"] // val script = req.document.selectFirst("script:containsData(formData =)")?.data() // val key = Regex("append\\(\"key\", \"(\\S+?)\"\\);").find(script ?: return null)?.groupValues?.get(1) // // val body = FormBody.Builder() // .addEncoded("action", "direct") // .addEncoded("key", "$key") // .addEncoded("action_token", "cf_token") // .build() // // val gdriveUrl = // reqUrl, requestBody = body, // cookies = mapOf("PHPSESSID" to "$ssid"), // headers = mapOf( // "x-token" to URI(reqUrl).host // ) // ).parsedSafe()?.url // // return getDirectGdrive(gdriveUrl ?: return null) } suspend fun getDrivebotLink(url: String?): String? { val driveDoc = app.get(url ?: return null) val ssid = driveDoc.cookies["PHPSESSID"] val script = driveDoc.document.selectFirst("script:containsData(var formData)")?.data() val baseUrl = getBaseUrl(url) val token = script?.substringAfter("'token', '")?.substringBefore("');") val link = script?.substringAfter("fetch('")?.substringBefore("',").let { "$baseUrl$it" } val body = FormBody.Builder() .addEncoded("token", "$token") .build() val cookies = mapOf("PHPSESSID" to "$ssid") val file = link, requestBody = body, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", "Origin" to baseUrl, "Sec-Fetch-Site" to "same-origin" ), cookies = cookies, referer = url ).parsedSafe()?.url ?: return null return if (file.startsWith("http")) file else app.get( fixUrl( file, baseUrl ) ).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(") ?.data()?.substringAfter("'")?.substringBefore("')") } suspend fun extractOiya(url: String, quality: String): String? { val doc = app.get(url).document return doc.selectFirst("div.wp-block-button a:matches((?i)$quality)")?.attr("href") ?: doc.selectFirst("div.wp-block-button a")?.attr("href") } suspend fun extractCovyn(url: String?): Pair? { val request = session.get(url ?: return null, referer = "${tvMoviesAPI}/") val filehosting = session.baseClient.cookieJar.loadForRequest(url.toHttpUrl()) .find { == "filehosting" }?.value val headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Connection" to "keep-alive", "Cookie" to "filehosting=$filehosting", ) val iframe = request.document.findTvMoviesIframe() delay(10500) val request2 = session.get( iframe ?: return null, referer = url, headers = headers ) val iframe2 = request2.document.findTvMoviesIframe() delay(10500) val request3 = session.get( iframe2 ?: return null, referer = iframe, headers = headers ) val response = request3.document val videoLink = response.selectFirst("button.btn.btn--primary")?.attr("onclick") ?.substringAfter("location = '")?.substringBefore("';")?.let { app.get( it, referer = iframe2, headers = headers ).url } val size = response.selectFirst("ul.row--list li:contains(Filesize) span:last-child") ?.text() return Pair(videoLink, size) } suspend fun getDirectGdrive(url: String): String { val fixUrl = if (url.contains("&export=download")) { url } else { "${ Regex("(?:\\?id=|/d/)(\\S+)/").find("$url/")?.groupValues?.get(1) }&export=download" } val doc = app.get(fixUrl).document val form ="form#download-form").attr("action") val uc ="input#uc-download-link").attr("value") return form, data = mapOf( "uc-download-link" to uc ) ).url } suspend fun invokeSmashyOne( name: String, url: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val script = app.get(url).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(player =)")?.data() ?: return val source = Regex("file:\\s['\"](\\S+?)['|\"]").find(script)?.groupValues?.get( 1 ) ?: return source.split(",").map { links -> val quality = Regex("\\[(\\d+)]").find(links)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.trim() val link = links.removePrefix("[$quality]").trim() callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Smashy [$name]", "Smashy [$name]", link, smashyStreamAPI, quality?.toIntOrNull() ?: return@map, isM3u8 = link.contains(".m3u8"), ) ) } } suspend fun invokeSmashyTwo( name: String, url: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val doc = app.get(url).document val script = doc.selectFirst("script:containsData(var secret)")?.data() ?: return val secret = script.substringAfter("secret = \"").substringBefore("\";").let { base64Decode(it) } val key = script.substringAfter("token = \"").substringBefore("\";") val source = app.get( "$secret$key", headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest" ) ).parsedSafe() ?: return val videoUrl = base64Decode(source.file ?: return) if(videoUrl.contains("/bug")) return val quality = Regex("(\\d{3,4})[Pp]").find(videoUrl)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.toIntOrNull() ?: Qualities.P720.value callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Smashy [$name]", "Smashy [$name]", videoUrl, "", quality, videoUrl.contains(".m3u8") ) ) } suspend fun getSoraIdAndType(title: String?, year: Int?, season: Int?) : Pair? { val doc = app.get("${base64DecodeAPI("b20=LmM=b2s=a2w=bG8=Ly8=czo=dHA=aHQ=")}/search?keyword=$title").document val scriptData ="").map { Triple( it.selectFirst("h2.title")?.text().toString(), it.selectFirst("div.desc")?.text() ?.substringBefore(".")?.toIntOrNull(), it.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href")?.split("/") ) } val script = if (scriptData.size == 1) { scriptData.firstOrNull() } else { scriptData.find { when (season) { null -> { it.first.equals( title, true ) && it.second == year } 1 -> { it.first.contains( "$title", true ) && (it.second == year || it.first.contains("Season $season", true)) } else -> { it.first.contains(Regex("(?i)$title\\s?($season|${season.toRomanNumeral()}|Season\\s$season)")) && it.second == year } } } } val id = script?.third?.last()?.substringBefore("-") ?: return null val type = script.third?.get(2)?.let { if (it == "drama") "1" else "0" } ?: return null return id to type } suspend fun fetchSoraEpisodes(id: String, type: String, episode: Int?) : EpisodeVo? { return app.get( "$soraAPI/movieDrama/get?id=${id}&category=${type}", headers = soraHeaders ).parsedSafe()?.data?.episodeVo?.find { it.seriesNo == (episode ?: 0) } } suspend fun invokeSapphire( url: String? = null, isDub: Boolean = false, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { var data = app.get("${url?.replace("player.php", "config.php")}&action=config", referer = url).text while (true) { if (data.startsWith("{")) break if (data == "null") { data = app.get("$url&action=config", referer = url).text delay(1000) } data = data.decodeBase64() } tryParseJson(data).let { res -> res?.streams?.filter { it.format == "adaptive_hls" && it.hardsub_lang.isNullOrEmpty() }?.reversed()?.map { source -> val name = if (isDub) "English Dub" else "Raw" M3u8Helper.generateM3u8( "Crunchyroll [$name]", source.url ?: return@map null, "", ).forEach(callback) } res?.subtitles?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( fixCrunchyrollLang(sub.language ?: return@map null) ?: sub.language, sub.url ?: return@map null ) ) } } } suspend fun bypassOuo(url: String?): String? { var res = session.get(url ?: return null) run lit@{ (1..2).forEach { _ -> if (res.headers["location"] != null) return@lit val document = res.document val nextUrl ="form").attr("action") val data ="form input").mapNotNull { it.attr("name") to it.attr("value") }.toMap().toMutableMap() val captchaKey ="script[src*=]") .attr("src").substringAfter("render=") val token = getCaptchaToken(url, captchaKey) data["x-token"] = token ?: "" res = nextUrl, data = data, headers = mapOf("content-type" to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), allowRedirects = false ) } } return res.headers["location"] } suspend fun fetchingKaizoku( domain: String, postId: String, data: List, ref: String ): NiceResponse { return "$domain/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data = mapOf( "action" to "DDL", "post_id" to postId, "div_id" to data.first(), "tab_id" to data[1], "num" to data[2], "folder" to data.last() ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest"), referer = ref ) } fun String.splitData(): List { return this.substringAfterLast("DDL(").substringBefore(")").split(",") .map { it.replace("'", "").trim() } } suspend fun bypassFdAds(url: String?): String? { val directUrl = app.get(url ?: return null, verify = false)"a#link").attr("href") .substringAfter("/go/") .let { base64Decode(it) } val doc = app.get(directUrl, verify = false).document val lastDoc ="form#landing").attr("action"), data = mapOf("go" to"form#landing input").attr("value")), verify = false ).document val json ="form#landing input[name=newwpsafelink]").attr("value") .let { base64Decode(it) } val finalJson = tryParseJson(json)?.linkr?.substringAfter("redirect=")?.let { base64Decode(it) } return tryParseJson(finalJson)?.safelink } suspend fun bypassHrefli(url: String): String? { val postUrl = url.substringBefore("?id=").substringAfter("/?") val res = postUrl, data = mapOf( "_wp_http" to url.substringAfter("?id=") ) ).document val link ="form#landing").attr("action") val wpHttp ="input[name=_wp_http2]").attr("value") val token ="input[name=token]").attr("value") val blogRes = link, data = mapOf( "_wp_http2" to wpHttp, "token" to token ) ).text val skToken = blogRes.substringAfter("?go=").substringBefore("\"") val driveUrl = app.get( "$postUrl?go=$skToken", cookies = mapOf( skToken to wpHttp ) ).document.selectFirst("meta[http-equiv=refresh]")?.attr("content")?.substringAfter("url=") val path = app.get(driveUrl ?: return null).text.substringAfter("replace(\"") .substringBefore("\")") if (path == "/404") return null return fixUrl(path, getBaseUrl(driveUrl)) } suspend fun getTvMoviesServer(url: String, season: Int?, episode: Int?): Pair? { val req = app.get(url) if (!req.isSuccessful) return null val doc = req.document return if (season == null) {"table.wp-block-table tr:last-child td:first-child").text() to doc.selectFirst("table.wp-block-table tr a")?.attr("href").let { link -> app.get(link ?: return null)"div#text-url a") .mapIndexed { index, element -> element.attr("href") to element.parent()?.textNodes()?.getOrNull(index) ?.text() }.filter { it.second?.contains("Subtitles", true) == false } .map { it.first } }.lastOrNull() } else {"div.vc_tta-panels div#Season-$season table.wp-block-table tr:last-child td:first-child") .text() to"div.vc_tta-panels div#Season-$season table.wp-block-table tr a") .mapNotNull { ele -> app.get(ele.attr("href"))"div#text-url a") .mapIndexed { index, element -> element.attr("href") to element.parent()?.textNodes() ?.getOrNull(index)?.text() }.find { it.second?.contains("Episode $episode", true) == true }?.first }.lastOrNull() } } suspend fun getFilmxyCookies(imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null): FilmxyCookies? { val url = if (season == null) { "${filmxyAPI}/movie/$imdbId" } else { "${filmxyAPI}/tv/$imdbId" } val cookieUrl = "${filmxyAPI}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" val res = session.get( url, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" ), ) if (!res.isSuccessful) return FilmxyCookies() val userNonce ="script").find {"var userNonce") }?.data()?.let { Regex("var\\suserNonce.*?\"(\\S+?)\";").find(it)?.groupValues?.get(1) } var phpsessid = session.baseClient.cookieJar.loadForRequest(url.toHttpUrl()) .first { == "PHPSESSID" }.value cookieUrl, data = mapOf( "action" to "guest_login", "nonce" to "$userNonce", ), headers = mapOf( "Cookie" to "PHPSESSID=$phpsessid; G_ENABLED_IDPS=google", "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", ) ) val cookieJar = session.baseClient.cookieJar.loadForRequest(cookieUrl.toHttpUrl()) phpsessid = cookieJar.first { == "PHPSESSID" }.value val wLog = cookieJar.first { == "wordpress_logged_in_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" }.value val wSec = cookieJar.first { == "wordpress_sec_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" }.value return FilmxyCookies(phpsessid, wLog, wSec) } fun Document.findTvMoviesIframe(): String? { return this.selectFirst("script:containsData(var seconds)")?.data()?.substringAfter("href='") ?.substringBefore("'>") } suspend fun searchWatchOnline( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, imdbId: String? = null, tmdbId: Int? = null, ): NiceResponse? { val wTitle = title?.dropLast(1) // weird but this will make search working val mediaId = app.get( if (season == null) { "${watchOnlineAPI}/api/v1/movies?filters[q]=$wTitle" } else { "${watchOnlineAPI}/api/v1/shows?filters[q]=$wTitle" } ).parsedSafe()?.items?.find { it.imdb_id == imdbId || it.tmdb_id == tmdbId || it.imdb_id == imdbId?.removePrefix("tt") }?.slug return app.get( fixUrl( mediaId ?: return null, if (season == null) { "${watchOnlineAPI}/movies/view" } else { "${watchOnlineAPI}/shows/view" } ) ) } suspend fun searchCrunchyrollAnimeId(title: String): String? { val res = app.get("${consumetCrunchyrollAPI}/search/$title",timeout = 600L) .parsedSafe()?.results return (if (res?.size == 1) { res.firstOrNull() } else { res?.find { (it.title?.contains( title, true ) == true || it.title.createSlug() ?.contains("${title.createSlug()}", true) == true) && it.type.equals("series") } })?.id } fun CrunchyrollDetails.findCrunchyrollId( season: Int?, episode: Int?, epsTitle: String? ): List?> { val sub = this.episodes?.filterKeys { it.contains("subbed") }.matchingEpisode(epsTitle, season, episode) to "Raw" val dub = this.episodes?.filterKeys { it.contains("English Dub") }.matchingEpisode(epsTitle, season, episode) to "English Dub" return listOf(sub, dub) } fun Map>?.matchingEpisode( epsTitle: String?, season: Int?, episode: Int? ): CrunchyrollEpisodes? { return this?.mapNotNull { eps -> eps.value.find { (it.episode_number == episode && it.season_number == season) || it.title.equals( epsTitle, true ) } ?: eps.value.find { it.episode_number == episode } }?.firstOrNull() } fun getEpisodeSlug( season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, ): Pair { return if (season == null && episode == null) { "" to "" } else { (if (season!! < 10) "0$season" else "$season") to (if (episode!! < 10) "0$episode" else "$episode") } } fun getTitleSlug(title: String? = null): Pair { val slug = title.createSlug() return slug?.replace("-", "\\W") to title?.replace(" ", "_") } fun getIndexQuery( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null ): String { val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) return (if (season == null) { "$title ${year ?: ""}" } else { "$title S${seasonSlug}E${episodeSlug}" }).trim() } fun searchIndex( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, year: Int? = null, response: String, isTrimmed: Boolean = true, ): List? { val files = tryParseJson(response)?.data?.files?.filter { media -> matchingIndex( ?: return null, media.mimeType ?: return null, title ?: return null, year, season, episode ) }?.distinctBy { }?.sortedByDescending { it.size?.toLongOrNull() ?: 0 } ?: return null return if (isTrimmed) { files.let { file -> listOfNotNull( file.find {"2160p", true) == true }, file.find {"1080p", true) == true } ) } } else { files } } fun matchingIndex( mediaName: String?, mediaMimeType: String?, title: String?, year: Int?, season: Int?, episode: Int?, include720: Boolean = false ): Boolean { val (wSlug, dwSlug) = getTitleSlug(title) val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) return (if (season == null) { mediaName?.contains(Regex("(?i)(?:$wSlug|$dwSlug).*$year")) == true } else { mediaName?.contains(Regex("(?i)(?:$wSlug|$dwSlug).*S${seasonSlug}.?E${episodeSlug}")) == true }) && mediaName?.contains( if (include720) Regex("(?i)(2160p|1080p|720p)") else Regex("(?i)(2160p|1080p)") ) == true && ((mediaMimeType in mimeType) || mediaName.contains(Regex("\\.mkv|\\.mp4|\\.avi"))) } suspend fun getConfig(): BaymoviesConfig { val regex = """const country = "(.*?)"; const downloadtime = "(.*?)"; var arrayofworkers = (.*)""".toRegex() val js = app.get( "", referer = "$baymoviesAPI/", ).text val match = regex.find(js) ?: throw ErrorLoadingException() val country = match.groupValues[1] val downloadTime = match.groupValues[2] val workers = tryParseJson>(match.groupValues[3]) ?: throw ErrorLoadingException() return BaymoviesConfig(country, downloadTime, workers) } fun decodeIndexJson(json: String): String { val slug = json.reversed().substring(24) return base64Decode(slug.substring(0, slug.length - 20)) } fun String.decryptGomoviesJson(key: String = "123"): String { val sb = StringBuilder() var i = 0 while (i < this.length) { var j = 0 while (j < key.length && i < this.length) { sb.append((this[i].code xor key[j].code).toChar()) j++ i++ } } return sb.toString() } fun Headers.getGomoviesCookies(cookieKey: String = "set-cookie"): Map { val cookieList = this.filter { it.first.equals(cookieKey, ignoreCase = true) }.mapNotNull { it.second.split(";").firstOrNull() } return cookieList.associate { val split = it.split("=", limit = 2) (split.getOrNull(0)?.trim() ?: "") to (split.getOrNull(1)?.trim() ?: "") }.filter { it.key.isNotBlank() && it.value.isNotBlank() } } fun String?.createSlug(): String? { return this?.replace(Regex("[^\\w\\s-]"), "") ?.replace(" ", "-") ?.replace(Regex("( – )|( -)|(- )|(--)"), "-") ?.lowercase() } fun getLanguage(str: String): String { return if (str.contains("(in_ID)")) "Indonesian" else str } fun bytesToGigaBytes(number: Double): Double = number / 1024000000 fun getKisskhTitle(str: String?): String? { return str?.replace(Regex("[^a-zA-Z\\d]"), "-") } fun String.getFileSize() : Float? { val size = Regex("(\\d+\\.?\\d+\\sGB|MB)").find(this)?.groupValues?.get(0)?.trim() val num = Regex("(\\d+\\.?\\d+)").find(size ?: return null)?.groupValues?.get(0)?.toFloat() ?: return null return when { size.contains("GB") -> num * 1000000 else -> num * 1000 } } fun getIndexQualityTags(str: String?): String { return Regex("\\d{3,4}[pP]\\.?(.*?)\\.(mkv|mp4|avi)").find(str ?: "")?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) ?.replace(".", " ")?.trim() ?: "" } fun getIndexQuality(str: String?): Int { return Regex("(\\d{3,4})[pP]").find(str ?: "")?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.toIntOrNull() ?: Qualities.Unknown.value } fun getQuality(str: String): Int { return when (str) { "360p" -> Qualities.P240.value "480p" -> Qualities.P360.value "720p" -> Qualities.P480.value "1080p" -> Qualities.P720.value "1080p Ultra" -> Qualities.P1080.value else -> getQualityFromName(str) } } fun getGMoviesQuality(str: String): Int { return when { str.contains("480P", true) -> Qualities.P480.value str.contains("720P", true) -> Qualities.P720.value str.contains("1080P", true) -> Qualities.P1080.value str.contains("4K", true) -> Qualities.P2160.value else -> Qualities.Unknown.value } } fun getSoraQuality(quality: String): Int { return when (quality) { "GROOT_FD" -> Qualities.P360.value "GROOT_LD" -> Qualities.P480.value "GROOT_SD" -> Qualities.P720.value "GROOT_HD" -> Qualities.P1080.value else -> Qualities.Unknown.value } } fun getFDoviesQuality(str: String): String { return when { str.contains("1080P", true) -> "1080P" str.contains("4K", true) -> "4K" else -> "" } } fun getVipLanguage(str: String): String { return when (str) { "in_ID" -> "Indonesian" "pt" -> "Portuguese" else -> str.split("_").first().let { SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(it).toString() } } } fun getDbgoLanguage(str: String): String { return when (str) { "Русский" -> "Russian" "Українська" -> "Ukrainian" else -> str } } fun fixCrunchyrollLang(language: String?): String? { return SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(language ?: return null) ?: SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(language.substringBefore("-")) } fun getDeviceId(length: Int = 16): String { val allowedChars = ('a'..'f') + ('0'..'9') return (1..length) .map { allowedChars.random() } .joinToString("") } fun String.encodeUrl(): String { val url = URL(this) val uri = URI(url.protocol, url.userInfo,, url.port, url.path, url.query, url.ref) return uri.toURL().toString() } fun getBaseUrl(url: String): String { return URI(url).let { "${it.scheme}://${}" } } fun String.decodeBase64(): String { return Base64.decode(this, Base64.DEFAULT).toString(Charsets.UTF_8) } fun encode(input: String): String? = URLEncoder.encode(input, "utf-8") fun decryptStreamUrl(data: String): String { fun getTrash(arr: List, item: Int): List { val trash = ArrayList>() for (i in 1..item) { trash.add(arr) } return trash.reduce { acc, list -> val temp = ArrayList() acc.forEach { ac -> list.forEach { li -> temp.add( } } return@reduce temp } } val trashList = listOf("@", "#", "!", "^", "$") val trashSet = getTrash(trashList, 2) + getTrash(trashList, 3) var trashString = data.replace("#2", "").split("//_//").joinToString("") trashSet.forEach { val temp = base64Encode(it.toByteArray()) trashString = trashString.replace(temp, "") } return base64Decode(trashString) } fun fixUrl(url: String, domain: String): String { if (url.startsWith("http")) { return url } if (url.isEmpty()) { return "" } val startsWithNoHttp = url.startsWith("//") if (startsWithNoHttp) { return "https:$url" } else { if (url.startsWith('/')) { return domain + url } return "$domain/$url" } } suspend fun loadLinksWithWebView( url: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val foundVideo = WebViewResolver( Regex("""\.m3u8|i7njdjvszykaieynzsogaysdgb0hm8u1mzubmush4maopa4wde\.com""") ).resolveUsingWebView( requestCreator( "GET", url, referer = "" ) ).first ?: return callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Olgply", "Olgply", foundVideo.url.toString(), "", Qualities.P1080.value, true ) ) } fun Int.toRomanNumeral(): String = Symbol.closestBelow(this) .let { symbol -> if (symbol != null) { "$symbol${(this - symbol.decimalValue).toRomanNumeral()}" } else { "" } } private enum class Symbol(val decimalValue: Int) { I(1), IV(4), V(5), IX(9), X(10); companion object { fun closestBelow(value: Int) = values() .sortedByDescending { it.decimalValue } .firstOrNull { value >= it.decimalValue } } } // code found on /** * Conforming with CryptoJS AES method */ // see @Suppress("unused", "FunctionName", "SameParameterValue") object CryptoAES { private const val KEY_SIZE = 256 private const val IV_SIZE = 128 private const val HASH_CIPHER = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" private const val AES = "AES" private const val KDF_DIGEST = "MD5" // Seriously crypto-js, what's wrong with you? private const val APPEND = "Salted__" /** * Encrypt * @param password passphrase * @param plainText plain string */ fun encrypt(password: String, plainText: String): String { val saltBytes = generateSalt(8) val key = ByteArray(KEY_SIZE / 8) val iv = ByteArray(IV_SIZE / 8) EvpKDF(password.toByteArray(), KEY_SIZE, IV_SIZE, saltBytes, key, iv) val keyS = SecretKeySpec(key, AES) val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(HASH_CIPHER) val ivSpec = IvParameterSpec(iv) cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyS, ivSpec) val cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainText.toByteArray()) // Thanks kientux for this: // Create CryptoJS-like encrypted! val sBytes = APPEND.toByteArray() val b = ByteArray(sBytes.size + saltBytes.size + cipherText.size) System.arraycopy(sBytes, 0, b, 0, sBytes.size) System.arraycopy(saltBytes, 0, b, sBytes.size, saltBytes.size) System.arraycopy(cipherText, 0, b, sBytes.size + saltBytes.size, cipherText.size) val bEncode = Base64.encode(b, Base64.NO_WRAP) return String(bEncode) } /** * Decrypt * Thanks Artjom B. for this: * @param password passphrase * @param cipherText encrypted string */ fun decrypt(password: String, cipherText: String): String { val ctBytes = Base64.decode(cipherText.toByteArray(), Base64.NO_WRAP) val saltBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(ctBytes, 8, 16) val cipherTextBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(ctBytes, 16, ctBytes.size) val key = ByteArray(KEY_SIZE / 8) val iv = ByteArray(IV_SIZE / 8) EvpKDF(password.toByteArray(), KEY_SIZE, IV_SIZE, saltBytes, key, iv) val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(HASH_CIPHER) val keyS = SecretKeySpec(key, AES) cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keyS, IvParameterSpec(iv)) val plainText = cipher.doFinal(cipherTextBytes) return String(plainText) } private fun EvpKDF( password: ByteArray, keySize: Int, ivSize: Int, salt: ByteArray, resultKey: ByteArray, resultIv: ByteArray ): ByteArray { return EvpKDF(password, keySize, ivSize, salt, 1, KDF_DIGEST, resultKey, resultIv) } @Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING") private fun EvpKDF( password: ByteArray, keySize: Int, ivSize: Int, salt: ByteArray, iterations: Int, hashAlgorithm: String, resultKey: ByteArray, resultIv: ByteArray ): ByteArray { val keySize = keySize / 32 val ivSize = ivSize / 32 val targetKeySize = keySize + ivSize val derivedBytes = ByteArray(targetKeySize * 4) var numberOfDerivedWords = 0 var block: ByteArray? = null val hash = MessageDigest.getInstance(hashAlgorithm) while (numberOfDerivedWords < targetKeySize) { if (block != null) { hash.update(block) } hash.update(password) block = hash.digest(salt) hash.reset() // Iterations for (i in 1 until iterations) { block = hash.digest(block!!) hash.reset() } System.arraycopy( block!!, 0, derivedBytes, numberOfDerivedWords * 4, min(block.size, (targetKeySize - numberOfDerivedWords) * 4) ) numberOfDerivedWords += block.size / 4 } System.arraycopy(derivedBytes, 0, resultKey, 0, keySize * 4) System.arraycopy(derivedBytes, keySize * 4, resultIv, 0, ivSize * 4) return derivedBytes // key + iv } private fun generateSalt(length: Int): ByteArray { return ByteArray(length).apply { SecureRandom().nextBytes(this) } } } object RabbitStream { suspend fun MainAPI.extractRabbitStream( url: String, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, useSidAuthentication: Boolean, /** Used for extractorLink name, input: Source name */ extractorData: String? = null, decryptKey: String? = null, nameTransformer: (String) -> String, ) = suspendSafeApiCall { // -> val mainIframeUrl = url.substringBeforeLast("/") val mainIframeId = url.substringAfterLast("/") .substringBefore("?") // -> dcPOVRE57YOT var sid: String? = null if (useSidAuthentication && extractorData != null) { negotiateNewSid(extractorData)?.also { pollingData -> "$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${pollingData.sid}", requestBody = "40".toRequestBody(), timeout = 60 ) val text = app.get( "$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${pollingData.sid}", timeout = 60 ).text.replaceBefore("{", "") sid = AppUtils.parseJson(text).sid ioSafe { app.get("$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${pollingData.sid}") } } } val getSourcesUrl = "${ mainIframeUrl.replace( "/embed", "/ajax/embed" ) }/getSources?id=$mainIframeId${sid?.let { "$&sId=$it" } ?: ""}" val response = app.get( getSourcesUrl, referer = mainUrl, headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", "Accept" to "*/*", "Accept-Language" to "en-US,en;q=0.5", "Connection" to "keep-alive", "TE" to "trailers" ) ) val sourceObject = if (decryptKey != null) { val encryptedMap = response.parsedSafe() val sources = encryptedMap?.sources if (sources == null || encryptedMap.encrypted == false) { response.parsedSafe() } else { val decrypted = decryptMapped>(sources, decryptKey) SourceObject( sources = decrypted, tracks = encryptedMap.tracks ) } } else { response.parsedSafe() } ?: return@suspendSafeApiCall sourceObject.tracks?.forEach { track -> track?.toSubtitleFile()?.let { subtitleFile -> subtitleCallback.invoke(subtitleFile) } } val list = listOf( sourceObject.sources to "source 1", sourceObject.sources1 to "source 2", sourceObject.sources2 to "source 3", sourceObject.sourcesBackup to "source backup" ) list.forEach { subList -> subList.first?.forEach { source -> source?.toExtractorLink( "Vidcloud", "$twoEmbedAPI/", extractorData, ) ?.forEach { // Sets Zoro SID used for video loading // (this as? ZoroProvider)?.sid?.set(it.url.hashCode(), sid) callback(it) } } } } private suspend fun Sources.toExtractorLink( name: String, referer: String, extractorData: String? = null, ): List? { return this.file?.let { file -> //println("FILE::: $file") val isM3u8 = URI(this.file).path.endsWith(".m3u8") || this.type.equals( "hls", ignoreCase = true ) return if (isM3u8) { suspendSafeApiCall { M3u8Helper().m3u8Generation( M3u8Helper.M3u8Stream( this.file, null, mapOf("Referer" to "") ), false ) .map { stream -> ExtractorLink( name, name, stream.streamUrl, referer, getQualityFromName(stream.quality?.toString()), true, extractorData = extractorData ) } }.takeIf { !it.isNullOrEmpty() } ?: listOf( // Fallback if m3u8 extractor fails ExtractorLink( name, name, this.file, referer, getQualityFromName(this.label), isM3u8, extractorData = extractorData ) ) } else { listOf( ExtractorLink( name, name, file, referer, getQualityFromName(this.label), false, extractorData = extractorData ) ) } } } private fun Tracks.toSubtitleFile(): SubtitleFile? { return this.file?.let { SubtitleFile( this.label ?: "Unknown", it ) } } /** * Generates a session * 1 Get request. * */ private suspend fun negotiateNewSid(baseUrl: String): PollingData? { // Tries multiple times for (i in 1..5) { val jsonText = app.get("$baseUrl&t=${generateTimeStamp()}").text.replaceBefore( "{", "" ) // println("Negotiated sid $jsonText") AppUtils.parseJson(jsonText)?.let { return it } delay(1000L * i) } return null } private fun generateTimeStamp(): String { val chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_" var code = "" var time = APIHolder.unixTimeMS while (time > 0) { code += chars[(time % (chars.length)).toInt()] time /= chars.length } return code.reversed() } suspend fun getKey(): String? { return app.get("") .text } private inline fun decryptMapped(input: String, key: String): T? { return tryParseJson(decrypt(input, key)) } private fun decrypt(input: String, key: String): String { return decryptSourceUrl( generateKey( base64DecodeArray(input).copyOfRange(8, 16), key.toByteArray() ), input ) } private fun generateKey(salt: ByteArray, secret: ByteArray): ByteArray { var key = md5(secret + salt) var currentKey = key while (currentKey.size < 48) { key = md5(key + secret + salt) currentKey += key } return currentKey } private fun md5(input: ByteArray): ByteArray { return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(input) } private fun decryptSourceUrl(decryptionKey: ByteArray, sourceUrl: String): String { val cipherData = base64DecodeArray(sourceUrl) val encrypted = cipherData.copyOfRange(16, cipherData.size) val aesCBC = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") Objects.requireNonNull(aesCBC).init( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec( decryptionKey.copyOfRange(0, 32), "AES" ), IvParameterSpec(decryptionKey.copyOfRange(32, decryptionKey.size)) ) val decryptedData = aesCBC!!.doFinal(encrypted) return String(decryptedData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) } data class PollingData( @JsonProperty("sid") val sid: String? = null, @JsonProperty("upgrades") val upgrades: ArrayList = arrayListOf(), @JsonProperty("pingInterval") val pingInterval: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("pingTimeout") val pingTimeout: Int? = null ) data class Tracks( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String?, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String?, @JsonProperty("kind") val kind: String? ) data class Sources( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String?, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String?, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String? ) data class SourceObject( @JsonProperty("sources") val sources: List? = null, @JsonProperty("sources_1") val sources1: List? = null, @JsonProperty("sources_2") val sources2: List? = null, @JsonProperty("sourcesBackup") val sourcesBackup: List? = null, @JsonProperty("tracks") val tracks: List? = null ) data class SourceObjectEncrypted( @JsonProperty("sources") val sources: String?, @JsonProperty("encrypted") val encrypted: Boolean?, @JsonProperty("sources_1") val sources1: String?, @JsonProperty("sources_2") val sources2: String?, @JsonProperty("sourcesBackup") val sourcesBackup: String?, @JsonProperty("tracks") val tracks: List? ) }