package com.hexated import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.normalSafeApiCall import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import object Extractors : Superstream() { suspend fun invokeInternalSource( id: Int? = null, type: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { fun LinkList.toExtractorLink(): ExtractorLink? { if (this.path.isNullOrBlank()) return null return ExtractorLink( "Internal", "Internal [${this.size}]", this.path.replace("\\/", ""), "", getQualityFromName(this.quality), ) } // No childmode when getting links // New api does not return video links :( val query = if (type == ResponseTypes.Movies.value) { """{"childmode":"0","uid":"","app_version":"11.5","appid":"$appId","module":"Movie_downloadurl_v3","channel":"Website","mid":"$id","lang":"","expired_date":"${getExpiryDate()}","platform":"android","oss":"1","group":""}""" } else { """{"childmode":"0","app_version":"11.5","module":"TV_downloadurl_v3","channel":"Website","episode":"$episode","expired_date":"${getExpiryDate()}","platform":"android","tid":"$id","oss":"1","uid":"","appid":"$appId","season":"$season","lang":"en","group":""}""" } val linkData = queryApiParsed(query, false) { callback.invoke(it.toExtractorLink() ?: return@forEach) } // Should really run this query for every link :( val fid = { it.fid != null }?.fid val subtitleQuery = if (type == ResponseTypes.Movies.value) { """{"childmode":"0","fid":"$fid","uid":"","app_version":"11.5","appid":"$appId","module":"Movie_srt_list_v2","channel":"Website","mid":"$id","lang":"en","expired_date":"${getExpiryDate()}","platform":"android"}""" } else { """{"childmode":"0","fid":"$fid","app_version":"11.5","module":"TV_srt_list_v2","channel":"Website","episode":"$episode","expired_date":"${getExpiryDate()}","platform":"android","tid":"$id","uid":"","appid":"$appId","season":"$season","lang":"en"}""" } val subtitles = queryApiParsed(subtitleQuery).data subtitles?.list?.forEach { subs -> val sub = subs.subtitles.maxByOrNull { it.support_total ?: 0 } subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( sub?.language ?: sub?.lang ?: return@forEach, sub?.filePath ?: return@forEach ) ) } } suspend fun invokeExternalSource( mediaId: Int? = null, type: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) val shareKey = app.get("$fourthAPI/index/share_link?id=${mediaId}&type=$type") .parsedSafe()?.data?.link?.substringAfterLast("/") ?: return val headers = mapOf("Accept-Language" to "en") val shareRes = app.get("$thirdAPI/file/file_share_list?share_key=$shareKey", headers = headers) .parsedSafe()?.data ?: return val fids = if (season == null) { shareRes.file_list } else { val parentId = shareRes.file_list?.find { it.file_name.equals("season $season", true) }?.fid app.get("$thirdAPI/file/file_share_list?share_key=$shareKey&parent_id=$parentId&page=1", headers = headers) .parsedSafe()?.data?.file_list?.filter { it.file_name?.contains("s${seasonSlug}e${episodeSlug}", true) == true } } ?: return fids.apmapIndexed { index, fileList -> val player = app.get("$thirdAPI/file/player?fid=${fileList.fid}&share_key=$shareKey").text val sources = "sources\\s*=\\s*(.*);".toRegex().find(player)?.groupValues?.get(1) val qualities = "quality_list\\s*=\\s*(.*);".toRegex().find(player)?.groupValues?.get(1) listOf(sources, qualities).forEach { AppUtils.tryParseJson>(it)?.forEach org@{ source -> val format = if (source.type == "video/mp4") ExtractorLinkType.VIDEO else ExtractorLinkType.M3U8 val label = if (format == ExtractorLinkType.M3U8) "Hls" else "Mp4" if(!(source.label == "AUTO" || format == ExtractorLinkType.VIDEO)) return@org callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "External", "External $label [Server ${index + 1}]", (source.m3u8_url ?: source.file)?.replace("\\/", "/") ?: return@org, "", getIndexQuality(if (format == ExtractorLinkType.M3U8) fileList.file_name else source.label), type = format, ) ) } } } } suspend fun invokeWatchsomuch( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, ) { val id = imdbId?.removePrefix("tt") val epsId = "$watchSomuchAPI/Watch/ajMovieTorrents.aspx", data = mapOf( "index" to "0", "mid" to "$id", "wsk" to "30fb68aa-1c71-4b8c-b5d4-4ca9222cfb45", "lid" to "", "liu" to "" ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ).parsedSafe()?.movie?.torrents?.let { eps -> if (season == null) { eps.firstOrNull()?.id } else { eps.find { it.episode == episode && it.season == season }?.id } } ?: return val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug( season, episode ) val subUrl = if (season == null) { "$watchSomuchAPI/Watch/ajMovieSubtitles.aspx?mid=$id&tid=$epsId&part=" } else { "$watchSomuchAPI/Watch/ajMovieSubtitles.aspx?mid=$id&tid=$epsId&part=S${seasonSlug}E${episodeSlug}" } app.get(subUrl) .parsedSafe()?.subtitles ?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( sub.label ?: "", fixUrl(sub.url ?: return@map null, watchSomuchAPI) ) ) } } suspend fun invokeOpenSubs( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, ) { val slug = if(season == null) { "movie/$imdbId" } else { "series/$imdbId:$season:$episode" } app.get("${openSubAPI}/subtitles/$slug.json", timeout = 120L).parsedSafe()?.subtitles?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( SubtitleHelper.fromThreeLettersToLanguage(sub.lang ?: "") ?: sub.lang ?: return@map, sub.url ?: return@map ) ) } } suspend fun invokeVidsrcto( imdbId: String?, season: Int?, episode: Int?, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$vidsrctoAPI/embed/movie/$imdbId" } else { "$vidsrctoAPI/embed/tv/$imdbId/$season/$episode" } val mediaId = app.get(url).document.selectFirst("ul.episodes li a")?.attr("data-id") ?: return val subtitles = app.get("$vidsrctoAPI/ajax/embed/episode/$mediaId/subtitles").text AppUtils.tryParseJson>(subtitles)?.map { subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( it.label ?: "", it.file ?: return@map ) ) } } private fun fixUrl(url: String, domain: String): String { if (url.startsWith("http")) { return url } if (url.isEmpty()) { return "" } val startsWithNoHttp = url.startsWith("//") if (startsWithNoHttp) { return "https:$url" } else { if (url.startsWith('/')) { return domain + url } return "$domain/$url" } } private fun getIndexQuality(str: String?): Int { return Regex("(\\d{3,4})[pP]").find(str ?: "")?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.toIntOrNull() ?: Qualities.Unknown.value } private fun getEpisodeSlug( season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, ): Pair { return if (season == null && episode == null) { "" to "" } else { (if (season!! < 10) "0$season" else "$season") to (if (episode!! < 10) "0$episode" else "$episode") } } }