package com.hexated import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.filmxyAPI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson import com.lagradost.nicehttp.Requests import com.lagradost.nicehttp.Session import com.lagradost.nicehttp.requestCreator import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrl import import okhttp3.RequestBody.Companion.toRequestBody import val session = Session(Requests().baseClient) object SoraExtractor : SoraStream() { suspend fun invokeLocalSources( url: String, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val doc = app.get( url, headers = mapOf("User-Agent" to RandomUserAgent.getRandomUserAgent()) ).document val script ="script").find {"\"sources\":[") }?.data() val sourcesData = script?.substringAfter("\"sources\":[")?.substringBefore("],") val subData = script?.substringAfter("\"subtitles\":[")?.substringBefore("],") tryParseJson>("[$sourcesData]")?.map { source -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, source.url ?: return@map null, "$mainServerAPI/", source.quality?.toIntOrNull() ?: Qualities.Unknown.value, isM3u8 = source.isM3U8, headers = mapOf("Origin" to mainServerAPI) ) ) } tryParseJson>("[$subData]")?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( sub.lang.toString(), sub.url ?: return@map null ) ) } } suspend fun invokeTwoEmbed( id: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$twoEmbedAPI/embed/tmdb/movie?id=$id" } else { "$twoEmbedAPI/embed/tmdb/tv?id=$id&s=$season&e=$episode" } val document = app.get(url).document val captchaKey ="script[src*=]") .attr("src").substringAfter("render=")".dropdown-menu a[data-id]").map { it.attr("data-id") }.apmap { serverID -> val token = APIHolder.getCaptchaToken(url, captchaKey) app.get( "$twoEmbedAPI/ajax/embed/play?id=$serverID&_token=$token", referer = url ).parsedSafe()?.let { source -> val link = ?: return@let if (link.contains("rabbitstream")) { val rabbitId = link.substringAfterLast("/").substringBefore("?") app.get( "$rabbitId", headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ).parsedSafe()?.tracks?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( sub.label.toString(), sub.file ?: return@map null ) ) } } else { loadExtractor( link, twoEmbedAPI, subtitleCallback, callback ) } } } } suspend fun invokeVidSrc( id: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$vidSrcAPI/embed/$id" } else { "$vidSrcAPI/embed/$id/${season}-${episode}" } loadExtractor(url, null, subtitleCallback) { link -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, link.url, link.referer, Qualities.P1080.value, link.isM3u8, link.headers, link.extractorData ) ) } } suspend fun invokeOlgply( id: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = "$olgplyAPI/${id}${season?.let { "/$it" } ?: ""}${episode?.let { "/$it" } ?: ""}" loadLinksWithWebView(url, callback) } suspend fun invokeDbgo( id: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { var iframeDbgo: String? = null val script = if (season == null) { val doc = app.get("$dbgoAPI/imdb.php?id=$id").document iframeDbgo ="div.myvideo iframe").attr("src") app.get(iframeDbgo, referer = "$dbgoAPI/")"script") .find {"CDNplayerConfig =") }?.data() } else { val doc = app.get("$dbgoAPI/tv-imdb.php?id=$id&s=$season").document iframeDbgo ="div.myvideo iframe").attr("src") val token = app.get( iframeDbgo, referer = "$dbgoAPI/" ).document.selectFirst("select#translator-name option")?.attr("data-token") app.get("$token/iframe?s=$season&e=$episode&") "script" ) .find {"CDNplayerConfig =") }?.data() } val source = Regex("['|\"]file['|\"]:\\s['|\"](#\\S+?)['|\"]").find(script.toString())?.groupValues?.get( 1 ) val subtitle = Regex("['|\"]subtitle['|\"]:\\s['|\"](\\S+?)['|\"]").find(script.toString())?.groupValues?.get( 1 ) decryptStreamUrl(source.toString()).split(",").map { links -> val quality = Regex("\\[([0-9]*p.*?)]").find(links)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1).toString().trim() links.replace("[$quality]", "").split("or").map { it.trim() } .map { link -> val name = if (link.contains(".m3u8")) "Dbgo (Main)" else "Dbgo (Backup)" callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( name, name, link, "${getBaseUrl(iframeDbgo)}/", getQuality(quality), isM3u8 = link.contains(".m3u8"), headers = mapOf( "Origin" to getBaseUrl(iframeDbgo) ) ) ) } } subtitle?.split(",")?.map { sub -> val language = Regex("\\[(.*)]").find(sub)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) .toString() val link = sub.replace("[$language]", "").trim() subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( language, link ) ) } } suspend fun invoke123Movie( tmdbId: Int? = null, imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$movie123API/imdb.php?imdb=$imdbId&server=vcu" } else { "$movie123API/tmdb_api.php?se=$season&ep=$episode&tmdb=$tmdbId&server_name=vcu" } val iframe = app.get(url).document.selectFirst("iframe")?.attr("src") val doc = app.get( "$iframe", referer = url, headers = mapOf("Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8") ).document"ul.list-server-items li.linkserver").mapNotNull { server -> server.attr("data-video").let { Regex("(.*?)((\\?cap)|(\\?sub)|(#cap)|(#sub))").find(it)?.groupValues?.get(1) } }.apmap { link -> loadExtractor( link, "", subtitleCallback, callback ) } } suspend fun invokeMovieHab( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$movieHabAPI/embed/movie?imdb=$imdbId" } else { "$movieHabAPI/embed/series?imdb=$imdbId&sea=$season&epi=$episode" } val doc = app.get(url, referer = "$movieHabAPI/").document val movieId ="div#embed-player").attr("data-movie-id")"div.dropdown-menu a").apmap { val dataId = it.attr("data-id") app.get( "$movieHabAPI/ajax/get_stream_link?id=$dataId&movie=$movieId&is_init=true&captcha=&ref=", referer = url, headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ).parsedSafe()?.data?.let { res -> loadExtractor( ?: return@let null, movieHabAPI, subtitleCallback, callback ) } } } suspend fun invokeDatabaseGdrive( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$databaseGdriveAPI/player.php?imdb=$imdbId" } else { "$databaseGdriveAPI/player.php?type=series&imdb=$imdbId&season=$season&episode=$episode" } loadExtractor(url, databaseGdriveAPI, subtitleCallback, callback) } suspend fun invokeSoraVIP( id: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if(season == null) { "$mainServerAPI/movies/$id/?_data=routes/movies/\$movieId" } else { "$mainServerAPI/tv-shows/$id/?_data=routes/tv-shows/\$tvId" } val data = app.get(url).parsedSafe()?.detail val title = data?.title ?: data?.name val origTitle = data?.original_title ?: data?.original_name val providerId = if (season == null) { val airDate = (data?.release_date ?: data?.first_air_date)?.substringBefore("-") app.get( "$mainServerAPI/api/provider?title=$title&type=movie&origTitle=$origTitle&year=$airDate&_data=routes/api/provider" ) .parsedSafe()?.provider?.first { it.provider == "Loklok" }?.id } else { val airDate = data?.seasons?.first { it.season_number == season }?.air_date?.substringBefore("-") app.get( "$mainServerAPI/api/provider?title=$title&type=tv&origTitle=$origTitle&year=$airDate&season=$season&_data=routes/api/provider" ) .parsedSafe()?.provider?.first { it.provider == "Loklok" }?.id } val query = if (season == null) { "$mainServerAPI/movies/$id/watch?provider=Loklok&id=$providerId&_data=routes/movies/\$" } else { "$mainServerAPI/tv-shows/$id/season/$season/episode/$episode?provider=Loklok&id=$providerId&_data=routes/tv-shows/\$tvId.season.\$seasonId.episode.\$episodeId" } val json = app.get( query, headers = mapOf("User-Agent" to RandomUserAgent.getRandomUserAgent()) ).parsedSafe() json?.sources?.map { source -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "${} (VIP)", "${} (VIP)", source.url ?: return@map null, "$mainServerAPI/", source.quality?.toIntOrNull() ?: Qualities.Unknown.value, isM3u8 = source.isM3U8, headers = mapOf("Origin" to mainServerAPI) ) ) } json?.subtitles?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( getLanguage(sub.lang.toString()), sub.url ?: return@map null ) ) } } suspend fun invokeGogo( aniId: String? = null, animeId: String? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val res = app.get("$mainServerAPI/anime/$aniId/episode/$animeId?_data=routes/anime/\$animeId.episode.\$episodeId") .parsedSafe() res?.sources?.map { source -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, source.url ?: return@map null, "$mainServerAPI/", getQualityFromName(source.quality), isM3u8 = source.isM3U8, headers = mapOf("Origin" to mainServerAPI) ) ) } } suspend fun invokeHDMovieBox( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.fixTitle() val url = "$hdMovieBoxAPI/watch/$fixTitle" val ref = if (season == null) { "$hdMovieBoxAPI/watch/$fixTitle" } else { "$hdMovieBoxAPI/watch/$fixTitle/season-$season/episode-$episode" } val doc = app.get(url).document val id = if (season == null) { doc.selectFirst("div.player div#not-loaded")?.attr("data-whatwehave") } else {"div.season-list-column div[data-season=$season] div.list div.item")[episode?.minus( 1 ) ?: 0].selectFirst("div.ui.checkbox")?.attr("data-episode") } val iframeUrl = "$hdMovieBoxAPI/ajax/service", data = mapOf( "e_id" to "$id", "v_lang" to "en", "type" to "get_whatwehave", ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ).parsedSafe()?.apiIframe ?: return val iframe = app.get(iframeUrl, referer = "$hdMovieBoxAPI/").document.selectFirst("iframe") ?.attr("src") val script = app.get( iframe ?: return, referer = "$hdMovieBoxAPI/" ).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(var vhash =)")?.data() ?.substringAfter("vhash, {")?.substringBefore("}, false") tryParseJson("{$script}").let { source -> val disk = if (source?.videoDisk == null) { "" } else { base64Encode(source.videoDisk.toString().toByteArray()) } val link = getBaseUrl(iframe) + source?.videoUrl?.replace( "\\", "" ) + "?s=${source?.videoServer}&d=$disk" callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "HDMovieBox", "HDMovieBox", link, iframe, Qualities.P1080.value, isM3u8 = true, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeSeries9( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.fixTitle() val url = if (season == null) { "$series9API/film/$fixTitle/watching.html" } else { "$series9API/film/$fixTitle-season-$season/watching.html" } val res = app.get(url).document val sources: ArrayList = arrayListOf() if (season == null) { val xstreamcdn = res.selectFirst("div#list-eps div#server-29 a")?.attr("player-data")?.let { Regex("(.*?)((\\?cap)|(\\?sub)|(#cap)|(#sub))").find(it)?.groupValues?.get(1) } val streamsb = res.selectFirst("div#list-eps div#server-13 a")?.attr("player-data") val doodstream = res.selectFirst("div#list-eps div#server-14 a")?.attr("player-data") sources.addAll(listOf(xstreamcdn, streamsb, doodstream)) } else { val xstreamcdn = res.selectFirst("div#list-eps div#server-29 a[episode-data=$episode]") ?.attr("player-data")?.let { Regex("(.*?)((\\?cap)|(\\?sub)|(#cap)|(#sub))").find(it)?.groupValues?.get(1) } val streamsb = res.selectFirst("div#list-eps div#server-13 a[episode-data=$episode]") ?.attr("player-data") val doodstream = res.selectFirst("div#list-eps div#server-14 a[episode-data=$episode]") ?.attr("player-data") sources.addAll(listOf(xstreamcdn, streamsb, doodstream)) } sources.apmap { link -> loadExtractor(link ?: return@apmap null, url, subtitleCallback, callback) } } suspend fun invokeIdlix( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.fixTitle() val url = if (season == null) { "$idlixAPI/movie/$fixTitle-$year" } else { "$idlixAPI/episode/$fixTitle-season-$season-episode-$episode" } val document = app.get(url).document val id ="meta#dooplay-ajax-counter").attr("data-postid") val type = if (url.contains("/movie/")) "movie" else "tv""ul#playeroptionsul > li").map { it.attr("data-nume") }.apmap { nume -> val source = url = "$idlixAPI/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data = mapOf( "action" to "doo_player_ajax", "post" to id, "nume" to nume, "type" to type ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest"), referer = url ).parsed().embed_url loadExtractor(source, "$idlixAPI/", subtitleCallback, callback) } } suspend fun invokeUniqueStream( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.fixTitle() val url = if (season == null) { "$uniqueStreamAPI/movies/$fixTitle-$year" } else { "$uniqueStreamAPI/episodes/$fixTitle-season-$season-episode-$episode" } val document = app.get(url).document val type = if (url.contains("/movie/")) "movie" else "tv""ul#playeroptionsul > li").apmap { el -> val id = el.attr("data-post") val nume = el.attr("data-nume") val source = url = "$uniqueStreamAPI/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data = mapOf( "action" to "doo_player_ajax", "post" to id, "nume" to nume, "type" to type ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest"), referer = url ).parsed().embed_url.let { fixUrl(it) } if (source.contains("uniquestream")) { val resDoc = app.get( source, referer = "$uniqueStreamAPI/", headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" ) ).document val srcm3u8 = resDoc.selectFirst("script:containsData(let url =)")?.data()?.let { Regex("['|\"](.*?.m3u8)['|\"]").find(it)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) } ?: return@apmap null val quality = app.get(srcm3u8, referer = source, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", )).text.let { quality -> if(quality.contains("RESOLUTION=1920")) Qualities.P1080.value else Qualities.P720.value } callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "UniqueStream", "UniqueStream", srcm3u8, source, quality, true, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", ) ) ) } else { loadExtractor(source, "$uniqueStreamAPI/", subtitleCallback, callback) } } } suspend fun invokeNoverse( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.fixTitle() val url = if (season == null) { "$noverseAPI/movie/$fixTitle/download/" } else { "$noverseAPI/serie/$fixTitle/season-$season" } val doc = app.get(url).document val links = if (season == null) {"table.table-striped tbody tr").map {"a").attr("href") to it.selectFirst("td")?.text() } } else {"table.table-striped tbody tr") .find { it.text().contains("Episode $episode") } ?.select("td")?.map {"a").attr("href") to"a").text() } } links?.map { (link, quality) -> val name = quality?.replace(Regex("[0-9]{3,4}p"), "Noverse")?.replace(".", " ") ?: "Noverse" callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( name, name, link, "$noverseAPI/", getQualityFromName("${quality?.substringBefore("p")?.trim()}p"), // headers = mapOf( // "Origin" to noverseAPI, // "Range" to "bytes=0-" // ) ) ) } } suspend fun invokeFilmxy( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "${filmxyAPI}/movie/$imdbId" } else { "${filmxyAPI}/tv/$imdbId" } val filmxyCookies = getFilmxyCookies(imdbId, season) val cookiesDoc = mapOf( "G_ENABLED_IDPS" to "google", "wordpress_logged_in_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" to filmxyCookies.wLog, "PHPSESSID" to filmxyCookies.phpsessid ) val doc = session.get(url, cookies = cookiesDoc).document val script = doc.selectFirst("script:containsData(var isSingle)")?.data().toString() val sourcesData = Regex("listSE\\s*=\\s?(.*?),[\\n|\\s]").find(script)?.groupValues?.get(1) val sourcesDetail = Regex("linkDetails\\s*=\\s?(.*?),[\\n|\\s]").find(script)?.groupValues?.get(1) //Gson is shit, but i don't care val sourcesJson = JsonParser().parse(sourcesData).asJsonObject val sourcesDetailJson = JsonParser().parse(sourcesDetail).asJsonObject val sources = if (season == null && episode == null) { sourcesJson.getAsJsonObject("movie").getAsJsonArray("movie") } else { val eps = if (episode!! < 10) "0$episode" else episode val sson = if (season!! < 10) "0$season" else season sourcesJson.getAsJsonObject("s$sson").getAsJsonArray("e$eps") }.asJsonArray val scriptUser ="script").find {"var userNonce") }?.data().toString() val userNonce = Regex("var\\suserNonce.*?[\"|'](\\S+?)[\"|'];").find(scriptUser)?.groupValues?.get(1) val userId = Regex("var\\suser_id.*?[\"|'](\\S+?)[\"|'];").find(scriptUser)?.groupValues?.get(1) val linkIDs = sources.joinToString("") { "&linkIDs%5B%5D=$it" }.replace("\"", "") val body = "action=get_vid_links$linkIDs&user_id=$userId&nonce=$userNonce".toRequestBody() val cookiesJson = mapOf( "G_ENABLED_IDPS" to "google", "PHPSESSID" to filmxyCookies.phpsessid, "wordpress_logged_in_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" to filmxyCookies.wLog, "wordpress_sec_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" to filmxyCookies.wSec ) val json = "$filmxyAPI/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", requestBody = body, referer = url, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", "DNT" to "1", "Content-Type" to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "Origin" to filmxyAPI, "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", ), cookies = cookiesJson ).text.let { JsonParser().parse(it).asJsonObject } { source -> val src = source.asString val link = json.getAsJsonPrimitive(src).asString val quality = sourcesDetailJson.getAsJsonObject(src).getAsJsonPrimitive("resolution").asString val server = sourcesDetailJson.getAsJsonObject(src).getAsJsonPrimitive("server").asString val size = sourcesDetailJson.getAsJsonObject(src).getAsJsonPrimitive("size").asString callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Filmxy $size ($server)", "Filmxy $size ($server)", link, "$filmxyAPI/", getQualityFromName(quality) ) ) } } } data class FilmxyCookies( val phpsessid: String, val wLog: String, val wSec: String, ) suspend fun getFilmxyCookies(imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null): FilmxyCookies { val url = if (season == null) { "${filmxyAPI}/movie/$imdbId" } else { "${filmxyAPI}/tv/$imdbId" } val cookieUrl = "${filmxyAPI}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" val res = session.get( url, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" ), ) val userNonce ="script").find {"var userNonce") }?.data()?.let { Regex("var\\suserNonce.*?\"(\\S+?)\";").find(it)?.groupValues?.get(1) } var phpsessid = session.baseClient.cookieJar.loadForRequest(url.toHttpUrl()) .first { == "PHPSESSID" }.value cookieUrl, data = mapOf( "action" to "guest_login", "nonce" to "$userNonce", ), headers = mapOf( "Cookie" to "PHPSESSID=$phpsessid; G_ENABLED_IDPS=google", "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", ) ) val cookieJar = session.baseClient.cookieJar.loadForRequest(cookieUrl.toHttpUrl()) phpsessid = cookieJar.first { == "PHPSESSID" }.value val wLog = cookieJar.first { == "wordpress_logged_in_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" }.value val wSec = cookieJar.first { == "wordpress_sec_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" }.value return FilmxyCookies(phpsessid, wLog, wSec) } private fun String?.fixTitle(): String? { return this?.replace(":", "")?.replace(" ", "-")?.lowercase()?.replace("-–-", "-") } fun getLanguage(str: String): String { return if (str.contains("(in_ID)")) "Indonesian" else str } private fun getQuality(str: String): Int { return when (str) { "360p" -> Qualities.P240.value "480p" -> Qualities.P360.value "720p" -> Qualities.P480.value "1080p" -> Qualities.P720.value "1080p Ultra" -> Qualities.P1080.value else -> getQualityFromName(str) } } private fun getBaseUrl(url: String): String { return URI(url).let { "${it.scheme}://${}" } } private fun decryptStreamUrl(data: String): String { fun getTrash(arr: List, item: Int): List { val trash = ArrayList>() for (i in 1..item) { trash.add(arr) } return trash.reduce { acc, list -> val temp = ArrayList() acc.forEach { ac -> list.forEach { li -> temp.add( } } return@reduce temp } } val trashList = listOf("@", "#", "!", "^", "$") val trashSet = getTrash(trashList, 2) + getTrash(trashList, 3) var trashString = data.replace("#2", "").split("//_//").joinToString("") trashSet.forEach { val temp = base64Encode(it.toByteArray()) trashString = trashString.replace(temp, "") } return base64Decode(trashString) } suspend fun loadLinksWithWebView( url: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val foundVideo = WebViewResolver( Regex("""\.m3u8|i7njdjvszykaieynzsogaysdgb0hm8u1mzubmush4maopa4wde\.com""") ).resolveUsingWebView( requestCreator( "GET", url, referer = "" ) ).first ?: return callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Olgply", "Olgply", foundVideo.url.toString(), "", Qualities.P1080.value, true ) ) } data class HdMovieBoxSource( @JsonProperty("videoUrl") val videoUrl: String? = null, @JsonProperty("videoServer") val videoServer: String? = null, @JsonProperty("videoDisk") val videoDisk: Any? = null, ) data class HdMovieBoxIframe( @JsonProperty("api_iframe") val apiIframe: String? = null, ) data class ResponseHash( @JsonProperty("embed_url") val embed_url: String, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String?, ) data class Track( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String? = null, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String? = null, ) data class RabbitSources( @JsonProperty("sources") val sources: String? = null, @JsonProperty("tracks") val tracks: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), )