package com.hexated import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addTrailer import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.safeApiCall import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import org.jsoup.nodes.Element class Phim1080Provider : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "Phim1080" override val hasMainPage = true override var lang = "vi" override val hasDownloadSupport = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Movie, TvType.TvSeries, TvType.Anime, TvType.AsianDrama ) private fun decodeString(e: String, t: Int): String { var a = "" for (i in 0 until e.length) { val r = e[i].code val o = r xor t a += o.toChar() } return a } override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "$mainUrl/phim-de-cu?page=" to "Phim Đề Cử", "$mainUrl/the-loai/hoat-hinh?page=" to "Phim Hoạt Hình", "$mainUrl/phim-chieu-rap?page=" to "Phim Chiếu Rạp", "$mainUrl/phim-bo?page=" to "Phim Bộ", "$mainUrl/phim-le?page=" to "Phim Lẻ", "$mainUrl/bang-xep-hang?page=" to "Bảng Xếp Hạng", "$mainUrl/bo-suu-tap/disney-plus?page=" to "Disney+", "$mainUrl/bo-suu-tap/netflix-original?page=" to "Netflix", "$mainUrl/hom-nay-xem-gi?page=" to "Hôm Nay Xem Gì", "$mainUrl/phim-sap-chieu?page=" to "Phim Sắp Chiếu", ) override suspend fun getMainPage( page: Int, request: MainPageRequest ): HomePageResponse { val document = app.get( + page).document val home ="div.tray-item").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResult() } return newHomePageResponse( list = HomePageList( name =, list = home, ), hasNext = true ) } private fun Element.toSearchResult(): SearchResponse { val title = this.selectFirst("div.tray-item-title")?.text()?.trim().toString() val href = fixUrl(this.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href")) val posterUrl = this.selectFirst("img")!!.attr("data-src") val temp ="div.tray-film-likes").text() return if (temp.contains("/")) { val episode = Regex("((\\d+)\\s)").find(temp)?.groupValues?.map { num -> num.replace(Regex("\\s"), "") }?.distinct()?.firstOrNull()?.toIntOrNull() newAnimeSearchResponse(title, href, TvType.TvSeries) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl addSub(episode) } } else { val quality ="span.tray-item-quality").text().replace("FHD", "HD").trim() newMovieSearchResponse(title, href, TvType.Movie) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl addQuality(quality) } } } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val link = "$mainUrl/tim-kiem/$query" val document = app.get(link).document return"div.tray-item").map { it.toSearchResult() } } override suspend fun load( url: String ): LoadResponse { val document = app.get( url = url, referer = "$mainUrl/", headers = mapOf( "Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile" to "?1", "Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform" to "\"Android\"", "User-Agent" to "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-G981B) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.162 Mobile Safari/537.36 Edg/", ) ).document val fId ="div.container").attr("data-id") val filmInfo = app.get( "$mainUrl/api/v2/films/$fId", referer = url, headers = mapOf( "Content-Type" to "application/json", "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest" ) ).parsedSafe() val title = filmInfo?.name?.trim().toString() val poster = filmInfo?.thumbnail val background = filmInfo?.poster val slug = filmInfo?.slug val link = "$mainUrl/$slug" val tags =" a").map { it.text() } val year = filmInfo?.year val tvType = if ("div.episode-group-tab").isNotEmpty()) TvType.TvSeries else TvType.Movie val description ="").text().trim() val comingSoon ="button.direction-trailer").isNotEmpty() val trailerCode = filmInfo?.trailer?.original?.id val trailer = "$trailerCode" val recommendations ="section.tray.index.related div.tray-content.carousel div.tray-item").map { it.toSearchResult() } return if (tvType == TvType.TvSeries) { val epsInfo = app.get( "$mainUrl/api/v2/films/$fId/episodes?sort=name", referer = link, headers = mapOf( "Content-Type" to "application/json", "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", ) ).parsedSafe()?.eps?.map { ep -> Episode( data = fixUrl(, name = ep.detailname, episode = ep.episodeNumber, ) } ?: listOf() newTvSeriesLoadResponse(title, url, TvType.TvSeries, epsInfo) { this.posterUrl = poster this.backgroundPosterUrl = background this.year = year this.plot = description this.tags = tags this.comingSoon = comingSoon addTrailer(trailer) this.recommendations = recommendations } } else { newMovieLoadResponse(title, url, TvType.Movie, link) { this.posterUrl = poster this.backgroundPosterUrl = background this.year = year this.plot = description this.tags = tags this.comingSoon = comingSoon addTrailer(trailer) this.recommendations = recommendations } } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val document = app.get(data).document val fId ="div.container").attr("data-id") val epId ="div.container").attr("data-episode-id") val doc = app.get( "$mainUrl/api/v2/films/$fId/episodes/$epId", referer = data, headers = mapOf( "Content-Type" to "application/json", "cookie" to "phimnhanh=%3D", "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest" ) ) val optEncode = if (doc.text.indexOf("\"opt\":\"") != -1) { doc.text.substringAfter("\"opt\":\"").substringBefore("\"},") } else { "" } val opt = decodeString(optEncode as String, 69).replace("0uut$", "_").replace("index.m3u8", "3000k/hls/mixed.m3u8") val hlsEncode = if (doc.text.indexOf(":{\"hls\":\"") != -1) { doc.text.substringAfter(":{\"hls\":\"").substringBefore("\"},") } else { "" } val hls = decodeString(hlsEncode as String, 69) val fb = if (doc.text.indexOf("\"fb\":[{\"src\":\"") != -1) { doc.text.substringAfter("\"fb\":[{\"src\":\"").substringBefore("\",").replace("\\", "") } else { "" } listOfNotNull( if (hls.contains(".m3u8")) {Triple("$hls", "HS", true)} else null, if (fb.contains(".mp4")) {Triple("$fb", "FB", false)} else null, if (opt.contains(".m3u8")) {Triple("$opt", "OP", true)} else null, ).apmap { (link, source, isM3u8) -> safeApiCall { callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( source, source, link, referer = data, quality = Qualities.Unknown.value, isM3u8, ) ) } } val subId = doc.parsedSafe()?.subtitle?.vi val isSubIdEmpty = subId.isNullOrBlank() if (!isSubIdEmpty) { subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( "Vietnamese", "$mainUrl/subtitle/$subId.vtt" ) ) } return true } data class filmInfo( @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, @JsonProperty("poster") val poster: String? = null, @JsonProperty("thumbnail") val thumbnail: String? = null, @JsonProperty("slug") val slug: String? = null, @JsonProperty("year") val year: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("trailer") val trailer: TrailerInfo? = null, ) data class TrailerInfo( @JsonProperty("original") val original: TrailerKey? = null, ) data class TrailerKey( @JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null, ) data class MediaDetailEpisodes( @JsonProperty("data") val eps: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class Episodes( @JsonProperty("link") val link: String? = null, @JsonProperty("detail_name") val detailname: String? = null, @JsonProperty("name") val episodeNumber: Int? = null, ) data class Media( @JsonProperty("subtitle") val subtitle: SubInfo? = null, ) data class SubInfo( @JsonProperty("vi") val vi: String? = null, ) }