package com.hexated import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson import com.lagradost.nicehttp.Requests import com.lagradost.nicehttp.Session import com.hexated.RabbitStream.extractRabbitStream import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.extractors.helper.GogoHelper import import com.lagradost.nicehttp.RequestBodyTypes import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaTypeOrNull import okhttp3.RequestBody.Companion.toRequestBody import okio.ByteString.Companion.encode import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Document val session = Session(Requests().baseClient) object SoraExtractor : SoraStream() { suspend fun invokeGoku( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, lastSeason: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest" ) fun Document.getServers(): List { return"a").map { it.attr("data-id") } } val media = app.get( "$gokuAPI/ajax/movie/search?keyword=$title", headers = headers )"div.item").find { ele -> val url = ele.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href") val titleMedia ="").text() val yearMedia =" > div:first-child").text().toIntOrNull() val lastSeasonMedia =" > div:nth-child(2)").text().substringAfter("SS") .substringBefore("/").trim().toIntOrNull() (titleMedia.equals(title, true) || titleMedia.createSlug().equals(title.createSlug())) && (if (season == null) { yearMedia == year && url?.contains("/watch-movie/") == true } else { lastSeasonMedia == lastSeason && url?.contains("/watch-series/") == true }) } ?: return val serversId = if (season == null) { val movieId = app.get( fixUrl( media.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href") ?: return, gokuAPI ) ).url.substringAfterLast("/") app.get( "$gokuAPI/ajax/movie/episode/servers/$movieId", headers = headers ).document.getServers() } else { val seasonId = app.get( "$gokuAPI/ajax/movie/seasons/${ media.selectFirst("a.btn-wl")?.attr("data-id") ?: return }", headers = headers )"").find { it.ownText().equals("Season $season", true) }?.attr("data-id") val episodeId = app.get( "$gokuAPI/ajax/movie/season/episodes/${seasonId ?: return}", headers = headers )"div.item").find { it.selectFirst("strong")?.text().equals("Eps $episode:", true) }?.selectFirst("a")?.attr("data-id") app.get( "$gokuAPI/ajax/movie/episode/servers/${episodeId ?: return}", headers = headers ).document.getServers() } serversId.apmap { id -> val iframe = app.get("$gokuAPI/ajax/movie/episode/server/sources/$id", headers = headers) .parsedSafe()?.data?.link ?: return@apmap extractRabbitStream( if (iframe.contains("rabbitstream")) "Vidcloud" else "Upcloud", iframe, "$gokuAPI/", subtitleCallback, callback, false, decryptKey = RabbitStream.getKey() ) { it } } } suspend fun invokeVidSrc( id: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$vidSrcAPI/embed/$id" } else { "$vidSrcAPI/embed/$id/${season}-${episode}" } loadExtractor(url, null, subtitleCallback) { link -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, link.url, link.referer, if ( == "VidSrc") Qualities.P1080.value else link.quality, link.isM3u8, link.headers, link.extractorData ) ) } } suspend fun invokeDbgo( id: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val iframeDbgo: String? val script = if (season == null) { val doc = app.get("$dbgoAPI/imdb.php?id=$id").document iframeDbgo ="div.myvideo iframe").attr("src") app.get(iframeDbgo, referer = "$dbgoAPI/")"script") .find {"CDNplayerConfig =") }?.data() } else { val doc = app.get("$dbgoAPI/tv-imdb.php?id=$id&s=$season").document iframeDbgo ="div.myvideo iframe").attr("src") val token = app.get( iframeDbgo, referer = "$dbgoAPI/" ).document.selectFirst("select#translator-name option")?.attr("data-token") app.get("$token/iframe?s=$season&e=$episode&") "script" ).find {"CDNplayerConfig =") }?.data() } ?: return val source = Regex("['|\"]file['|\"]:\\s['|\"](#\\S+?)['|\"]").find(script)?.groupValues?.get( 1 ) ?: return val subtitle = Regex("['|\"]subtitle['|\"]:\\s['|\"](\\S+?)['|\"]").find(script)?.groupValues?.get( 1 ) val ref = getBaseUrl(iframeDbgo) decryptStreamUrl(source).split(",").map { links -> val quality = Regex("\\[(\\d*p.*?)]").find(links)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.trim() ?: return@map null links.replace("[$quality]", "").split(" or ").map { it.trim() }.map { link -> val name = if (link.contains(".m3u8")) "Dbgo (Main)" else "Dbgo (Backup)" callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( name, name, link, "$ref/", getQuality(quality), isM3u8 = link.contains(".m3u8"), headers = mapOf( "Origin" to ref ) ) ) } } subtitle?.split(",")?.map { sub -> val language = Regex("\\[(.*)]").find(sub)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) ?: return@map null val link = sub.replace("[$language]", "").trim() subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( getDbgoLanguage(language), link ) ) } } suspend fun invokeMovieHab( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$movieHabAPI/embed/movie?imdb=$imdbId" } else { "$movieHabAPI/embed/series?imdb=$imdbId&sea=$season&epi=$episode" } val doc = app.get(url, referer = "$movieHabAPI/").document val movieId = doc.selectFirst("div#embed-player")?.attr("data-movie-id") ?: return"div.dropdown-menu a").apmap { val dataId = it.attr("data-id") app.get( "$movieHabAPI/ajax/get_stream_link?id=$dataId&movie=$movieId&is_init=true&captcha=&ref=", referer = url, headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ).parsedSafe()?.data?.let { res -> loadExtractor( ?: return@let null, movieHabAPI, subtitleCallback, callback ) } } } suspend fun invokeHDMovieBox( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val url = "$hdMovieBoxAPI/watch/$fixTitle" val doc = app.get(url).document val id = if (season == null) { doc.selectFirst("div.player div#not-loaded")?.attr("data-whatwehave") } else {"div.season-list-column div[data-season=$season] div.list div.item")[episode?.minus( 1 ) ?: 0].selectFirst("div.ui.checkbox")?.attr("data-episode") } ?: return val iframeUrl = "$hdMovieBoxAPI/ajax/service", data = mapOf( "e_id" to id, "v_lang" to "en", "type" to "get_whatwehave", ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ).parsedSafe()?.apiIframe ?: return delay(1000) val iframe = app.get(iframeUrl, referer = url).document.selectFirst("iframe") ?.attr("src").let { httpsify(it ?: return) } if (iframe.startsWith("")) { loadExtractor(iframe, "$hdMovieBoxAPI/", subtitleCallback) { video -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, video.url, video.referer, Qualities.P1080.value, video.isM3u8, video.headers, video.extractorData ) ) } } else { val base = getBaseUrl(iframe) val script = app.get( httpsify(iframe), referer = "$hdMovieBoxAPI/" ).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(var vhash =)")?.data() ?.substringAfter("vhash, {")?.substringBefore("}, false") tryParseJson("{$script}").let { source -> val disk = if (source?.videoDisk == null) { "" } else { base64Encode(source.videoDisk.toString().toByteArray()) } val link = getBaseUrl(iframe) + source?.videoUrl?.replace( "\\", "" ) + "?s=${source?.videoServer}&d=$disk" callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "HDMovieBox", "HDMovieBox", link, iframe, Qualities.P1080.value, isM3u8 = true, ) ) source?.tracks?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( sub.label ?: "", fixUrl(sub.file ?: return@map null, base), ) ) } } } } suspend fun invokeDreamfilm( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val url = if (season == null) { "$dreamfilmAPI/$fixTitle" } else { "$dreamfilmAPI/series/$fixTitle/season-$season/episode-$episode" } val iframe = app.get(url).document.selectFirst("iframe.Moly")?.attr("data-src") loadExtractor(iframe ?: return, "$dreamfilmAPI/", subtitleCallback) { link -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, link.url, link.referer, Qualities.P1080.value, link.isM3u8, link.headers, link.extractorData ) ) } } suspend fun invokeSeries9( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val doc = if (season == null) { val res = app.get("$series9API/film/$fixTitle/watching.html") if (!res.isSuccessful) app.get("$series9API/film/$fixTitle-$year/watching.html").document else res.document } else { app.get("$series9API/film/$fixTitle-season-$season/watching.html").document } val server ="div#list-eps div.le-server").map { ele -> if (season == null) {"a").attr("player-data") } else {"a[episode-data=$episode]").attr("player-data") } }.find { it.contains(Regex("movembed|membed")) } val iframe = app.get(httpsify(server ?: return)) val iframeDoc = iframe.document argamap({".list-server-items > .linkserver") .forEach { element -> val status = element.attr("data-status") ?: return@forEach if (status != "1") return@forEach val extractorData = element.attr("data-video") ?: return@forEach loadExtractor(extractorData, iframe.url, subtitleCallback, callback) } }, { val iv = "9225679083961858" val secretKey = "25742532592138496744665879883281" GogoHelper.extractVidstream( iframe.url, "Vidstream", callback, iv, secretKey, secretKey, isUsingAdaptiveKeys = false, isUsingAdaptiveData = true, iframeDocument = iframeDoc ) }) } suspend fun invokeIdlix( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val url = if (season == null) { "$idlixAPI/movie/$fixTitle-$year" } else { "$idlixAPI/episode/$fixTitle-season-$season-episode-$episode" } val res = app.get(url) if (!res.isSuccessful) return val referer = getBaseUrl(res.url) val document = res.document val id ="meta#dooplay-ajax-counter").attr("data-postid") val type = if (url.contains("/movie/")) "movie" else "tv""ul#playeroptionsul > li").map { it.attr("data-nume") }.apmap { nume -> val source = url = "$referer/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data = mapOf( "action" to "doo_player_ajax", "post" to id, "nume" to nume, "type" to type ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest"), referer = url ).parsed().embed_url if (!source.contains("youtube")) { loadExtractor(source, "$referer/", subtitleCallback, callback) } } } suspend fun invokeUniqueStream( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val url = if (season == null) { "$uniqueStreamAPI/movies/$fixTitle-$year" } else { "$uniqueStreamAPI/episodes/$fixTitle-season-$season-episode-$episode" } val res = app.get(url) if (!res.isSuccessful) return val baseApi = getBaseUrl(res.url) val document = res.document val type = if (url.contains("/movies/")) "movie" else "tv""ul#playeroptionsul > li").apmap { el -> val id = el.attr("data-post") val nume = el.attr("data-nume") val source = url = "$baseApi/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data = mapOf( "action" to "doo_player_ajax", "post" to id, "nume" to nume, "type" to type ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest"), referer = url ).parsed().embed_url.let { fixUrl(it) } when { source.contains("uniquestream") -> { val resDoc = app.get( source, referer = "$baseApi/", headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" ) ).document val srcm3u8 = resDoc.selectFirst("script:containsData(let url =)")?.data()?.let { Regex("['|\"](.*?.m3u8)['|\"]").find(it)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) } callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "UniqueStream", "UniqueStream", srcm3u8 ?: return@apmap null, source, Qualities.P1080.value, true, ) ) } !source.contains("youtube") -> loadExtractor( source, "$uniqueStreamAPI/", subtitleCallback, callback ) else -> { // pass } } } } suspend fun invokeNoverse( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val url = if (season == null) { "$noverseAPI/movie/$fixTitle/download/" } else { "$noverseAPI/serie/$fixTitle/season-$season" } val doc = app.get(url).document val links = if (season == null) {"table.table-striped tbody tr").map {"a").attr("href") to it.selectFirst("td")?.text() } } else {"table.table-striped tbody tr") .find { it.text().contains("Episode $episode") }?.select("td")?.map {"a").attr("href") to"a").text() } } ?: return delay(4000) { (link, quality) -> val name = quality?.replace(Regex("\\d{3,4}p"), "Noverse")?.replace(".", " ") ?: "Noverse" callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Noverse", name, link, "", getQualityFromName("${quality?.substringBefore("p")?.trim()}p"), ) ) } } suspend fun invokeFilmxy( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "${filmxyAPI}/movie/$imdbId" } else { "${filmxyAPI}/tv/$imdbId" } val filmxyCookies = getFilmxyCookies(imdbId, season) val cookiesDoc = mapOf( "G_ENABLED_IDPS" to "google", "wordpress_logged_in_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" to (filmxyCookies.wLog ?: return), "PHPSESSID" to (filmxyCookies.phpsessid ?: return) ) val doc = session.get(url, cookies = cookiesDoc).document val script = doc.selectFirst("script:containsData(var isSingle)")?.data() ?: return val sourcesData = Regex("listSE\\s*=\\s?(.*?),[\\n|\\s]").find(script)?.groupValues?.get(1).let { tryParseJson>>>(it) } val sourcesDetail = Regex("linkDetails\\s*=\\s?(.*?),[\\n|\\s]").find(script)?.groupValues?.get(1).let { tryParseJson>>(it) } val subSourcesData = Regex("dSubtitles\\s*=\\s?(.*?),[\\n|\\s]").find(script)?.groupValues?.get(1).let { tryParseJson>>>(it) } val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) val sources = if (season == null) { sourcesData?.get("movie")?.get("movie") } else { sourcesData?.get("s$seasonSlug")?.get("e$episodeSlug") } val subSources = if (season == null) { subSourcesData?.get("movie")?.get("movie") } else { subSourcesData?.get("s$seasonSlug")?.get("e$episodeSlug") } val scriptUser ="script").find {"var userNonce") }?.data() ?: return val userNonce = Regex("var\\suserNonce.*?[\"|'](\\S+?)[\"|'];").find(scriptUser)?.groupValues?.get(1) val userId = Regex("var\\suser_id.*?[\"|'](\\S+?)[\"|'];").find(scriptUser)?.groupValues?.get(1) val linkIDs = sources?.joinToString("") { "&linkIDs%5B%5D=$it" }?.replace("\"", "") val body = "action=get_vid_links$linkIDs&user_id=$userId&nonce=$userNonce".toRequestBody() val cookiesJson = mapOf( "G_ENABLED_IDPS" to "google", "PHPSESSID" to "${filmxyCookies.phpsessid}", "wordpress_logged_in_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" to "${filmxyCookies.wLog}", "wordpress_sec_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" to "${filmxyCookies.wSec}" ) val json = "$filmxyAPI/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", requestBody = body, referer = url, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", "DNT" to "1", "Content-Type" to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "Origin" to filmxyAPI, "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", ), cookies = cookiesJson ).text.let { tryParseJson>(it) } sources?.map { source -> val link = json?.get(source) val quality = sourcesDetail?.get(source)?.get("resolution") val server = sourcesDetail?.get(source)?.get("server") val size = sourcesDetail?.get(source)?.get("size") callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Filmxy", "Filmxy $server [$size]", link ?: return@map, "$filmxyAPI/", getQualityFromName(quality) ) ) } subSources?.mapKeys { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(sub.key) ?: return@mapKeys, "${sub.value}" ) ) } } suspend fun invokeKimcartoon( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val doc = if (season == null || season == 1) { app.get("$kimcartoonAPI/Cartoon/$fixTitle").document } else { val res = app.get("$kimcartoonAPI/Cartoon/$fixTitle-Season-$season") if (res.url == "$kimcartoonAPI/") app.get("$kimcartoonAPI/Cartoon/$fixTitle-Season-0$season").document else res.document } val iframe = if (season == null) {"table.listing tr td a").firstNotNullOf { it.attr("href") } } else {"table.listing tr td a").find { it.attr("href").contains(Regex("(?i)Episode-0*$episode")) }?.attr("href") } ?: return val servers = app.get(fixUrl(iframe, kimcartoonAPI))"#selectServer > option") .map { fixUrl(it.attr("value"), kimcartoonAPI) } servers.apmap { app.get(it)"#my_video_1").attr("src").let { iframe -> if (iframe.isNotEmpty()) { loadExtractor(iframe, "$kimcartoonAPI/", subtitleCallback, callback) } } } } suspend fun invokeDumpStream( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val (id, type) = getDumpIdAndType(title, year, season) val json = fetchDumpEpisodes("$id", "$type", episode) ?: return json.subtitlingList?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( getVipLanguage(sub.languageAbbr ?: return@map), sub.subtitlingUrl ?: return@map ) ) } } suspend fun invokeXmovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val doc = if (season == null) { val res = app.get("$xMovieAPI/movies/$fixTitle/watch") if (res.url == "$xMovieAPI/") app.get("$xMovieAPI/movies/$fixTitle-$year/watch").document else res.document } else { app.get("$xMovieAPI/series/$fixTitle-season-$season-episode-$episode/watch").document } val script = doc.selectFirst("script:containsData(const player =)")?.data() ?: return val link = Regex("[\"|']file[\"|']:\\s?[\"|'](http.*?.(mp4|m3u8))[\"|'],").find(script)?.groupValues?.getOrNull( 1 ) ?: return if (link.contains(".m3u8")) { M3u8Helper.generateM3u8( "Xmovie", link, "", ).forEach(callback) } else { callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Xmovie", "Xmovie", link, "", Qualities.P720.value, ) ) } Regex(""""file":\s+?"(\S+\.(vtt|srt))""").find(script)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) ?.let { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( "English", sub, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeFmovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val query = title?.replace(Regex("[^\\w-\\s]"), "") val html = app.get("$fmoviesAPI/ajax/film/search?keyword=$query") .parsedSafe()?.result?.html val mediaId = Jsoup.parse(html ?: return).select("a.item").map { Triple( it.attr("href"),"").text(),"")[1].text(), ) }.find { if (season == null) { it.first.contains("/movie/") } else { it.first.contains("/tv/") } && (it.second.equals(title, true) || it.second.createSlug() .equals(title.createSlug())) && it.third.toInt() == year }?.first val watchId = app.get(fixUrl(mediaId ?: return, fmoviesAPI)).document.selectFirst("") ?.attr("data-id") val episodeId = app.get( "$fmoviesAPI/ajax/episode/list/${watchId ?: return}?vrf=${ comsumetEncodeVrf(watchId) }" ).parsedSafe()?.result?.let { Jsoup.parse(it) } ?.selectFirst("ul[data-season=${season ?: 1}] li a[data-num=${episode ?: 1}]") ?.attr("data-id") val servers = app.get( "$fmoviesAPI/ajax/server/list/${episodeId ?: return}?vrf=${ comsumetEncodeVrf( episodeId ) }" ) .parsedSafe()?.result?.let { Jsoup.parse(it) } ?.select("ul li")?.map { it.attr("data-id") to it.attr("data-link-id") } servers?.filter { it.first == "41" || it.first == "45" }?.apmap { (serverid, linkId) -> delay(2000) val decryptServer = app.get("$fmoviesAPI/ajax/server/$linkId?vrf=${comsumetEncodeVrf(linkId)}") .parsedSafe()?.result?.url?.let { comsumetDecodeVrf(it) } if (serverid == "41") { invokeVizcloud(serverid, decryptServer ?: return@apmap, subtitleCallback, callback) } else { loadExtractor(decryptServer ?: return@apmap, fmoviesAPI, subtitleCallback, callback) } } } suspend fun invokeKisskh( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, isAnime: Boolean = false, lastSeason: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val slug = title.createSlug() ?: return val type = when { isAnime -> "3" season == null -> "2" else -> "1" } val res = app.get( "$kissKhAPI/api/DramaList/Search?q=$title&type=$type", referer = "$kissKhAPI/" ).text.let { tryParseJson>(it) } ?: return val (id, contentTitle) = if (res.size == 1) { res.first().id to res.first().title } else { val data = res.find { val slugTitle = it.title.createSlug() when { season == null -> slugTitle?.equals(slug) == true lastSeason == 1 -> slugTitle?.contains(slug) == true else -> slugTitle?.contains(slug) == true && it.title?.contains("Season $season", true) == true } } data?.id to data?.title } val resDetail = app.get( "$kissKhAPI/api/DramaList/Drama/$id?isq=false", referer = "$kissKhAPI/Drama/${ getKisskhTitle(contentTitle) }?id=$id" ).parsedSafe() ?: return val epsId = if (season == null) { resDetail.episodes?.first()?.id } else { resDetail.episodes?.find { it.number == episode }?.id } app.get( "$kissKhAPI/api/DramaList/Episode/$epsId.png?err=false&ts=&time=", referer = "$kissKhAPI/Drama/${getKisskhTitle(contentTitle)}/Episode-${episode ?: 0}?id=$id&ep=$epsId&page=0&pageSize=100" ).parsedSafe()?.let { source -> listOf(, source.thirdParty).apmap { link -> if (link?.contains(".m3u8") == true) { M3u8Helper.generateM3u8( "Kisskh", link, "$kissKhAPI/", headers = mapOf("Origin" to kissKhAPI) ).forEach(callback) } else { loadExtractor( link?.substringBefore("=http") ?: return@apmap null, "$kissKhAPI/", subtitleCallback, callback ) } } } app.get("$kissKhAPI/api/Sub/$epsId").text.let { resSub -> tryParseJson>(resSub)?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( getLanguage(sub.label ?: return@map), sub.src ?: return@map ) ) } } } suspend fun invokeAnimes( title: String? = null, epsTitle: String? = null, date: String?, airedDate: String?, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val (aniId, malId) = convertTmdbToAnimeId( title, date, airedDate, if (season == null) TvType.AnimeMovie else TvType.Anime ) argamap( { invokeZoro(aniId, episode, subtitleCallback, callback) }, { invokeAnimeKaizoku(malId, epsTitle, season, episode, callback) }, { invokeBiliBili(aniId, episode, subtitleCallback, callback) }, { if (season != null) invokeCrunchyroll( aniId, malId, epsTitle, season, episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) } ) } private suspend fun invokeBiliBili( aniId: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val res = app.get( "$biliBiliAPI/anime/episodes?id=${aniId ?: return}&source_id=bilibili", referer = otakuzBaseUrl ) .parsedSafe()?.episodes?.find { it.episodeNumber == episode } ?: return val sources = app.get( "$biliBiliAPI/source?episode_id=${res.sourceEpisodeId}&source_media_id=${res.sourceMediaId}&source_id=${res.sourceId}", referer = otakuzBaseUrl ) .parsedSafe() sources?.sources?.apmap { source -> val quality = app.get( source.file ?: return@apmap null, referer = otakuzBaseUrl ).document.selectFirst("Representation") ?.attr("height") callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "BiliBili", "BiliBili", source.file, "", quality?.toIntOrNull() ?: Qualities.Unknown.value, isDash = true ) ) } sources?.subtitles?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(sub.lang ?: "") ?: sub.language ?: return@map null, sub.file ?: return@map null ) ) } } private suspend fun invokeZoro( aniId: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val animeId = app.get("${aniId ?: return}.json") .parsedSafe()?.pages?.zoro?.keys?.map { it } val headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", ) animeId?.apmap { id -> val episodeId = app.get("$zoroAPI/ajax/episode/list/${id ?: return@apmap}", headers = headers) .parsedSafe()?.html?.let { Jsoup.parse(it) }?.select(" a")?.find { it.attr("data-number") == "${episode ?: 1}" } ?.attr("data-id") val servers = app.get("$zoroAPI/ajax/episode/servers?episodeId=${episodeId ?: return@apmap}", headers = headers) .parsedSafe()?.html?.let { Jsoup.parse(it) } ?.select("div.item.server-item")?.map { Triple( it.text(), it.attr("data-id"), it.attr("data-type"), ) } servers?.apmap servers@{ server -> val iframe = app.get("$zoroAPI/ajax/episode/sources?id=${server.second ?: return@servers}", headers = headers) .parsedSafe()?.link ?: return@servers val audio = if (server.third == "sub") "Raw" else "English Dub" if (server.first.contains(Regex("Vidstreaming|MegaCloud|Vidcloud"))) { extractRabbitStream( "${server.first} [$audio]", iframe, "$zoroAPI/", subtitleCallback, callback, false, decryptKey = RabbitStream.getZoroKey() ) { it } } else { loadExtractor(iframe, "$zoroAPI/", subtitleCallback, callback) } } } } private suspend fun invokeAnimeKaizoku( malId: Int? = null, epsTitle: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val search = app.get("$animeKaizokuAPI/?s=${malId ?: return}").document val detailHref ="ul#posts-container li").map { it.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href") } .find { it?.contains("$malId") == true }?.let { fixUrl(it, animeKaizokuAPI) } val detail = app.get(detailHref ?: return).document val postId = detail.selectFirst("link[rel=shortlink]")?.attr("href")?.substringAfter("?p=") ?: return val script = detail.selectFirst("script:containsData(DDL)")?.data()?.splitData() ?: return val media = fetchingKaizoku(animeKaizokuAPI, postId, script, detailHref).document val iframe ="tbody td[colspan=2]").map { it.attr("onclick") to it.text() } .filter { it.second.contains("1080p", true) } val eps = if (season == null) { null } else { if (episode!! < 10) "0$episode" else episode } iframe.apmap { (data, name) -> val worker = fetchingKaizoku(animeKaizokuAPI, postId, data.splitData(), detailHref).document .select("tbody td") .map { Triple(it.attr("onclick"), it.text(), it.nextElementSibling()?.text()) } val episodeData = worker.let { list -> if (season == null) list.firstOrNull() else list.find { it.second.contains( Regex("($eps\\.)|(-\\s$eps)") ) || it.second.contains("$epsTitle", true) } } ?: return@apmap null val ouo = fetchingKaizoku( animeKaizokuAPI, postId, episodeData.first.splitData(), detailHref ).text.substringAfter("openInNewTab(\"") .substringBefore("\")").let { base64Decode(it) } if (!ouo.startsWith("https://ouo")) return@apmap null callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "AnimeKaizoku", "AnimeKaizoku [${episodeData.third}]", bypassOuo(ouo) ?: return@apmap null, "$animeKaizokuAPI/", Qualities.P1080.value, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeLing( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title?.replace("–", "-") val url = if (season == null) { "$lingAPI/en/videos/films/?title=$fixTitle" } else { "$lingAPI/en/videos/serials/?title=$fixTitle" } val scriptData = app.get(url)"div.blk.padding_b0 div.col-sm-30").map { Triple( it.selectFirst(" h5")?.text(), it.selectFirst(" > p")?.text(), it.selectFirst(" a")?.attr("href"), ) } val script = if (scriptData.size == 1) { scriptData.first() } else { scriptData.find { it.first?.contains( "$fixTitle", true ) == true && it.second?.contains("$year") == true } } val doc = app.get(fixUrl(script?.third ?: return, lingAPI)).document val iframe = (if (season == null) { doc.selectFirst("")?.attr("data-href") } else {"div.blk div#tab_$season li")[episode!!.minus(1)].select("h5 a") .attr("data-href") })?.let { fixUrl(it, lingAPI) } val source = app.get(iframe ?: return) val link = Regex("((https:|http:)//.*\\.mp4)").find(source.text)?.value ?: return callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Ling", "Ling", link, "$lingAPI/", Qualities.Unknown.value, headers = mapOf( "Range" to "bytes=0-" ) ) )"div#player-tracks track").map { subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(it.attr("srclang")) ?: return@map null, it.attr("src") ) ) } } suspend fun invokeUhdmovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, lastSeason: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val slug = title.createSlug()?.replace("-", " ") val url = "$uhdmoviesAPI/?s=$slug" var doc = app.get(url).document if ("title").text() == "Just a moment...") { doc = app.get(url, interceptor = CloudflareKiller()).document } val scriptData ="div.row.gridlove-posts article").map { it.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href") to it.selectFirst("h1")?.text() } val detailUrl = (if (scriptData.size == 1) { scriptData.first() } else { scriptData.find { it.second?.filterMedia(title, year, lastSeason) == true } })?.first val detailDoc = app.get(detailUrl ?: return).document val iframeList ="div.entry-content p").map { it } .filter { it.text().filterIframe(season, lastSeason, year, title) }.mapNotNull { if (season == null) { it.text() to it.nextElementSibling()?.select("a")?.attr("href") } else { it.text() to it.nextElementSibling() ?.select("a")?.find { child ->"span").text().equals("Episode $episode", true) } ?.attr("href") } }.filter { it.second?.contains(Regex("(https:)|(http:)")) == true } val sources = mutableListOf>() if (iframeList.any { it.first.contains( "2160p", true ) }) { sources.addAll(iframeList.filter { it.first.contains( "2160p", true ) }) sources.add(iframeList.first { it.first.contains( "1080p", true ) }) } else { sources.addAll(iframeList.filter { it.first.contains("1080p", true) }) } sources.apmap { (quality, link) -> val driveLink = if (link?.contains("driveleech") == true) bypassDriveleech(link) else bypassTechmny( link ?: return@apmap ) val base = getBaseUrl(driveLink ?: return@apmap) val resDoc = app.get(driveLink).document val bitLink = resDoc.selectFirst("a.btn.btn-outline-success")?.attr("href") val downloadLink = if (bitLink.isNullOrEmpty()) { val backupIframe ="a.btn.btn-outline-warning").attr("href") extractBackupUHD(backupIframe ?: return@apmap) } else { extractMirrorUHD(bitLink, base) } val tags = getUhdTags(quality) val qualities = getIndexQuality(quality) val size = getIndexSize(quality) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "UHDMovies", "UHDMovies $tags [$size]", downloadLink ?: return@apmap, "", qualities ) ) } } suspend fun invokePobmovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val detailDoc = app.get("$pobmoviesAPI/${title.createSlug()}-$year").document val iframeList ="div.entry-content p").map { it } .filter { it.text().filterIframe(year = year, title = title) }.mapNotNull { it.text() to it.nextElementSibling()?.select("a")?.attr("href") }.filter { it.second?.contains(Regex("(https:)|(http:)")) == true } val sources = mutableListOf>() if (iframeList.any { it.first.contains( "2160p", true ) }) { sources.addAll(iframeList.filter { it.first.contains( "2160p", true ) }) sources.add(iframeList.first { it.first.contains( "1080p", true ) }) } else { sources.addAll(iframeList.filter { it.first.contains("1080p", true) }) } sources.apmap { (name, link) -> if (link.isNullOrEmpty()) return@apmap val videoLink = when { link.contains("gdtot") -> { val gdBotLink = extractGdbot(link) extractGdflix(gdBotLink ?: return@apmap) } link.contains("gdflix") -> { extractGdflix(link) } else -> { return@apmap } } val tags = getUhdTags(name) val qualities = getIndexQuality(name) val size = getIndexSize(name) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Pobmovies", "Pobmovies $tags [${size}]", videoLink ?: return@apmap, "", qualities ) ) } } suspend fun invokeFwatayako( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val ref = "" val files = app.get( "$fwatayakoAPI/IAF0wWTdNYZm?imdb_id=$imdbId", referer = ref ).document.selectFirst("input#files")?.attr("value") ?: return val data = files.let { if (season == null) { it.replace("\"381\"", "\"movie\"").replace("\"30\"", "\"movie_dl\"") } else { it.replace("\"381\"", "\"tv\"").replace("\"30\"", "\"tv_dl\"") } }.let { tryParseJson(it) } ?: return val sourcesLink = if (season == null) { data.sourcesMovie } else { data.sourcesTv?.find { == season }?.folder?.find { == "${season}_${episode}" }?.file } val downoadLink = if (season == null) { data.movie_dl } else { data.tv_dl?.find { == season }?.folder?.find { == "${season}_${episode}" }?.download } sourcesLink?.split(",")?.map { val source = it.substringBefore("or").trim() val quality = Regex("\\[(\\d{3,4})p]").find(source)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.toIntOrNull() val link = httpsify(source.replace("[${quality}p]", "").trim()) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Fwatayako", "Fwatayako", link, ref, quality ?: Qualities.Unknown.value, isM3u8 = true ) ) } downoadLink?.mapKeys { callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Fwatayako", "Fwatayako", httpsify(it.value), ref, getQualityFromName(it.key), ) ) } } suspend fun invokeGMovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val url = if (season == null || season == 1) { "$gMoviesAPI/$fixTitle-$year" } else { "$gMoviesAPI/$fixTitle-$year-season-$season" } val doc = app.get(url).document val iframe = (if (season == null) {" div.wp-block-button").map {"a").attr("href") to it.text() } } else {"").find { it.previousElementSibling()?.text() ?.contains(Regex("(?i)episode\\s?$episode")) == true }?.select("div.wp-block-button")?.map {"a").attr("href") to it.text() } })?.filter { it.first.contains("gdtot") && it.second.contains(Regex("(?i)(4k|1080p)")) } ?: return iframe.apmap { (iframeLink, title) -> val size = Regex("(?i)\\s(\\S+gb|mb)").find(title)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) val gdBotLink = extractGdbot(iframeLink) val videoLink = extractGdflix(gdBotLink ?: return@apmap null) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "GMovies", "GMovies [$size]", videoLink ?: return@apmap null, "", getGMoviesQuality(title) ) ) } } suspend fun invokeFDMovies( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val url = if (season == null) { "$fdMoviesAPI/movies/$fixTitle" } else { "$fdMoviesAPI/episodes/$fixTitle-s${season}xe${episode}/" } val request = app.get(url) if (!request.isSuccessful) return val iframe ="div#download tbody tr").map { FDMovieIFrame("a").attr("href"),"strong.quality").text(),"td:nth-child(4)").text(),"img").attr("src") ) }.filter { it.quality.contains(Regex("(?i)(1080p|4k)")) && it.type.contains(Regex("(gdtot|oiya)")) } iframe.apmap { (link, quality, size, type) -> val qualities = getFDoviesQuality(quality) val fdLink = bypassFdAds(link) val videoLink = when { type.contains("gdtot") -> { val gdBotLink = extractGdbot(fdLink ?: return@apmap null) extractGdflix(gdBotLink ?: return@apmap null) } type.contains("oiya") -> { val oiyaLink = extractOiya(fdLink ?: return@apmap null, qualities) if(oiyaLink?.contains("gdtot") == true) { val gdBotLink = extractGdbot(oiyaLink) extractGdflix(gdBotLink ?: return@apmap null) } else { oiyaLink } } else -> { return@apmap null } } callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "FDMovies", "FDMovies [$size]", videoLink ?: return@apmap null, "", getQualityFromName(qualities) ) ) } } suspend fun invokeM4uhd( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val res = app.get("$m4uhdAPI/search/${title.createSlug()}.html").document val scriptData ="div.row div.item").map { Triple( it.selectFirst("img.imagecover")?.attr("title"), it.selectFirst("div.jtip-top div:last-child")?.text(), it.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href") ) } val script = if (scriptData.size == 1) { scriptData.firstOrNull() } else { scriptData.find { it.first?.contains( "Watch Free ${title?.replace(":", "")}", true ) == true && (it.first?.contains("$year") == true || it.second?.contains( "$year" ) == true) } } val link = fixUrl(script?.third ?: return, m4uhdAPI) val request = app.get(link) var cookiesSet = request.headers.filter { it.first == "set-cookie" } var xsrf = cookiesSet.find { it.second.contains("XSRF-TOKEN") }?.second?.substringAfter("XSRF-TOKEN=") ?.substringBefore(";") var session = cookiesSet.find { it.second.contains("laravel_session") }?.second?.substringAfter("laravel_session=") ?.substringBefore(";") val doc = request.document val token = doc.selectFirst("meta[name=csrf-token]")?.attr("content") val m4uData = if (season == null) {"div.le-server span").map { it.attr("data") } } else { val episodeData = doc.selectFirst("div.col-lg-9.col-xl-9 p:matches((?i)S0?$season-E0?$episode$)") ?: return val idepisode ="button").attr("idepisode") ?: return val requestEmbed = "$m4uhdAPI/ajaxtv", data = mapOf( "idepisode" to idepisode, "_token" to "$token" ), referer = link, headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", ), cookies = mapOf( "laravel_session" to "$session", "XSRF-TOKEN" to "$xsrf", ) ) cookiesSet = requestEmbed.headers.filter { it.first == "set-cookie" } xsrf = cookiesSet.find { it.second.contains("XSRF-TOKEN") }?.second?.substringAfter("XSRF-TOKEN=") ?.substringBefore(";") session = cookiesSet.find { it.second.contains("laravel_session") }?.second?.substringAfter("laravel_session=") ?.substringBefore(";")"div.le-server span").map { it.attr("data") } } m4uData.apmap { data -> val iframe = "$m4uhdAPI/ajax", data = mapOf( "m4u" to data, "_token" to "$token" ), referer = link, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", ), cookies = mapOf( "laravel_session" to "$session", "XSRF-TOKEN" to "$xsrf", ), )"iframe").attr("src") loadExtractor(iframe, m4uhdAPI, subtitleCallback, callback) } } suspend fun invokeTvMovies( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val url = if (season == null) { "$tvMoviesAPI/show/$fixTitle" } else { "$tvMoviesAPI/show/index-of-$fixTitle" } val server = getTvMoviesServer(url, season, episode) ?: return val videoData = extractCovyn(server.second ?: return) val quality = Regex("(\\d{3,4})p").find(server.first)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.toIntOrNull() callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "TVMovies", "TVMovies [${videoData?.second}]", videoData?.first ?: return, "", quality ?: Qualities.Unknown.value ) ) } private suspend fun invokeCrunchyroll( aniId: Int? = null, malId: Int? = null, epsTitle: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val id = getCrunchyrollId("${aniId ?: return}") ?: getCrunchyrollIdFromMalSync("${malId ?: return}") ?: return val audioLocal = listOf( "ja-JP", "en-US", "zh-CN", ) val headers = getCrunchyrollToken() val seasonIdData = app.get( "$crunchyrollAPI/content/v2/cms/series/${id ?: return}/seasons", headers = headers ) .parsedSafe()?.data?.let { s -> if (s.size == 1) { s.firstOrNull() } else { s.find { when (epsTitle) { "One Piece" -> it.season_number == 13 "Hunter x Hunter" -> it.season_number == 5 else -> it.season_number == season } } ?: s.find { it.season_number?.plus(1) == season } } } val seasonId = seasonIdData?.versions?.filter { it.audio_locale in audioLocal } ?.map { it.guid to it.audio_locale } ?: listOf(seasonIdData?.id to "ja-JP") seasonId.apmap { (sId, audioL) -> val streamsLink = app.get( "$crunchyrollAPI/content/v2/cms/seasons/${sId ?: return@apmap}/episodes", headers = headers ).parsedSafe()?.data?.find { it.title.equals(epsTitle, true) || it.slug_title.equals( epsTitle.createSlug(), true ) || it.episode_number == episode }?.streams_link val sources = app.get(fixUrl(streamsLink ?: return@apmap, crunchyrollAPI), headers = headers) .parsedSafe() listOf( "adaptive_hls", "vo_adaptive_hls" ).map { hls -> val name = if (hls == "adaptive_hls") "Crunchyroll" else "Vrv" val audio = if (audioL == "en-US") "English Dub" else "Raw" val source = sources?.data?.firstOrNull()?.let { if (hls == "adaptive_hls") it.adaptive_hls else it.vo_adaptive_hls } M3u8Helper.generateM3u8( "$name [$audio]", source?.get("")?.get("url") ?: return@map, "" ).forEach(callback) } sources?.meta?.subtitles?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( "${fixCrunchyrollLang(sub.key) ?: sub.key} [ass]", sub.value["url"] ?: return@map null ) ) } } } suspend fun invokeMoviesbay( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = "" val json = app.get(url, referer = "$moviesbayAPI/") .parsedSafe()?.values val media = json?.find { it.first() == "${title.createSlug()}-$year" } media?.filter { it.startsWith("") || it.startsWith("") } ?.apmap { val index = media.indexOf(it) val size = media[index.minus(1)] val quality = media[index.minus(2)] val qualityName = media[index.minus(3)] val link = if (it.startsWith("")) { getDirectGdrive(it) } else { it.removeSuffix("?a=view") } callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Moviesbay", "Moviesbay $qualityName [$size]", link, "", getQualityFromName(quality) ) ) } } suspend fun invokeMoviezAdd( apiUrl: String? = null, api: String? = null, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { invokeBloginguru(apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback) } suspend fun invokeBollyMaza( apiUrl: String? = null, api: String? = null, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { invokeBloginguru(apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback) } private suspend fun invokeBloginguru( apiUrl: String? = null, api: String? = null, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title?.createSlug()?.replace("-", " ") val doc = app.get("$apiUrl/?s=$fixTitle").document val matchMedia ="").map {"a").attr("href") to"a").text() }.find { if (season == null) { it.second.contains(Regex("(?i)($fixTitle)|($title)")) && it.first.contains("$year") } else { it.second.contains(Regex("(?i)($fixTitle)|($title)")) && it.second.contains(Regex("(?i)(Season\\s?$season)|(S0?$season)")) } } val mediaLink = app.get(matchMedia?.first ?: return).document.selectFirst("a#jake1")?.attr("href") val detailDoc = app.get(mediaLink ?: return).document val media = detailDoc.selectFirst("div.entry-content pre span")?.text() ?.split("|") ?.map { it.trim() } val iframe = (if (season == null) { media?.mapIndexed { index, name ->"div.entry-content > pre")[].selectFirst("a") ?.attr("href") to name } } else { media?.mapIndexed { index, name -> val linkMedia ="div.entry-content > pre")[].selectFirst("a") ?.attr("href") app.get( linkMedia ?: return@mapIndexed null ).document.selectFirst("div.entry-content strong:matches((?i)S0?${season}E0?${episode}) a") ?.attr("href") to name } })?.filter { it?.first?.startsWith("http") == true } iframe?.apmap { val token = app.get( it?.first ?: return@apmap null )"input[name=_csrf_token_645a83a41868941e4692aa31e7235f2]") .attr("value") val shortLink = it.first ?: return@apmap null, data = mapOf("_csrf_token_645a83a41868941e4692aa31e7235f2" to token) ).document.selectFirst("a[rel=nofollow]")?.attr("href") // val videoUrl = extractRebrandly(shortLink ?: return@apmapIndexed null ) val quality = Regex("(\\d{3,4})p").find(it.second)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.toIntOrNull() val qualityName = it.second.replace("${quality}p", "").trim() callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "$api", "$api $qualityName", shortLink ?: return@apmap null, "", quality ?: Qualities.Unknown.value ) ) } } suspend fun invokeRStream( id: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$rStreamAPI/e/?tmdb=$id" } else { "$rStreamAPI/e/?tmdb=$id&s=$season&e=$episode" } val res = app.get(url).text val link = Regex("\"file\":\"(http.*?)\"").find(res)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) ?: return delay(1000) if (!app.get(link, referer = rStreamAPI).isSuccessful) return callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "RStream", "RStream", link, rStreamAPI, Qualities.P720.value, link.contains(".m3u8") ) ) } suspend fun invokeFlixon( tmdbId: Int? = null, imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val onionUrl = "" val request = if (season == null) { val res = app.get("$flixonAPI/$imdbId", referer = onionUrl) if (res.text.contains("BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE") ) app.get("$flixonAPI/$imdbId-1", referer = onionUrl) else res } else { app.get("$flixonAPI/$tmdbId-$season-$episode", referer = onionUrl) } val script = request.document.selectFirst("script:containsData(= \"\";)")?.data() val collection = script?.substringAfter("= [")?.substringBefore("];") val num = script?.substringAfterLast("(value) -")?.substringBefore(");")?.trim()?.toInt() ?: return val iframe = collection?.split(",")?.map { it.trim().toInt() }?.map { nums -> nums.minus(num).toChar() }?.joinToString("")?.let { Jsoup.parse(it) }?.selectFirst("button.redirect") ?.attr("onclick") ?.substringAfter("('")?.substringBefore("')") delay(1000) val unPacker = app.get( iframe ?: return, referer = "$flixonAPI/" ).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(JuicyCodes.Run)") ?.data() ?.substringAfter("JuicyCodes.Run(")?.substringBefore(");")?.split("+") ?.joinToString("") { it.replace("\"", "").trim() } ?.let { getAndUnpack(base64Decode(it)) } val link = Regex("[\"']file[\"']:[\"'](.+?)[\"'],").find( unPacker ?: return )?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Flixon", "Flixon", link ?: return, "", Qualities.P720.value, link.contains(".m3u8") ) ) } suspend fun invokeMovie123Net( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val server = "" val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val m = app.get("$movie123NetAPI/searching?q=$title&limit=40") .parsedSafe()?.data?.find { if (season == null) { (it.t.equals(title, true) || it.t.createSlug() .equals(fixTitle)) && it.t?.contains("season", true) == false } else { it.t?.equals( "$title - Season $season", true ) == true || it.s?.contains("$fixTitle-season-$season-", true) == true } }?.s?.substringAfterLast("-") ?: return listOf( "1", "2" ).apmap { serverNum -> val media = "$movie123NetAPI/datas", requestBody = """{"m":$m,"e":${episode ?: 1},"s":$serverNum}""".toRequestBody( RequestBodyTypes.JSON.toMediaTypeOrNull() ) ).parsedSafe()?.url ?: return@apmap null val serverUrl = "$server/watch?v=$media" val token = app.get(serverUrl).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(setRequestHeader)") ?.data()?.let { Regex("\\('0x1f2'\\),'(\\S+?)'\\)").find(it)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) } ?: return@apmap null val videoUrl = "$server/data", requestBody = """{"doc":"$media"}""".toRequestBody( RequestBodyTypes.JSON.toMediaTypeOrNull() ), headers = mapOf( "x-csrf-token" to token ), ).parsedSafe()?.url ?: return@apmap null if (videoUrl.startsWith("https")) { loadExtractor(videoUrl, movie123NetAPI, subtitleCallback, callback) } else { callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "123Movies", "123Movies", fixUrl(base64Decode(videoUrl), server), serverUrl, Qualities.P720.value, true ) ) subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( "English", "$m-${episode ?: 1}.vtt" ) ) } } } suspend fun invokeSmashyStream( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, isAnime: Boolean = false, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$smashyStreamAPI/playere.php?imdb=$imdbId" } else { "$smashyStreamAPI/playere.php?imdb=$imdbId&season=$season&episode=$episode" } app.get( url, referer = "" )"div#_default-servers a.server").map { it.attr("data-id") to it.text() }.apmap { when { it.first.contains("/ffix") && !isAnime -> { invokeSmashyFfix(it.second, it.first, url, callback) } it.first.contains("/gtop") -> { invokeSmashyGtop(it.second, it.first, callback) } it.first.contains("/dude_tv") -> { invokeSmashyDude(it.second, it.first, callback) } it.first.contains("/rip") -> { invokeSmashyRip(it.second, it.first, subtitleCallback, callback) } it.first.contains("/im.php") && !isAnime -> { invokeSmashyIm(it.second, it.first, subtitleCallback, callback) } else -> return@apmap } } } //TODO only subs suspend fun invokeWatchsomuch( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, ) { val id = imdbId?.removePrefix("tt") val epsId = "$watchSomuchAPI/Watch/ajMovieTorrents.aspx", data = mapOf( "index" to "0", "mid" to "$id", "wsk" to "f6ea6cde-e42b-4c26-98d3-b4fe48cdd4fb", "lid" to "", "liu" to "" ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ).parsedSafe()?.movie?.torrents?.let { eps -> if (season == null) { eps.firstOrNull()?.id } else { eps.find { it.episode == episode && it.season == season }?.id } } ?: return val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) val subUrl = if (season == null) { "$watchSomuchAPI/Watch/ajMovieSubtitles.aspx?mid=$id&tid=$epsId&part=" } else { "$watchSomuchAPI/Watch/ajMovieSubtitles.aspx?mid=$id&tid=$epsId&part=S${seasonSlug}E${episodeSlug}" } app.get(subUrl) .parsedSafe()?.subtitles ?.map { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( sub.label ?: "", fixUrl(sub.url ?: return@map null, watchSomuchAPI) ) ) } } suspend fun invokeBaymovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val api = "" val key = base64DecodeAPI("ZW0=c3Q=c3k=b28=YWQ=Ymg=") val headers = mapOf( "Referer" to "$baymoviesAPI/", "Origin" to baymoviesAPI, "cf_cache_token" to "UKsVpQqBMxB56gBfhYKbfCVkRIXMh42pk6G4DdkXXoVh7j4BjV" ) val query = getIndexQuery(title, year, season, episode) val search = app.get( "$api/0:search?q=$query&page_token=&page_index=0", headers = headers ).text val media = searchIndex(title, season, episode, year, search) ?: return media.apmap { file -> val expiry = (System.currentTimeMillis() + 345600000).toString() val hmacSign = "${}@$expiry".encode() .hmacSha256(key.encode()).base64().replace("+", "-") val encryptedId = base64Encode(CryptoAES.encrypt(key, ?: return@apmap null).toByteArray()) val encryptedExpiry = base64Encode(CryptoAES.encrypt(key, expiry).toByteArray()) val worker = getConfig().workers.randomOrNull() ?: return@apmap null val link = "https://api.$$encryptedId&expiry=$encryptedExpiry&mac=$hmacSign" val size = file.size?.toDouble() ?: return@apmap null val sizeFile = "%.2f GB".format(bytesToGigaBytes(size)) val tags = Regex("\\d{3,4}[pP]\\.?(.*?)\\.(mkv|mp4)").find( ?: return@apmap null )?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.replace(".", " ")?.trim() ?: "" val quality = Regex("(\\d{3,4})[pP]").find( ?: Qualities.P1080.value callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Baymovies", "Baymovies $tags [$sizeFile]", link, "$baymoviesAPI/", quality, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeBlackmovies( apiUrl: String, api: String, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { invokeIndex( apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback, ) } suspend fun invokeRinzrymovies( apiUrl: String, api: String, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { invokeIndex( apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback, ) } suspend fun invokeCodexmovies( apiUrl: String, api: String, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, password: String = "", ) { invokeIndex( apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback, password, ) } suspend fun invokeEdithxmovies( apiUrl: String, api: String, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, password: String = "", ) { invokeIndex( apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback, password, ) } suspend fun invokeJmdkhMovies( apiUrl: String, api: String, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { invokeIndex( apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback, ) } suspend fun invokeRubyMovies( apiUrl: String, api: String, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { invokeIndex( apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback, ) } suspend fun invokeShinobiMovies( apiUrl: String, api: String, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { invokeIndex( apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback, ) } suspend fun invokeVitoenMovies( apiUrl: String, api: String, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { invokeIndex( apiUrl, api, title, year, season, episode, callback, ) } private suspend fun invokeIndex( apiUrl: String, api: String, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, password: String = "", ) { val passHeaders = mapOf( "Authorization" to password ) val query = getIndexQuery(title, year, season, episode).let { if (api in mkvIndex) "$it mkv" else it } val body = """{"q":"$query","password":null,"page_token":null,"page_index":0}""".toRequestBody( RequestBodyTypes.JSON.toMediaTypeOrNull() ) val data = mapOf( "q" to query, "page_token" to "", "page_index" to "0" ) val search = if (api in encodedIndex) { decodeIndexJson( if (api in lockedIndex) "${apiUrl}search", data = data, headers = passHeaders, referer = apiUrl ).text else "${apiUrl}search", data = data, referer = apiUrl ).text ) } else {"${apiUrl}search", requestBody = body, referer = apiUrl).text } val media = if (api in untrimmedIndex) searchIndex( title, season, episode, year, search, false ) else searchIndex(title, season, episode, year, search) media?.apmap { file -> val pathBody = """{"id":"${ ?: return@apmap null}"}""".toRequestBody( RequestBodyTypes.JSON.toMediaTypeOrNull() ) val pathData = mapOf( "id" to, ) val path = (if (api in encodedIndex) { if (api in lockedIndex) { "${apiUrl}id2path", data = pathData, headers = passHeaders, referer = apiUrl ) } else { "${apiUrl}id2path", data = pathData, referer = apiUrl ) } } else {"${apiUrl}id2path", requestBody = pathBody, referer = apiUrl) }).text.let { path -> if (api in ddomainIndex) { val worker = app.get( "${fixUrl(path, apiUrl).encodeUrl()}?a=view", referer = if (api in needRefererIndex) apiUrl else "" ).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(downloaddomain)")?.data() ?.substringAfter("\"downloaddomain\":\"")?.substringBefore("\",")?.let { "$it/0:" } fixUrl(path, worker ?: return@apmap null) } else { fixUrl(path, apiUrl) } }.encodeUrl() // removed due to rate limit // if (!app.get(path).isSuccessful) return@apmap null val size = "%.2f GB".format(bytesToGigaBytes(file.size?.toDouble() ?: return@apmap null)) val quality = getIndexQuality( val tags = getIndexQualityTags( callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( api, "$api $tags [$size]", path, if (api in needRefererIndex) apiUrl else "", quality, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeTgarMovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val query = getIndexQuery(title, year, season, episode) val files = app.get( "${encode(query)}&page=1", referer = tgarMovieAPI, timeout = 600L ).parsedSafe()?.documents?.filter { media -> matchingIndex(, media.mime_type, title, year, season, episode, true ) &&"XXX") == false } files?.map { file -> val size = "%.2f GB".format(bytesToGigaBytes(file.size ?: return@map null)) val quality = getIndexQuality( val tags = getIndexQualityTags( callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "TgarMovies", "TgarMovies $tags [$size]", "${file._id}", "$tgarMovieAPI/", quality, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeGdbotMovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val query = getIndexQuery(title, null, season, episode) val files = app.get("$gdbot/search?q=$query")"ul.divide-y li").map { Triple("a").attr("href"),"a").text(),"span").text() ) }.filter { matchingIndex( it.second, null, title, year, season, episode, ) }.sortedByDescending { it.third.getFileSize() } files.let { file -> listOfNotNull( file.find { it.second.contains("2160p", true) }, file.find { it.second.contains("1080p", true) } ) }.apmap { file -> val videoUrl = extractGdflix(file.first) val quality = getIndexQuality(file.second) val tags = getIndexQualityTags(file.second) val size = Regex("(\\d+\\.?\\d+\\sGB|MB)").find(file.third)?.groupValues?.get(0)?.trim() callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "GdbotMovies", "GdbotMovies $tags [$size]", videoUrl ?: return@apmap null, "", quality, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeDahmerMovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$dahmerMoviesAPI/movies/${title?.replace(":", "")} ($year)/" } else { "$dahmerMoviesAPI/tvs/${title?.replace(":", " -")}/Season $season/" } val request = app.get(url) if (!request.isSuccessful) return val paths ="tr.file").map { Triple("a").text(),"a").attr("href"),"size").text(), ) }.filter { if (season == null) { it.first.contains(Regex("(?i)(1080p|2160p)")) } else { val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) it.first.contains(Regex("(?i)S${seasonSlug}E${episodeSlug}")) } }.ifEmpty { return } { val quality = getIndexQuality(it.first) val tags = getIndexQualityTags(it.first) val size = "%.2f GB".format(bytesToGigaBytes(it.third.toDouble())) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "DahmerMovies", "DahmerMovies $tags [$size]", (url + it.second).encodeUrl(), "", quality, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeGomovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) val query = if (season == null) { title } else { "$title Season $season" } val doc = app.get("$gomoviesAPI/search/$query").document val media ="div._gory div.g_yFsxmKnYLvpKDTrdbizeYMWy").map { Triple( it.attr("data-filmName"), it.attr("data-year"),"a").attr("href") ) }.let { el -> if (el.size == 1) { el.firstOrNull() } else { el.find { if (season == null) { (it.first.equals(title, true) || it.first.equals( "$title ($year)", true )) && it.second.equals("$year") } else { it.first.equals("$title - Season $season", true) } } } ?: el.find { it.first.contains("$title", true) && it.second.equals("$year") } } ?: return val iframe = if (season == null) { media.third } else { app.get( fixUrl( media.third, gomoviesAPI ) ).document.selectFirst("div#g_MXOzFGouZrOAUioXjpddqkZK a:contains(Episode $episodeSlug)") ?.attr("href") } ?: return val res = app.get(fixUrl(iframe, gomoviesAPI), verify = false) val match = "var url = '(/user/servers/.*?\\?ep=.*?)';".toRegex().find(res.text) val serverUrl = match?.groupValues?.get(1) ?: return val cookies = res.okhttpResponse.headers.getGomoviesCookies() val url ="meta[property=og:url]").attr("content") val headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") val qualities = intArrayOf(2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 480, 360) app.get( "$gomoviesAPI$serverUrl", cookies = cookies, referer = url, headers = headers )"ul li").amap { el -> val server = el.attr("data-value") val encryptedData = app.get( "$url?server=$server&_=${System.currentTimeMillis()}", cookies = cookies, referer = url, headers = headers ).text val json = base64Decode(encryptedData).decryptGomoviesJson() val links = tryParseJson>(json) ?: return@amap links.forEach { video -> qualities.filter { it <= video.max.toInt() }.forEach { callback( ExtractorLink( "Gomovies", "Gomovies", video.src.split("360", limit = 3).joinToString(it.toString()), "$gomoviesAPI/", it, ) ) } } } } suspend fun invokeAsk4Movies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val query = if (season == null) { title } else { "$title season $season" } val mediaData = app.get("$ask4MoviesAPI/?s=$query")"div#search-content div.item").map { it.selectFirst("div.main-item a") } val media = if (mediaData.size == 1) { mediaData.firstOrNull() } else { mediaData.find { if (season == null) { it?.text().equals("$title ($year)", true) } else { it?.text().equals("$title (Season $season)", true) } } } val epsDoc = app.get(media?.attr("href") ?: return).document val iframe = if (season == null) {"div#player-embed iframe").attr("data-src") } else {" li:nth-child($episode) a").attr("data-embed-src") } loadExtractor(iframe, ask4MoviesAPI, subtitleCallback, callback) } suspend fun invokeWatchOnline( imdbId: String? = null, tmdbId: Int? = null, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val id = imdbId?.removePrefix("tt") val slug = title.createSlug() val url = if (season == null) { "$watchOnlineAPI/movies/view/$id-$slug-$year" } else { "$watchOnlineAPI/shows/view/$id-$slug-$year" } var res = app.get(url) if (res.code == 403) return if (!res.isSuccessful) res = searchWatchOnline(title, season, imdbId, tmdbId) ?: return val doc = res.document val episodeId = if (season == null) { doc.selectFirst("div.movie__buttons-items a")?.attr("data-watch-list-media-id") } else {"ul[data-season-episodes=$season] li").find {"div.episodes__number").text().equals("Episode $episode", true) }?.attr("data-id-episode") } ?: return val videoUrl = if (season == null) { "$watchOnlineAPI/api/v1/security/movie-access?id_movie=$episodeId" } else { "$watchOnlineAPI/api/v1/security/episode-access?id=$episodeId" } val json = app.get(videoUrl, referer = url).parsedSafe() json?.streams?.mapKeys { source -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "WatchOnline", "WatchOnline", source.value, "$watchOnlineAPI/", getQualityFromName(source.key), true ) ) } argamap( { invokeMonster( res.url.substringAfterLast("/"), episodeId, season, callback ) }, { val subtitles = json?.subtitles as ArrayList> { sub -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( sub["language"] ?: return@map, fixUrl(sub["url"] ?: return@map, watchOnlineAPI) ) ) } }) } private suspend fun invokeMonster( urlSlug: String? = null, episodeId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val monsterMainUrl = "" val playSlug = if (season == null) { "movies/play/$urlSlug" } else { "shows/play/$urlSlug" } val sid = "9k9iupt5sebbnfajrc6ti3ht7l" val sec = "1974bc4a902c4d69fcbab261dcec69094a9b8164" val url = "$monsterMainUrl/$playSlug?mid=1&sid=$sid&sec=$sec&t=${System.currentTimeMillis()}" val res = app.get(url).document val script = res.selectFirst("script:containsData(window['show_storage'])")?.data() val hash = Regex("hash:\\s*['\"](\\S+)['\"],").find(script ?: return)?.groupValues?.get(1) val expires = Regex("expires:\\s*(\\d+),").find(script)?.groupValues?.get(1) val videoUrl = if (season == null) { "$monsterMainUrl/api/v1/security/movie-access?id_movie=$episodeId&hash=$hash&expires=$expires" } else { "$monsterMainUrl/api/v1/security/episode-access?id_episode=$episodeId&hash=$hash&expires=$expires" } app.get(videoUrl, referer = url) .parsedSafe()?.streams?.mapKeys { source -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "WatchOnline", "WatchOnline", source.value, "$monsterMainUrl/", getQualityFromName(source.key), true ) ) } } suspend fun invokeNinetv( tmdbId: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val url = if (season == null) { "$nineTvAPI/movie/$tmdbId" } else { "$nineTvAPI/tv/$tmdbId-$season-$episode" } val iframe = app.get(url, referer = "").document.selectFirst("iframe")?.attr("src") ?: return loadExtractor(iframe, "$nineTvAPI/", subtitleCallback, callback) } suspend fun invokePutlocker( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val query = if (season == null) { title } else { "$title - season $season" } val res = app.get("$putlockerAPI/movie/search/$query").document val scripData ="div.movies-list").map { it.selectFirst("h2")?.text() to it.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href") } val script = if (scripData.size == 1) { scripData.first() } else { scripData.find { if (season == null) { it.first.equals(title, true) || (it.first?.contains( "$title", true ) == true && it.first?.contains("$year") == true) } else { it.first?.contains("$title", true) == true && it.first?.contains( "Season $season", true ) == true } } } val id = fixUrl(script?.second ?: return).split("-").lastOrNull()?.removeSuffix("/") val iframe = app.get("$putlockerAPI/ajax/movie_episodes/$id") .parsedSafe()?.html?.let { Jsoup.parse(it) }?.let { server -> if (season == null) {"div.les-content a").map { it.attr("data-id") to it.attr("data-server") } } else {"div.les-content a").map { it } .filter { it.text().contains("Episode $episode", true) }.map { it.attr("data-id") to it.attr("data-server") } } } iframe?.apmap { delay(3000) val embedUrl = app.get("$putlockerAPI/ajax/movie_embed/${it.first}") .parsedSafe()?.src ?: return@apmap null val sources = extractPutlockerSources(embedUrl)?.parsedSafe() argamap( { sources?.callback(embedUrl, "Server ${it.second}", callback) }, { if (!sources?.backupLink.isNullOrBlank()) { extractPutlockerSources(sources?.backupLink)?.parsedSafe() ?.callback( embedUrl, "Backup ${it.second}", callback ) } else { return@argamap } }, ) } } suspend fun invokeShivamhw( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) val url = if (season == null) { "$shivamhwAPI/search?search_box=$title&release_year=$year" } else { "$shivamhwAPI/api/series_search?search_box=$title&sess_nm=$seasonSlug&epi_nm=$episodeSlug" } val res = app.get(url) val media = if (season == null) {"table.rwd-table tr").map { Triple("td[data-th=File Name]").text(),"td[data-th=Size]").text(), it.selectFirst("div.download_button.pls_wait > a")?.attr("href") ) } } else { tryParseJson>(res.text)?.map { Triple(, it.size, it.stream_link, ) } } media?.filter { matchingIndex( it.first, null, title, year, season, episode, false ) }?.sortedByDescending { it.second.getFileSize() }?.apmap { source -> val quality = getIndexQuality(source.first) val tags = getIndexQualityTags(source.first) val video = source.third if (!app.get( video ?: return@apmap, referer = "$shivamhwAPI/" ).isSuccessful ) return@apmap callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Shivamhw", "Shivamhw $tags [${source.second}]", video, "$shivamhwAPI/", quality, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeCryMovies( imdbId: String? = null, title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { app.get("${cryMoviesAPI}/stream/movie/$imdbId.json") .parsedSafe()?.streams?.filter { matchingIndex( it.title, null, title, year, season, episode, false ) }?.apmap { stream -> val quality = getIndexQuality(stream.title) val tags = getIndexQualityTags(stream.title) val size = getIndexSize(stream.title) val headers = stream.behaviorHints?.proxyHeaders?.request ?: mapOf() if(!app.get(stream.url ?: return@apmap, headers = headers).isSuccessful) return@apmap callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "CryMovies", "CryMovies $tags [${size}]", stream.url, "", quality, headers = headers ) ) } } suspend fun invokeNowTv( tmdbId: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val referer = "" val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) val url = if(season == null) "$nowTvAPI/$tmdbId.mp4" else "$nowTvAPI/tv/$tmdbId/s${season}e${episodeSlug}.mp4" if (!app.get(url, referer = referer).isSuccessful) return callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "NowTv", "NowTv", url, referer, Qualities.P1080.value, ) ) } suspend fun invokeRidomovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val iframe = app.get("$ridomoviesAPI/movies/${title.createSlug()}-watch-online-$year").document.selectFirst( "div.player-div iframe" )?.attr("data-src") val unpacked = getAndUnpack(app.get(iframe ?: return, referer = "$ridomoviesAPI/").text) val video = Regex("=\"(aHR.*?)\";").find(unpacked)?.groupValues?.get(1) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Ridomovies", "Ridomovies", base64Decode(video ?: return), "${getBaseUrl(iframe)}/", Qualities.P1080.value, isM3u8 = true ) ) } suspend fun invokeNavy( imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val res = app.get( "$navyAPI/play/$imdbId", referer = "$navyAPI/" ).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(player =)")?.data()?.substringAfter("{") ?.substringBefore(";")?.substringBefore(")") val json = tryParseJson("{${res ?: return}") val headers = mapOf( "X-CSRF-TOKEN" to "${json?.key}" ) val serverRes = app.get( fixUrl(json?.file ?: return, navyAPI), headers = headers, referer = "$navyAPI/" ).text.replace(Regex(""",\s*\[]"""), "") val server = tryParseJson>(serverRes).let { server -> if (season == null) { server?.find { it.title == "English" }?.file } else { server?.find {"$season") }?.folder?.find { it.episode.equals("$episode") }?.folder?.find { it.title.equals( "English" ) }?.file } } val path = "${navyAPI}/playlist/${server ?: return}.txt", headers = headers, referer = "$navyAPI/" ).text M3u8Helper.generateM3u8( "Navy", path, "${navyAPI}/" ).forEach(callback) } suspend fun invokeEmovies( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val slug = title.createSlug() val url = if (season == null) { "$emoviesAPI/watch-$slug-$year-1080p-hd-online-free/watching.html" } else { val first = "$emoviesAPI/watch-$slug-season-$season-$year-1080p-hd-online-free.html" val second = "$emoviesAPI/watch-$slug-$year-1080p-hd-online-free.html" if (app.get(first).isSuccessful) first else second } val res = app.get(url).document val id = (if (season == null) { res.selectFirst("select#selectServer option[sv=oserver]")?.attr("value") } else {"div.le-server a").find { val num = Regex("Episode (\\d+)").find(it.text())?.groupValues?.get(1)?.toIntOrNull() num == episode }?.attr("href") })?.substringAfter("id=")?.substringBefore("&") val server = app.get( "$emoviesAPI/ajax/v4_get_sources?s=oserver&id=${id ?: return}&_=${APIHolder.unixTimeMS}", headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest" ) ).parsedSafe()?.value val script = app.get(server ?: return, referer = "$emoviesAPI/").document.selectFirst("script:containsData(sources:)")?.data() ?: return val sources = Regex("sources:\\s*\\[(.*)],").find(script)?.groupValues?.get(1)?.let { tryParseJson>("[$it]") } val tracks = Regex("tracks:\\s*\\[(.*)],").find(script)?.groupValues?.get(1)?.let { tryParseJson>("[$it]") } sources?.map { source -> M3u8Helper.generateM3u8( "Emovies", source.file ?: return@map, "" ).forEach(callback) } tracks?.map { track -> subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( track.label ?: "", track.file ?: return@map, ) ) } } suspend fun invokeFourCartoon( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val fixTitle = title.createSlug() val headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest" ) val url = if (season == null) { "$fourCartoonAPI/movies/$fixTitle-$year" } else { "$fourCartoonAPI/episode/$fixTitle-season-$season-episode-$episode" } val document = app.get(url).document val id = document.selectFirst("input[name=idpost]")?.attr("value") val server = app.get( "$fourCartoonAPI/ajax-get-link-stream/?server=streamango&filmId=${id ?: return}", headers = headers ).text val hash = getAndUnpack(app.get(server, referer = fourCartoonAPI).text).substringAfter("(\"") .substringBefore("\",") val iframeUrl = getBaseUrl(server) val source = "$iframeUrl/player/index.php?data=$hash&do=getVideo", data = mapOf( "hast" to hash, "r" to "$fourCartoonAPI/", ), headers = headers ).parsedSafe()?.videoSource callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "4Cartoon", "4Cartoon", source ?: return, "$iframeUrl/", Qualities.P720.value, true, ) ) } }