package com.hexated import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invoke2embed import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeAllMovieland import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeAnimes import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeAoneroom import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeFilmxy import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeKimcartoon import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeVidSrc import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addTrailer import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.metaproviders.TmdbProvider import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeDahmerMovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeDoomovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeDotmovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeDramaday import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeDreamfilm import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeFDMovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeFlixon import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeGMovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeGoku import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeKisskh import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeLing import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeM4uhd import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeNinetv import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeNowTv import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeRStream import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeRidomovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeSmashyStream import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeDumpStream import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeEmovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeHdmovies4u import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeMultimovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeNetmovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeShowflix import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeTvMovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeUhdmovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeVegamovies import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeVidsrcto import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeCinemaTv import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeMoflix import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeGhostx import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeMoviefiction import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeWatchCartoon import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeWatchsomuch import com.hexated.SoraExtractor.invokeZshow import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addImdbId import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addTMDbId import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import kotlin.math.roundToInt open class SoraStream : TmdbProvider() { override var name = "SoraStream" override val hasMainPage = true override val instantLinkLoading = true override val useMetaLoadResponse = true override val hasQuickSearch = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Movie, TvType.TvSeries, TvType.Anime, ) val wpRedisInterceptor by lazy { CloudflareKiller() } val multiInterceptor by lazy { CloudflareKiller() } /** AUTHOR : Hexated & Sora */ companion object { /** TOOLS */ private const val tmdbAPI = "" const val gdbot = "" const val anilistAPI = "" const val malsyncAPI = "" const val jikanAPI = "" private const val apiKey = BuildConfig.TMDB_API /** ALL SOURCES */ const val twoEmbedAPI = "" const val vidSrcAPI = "" const val dreamfilmAPI = "" const val noverseAPI = "" const val filmxyAPI = "" const val kimcartoonAPI = "" const val aniwatchAPI = "" const val aniwaveAPI = "" const val crunchyrollAPI = "" const val kissKhAPI = "" const val lingAPI = "" const val m4uhdAPI = "" const val rStreamAPI = "" const val flixonAPI = "" const val smashyStreamAPI = "" const val watchSomuchAPI = "" // sub only const val cinemaTvAPI = BuildConfig.CINEMATV_API const val nineTvAPI = "" const val nowTvAPI = "" const val gokuAPI = "" const val zshowAPI = BuildConfig.ZSHOW_API const val ridomoviesAPI = "" const val emoviesAPI = "" const val multimoviesAPI = "" const val multimovies2API = "" const val netmoviesAPI = "" const val allmovielandAPI = "" const val doomoviesAPI = "" const val vidsrctoAPI = "" const val dramadayAPI = "" const val animetoshoAPI = "" const val showflixAPI = "" const val aoneroomAPI = "" const val mMoviesAPI = "" const val watchCartoonAPI = "" const val moflixAPI = "" const val moviefictionAPI = "" const val fdMoviesAPI = "" const val uhdmoviesAPI = "" const val gMoviesAPI = "" const val hdmovies4uAPI = "" const val vegaMoviesAPI = "" const val dotmoviesAPI = "" const val tvMoviesAPI = "" const val dahmerMoviesAPI = "" fun getType(t: String?): TvType { return when (t) { "movie" -> TvType.Movie else -> TvType.TvSeries } } fun getStatus(t: String?): ShowStatus { return when (t) { "Returning Series" -> ShowStatus.Ongoing else -> ShowStatus.Completed } } } override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "$tmdbAPI/trending/all/day?api_key=$apiKey®ion=US" to "Trending", "$tmdbAPI/movie/popular?api_key=$apiKey®ion=US" to "Popular Movies", "$tmdbAPI/tv/popular?api_key=$apiKey®ion=US&with_original_language=en" to "Popular TV Shows", "$tmdbAPI/tv/airing_today?api_key=$apiKey®ion=US&with_original_language=en" to "Airing Today TV Shows", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_networks=213" to "Netflix", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_networks=1024" to "Amazon", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_networks=2739" to "Disney+", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_networks=453" to "Hulu", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_networks=2552" to "Apple TV+", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_networks=49" to "HBO", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_networks=4330" to "Paramount+", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_networks=3353" to "Peacock", "$tmdbAPI/movie/top_rated?api_key=$apiKey®ion=US" to "Top Rated Movies", "$tmdbAPI/tv/top_rated?api_key=$apiKey®ion=US" to "Top Rated TV Shows", "$tmdbAPI/movie/upcoming?api_key=$apiKey®ion=US" to "Upcoming Movies", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_original_language=ko" to "Korean Shows", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_keywords=210024|222243&sort_by=popularity.desc&air_date.lte=${getDate().today}&air_date.gte=${getDate().today}" to "Airing Today Anime", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_keywords=210024|222243&sort_by=popularity.desc&air_date.lte=${getDate().nextWeek}&air_date.gte=${getDate().today}" to "On The Air Anime", "$tmdbAPI/discover/tv?api_key=$apiKey&with_keywords=210024|222243" to "Anime", "$tmdbAPI/discover/movie?api_key=$apiKey&with_keywords=210024|222243" to "Anime Movies", ) private fun getImageUrl(link: String?): String? { if (link == null) return null return if (link.startsWith("/")) "$link" else link } private fun getOriImageUrl(link: String?): String? { if (link == null) return null return if (link.startsWith("/")) "$link" else link } override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { val adultQuery = if (settingsForProvider.enableAdult) "" else "&without_keywords=190370|13059|226161|195669" val type = if ("/movie")) "movie" else "tv" val home = app.get("${}$adultQuery&page=$page") .parsedSafe()?.results?.mapNotNull { media -> media.toSearchResponse(type) } ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("Invalid Json reponse") return newHomePageResponse(, home) } private fun Media.toSearchResponse(type: String? = null): SearchResponse? { return newMovieSearchResponse( title ?: name ?: originalTitle ?: return null, Data(id = id, type = mediaType ?: type).toJson(), TvType.Movie, ) { this.posterUrl = getImageUrl(posterPath) } } override suspend fun quickSearch(query: String): List? = search(query) override suspend fun search(query: String): List? { return app.get("$tmdbAPI/search/multi?api_key=$apiKey&language=en-US&query=$query&page=1&include_adult=${settingsForProvider.enableAdult}") .parsedSafe()?.results?.mapNotNull { media -> media.toSearchResponse() } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse? { val data = parseJson(url) val type = getType(data.type) val append = "alternative_titles,credits,external_ids,keywords,videos,recommendations" val resUrl = if (type == TvType.Movie) { "$tmdbAPI/movie/${}?api_key=$apiKey&append_to_response=$append" } else { "$tmdbAPI/tv/${}?api_key=$apiKey&append_to_response=$append" } val res = app.get(resUrl).parsedSafe() ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("Invalid Json Response") val title = res.title ?: ?: return null val poster = getOriImageUrl(res.posterPath) val bgPoster = getOriImageUrl(res.backdropPath) val orgTitle = res.originalTitle ?: res.originalName ?: return null val releaseDate = res.releaseDate ?: res.firstAirDate val year = releaseDate?.split("-")?.first()?.toIntOrNull() val rating = res.vote_average.toString().toRatingInt() val genres = res.genres?.mapNotNull { } val isCartoon = genres?.contains("Animation") ?: false val isAnime = isCartoon && (res.original_language == "zh" || res.original_language == "ja") val isAsian = !isAnime && (res.original_language == "zh" || res.original_language == "ko") val isBollywood = res.production_countries?.any { == "India" } ?: false val keywords = res.keywords?.results?.mapNotNull { }.orEmpty() .ifEmpty { res.keywords?.keywords?.mapNotNull { } } val actors = res.credits?.cast?.mapNotNull { cast -> ActorData( Actor( ?: cast.originalName ?: return@mapNotNull null, getImageUrl(cast.profilePath) ), roleString = cast.character ) } ?: return null val recommendations = res.recommendations?.results?.mapNotNull { media -> media.toSearchResponse() } val trailer = res.videos?.results?.map { "${it.key}" } return if (type == TvType.TvSeries) { val lastSeason = res.last_episode_to_air?.season_number val episodes = res.seasons?.mapNotNull { season -> app.get("$tmdbAPI/${data.type}/${}/season/${season.seasonNumber}?api_key=$apiKey") .parsedSafe()?.episodes?.map { eps -> Episode( LinkData(, res.external_ids?.imdb_id, res.external_ids?.tvdb_id, data.type, eps.seasonNumber, eps.episodeNumber, title = title, year = season.airDate?.split("-")?.first()?.toIntOrNull(), orgTitle = orgTitle, isAnime = isAnime, airedYear = year, lastSeason = lastSeason, epsTitle =, jpTitle = res.alternative_titles?.results?.find { it.iso_3166_1 == "JP" }?.title, date = season.airDate, airedDate = res.releaseDate ?: res.firstAirDate, isAsian = isAsian, isBollywood = isBollywood, isCartoon = isCartoon ).toJson(), name = + if (isUpcoming(eps.airDate)) " • [UPCOMING]" else "", season = eps.seasonNumber, episode = eps.episodeNumber, posterUrl = getImageUrl(eps.stillPath), rating = eps.voteAverage?.times(10)?.roundToInt(), description = eps.overview ).apply { this.addDate(eps.airDate) } } }?.flatten() ?: listOf() newTvSeriesLoadResponse( title, url, if (isAnime) TvType.Anime else TvType.TvSeries, episodes ) { this.posterUrl = poster this.backgroundPosterUrl = bgPoster this.year = year this.plot = res.overview this.tags = keywords.takeIf { !it.isNullOrEmpty() } ?: genres this.rating = rating this.showStatus = getStatus(res.status) this.recommendations = recommendations this.actors = actors this.contentRating = fetchContentRating(, "US") addTrailer(trailer) addTMDbId( addImdbId(res.external_ids?.imdb_id) } } else { newMovieLoadResponse( title, url, TvType.Movie, LinkData(, res.external_ids?.imdb_id, res.external_ids?.tvdb_id, data.type, title = title, year = year, orgTitle = orgTitle, isAnime = isAnime, jpTitle = res.alternative_titles?.results?.find { it.iso_3166_1 == "JP" }?.title, airedDate = res.releaseDate ?: res.firstAirDate, isAsian = isAsian, isBollywood = isBollywood ).toJson(), ) { this.posterUrl = poster this.backgroundPosterUrl = bgPoster this.comingSoon = isUpcoming(releaseDate) this.year = year this.plot = res.overview this.duration = res.runtime this.tags = keywords.takeIf { !it.isNullOrEmpty() } ?: genres this.rating = rating this.recommendations = recommendations this.actors = actors this.contentRating = fetchContentRating(, "US") addTrailer(trailer) addTMDbId( addImdbId(res.external_ids?.imdb_id) } } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val res = parseJson(data) argamap( { invokeDumpStream( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { invokeGoku( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.lastSeason, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { invokeVidSrc(, res.season, res.episode, callback) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeAoneroom( res.title, res.airedYear ?: res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (res.isAnime) invokeAnimes( res.title, res.epsTitle,, res.airedDate, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeDreamfilm( res.title, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, // { // invokeNoverse(res.title, res.season, res.episode, callback) // }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeFilmxy( res.imdbId, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime && res.isCartoon) invokeKimcartoon( res.title, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime && res.isCartoon) invokeWatchCartoon( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeVidsrcto( res.imdbId, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (res.isAsian || res.isAnime) invokeKisskh( res.title, res.season, res.episode, res.isAnime, res.lastSeason, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeGhostx( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeLing( res.title, res.airedYear ?: res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeUhdmovies( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeGMovies( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeFDMovies(res.title, res.season, res.episode, callback) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeM4uhd( res.title, res.airedYear ?: res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeTvMovies(res.title, res.season, res.episode, callback) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeRStream(, res.season, res.episode, callback) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeFlixon(, res.imdbId, res.season, res.episode, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeSmashyStream(, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeWatchsomuch( res.imdbId, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeNinetv(, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { invokeDahmerMovies(res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, callback) }, { invokeCinemaTv( res.imdbId, res.title, res.airedYear ?: res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeNowTv(, res.imdbId, res.season, res.episode, callback) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeRidomovies(, res.imdbId, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeAllMovieland(res.imdbId, res.season, res.episode, callback) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeEmovies( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeVegamovies( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.lastSeason, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime && res.isBollywood) invokeDotmovies( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.lastSeason, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (res.isBollywood) invokeMultimovies( multimoviesAPI, res.title, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (res.isBollywood) invokeMultimovies( multimovies2API, res.title, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { invokeNetmovies( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime && res.season == null) invokeDoomovies( res.title, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (res.isAsian) invokeDramaday( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invoke2embed( res.imdbId, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeHdmovies4u( res.title, res.imdbId, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { invokeZshow( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeShowflix( res.title, res.year, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback ) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeMoflix(, res.season, res.episode, callback) }, { if (!res.isAnime) invokeMoviefiction(res.title, res.season, res.episode, subtitleCallback, callback) }, ) return true } data class LinkData( val id: Int? = null, val imdbId: String? = null, val tvdbId: Int? = null, val type: String? = null, val season: Int? = null, val episode: Int? = null, val aniId: String? = null, val animeId: String? = null, val title: String? = null, val year: Int? = null, val orgTitle: String? = null, val isAnime: Boolean = false, val airedYear: Int? = null, val lastSeason: Int? = null, val epsTitle: String? = null, val jpTitle: String? = null, val date: String? = null, val airedDate: String? = null, val isAsian: Boolean = false, val isBollywood: Boolean = false, val isCartoon: Boolean = false, ) data class Data( val id: Int? = null, val type: String? = null, val aniId: String? = null, val malId: Int? = null, ) data class Results( @JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class Media( @JsonProperty("id") val id: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, @JsonProperty("title") val title: String? = null, @JsonProperty("original_title") val originalTitle: String? = null, @JsonProperty("media_type") val mediaType: String? = null, @JsonProperty("poster_path") val posterPath: String? = null, ) data class Genres( @JsonProperty("id") val id: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, ) data class Keywords( @JsonProperty("id") val id: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, ) data class KeywordResults( @JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), @JsonProperty("keywords") val keywords: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class Seasons( @JsonProperty("id") val id: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, @JsonProperty("season_number") val seasonNumber: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("air_date") val airDate: String? = null, ) data class Cast( @JsonProperty("id") val id: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, @JsonProperty("original_name") val originalName: String? = null, @JsonProperty("character") val character: String? = null, @JsonProperty("known_for_department") val knownForDepartment: String? = null, @JsonProperty("profile_path") val profilePath: String? = null, ) data class Episodes( @JsonProperty("id") val id: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, @JsonProperty("overview") val overview: String? = null, @JsonProperty("air_date") val airDate: String? = null, @JsonProperty("still_path") val stillPath: String? = null, @JsonProperty("vote_average") val voteAverage: Double? = null, @JsonProperty("episode_number") val episodeNumber: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("season_number") val seasonNumber: Int? = null, ) data class MediaDetailEpisodes( @JsonProperty("episodes") val episodes: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class Trailers( @JsonProperty("key") val key: String? = null, ) data class ResultsTrailer( @JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class AltTitles( @JsonProperty("iso_3166_1") val iso_3166_1: String? = null, @JsonProperty("title") val title: String? = null, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null, ) data class ResultsAltTitles( @JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class ExternalIds( @JsonProperty("imdb_id") val imdb_id: String? = null, @JsonProperty("tvdb_id") val tvdb_id: Int? = null, ) data class Credits( @JsonProperty("cast") val cast: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class ResultsRecommendations( @JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class LastEpisodeToAir( @JsonProperty("episode_number") val episode_number: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("season_number") val season_number: Int? = null, ) data class ProductionCountries( @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, ) data class MediaDetail( @JsonProperty("id") val id: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("imdb_id") val imdbId: String? = null, @JsonProperty("title") val title: String? = null, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, @JsonProperty("original_title") val originalTitle: String? = null, @JsonProperty("original_name") val originalName: String? = null, @JsonProperty("poster_path") val posterPath: String? = null, @JsonProperty("backdrop_path") val backdropPath: String? = null, @JsonProperty("release_date") val releaseDate: String? = null, @JsonProperty("first_air_date") val firstAirDate: String? = null, @JsonProperty("overview") val overview: String? = null, @JsonProperty("runtime") val runtime: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("vote_average") val vote_average: Any? = null, @JsonProperty("original_language") val original_language: String? = null, @JsonProperty("status") val status: String? = null, @JsonProperty("genres") val genres: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), @JsonProperty("keywords") val keywords: KeywordResults? = null, @JsonProperty("last_episode_to_air") val last_episode_to_air: LastEpisodeToAir? = null, @JsonProperty("seasons") val seasons: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), @JsonProperty("videos") val videos: ResultsTrailer? = null, @JsonProperty("external_ids") val external_ids: ExternalIds? = null, @JsonProperty("credits") val credits: Credits? = null, @JsonProperty("recommendations") val recommendations: ResultsRecommendations? = null, @JsonProperty("alternative_titles") val alternative_titles: ResultsAltTitles? = null, @JsonProperty("production_countries") val production_countries: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) }