several fix

This commit is contained in:
hexated 2023-01-14 16:40:35 +07:00
parent 730556f5de
commit 7f83b0e73e
24 changed files with 479 additions and 372 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 5
version = 6
cloudstream {

View file

@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ class AnimeIndoProvider : MainAPI() {
companion object {
private const val jikanAPI = ""
fun getType(t: String): TvType {
return if (t.contains("OVA", true) || t.contains("Special")) TvType.OVA
else if (t.contains("Movie", true)) TvType.AnimeMovie
@ -147,13 +145,7 @@ class AnimeIndoProvider : MainAPI() {
val status = getStatus(document.selectFirst(" > div.spe > span:nth-child(1)")!!.ownText().trim())
val description ="div[itemprop=description] > p").text()
val malId = app.get("${jikanAPI}/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&type=$type&limit=1")
val anilistId =
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(title, type, year)
val trailer = document.selectFirst("div.player-embed iframe")?.attr("src")
val episodes ="div.lstepsiode.listeps ul li").mapNotNull {
val header = it.selectFirst("span.lchx > a") ?: return@mapNotNull null
@ -164,13 +156,14 @@ class AnimeIndoProvider : MainAPI() {
return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, getType(type)) {
engName = title
posterUrl = poster
posterUrl = image ?: poster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: poster
this.year = year
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes)
showStatus = status
plot = description
this.tags = tags
@ -199,24 +192,41 @@ class AnimeIndoProvider : MainAPI() {
return true
data class Data(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<Data>? = arrayListOf(),
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class DataAni(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null,
data class AniSearch(
@JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 4
version = 5
cloudstream {

View file

@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ class AnimeSailProvider : MainAPI() {
companion object {
private const val jikanAPI = ""
fun getType(t: String): TvType {
return if (t.contains("OVA", true) || t.contains("Special")) TvType.OVA
else if (t.contains("Movie", true)) TvType.AnimeMovie
@ -111,16 +109,11 @@ class AnimeSailProvider : MainAPI() {
val title = document.selectFirst("h1.entry-title")?.text().toString()
.replace("Subtitle Indonesia", "").trim()
val poster = document.selectFirst("div.entry-content > img")?.attr("src")
val type ="tbody th:contains(Tipe)").next().text().lowercase()
val year ="tbody th:contains(Dirilis)").next().text().trim().toIntOrNull()
val malId = app.get("${jikanAPI}/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&type=$type&limit=1")
val anilistId =
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(title, type, year)
val episodes ="ul.daftar > li").map {
val episode = Regex("Episode\\s?([0-9]+)").find(
@ -131,7 +124,8 @@ class AnimeSailProvider : MainAPI() {
return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, getType(type)) {
posterUrl = document.selectFirst("div.entry-content > img")?.attr("src")
posterUrl = image ?: poster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: poster
this.year = year
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes)
showStatus =
@ -139,7 +133,7 @@ class AnimeSailProvider : MainAPI() {
plot = document.selectFirst("div.entry-content > p")?.text()
this.tags ="tbody th:contains(Genre)").next().select("a").map { it.text() }
@ -208,24 +202,41 @@ class AnimeSailProvider : MainAPI() {
return true
data class Data(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<Data>? = arrayListOf(),
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class DataAni(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null,
data class AniSearch(
@JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 2
version = 3
cloudstream {

View file

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ class Gomunimeis : MainAPI() {
companion object {
private const val jikanAPI = ""
private const val mainImageUrl = ""
fun getType(t: String): TvType {
@ -101,15 +100,7 @@ class Gomunimeis : MainAPI() {
val status = getStatus(document.selectFirst(".spe > span")!!.ownText())
val description ="div[itemprop = description] > p").text()
val malId = app.get("${jikanAPI}/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&type=$type&limit=1")
val anilistId =
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(title, type, year)
val episodes =".eplister > ul > li").map {
val episode = Regex("Episode\\s?([0-9]+)").find(".epl-title").text()
@ -120,11 +111,12 @@ class Gomunimeis : MainAPI() {
return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, getType(type)) {
engName = title
posterUrl = poster
posterUrl = image ?: poster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: poster
this.year = year
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes)
showStatus = status
plot = description
this.tags = tags
@ -151,6 +143,43 @@ class Gomunimeis : MainAPI() {
return true
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
data class AniSearch(
@JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),
data class Streamsb(
@JsonProperty("link") val link: String?,
@ -175,24 +204,4 @@ class Gomunimeis : MainAPI() {
@JsonProperty("salt") val salt: String?,
data class Data(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<Data>? = arrayListOf(),
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class DataAni(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null,

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 6
version = 7
cloudstream {

View file

@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.*
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addAniListId
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addMalId
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.safeApiCall
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.suspendSafeApiCall
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import java.util.ArrayList
class KuramanimeProvider : MainAPI() {
override var mainUrl = ""
@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ class KuramanimeProvider : MainAPI() {
companion object {
private const val jikanAPI = ""
fun getType(t: String): TvType {
return if (t.contains("OVA", true) || t.contains("Special")) TvType.OVA
else if (t.contains("Movie", true)) TvType.AnimeMovie
@ -76,9 +74,9 @@ class KuramanimeProvider : MainAPI() {
val href = getProperAnimeLink(fixUrl(this.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href")))
val title = this.selectFirst("h5 a")?.text() ?: return null
val posterUrl = fixUrl("div.product__item__pic.set-bg").attr("data-setbg"))
val episode = Regex("([0-9*])\\s?/").find("div.ep span").text()
val episode ="div.ep span").text().let {
return newAnimeSearchResponse(title, href, TvType.Anime) {
this.posterUrl = posterUrl
@ -114,14 +112,7 @@ class KuramanimeProvider : MainAPI() {
val type = document.selectFirst("div.col-lg-6.col-md-6 ul li:contains(Tipe:) a")?.text()?.lowercase() ?: "tv"
val description =".anime__details__text > p").text().trim()
val malId = app.get("${jikanAPI}/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&type=$type&limit=1")
val anilistId =
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(title, type, year)
val episodes = mutableListOf<Episode>()
@ -148,12 +139,13 @@ class KuramanimeProvider : MainAPI() {
return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, getType(type)) {
engName = title
posterUrl = poster
posterUrl = image ?: poster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: poster
this.year = year
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes)
showStatus = status
plot = description
this.tags = tags
this.recommendations = recommendations
@ -217,24 +209,41 @@ class KuramanimeProvider : MainAPI() {
return true
data class Data(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<Data>? = arrayListOf(),
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class DataAni(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null,
data class AniSearch(
@JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 3
version = 4
cloudstream {

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.getQualityFromName
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import java.util.ArrayList
class KuronimeProvider : MainAPI() {
override var mainUrl = ""
@ -27,8 +28,6 @@ class KuronimeProvider : MainAPI() {
companion object {
private const val jikanAPI = ""
fun getType(t: String): TvType {
return if (t.contains("OVA", true) || t.contains("Special", true)) TvType.OVA
else if (t.contains("Movie", true)) TvType.AnimeMovie
@ -120,13 +119,7 @@ class KuronimeProvider : MainAPI() {
val year = Regex("\\d, ([0-9]*)").find(".infodetail > ul > li:nth-child(5)").text()
val malId = app.get("$jikanAPI/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&type=$type&limit=1")
val anilistId =
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(title, type, year)
val status = getStatus(
document.selectFirst(".infodetail > ul > li:nth-child(3)")!!.ownText()
.replace(Regex("\\W"), "")
@ -141,12 +134,13 @@ class KuronimeProvider : MainAPI() {
return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, getType(type)) {
engName = title
posterUrl = poster
posterUrl = image ?: poster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: poster
this.year = year
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes)
showStatus = status
plot = description
this.tags = tags
@ -206,24 +200,41 @@ class KuronimeProvider : MainAPI() {
return true
data class Data(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<Data>? = arrayListOf(),
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class DataAni(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null,
data class AniSearch(
@JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 13
version = 14
cloudstream {

View file

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ class Loklok : MainAPI() {
private val api = base64DecodeAPI("dg==LnQ=b2s=a2w=bG8=aS4=YXA=ZS0=aWw=b2I=LW0=Z2E=Ly8=czo=dHA=aHQ=")
private val apiUrl = "$api/${base64Decode("Y21zL2FwcA==")}"
private val searchApi = base64Decode("aHR0cHM6Ly9sb2tsb2suY29t")
private const val jikanAPI = ""
private const val mainImageUrl = ""
private fun base64DecodeAPI(api: String): String {
@ -175,22 +174,11 @@ class Loklok : MainAPI() {
val animeType = if(type == TvType.Anime && data.category == 0) "movie" else "tv"
val malId = if(type == TvType.Anime) {
} else {
val anilistId = if(malId != null) {
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
} else {
val (malId, anilistId) = if (type == TvType.Anime) getTracker(,
) else Tracker()
return newTvSeriesLoadResponse( ?: return null,
@ -204,7 +192,7 @@ class Loklok : MainAPI() {
this.plot = res.introduction
this.tags = res.tagNameList
this.rating = res.score.toRatingInt()
this.recommendations = recommendations
@ -271,6 +259,24 @@ class Loklok : MainAPI() {
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class UrlData(
val id: Any? = null,
val category: Int? = null,
@ -295,6 +301,25 @@ class Loklok : MainAPI() {
val subtitlingList: List<Subtitling>? = arrayListOf(),
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
data class AniSearch(
@JsonProperty("results") val results: java.util.ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),
data class QuickSearchData(
@JsonProperty("searchResults") val searchResults: ArrayList<Media>? = arrayListOf(),
@ -378,25 +403,5 @@ class Loklok : MainAPI() {
@JsonProperty("data") val data: Data? = null,
data class DataMal(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<DataMal>? = arrayListOf(),
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class DataAni(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null,

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 3
version = 4
cloudstream {

View file

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ class NeonimeProvider : MainAPI() {
companion object {
private const val jikanAPI = ""
fun getType(t: String): TvType {
return if (t.contains("OVA", true) || t.contains("Special", true)) TvType.OVA
else if (t.contains("Movie", true)) TvType.AnimeMovie
@ -122,27 +120,28 @@ class NeonimeProvider : MainAPI() {
if (url.contains("movie") || url.contains("live-action")) {
val mTitle = document.selectFirst(".sbox > .data > h1[itemprop = name]")?.text().toString().replace("Subtitle Indonesia", "").trim()
val mPoster = document.selectFirst(".sbox > .imagen > .fix > img[itemprop = image]")?.attr("data-src")
val mTrailer = document.selectFirst("div.youtube_id iframe")?.attr("data-wpfc-original-src")?.substringAfterLast("html#")?.let{ "$it"}
val year = document.selectFirst("a[href*=release-year]")!!.text().toIntOrNull()
val malId = getMalId(mTitle, year, "movie")
val anilistId = getAniId(malId)
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(mTitle, "movie", year)
return newMovieLoadResponse(name = mTitle, url = url, type = TvType.Movie, dataUrl = url) {
posterUrl = document.selectFirst(".sbox > .imagen > .fix > img[itemprop = image]")?.attr("data-src")
posterUrl = image ?: mPoster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: mPoster
this.year = year
plot ="div[itemprop = description]").text().trim()
rating ="span[itemprop = ratingValue]").text().toIntOrNull()
tags ="p.meta_dd > a").map { it.text() }
else {
val title ="h1[itemprop = name]").text().replace("Subtitle Indonesia", "").trim()
val poster = document.selectFirst(".imagen > img")?.attr("data-src")
val trailer = document.selectFirst("div.youtube_id_tv iframe")?.attr("data-wpfc-original-src")?.substringAfterLast("html#")?.let{ "$it"}
val year ="#info a[href*=\"-year/\"]").text().toIntOrNull()
val malId = getMalId(title, year, "tv")
val anilistId = getAniId(malId)
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(title, "tv", year)
val episodes ="ul.episodios > li").mapNotNull {
val header = it.selectFirst(".episodiotitle > a")?.ownText().toString()
val name = Regex("(Episode\\s?[0-9]+)").find(header)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(0) ?: header
@ -152,32 +151,20 @@ class NeonimeProvider : MainAPI() {
return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, TvType.Anime) {
engName = title
posterUrl = document.selectFirst(".imagen > img")?.attr("data-src")
posterUrl = image ?: poster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: poster
this.year = year
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes)
showStatus = getStatus("div.metadatac > span").last()!!.text().trim())
plot ="div[itemprop = description] > p").text().trim()
tags ="#info a[href*=\"-genre/\"]").map { it.text() }
private suspend fun getAniId(malId: String?) : String? {
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
private suspend fun getMalId(title: String?, year: Int?, type: String?) : String? {
return app.get("${jikanAPI}/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&type=$type&limit=1")
override suspend fun loadLinks(
data: String,
isCasting: Boolean,
@ -201,24 +188,41 @@ class NeonimeProvider : MainAPI() {
return true
data class Data(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<Data>? = arrayListOf(),
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class DataAni(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null,
data class AniSearch(
@JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 8
version = 9
cloudstream {

View file

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ class NontonAnimeIDProvider : MainAPI() {
companion object {
private const val jikanAPI = ""
fun getType(t: String): TvType {
return when {
t.contains("TV",true) -> TvType.Anime
@ -135,13 +133,7 @@ class NontonAnimeIDProvider : MainAPI() {
val description =".entry-content.seriesdesc > p").text().trim()
val trailer = document.selectFirst("a.trailerbutton")?.attr("href")
val malId = app.get("${jikanAPI}/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&type=$type&limit=1")
val anilistId =
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(title, type, year)
val episodes = if ("button.buttfilter").isNotEmpty()) {
val id ="input[name=series_id]").attr("value")
@ -189,13 +181,14 @@ class NontonAnimeIDProvider : MainAPI() {
return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, getType(type)) {
engName = title
posterUrl = poster
posterUrl = image ?: poster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: poster
this.year = year
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes)
showStatus = status
this.rating = rating
plot = description
this.tags = tags
@ -241,6 +234,43 @@ class NontonAnimeIDProvider : MainAPI() {
return true
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
data class AniSearch(
@JsonProperty("results") val results: java.util.ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),
private data class EpResponse(
@JsonProperty("posts") val posts: String?,
@JsonProperty("max_page") val max_page: Int?,
@ -248,23 +278,4 @@ class NontonAnimeIDProvider : MainAPI() {
@JsonProperty("content") val content: String
data class Data(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<Data>? = arrayListOf(),
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class DataAni(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null,

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 4
version = 5
cloudstream {

View file

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ class OploverzProvider : MainAPI() {
companion object {
private const val jikanAPI = ""
fun getType(t: String): TvType {
return when {
t.contains("TV") -> TvType.Anime
@ -146,13 +144,7 @@ class OploverzProvider : MainAPI() {
val description =".entry-content > p").text().trim()
val trailer = document.selectFirst("a.trailerbutton")?.attr("href")
val malId = app.get("${jikanAPI}/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&${typeCheck.lowercase()}&limit=1")
val anilistId =
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(title, typeCheck, year)
val episodes =".eplister > ul > li").map {
val header =".epl-title").text()
@ -176,13 +168,14 @@ class OploverzProvider : MainAPI() {
return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, type) {
engName = title
posterUrl = poster
posterUrl = image ?: poster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: poster
this.year = year
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes)
showStatus = status
plot = description
this.tags = tags
this.recommendations = recommendations
@ -190,11 +183,6 @@ class OploverzProvider : MainAPI() {
data class Source(
@JsonProperty("play_url") val play_url: String,
@JsonProperty("format_id") val format_id: Int
override suspend fun loadLinks(
data: String,
isCasting: Boolean,
@ -213,24 +201,41 @@ class OploverzProvider : MainAPI() {
return true
data class Data(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<Data>? = arrayListOf(),
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class DataAni(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: MediaAni? = null,
data class AniSearch(
@JsonProperty("results") val results: ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 6
version = 7
cloudstream {

View file

@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.*
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addAniListId
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addMalId
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import java.util.ArrayList
class OtakudesuProvider : MainAPI() {
override var mainUrl = ""
@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ class OtakudesuProvider : MainAPI() {
companion object {
// private val interceptor = CloudflareKiller()
private const val jikanAPI = ""
fun getType(t: String): TvType {
return if (t.contains("OVA", true) || t.contains("Special")) TvType.OVA
else if (t.contains("Movie", true)) TvType.AnimeMovie
@ -117,13 +115,8 @@ class OtakudesuProvider : MainAPI() {
val description ="div.sinopc > p").text()
val malId = app.get("${jikanAPI}/anime?q=$title&start_date=${year}&type=$type&limit=1")
val anilistId =
"", data = mapOf(
"query" to "{Media(idMal:$malId,type:ANIME){id}}",
val (malId, anilistId, image, cover) = getTracker(title, type, year)
val episodes ="div.episodelist")[1].select("ul > li").mapNotNull {
val name = it.selectFirst("a")?.text() ?: return@mapNotNull null
@ -146,13 +139,14 @@ class OtakudesuProvider : MainAPI() {
return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, getType(type)) {
engName = title
posterUrl = poster
posterUrl = image ?: poster
backgroundPosterUrl = cover ?: image ?: poster
this.year = year
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes)
showStatus = status
plot = description
this.tags = tags
this.recommendations = recommendations
// posterHeaders = interceptor.getCookieHeaders(url).toMap()
@ -230,24 +224,41 @@ class OtakudesuProvider : MainAPI() {
return true
data class Data(
@JsonProperty("mal_id") val mal_id: String? = null,
private suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
)) || (media.type.equals(type, true) && media.releaseDate == year)
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class JikanResponse(
@JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList<Data>? = arrayListOf(),
data class Title(
@JsonProperty("romaji") val romaji: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("english") val english: String? = null,
private data class IdAni(
@JsonProperty("id") val id: String? = null,
data class Results(
@JsonProperty("id") val aniId: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("malId") val malId: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: Title? = null,
@JsonProperty("releaseDate") val releaseDate: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("type") val type: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("image") val image: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("cover") val cover: String? = null,
private data class MediaAni(
@JsonProperty("Media") val media: IdAni? = null,
private data class