const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command'); const D = require('discord.js'); module.exports = class Suggest extends Command { constructor() { super({ name: 'suggest', description: 'Suggest something for the Bot', aliases: [ 'sug', 'suggestion' ], module: 'General', cooldown: 10, guildOnly: false, developerOnly: false, nsfw: false }); } async command(ctx) { /* throw new Error('Testing'); */ let Misuse = new D.MessageEmbed() .setTitle('Misuse of Command') .setDescription( `There was Please make sure to make your Suggestion as Detailed as possible.\n\nAbuse of this command will lead to complete denial of command usage.` ); if (ctx.args.length < 1) { return ctx.send(abuse); } let Suggestion = ctx.args.join(' ').split('|') if (Suggestion.length < 2) return ctx.send(`Only the Title doesn't help, please add Text after the \`|\` to send me your Suggestion`) if (Suggestion[1] === '') return ctx.send(`Only the Title doesn't help, please add Text after the \`|\` to send me your Suggestion`) ctx.trello .addCard( Suggestion[0], ` ${Suggestion[1]} Author: ${} (${}) Server: ${} (${})`, ctx.config.trello.boards.suggestions ) .then((r) => { ctx.trello.addLabelToCard(, ctx.config.trello.labels.suggestions).catch(console.error); let reply = new D.MessageEmbed() .setTitle('Suggestion Received') .setColor(ctx.config.color) .setDescription(ctx.args.join(' ')) .addField('URL', r.url, true) .setThumbnail(ctx.client.user.avatarURL()); ctx.send(reply); }); } };