const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command'); module.exports = class Reload extends Command { constructor() { super({ name: 'reload', description: 'Reload a command without restarting the process.', aliases: [ 're' ], module: 'Developers', cooldown: 0, guildOnly: false, developerOnly: true }); } async command(ctx) { if (!ctx.args.length) return; const date =; const data = ctx.args[0]; const [ module, command ] = data.split('/'); if (!module || !command) return; try { delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../${module}/${command}`)]; delete ctx.client.commands.get(command); const cmd = require(`../${module}/${command}`); const Command = new cmd(); ctx.client.commands.set(, Command); return ctx.send(`Reloaded \`${}\` in ${( - date) / 1000}s.`); } catch (err) { return ctx.send(`Failed to reload the command.\n\`${err}\``); } } };