const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command"); // { // name: 'Voice Connections', // value: parseInt(ctx.client.voice.connections.size).toLocaleString(), // inline: true // }, module.exports = class Botinfo extends Command { constructor() { super({ name: "botinfo", description: "Bot information and live statistics, such as memory usage and servers.", // aliases: ['stats', 'statistics', 'about'], module: "General", cooldown: 0, guildOnly: false, developerOnly: false }); } async command(ctx) { usage.lookup(, options, (err, result) => { if (err) return ctx.send(`There was an error measuring CPU usage.\n\`${err}\``); return ctx.send({ embed: { title: `Musik`, description: `Using discord.js **${ require("discord.js").version }**, node.js **${process.version.replace( "v", "" )}** and Linux **${require("os").release()}**.\nYou are on shard ${ctx + 1}/${ctx.client.options.shards.length} in the "${ ctx.guild.region }" region.`, fields: [ { name: "Servers", value: parseInt(ctx.client.guilds.size).toLocaleString(), inline: true }, { name: "Users", value: parseInt( ctx.client.guilds .map(guild => guild.memberCount) .reduce((g1, g2) => g1 + g2) ).toLocaleString(), inline: true }, { name: "Shards", value: parseInt( ctx.client.options.shards.length ).toLocaleString(), inline: true }, { name: "Memory Usage", value: result.memory < 1024000000 ? `${Math.round(result.memory / 1024 / 1024)} MB` : `${(result.memory / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1)} GB`, inline: true }, { name: "CPU Usage", value: `${result.cpu.toFixed(1)}%`, inline: true }, { name: "Uptime", value: format(ctx.client.uptime / 1000), inline: true } ], color: 0xff873f } }); }); } };