const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command'); const yiff = require('yiff'); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); let Icon = ''; module.exports = class E621 extends Command { constructor() { super({ name: 'e926', description: 'Get Images from e621', aliases: [ 'e9' ], module: 'Images', cooldown: 5, guildOnly: false, developerOnly: false, nsfw: false }); } async command(ctx) { let Embed = new MessageEmbed().setColor('RED'); if (ctx.args < 1) { Embed.setTitle('Search Terms').setDescription('I need more tags than that to search for an Image.'); return ctx.send(Embed); } const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(; let Settings; if (Server === null) { Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server; } else { Settings = Server; } let req; let Message; await yiff.e926.request(ctx.args.join(' ')).then((E) => (req = E)); if (Settings.embeds) { Message = new MessageEmbed() .setImage(req.image) .setColor(ctx.config.color) .setAuthor('', Icon, `${req.postID}`) .setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} -`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL()); } else { Message = `\n${req.image}`; } ctx.send(Message); } };