const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command'); module.exports = class Changelog extends Command { constructor() { super({ name: 'changelog', description: 'View the latest changes of the bot', aliases: ['chl', 'c'], module: 'General', cooldown: 5, guildOnly: false, developerOnly: false, nsfw: false }); } async command(ctx) { let isDev; if (ctx.vars.developers.find((dev) => == isDev = true const ValidActions = /(set|view)/g let action = ctx.args[0] ctx.args.shift() if (!action.match(ValidActions)) return ctx.send(`You can only ${isDev ? ctx.utils.format.code('view/set'): ctx.utils.format.code('view')} a Changelog`) // ctx.db.backend.get() let Changelog = ctx.args.join(' ').split('|') let version = Changelog[0].replace(/\./g, '_') let text = Changelog[1] // console.log(action, version, text) if (action === 'set') { if (!isDev) return; await ctx.db.backend.set(version.trim(), text) ctx.send('Changelog set, posting...') ctx.client.channels.find(c => == '572515873156235307').send(`**__Version ${version.replace(/\_/g, '.')}__**\n\n${text.trim()}`) return ctx.send('Sent.') } else if (action === 'view') { let Change = ctx.db.backend.get(version) if (Change === null) return ctx.send(`That is not a valid Version (or it's not in my Database).\nMy latest version is ${ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.vars.version)}.`) ctx.send(`**__Version ${version.replace(/\_/g, '.')}__**\n\n${Change}`) } } }