const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command'); const exec = require('shell-exec'); module.exports = class Update extends Command { constructor() { super({ name: 'update', description: 'Execute shell commands', aliases: [ 'up', 'pull' ], module: 'Developers', cooldown: 1, guildOnly: false, developerOnly: true, nsfw: false }); } async command(ctx) { const trying = await ctx.send( `${ctx.utils.emotes.random.loading} Getting the latest updates from ${ctx.config.source.replace( 'https://', '' )} ${ctx.utils.emotes.random.loading}` ); await exec('git pull') .then((r) => { trying.edit('```fix\n' + r.stdout + '```'); }) .catch((error) => { trying.edit(`Failed to get the latest updates.`); console.error(error); }); } };