const hug = [ '0 hugs 1', '1 gets a tight hug from 0', '1 is getting a hug from 0', 'Is 0 hugging 1? They sure are!', '0 hugs 1 in a lovable way', '0 hugs 1 with a very warm smile', '0 hugs 1 in an attempt to cheer them up', '0 sneaks up behind 1 and gives him/her a surprise hug!', '0 lunges at 1, wrapping his/her arms around lovingly!', "1 wasn't suspecting anything at first, but then suddenly 0 appears and hugs him/her!", '0 blushes a little bit, carefully approaching 1 and giving him/her a tender hug.', '0 suddenly yells out loud; "Tactical hug incoming!".', '0 lifts 1 from the ground and hugs them tightly.', '0 and 1 run towards eachother, arms open, not unlike the classic grassy-field-reunion scene. They meet in the middle with a strong embrace.', '0 scoots closer over to 1 on a park bench, then wraps his/her arms around the unsuspecting hug victim.', '0 confidently steps forward, giving 1 a tight hug.', "0 gives 1 a big ol' hug.", '1 is suddenly hugged by 0!' ]; const kiss = [ '0 kisses 1', '0 gives 1 a kiss', '1 gets a surprise kiss from 0', '0 appears to be kissing 1. Lets leave them to it :3' ]; const boop = [ '0 boops 1', "0 boops 1's Snoot", "1's Snoot got booped by 0", '0 nuzzles 1 and boops their Snoot' ]; const cuddle = [ '0 cuddles 1', '0 cuddles 1 lovingly', '0 has 1 in their lap and cuddles them lovingly' ]; const lick = [ '0 licked 1 to the point where he/she murrred/purred', '0 licked 1 in the name of love. Murr!', '0 was feeling a little playful and decided to lick 1', '0 slides over to 1 and licks them', '0 nibbles and licks 1 playfully', '0 slides over to 1 and licks and cuddles 1' ]; const hold = [ '0 holds 1', '0 holds 1 tight' ]; const bulge = [ "0 eyes 1's bulge", "0 likes to see 1's bulge~" ]; const suck = [ "0 sucks 1's cock with hungry eyes~", '1 lets 0 suck their cock~' ]; const bang = [ '0 bangs 1', '1 moans as 0 bangs them', '1 moans loudly as 0 bangs them hard~' ]; module.exports = { hug, kiss, boop, cuddle, lick, hold, bulge, suck, bang };