const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command'); module.exports = class Ping extends Command { constructor() { super({ name: 'ping', description: 'Pings Discord to check the API and gateway latency.', aliases: [], module: 'General', cooldown: 0, guildOnly: false, developerOnly: false }); } async command(ctx) { const m = await ctx.send(`Pinging..`); const rest = Math.round(m.createdTimestamp - ctx.msg.createdTimestamp); const ws = Math.round(; const shard = Math.round(; return m.edit(`REST ${rest / 1000}s (${rest}ms)\nWS ${ws / 1000}s (${ws}ms)`); } } // \nShard Avg. ${shard / 1000}s (${shard}ms) [${ctx.guild.shard.pings.join(', ')}]