
134 lines
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:copyright: 2010 by Manuel Jacob
:license: MIT
from functools import wraps
from traceback import format_exc
import sys
from greenlet import getcurrent
from mock import Mock
import twisted.internet
from pypsyc.core.mmp import Header
# keep reactor from being installed
assert not 'twisted.internet.reactor' in sys.modules
twisted.internet.reactor = sys.modules['twisted.internet.reactor'] = None
# random helpers
def inited_header(*args, **kwds):
header = Header(*args, **kwds)
return header
def _make_send_function(other_circuit):
def f(header, content):
other_circuit.packet_received(inited_header(header), content)
raise Exception("%s.packet_received raised exception:\n%s" %
(other_circuit, format_exc()))
return f
def connect_circuits(c1, c2):
"""Make a virtual connection between two curcuits."""
c1.send = c1.psyc._send = _make_send_function(c2)
c2.send = c2.psyc._send = _make_send_function(c1)
return c1, c2
class iter_(object):
def __init__(self, *iter_):
self.iter_ = iter_
def __eq__(self, iter_):
return tuple(iter_) == self.iter_
def rendered(packet):
return iter_(*packet.render())
def check_success(f):
Wrap `f` so that it checks if :attr:`TestCase.success` is ``True``. This is
useful to check if an asynchronous test has passed completely.
def _wrapper(self):
self.success = False
assert self.success
del self.success
return _wrapper
class AsyncMethod(object):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.child = getcurrent()
return self.child.parent.switch()
def callback(self, *args, **kwds):
self.child.switch(*args, **kwds)
def errback(self, *args, **kwds):
self.child.throw(*args, **kwds)
def mockify(obj, attrs):
"""Replace attrs of obj with mocks. Return the original attributes."""
originals = {}
for attr in attrs:
orig = originals[attr] = getattr(obj, attr)
mock = Mock(spec=orig)
setattr(obj, attr, mock)
return originals
class mockified(object):
Wrap a function so that it 'mockifies' and resets `obj`. If `obj` is a
string, mockify the module named like it.
Can also be used as a context manager.
def __init__(self, obj, attrs):
if isinstance(obj, basestring):
self.obj = __import__(obj, globals(), locals(), attrs)
self.obj = obj
self.attrs = attrs
def __enter__(self):
self.originals = mockify(self.obj, self.attrs)
return (getattr(self.obj, attr) for attr in self.attrs)
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
for attr, original in self.originals.iteritems():
setattr(self.obj, attr, original)
def __call__(self, f):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwds):
with self:
kwds.update((attr, getattr(self.obj, attr)) for attr in self.attrs)
return f(*args, **kwds)
return _wrapper
class PlaceHolder(object):
An object that be used as a placeholder for comparisons. The object on the
other side of the comparison is saved as attribute `obj`.
def __eq__(self, other):
self.obj = other
return True
class StubException(Exception):