
102 lines
2.8 KiB

"""common methods and constants for pyPSYC"""
# URL parsing functions modelled after psycMUVE parseURL
def parseURL(url):
u = { 'scheme' : '',
'user' : '',
'pass' : '',
'host' : '',
'port' : '4404',
'transport' : '',
'string' : url,
'body' : '',
'userAtHost' : '',
'hostPort' : '',
'root' : '',
'circuit' : '',
'size' : ''
if url.find(':') == -1: return u
u['scheme'], t = url.split(':', 1)
if t[0:2] == '//': t = t[2:]
u['body'] = t[:]
if t.find('/') != -1:
t, u['resource'] = t.split('/', 1)
u['resource'] = ''
if u.has_key('resource') and u['resource'].find('#') != -1:
u['resource'], u['fragment'] = u['resource'].split('#', 1)
u['userAtHost'] = t[:]
if t.find('@') != -1:
s, t = t.split('@', 1)
if s.find(':') != -1:
u['user'], u['pass'] = s.split(':', 1)
u['user'] = s
u['hostPort'] = t[:]
u['root'] = u['scheme'] + '://' + u['hostPort']
if t.find(':') != -1:
t, s = t.split(':', 1)
# TODO: split s in Port (numeric), Transport
if s and s[-1] in ['c', 'd', 'm']:
u['transport'] = s[-1]
u['port'] = s[:-1] or '4404'
u['port'] = s or '4404'
u['host'] = t[:]
# print "parseurl(%s)"%url, u
return u
def parseUNL(unl): return parseURL(unl) # alias
def UNL2Location(unl):
# if we did not have the user@host syntax this would
# reduce to a simple splitting in front of #
u = parseUNL(unl)
short = u['scheme'] + '://' + u['host']
if u['port'] != '4404':
short += ':' + u['port']
if u['resource']:
return short + '/' + u['resource']
return short
def netLocation(unl):
u = parseURL(unl)
return u['root']
def parsetext(vars, mc, data, caller=None):
pstring = data
#print '---'
#print type(data)
#print '---'
for (varname, value) in vars.items():
if type(value) == list:
no_list = u''
for x in value:
no_list += x + ', '
pstring = pstring.replace(u'[' + varname + u']', no_list[:-2])
pstring = pstring.replace(u'[' + varname + u']', value)
print 'Error in parsetext() for vars'
return pstring
# debugging helper
def dump_packet(banner, vars, mc, data):
print banner + ' ',
for key in vars.keys():
print key + '=' + vars[key] + ' ',
print mc,
print '[' + parsetext(vars, mc, data) + ']'
# constants
GLYPHS = [':', '=', '+', '-', '?', ' ', '\t' ]
MMPVARS = ["_source", "_target", "_context"]