WELCOME TO pyPSYC(with a funky wxWindows GUI) bugs & black-mail to tim@rash-media.de -> HOWTO TURN THE BEAST ALIVE * install wxPython from www.wxpython.org * extract the tar * edit config-example and put it into ~/.pypsyc/config * edit wx-config-example and put it into ~/.pypsyc/wx-config only copying it there should be enough and you shouldn't edit it afterwards, it's only a palce for the gui to remeber things like size, position and so on * windows users should only rename the two files, instead of moving them: config-example -> config wx-config-example -> wx-config * windows users have to edit chat_client.py to make sure it looks for the config file in the right place and you have to edit the GUI/wx/devGui.py file also. * you now should be setup and ready to explore the world of psyc -> OFFICIAL NOTES * you need wxPython 2.4.1 and Python 2.2 other versions might also work but who knows -> INOFFICIAL NOTES * versions of wxPython <2.4.1 have a nasty bug that prevents the msg window from scrolling so you should upgrade * we have a nick completer now!!! shout out loud: "Hurraayy!" * bribe marder if you want a shiny-one-click windows installer * if you don't like the default speak action look into devGui.yp and change if, shoudl be quite easy -> STATUS OF THE BEAST * there are reports that pyPSYC crashes with win2k, we are looking into that * querys don't work * you can't close the tabs ;]]