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2010-02-24 08:50:45 +00:00
Meaning of states:
X: done
-: started or halfway done
?: I have no clue what this is about but it sounds important
: nothing done yet but may have a clue how to do it
(note: then make a sketch)
[X] connect to a main psyc UNI via TCP
[X] make it working again automatically, write a package
[X] configfile parsing
[X] implement psyctext parser
[X] actually it is a mmptext-parser as well
[X] parse MMP and PSYCpackets
[ ] implement augment und diminish, but atm muve does not support it
[X] create state objects / machines
[X] handler architecture for psyc functions (requires state objects)
[X] interface definition (taken from bitkoenig's jaPSYC)
[X] basic layout for the classes and objects
[X] support for multiple GUI toolkits by design
[X] make gui main objects differ from application objects
[X] draw a communicative sketch of how it works
[X] debug GUI
[ ] no fullstate sending
[ ] UDP support for some things
[?] what things? listen and wait what comes...
[ ] TCP server listening on port 4404
[?] authorization checking -> psycauth
[ ] UDP server listening on port 4404
[ ] same as for tcp
[X] implement graphical room interfaces
[X] use user input
[X] implement graphical user interfaces
[-] implement graphical friendlist
[X] think about command syntax (like: "/" for direct commands, "#" for uni commands, "!" for sending rooms a request_execute
[ ] connect to friend unl's if you want to talk to them and they
are using a psyc interface (ask lynx for remote buddies)
[-] connect to distant rooms (how does it work? ask lynx)
is it even done via a server or is it the clients job?
[ ] parse all messages from lynx's psyced meaningfully
[-] find psyc protocol gagdets and errors and fix them
[ ] make a reference implementation testsuite (tests are good)
that identifies severe and not-so-important lacks in
clients and/or servers. all real psyc clients should support a
minimum set of commands
[-] "plug-in" gui support (Tkinter, pyGTK, pyQT, wxPython, ...)
Note: basically you only need to implement some classes...
Tkinter GUI may serve as an example for more powerful clients
[-] user-defined handler architecture for "scripting"
("users" have to write packages anyway)