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2009-03-03 04:27:01 +01:00

208 lines
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#ifndef SWITCH_H__
#define SWITCH_H__ 1
* Data structures used mainly by the switch code generation.
* The switch() instruction is implemented using a highly efficient table
* lookup system. The code for the instruction is generated in two places
* (LPC compiler and lambda compiler), therefore some of the 'internal'
* datastructures need to be published here.
* The compiler makes sure that there is always a 'default' case
* and that all execution paths eventually execute a F_BREAK.
* The layout created by the LPC compiler is this:
* switch b1 a2 b2 [b3 [b4] ]
* instructions (sans the first byte 'i0')...
* l[]
* [c0 [c1]]
* a0 a1 i0
* v*n
* o*n
* [d0]
* b1 & 0x03 is 0, marking this switch statement as unaligned.
* Since for an efficient search the tables v*n and o*n must be
* 4-Byte aligned (TODO: on some machines 8-Byte), the interpreter
* will on first execution of such a switch align it (using
* closure:align_switch()) by arranging the bytes a0..a2 around
* the tables. The alignment can't be done at compilation time,
* because code generated after the switch may cause to move
* the switch code back- or forward. The aligned layout is this:
* switch b1 b2 [b3 [b4] ]
* instructions...
* l[]
* [c0 [c1]] <-- p0 = pc + offset
* a0..
* v[] <-- tabstart
* o[] <-- end_tab = pc + offset + tablen
* ..a2 <-- p1
* [d0]
* b1 (bits 1..0) = len: the length in bytes needed to store
* 'offset', 'tablen', 'default offset', 'o*n' and the
* length of lookup tables for table ranges.
* b1 (bits 7..2) = tablen lo
* c0 = tablen mid (optional)
* c1 = tablen hi (optional)
* b2 = offset lo
* b3 = offset med (optional)
* b4 = offset hi (optional)
* a0, a1 = default-case offset lo and med in host byte order
* d0 = default-case offset hi (optional)
* a2 'type' (bits 0..4): start position for search (used to index
* a table with the real offsets)
* (bit 5) : 0: numeric switch , 1: string switch
* (bits 6..7): in an unaligned switch, the true value
* of <len> (b1, bits 1..0).
* l[]: range lookup table: each <len> bytes, network byte order
* (numeric switch only)
* v[]: case values, char* or p_int, host byte order
* o[]: case offsets : each <len> bytes, network byte order
* The case value table v[] holds (sorted numerically) all values
* appearing in the case statements, both singular values and range
* bounds. Range bound values (which are inclusive) always appear
* next to each other.
* The offset table o[] holds the associated offset with
* this interpretation:
* singular cases: jump destination offsets relative to pc.
* range cases: the 'offset' for the lower bound is 1, the
* offset for the upper bound gives the jump
* destination relative to pc.
* lookup ranges: the 'offset' for the lower bound is 0, the
* offset for the upper bound is an offset
* pointing into the lookup table.
* The real jump offset is then
* l[o[i] + <value> - lower-bound].
* The lookup ranges are used for an efficient implementation of
* sparse ranges like 'case 0: case 2: case 5: ...'.
#define ZERO_AS_STR_CASE_LABEL ((char *)&main)
/* This value is used to compile 'case 0' into switch on string types.
* We can't use the NULL pointer for this purpose, which is used when
* looking up a string that is not in the tabled string table and
* therefore must not be found.
* This value must not be misinterpreted as tabled string.
* If the string handling is changed, this value must be adapted.
#define CASE_BLOCKING_FACTOR 256 /* must be >= 2 */
/* case_list_entry_t's are allocated in blocks of this count.
/* Bitmasks and -values for selected bytes in the switch statement:
/* The B1 byte: */
#define SWITCH_VALUELEN 0x03 /* Bitmask */
/* The length in bytes needed to store 'offset', 'tablen',
* 'default offset', 'o*n' and the length of lookup tables for table
* ranges.
* If the value is 0, the switch is unaligned and the value is stored
#define SWITCH_TABLEN 0xfc /* Bitmask */
#define SWITCH_TABLEN_SHIFT 2 /* Leftshift */
/* The low bits of the table length.
/* The TYPE byte: */
#define SWITCH_START 0x1f /* Bitmask */
/* Start position for search (used to index a table with the real offsets).
#define SWITCH_TYPE 0x20 /* Bitflag */
/* Flag: 0: numeric switch , 1: string switch
#define SWITCH_TYPE_VALUELEN 0xc0 /* Bitmask */
#define SWITCH_TYPE_VALUELEN_SHIFT 6 /* Leftshift */
/* In an unaligned switch, the true value of SWITCH_VALUELEN.
/* --- case_list_entry_t: description of one case value ---
struct case_list_entry_s
case_list_entry_t *next;
p_int key; /* Numeric case value, or a shared string casted */
p_int addr;
/* Offset of the associated code from the SWITCH+1.
* If 1: this and the next entry denote a range.
* If 0: this and the next entry denote a sparse lookup range.
* TODO: Make this selfcontained?
p_int line;
/* Line number of the case. It's 0 for range ends.
/* --- case_state_t: compilation state of one switch() ---
struct case_state_s
case_list_entry_t *free_block;
/* Currently used allocation block in the case_blocks list.
case_list_entry_t *next_free;
/* First used entry in .free_block. The blocks are used
* from the end, and the first cl_entry is reserved to link
* the block list.
case_list_entry_t *list0;
case_list_entry_t *list1;
/* Head and second element of the active case list.
* Both elements are in direct access to handle ranges (which are
* encoded using two entries).
case_list_entry_t *zero;
case_state_t *previous;
/* The case_state of the surrounding switch(), when compiling
* a nested switch().
p_int default_addr;
char some_numeric_labels;
char no_string_labels;
/* --- Variables (in closure.c) --- */
extern case_state_t case_state;
/* TODO: Move all these functions, a generic code generator
* TODO:: and the execution function in its own file.
* Nice would be an oo approach using a opaque type and the
* functions: init(), add_case(), add_range(), generate().
* An OO approach would also easily solve the problem that sequential
* top-level switch()s accumulate in their memory usage.
/* --- Prototypes (in closure.c) --- */
extern case_list_entry_t *new_case_entry(void);
extern void free_case_blocks(void);
extern void store_case_labels( p_int total_length
, p_int default_addr
, Bool numeric
, case_list_entry_t *zero
, bytecode_p (*get_space)(p_int)
, void (*move_instructions)(int, p_int)
, void (*cerror)(const char *)
, void (*cerrorl)(const char *, const char*, int, int)
#endif /* SWITCH_H__ */