XErq - Copyright 1995 by Brian Gerst (Garion@Timewarp). Based on the standard erq demon for LPmud 3.2.1 by Joern Rennecke. Source code herein refers to the source code, and any executables created from the same source code. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to extend and modify the source code provided subject to the restriction that the source code may not be used in any way whatsoever for monetary gain. ****************************** This is a replacement for the erq demon that comes standard with the driver. It differs from the standard erq in that it doesn't make use of subservers, which can cause zombie processes. The socketd will need the following privileges from master->privilege_violation(): "erq" "bind_lambda" Any bug/questions/comments, mail to bgerst@quark.gmi.edu or the maintainer of the driver.