The files in this directory are: HELP : basics, serves also as source for the man file. README : this file. COPYRIGHT : the copyright of the driver. CREDITS : the list of contributors. HISTORY (removed) CHANGELOG : the last changes in minute detail. COPYING.LIB : the GNU Library Public License. INSTALL : installation hints and notes. FAQ : unfrequently answered questions. psyclpc.1 : manual file. doc/ (removed) the documentation is available on the web or in the LDMud distribution. src/ : the driver source pkg/ : additional packages (unsupported and supported) for the driver. mudlib/ : various LPC (example) files. mudlib/sys/: standard include files to copy into your mudlib. Some of these are also used by the src/ files. mud/ (removed) the lp-245 mudlib, and support files for other mudlibs. Nice! Somebody made a doxygen of ldmud and posted it on