[CONTACT] psyclpc is being maintained by fippo & lynX. fippo is available at psyc://goodadvice.pages.de/~fippo or xmpp:fippo@goodadvice.pages.de lynX is available as psyc://psyced.org/~lynx You can reach us at psyc://psyced.org/@welcome [HISTORY] psyclpc is a programming language for intense multi-user network applications such as psyced. it's a recent fork of LDMud with some features and many bug fixes. we kept it compatible to LDMud, so you can run a MUD with it, too. It is available from . LDMud itself is a continuation of the Amylaar LPMud Gamedriver 3.1.2. See also . psyclpc is released under the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.