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2009-03-03 03:27:01 +00:00
#ifndef CONFIG_H__
#define CONFIG_H__ 1
/* Should code for the external request demon be included?
#define ERQ_DEMON
/* Maximum sizes for an erq send or reply.
#define ERQ_MAX_REPLY 1024
#define ERQ_MAX_SEND 1024
/* #define ACCESS_CONTROL if you want the driver to do any access control.
* TODO: ACCESS_CONTROL should be a runtime option
/* file for access permissions data */
/* logfile to show valid and rejected connections
* simple not define this for NO logs
/* #define ACCESS_LOG "access.allow.log" */
* Max size of a file allowed to be read by 'read_file()'.
#define READ_FILE_MAX_SIZE 50000
* If an object is left alone for a certain time, then the
* function clean_up will be called. This function can do anything,
* like destructing the object. If the function isn't defined by the
* object, then nothing will happen.
* This time should be substantially longer than the swapping time.
#define TIME_TO_CLEAN_UP 3600
* How long time until an unused object is swapped out.
* Machine with too many players and too little memory: 900 (15 minutes)
* Machine with few players and lot of memory: 10000
* Machine with infinite memory: 0 (never swap).
#define TIME_TO_SWAP 900
* How many seconds until an object is reset again.
* Set this value high if big system, otherwise low.
* No castles: 1800 (30 minutes)
* >100 castles:10000 (almost 3 hours).
#define TIME_TO_RESET 1800 /* 3600 */ /* one hour */
* Define the maximum stack size of the stack machine. This stack will also
* contain all local variables and arguments.
* Define the maximum call depth for functions.
* MAX_USER_TRACE is used for for normal program execution, the full
* MAX_TRACE is only available in error handling.
#define MAX_USER_TRACE 60
#define MAX_TRACE 65
* Define the size of the compiler stack. This defines how complex
* expressions the compiler can parse. The value should be big enough.
* Maximum number of bits in a bit field. They are stored in printable
* strings, 6 bits per byte.
* The limit is more based on considerations of speed than memory
* consumption.
#define MAX_BITS 6144 /* 1 KByte */
* Define what port number the game is to use.
#define PORTNO 4242
/* Maximum numbers of ports the GD accepts connections to.
#define MAXNUMPORTS 20
* Max number of local variables in a function.
#define MAX_LOCAL 50
/* Maximum number of evaluated nodes/loop.
* If this is exceeded, the current function is halted.
* ls() can take about 30000 for large directories.
#define MAX_COST 1000000
/* Define ALLOW_FILENAME_SPACES if the driver should accept space characters
* in filenames. If it is not defined, a hardcoded test for space characters
* is activated.
/* Define SHARE_VARIABLES if a clone's variables are to be assigned
* from the current blueprint's variables. Undefine it if clones
* should be initialized by __INIT().
/* CATCH_RESERVED_COST is added to the eval cost for the time executing code
* guarded by a catch() statement, so that an eval_cost-too-big error can
* still be caught and handled.
* To catch an eval_cost too big error in an object that called recursive
* master functions, CATCH_RESERVED_COST should be greater than
* TODO: Check that at runtime.
/* MASTER_RESERVED_COST is the total reserve available for master applies.
* It is halved for every recursion into another master apply.
#define MASTER_RESERVED_COST 0x200 /* must be power of 2 */
/* TODO: Check that at runtime */
* Where to swap out objects. This file is not used if TIME_TO_SWAP is 0.
* If the mudlib is mounted via nfs but your /tmp isn't, and isn't purged
* periodically either, it's a good idea to place the swap file there.
* The hostname will be appended to the filename defined here.
#define SWAP_FILE "LP_SWAP.3"
/* Where to save the WIZLIST information.
* If not defined, and neither given on the commandline, the driver will
* not read the WIZLIST file.
/* This is the maximum array size allowed for one single array.
* If 0, any size is allowed.
#define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 3000
/* This is the maximum size (number keys and values) allowed for one
* single mapping.
* If 0, any size is allowed.
#define MAX_MAPPING_SIZE 15000
/* This is the maximum number of callouts allowed at one time.
* If 0, any number is allowed.
#define MAX_CALLOUTS 0
* If this is defined, expensive operations like string additions
* receive additional evalcosts depending on the amount of data handled.
* Maximum number of players in the game.
#define MAX_PLAYERS 50
* When uploading files, we want fast response; however, normal players
* shouldn't be able to hog the system in this way. Define ALLOWED_ED_CMDS
* to be the ratio of the no of ed cmds executed per player cmd, and
* MAX_CMDS_PER_BEAT to be the max no of buffered player commands the
* system will accept in each heartbeat interval.
#define ALLOWED_ED_CMDS 20
#define MAX_CMDS_PER_BEAT 5 /* not implemented yet :-( */
* Reserve an extra memory area from malloc(), to free when we run out
* of memory to get some warning and start Armageddon.
* If this value is 0, no area will be reserved.
#define RESERVED_USER_SIZE 700000
/* Define the size of the shared string hash table. This number needn't
* be prime, probably between 1000 and 30000; if you set it to about 1/5
* of the number of distinct strings you have, you will get a hit ratio
* (number of comparisons to find a string) very close to 1, as found strings
* are automatically moved to the head of a hash chain. You will never
* need more, and you will still get good results with a smaller table.
* If the size is a power of two, hashing will be faster.
#define HTABLE_SIZE 4096
/* Define the size of the table of defines, reserved words, identifiers
* and efun names. Should be either several times smaller than HTABLE_SIZE
* or identical with it.
#define ITABLE_SIZE 256 /* 256 is probably fastest */
/* Object hash table size.
* Define this like you did with the strings; probably set to about 1/4 of
* the number of objects in a game, as the distribution of accesses to
* objects is somewhat more uniform than that of strings.
#define OTABLE_SIZE 1024
/* Maximum size of an expanded preprocessor definition.
#define DEFMAX 65000
/* the number of apply_low cache entries will be 2^APPLY_CACHE_BITS.
/* The parameters of the regular expression/result cache.
* The expression cache uses a hashtable of RXCACHE_TABLE entries.
* Undefine RXCACHE_TABLE to disable the all regexp caching.
#define RXCACHE_TABLE 8192
/* Define COMPAT_MODE if you are using the 2.4.5 mudlib or one of its
* derivatives.
/* Define STRICT_EUIDS if the driver is to enforce the use of euids,
* ie. load_object() and clone_object() require the current object to
* have a non-zero euid.
/* Define USE_PARSE_COMMAND if you want the efun parse_command().
/* Define USE_SET_LIGHT if you want the efun set_light() and the
* simple 2.4.5 light system.
/* Define USE_SET_IS_WIZARD if you want the efun set_is_wizard().
/* Define USE_PROCESS_STRING if you want the efun process_string().
/* Define INITIALIZATION_BY___INIT if you want all initializations of variables
* to be suspended till the object is created ( as supposed to initialization
* at compile time; the latter is more memory efficient for loading and faster
* at cloning, while the former allows to use efuns, e.g. shutdown().
/* Define USE_SYSTEM_CRYPT if you want crypt() to be implemented by your
* operating system (assuming it offers this function). This makes your
* programm smaller and may even let you take advantage of improvements
* of your OS, but may also prohibit transporting encrypted date like
* passwords between different systems.
* Undefine USE_SYSTEM_CRYPT if you want to use the driver's portable
* crypt() implementation.
/* Define MASTER_NAME if you want something different from "obj/master" resp.
* "secure/master" as default.
/* #define MASTER_NAME "kernel/master" */
/* The input escape character.
#define INPUT_ESCAPE "!"
* Define MAX_BYTE_TRANSFER to the number of bytes you allow to be read
* and written with read_bytes and write_bytes
#define MAX_BYTE_TRANSFER 50000
/* Define this to the port on which the driver can receive UDP message.
* If set to -1, the port will not be opened unless the mud is given a valid
* port number on startup with the -u commandline option.
#define UDP_PORT 4246
/* Maximum size of a socket send buffer.
#define SET_BUFFER_SIZE_MAX 65536
/* Define this if you want IPv6 support (assuming that your host
* actually offers this.
#undef USE_IPV6
/* Define this if you want alist support.
/* Define this if you want to allow call_other()s on arrays of objects.
/* Define this if you want PCRE instead of traditional regexps.
#define USE_PCRE
/* Define this if you want MCCP (Mud Control Compression Protocol).
#define USE_MCCP
/* Define this if you want TLS (Transport Layer Security) over Telnet.
#undef USE_TLS
/* Define this if you want mySQL support (assuming that your host
* actually offers this.
#undef USE_MYSQL
/* Define this if you want the obsolete and deprecated efuns.
/* Runtime statistics:
* COMM_STAT: count number and size of outgoing packets.
* APPLY_CACHE_STAT: count number of hits and misses in the apply cache.
#define COMM_STAT
/* Which memory manager to use. Possible defines are
* MALLOC_smalloc: Satoria's malloc. Fastest, uses the least memory,
* supports garbage collection.
* MALLOC_sysmalloc: the normal system malloc()
* MALLOC_ptmalloc: ptmalloc from www.malloc.de - threadsafe.
#define MALLOC_smalloc
/* If MIN_MALLOCED is > 0, the gamedriver will reserve this amount of
* memory on startup for large blocks, thus reducing the large block
* fragmentation. The value therefore should be a significantly large
* multiple of the large chunk size.
* As a rule of thumb, reserve enough memory to cover the first couple
* of days of uptime.
#define MIN_MALLOCED 0
/* If MIN_SMALL_MALLOCED is > 0, the gamedriver will reserve this
* amount of memory on startup for small blocks, thus reducing the small block
* fragmentation. The value therefore should be a significantly large
* multiple of the small chunk size.
* As a rule of thumb, reserve enough memory to cover the first couple
* of days of uptime.
/* This value gives the upper limit for the total allocated memory
* (useful for systems with no functioning process limit).
* A value of 0 means 'unlimited'.
#define MAX_MALLOCED 0x4000000
/* Define this to let the memory allocator request memory from the system
* directly using sbrk() (assuming the system supports it).
* If not defined, the memory allocator will use malloc().
* Supported by: MALLOC_smalloc
/* Define this to annotate all allocations with a magic word to find
* simple misuses of memory (like multiple frees).
* Supported by: MALLOC_smalloc
/* Define this to annotate all allocations with file:line of the driver
* source responsible for it.
* Supported by: MALLOC_smalloc
/* Define this to annotate all allocations with file:line of the lpc program
* responsible for it.
* Supported by: MALLOC_smalloc
/* Define this to log all calls to esbrk() (the system memory allocator).
* Works best if MALLOC_TRACE, or also MALLOC_LPC_TRACE, are defined.
* Supported by: MALLOC_smalloc
/* Trace the most recently executed bytecode instructions?
#define TRACE_CODE
/* If using TRACE_CODE , how many instructions should be kept? */
#define TOTAL_TRACE_LENGTH 0x1000
/* If you want to use threads to write the data to the sockets
* define USE_PTHREADS. To limit the memory usage of each thread
* define PTHREAD_WRITE_MAX_SIZE to a value greater than zero.
* The implementation will discard the oldest not yet written
* data blocks to keep memoty usage under the limit.
/* The following macros activate various debugging and profiling
* code segments.
/* Enable basic run time sanity checks. This will use more time
* and space, but nevertheless you are strongly encouraged to keep
* it defined.
#define DEBUG
/* The DEBUG level for the ERQ daemon: 0 means 'no debug', 1 means
* 'standard debug', 2 means 'verbose debug'.
#define ERQ_DEBUG 0
/* Enable debug output from the LPC compiler.
/* #define YYDEBUG 1 */
/* Disable inlining.
/* #define NO_INLINES */
/* Enable the shared string checking (enables commandline option
* --check-strings).
/* Shared strings are never really freed.
/* #define KEEP_STRINGS */
/* Activate debug prints in the telnet machine.
/* #define DEBUG_TELNET */
/* Activate allocation debug prints in the smalloc module.
/* Trace changes to the tot_alloc_object and tot_alloc_object_size
* statistics, in order to find the status bugs (enables commandline
* option --check-object-stat). Will produce a decent amount of
* output on stderr.
/* Enable the automatic data cleanup from the backend.
* TODO: Remove this macro once it is proven stable.
/* Activate total mapping size consistency check code. It has a small
* impact on the execution speed. This define was used to find
* the inaccuracy in the mapping statistic.
/* Activate object refcount check code. It will produce a decent
* amount of log output. It will also fatal() the driver as soon
* as it detects an inconsistency in the list of destructed objects.
/* #define CHECK_OBJECT_REF */
/* Activate object referencing checking code during the GC. It will
* print error messages to gcout when an object or program is
* referenced as something else. No penalty for using.
* Requires MALLOC_TRACE to work. Incompatible with DUMP_GC_REFS.
/* Sometimes the GC stumbles over invalid references to memory
* blocks (namely 'Program referenced as something else'). Define
* this macro to get a detailed dump of all found references
* (Warning: LOTS of output!). Incompatible with CHECK_OBJECT_GC_REF.
/* #define DUMP_GC_REFS */
/* Enable usage statistics of VM instructions.
* For profiling of the VM instructions themselves, see the Profiling
* Options in the Makefile.
/* #define OPCPROF */
#ifdef OPCPROF
/* With OPCPROF, the dump of the statistics include the names
* of the instructions.
/* #define VERBOSE_OPCPROF */
/* Define this if you want structs supported.
/* Define this if you want the new inline closure syntax supported.
* (f-020528)
#endif /* CONFIG_H__ */