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// vim:syntax=lpc
// info: to unfold and view the complete file, hit zR in your vim command mode.
// $Id: dns.c,v 1.113 2008/09/12 15:54:39 lynx Exp $
// {{{ meta-bla about foldmethod=marker
// <lynX> hm.. find ich folding jetzt eher nützlich oder lästig? muss ich
// noch herausfinden. auf jeden fall sind die farben eher unpraktisch.
// steht sicher irgendwo in irgendwelchen files definiert.. juchei
// übertreiben sollte man's jedenfalls nicht, oder was soll das
// "whatis comment" anderes erreichen als dass der kommentar nicht
// gelesen wird obwohl er extra dafür geschrieben wurde?
// }}}
// und dann ist da noch myUNL, myLowerCaseHost.
// in der psyclib. letzteres gehört wohl eher hier her.
// {{{ includes
#include "net.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "closures.h"
#include <dns.h>
#include <erq.h>
#include <sandbox.h>
// }}}
// {{{ queue-inherit
inherit NET_PATH "queue";
// }}}
// {{{ variables
// this mapping has to be *volatile* or it will carry old hostnames
// that may no longer be valid, then cause wild illogical behaviour
volatile mapping localhosts = ([
"localhost": "", // what if remote hosts dns-resolve to "localhost" ?
"": "localhost",
// unusual but valid syntax for localhost
// then again usually any 127.* leads to localhost so it's
// pointless and after all it can even be good for testing
// the switch protocol on oneself.. ;)
"127.0.1": "localhost",
"127.1": "localhost",
// "0": ??
#ifdef __HOST_IP_NUMBER__
# if __HOST_IP_NUMBER__ != ""
# endif
// the hostnames need to be in lowercase... lets do it later
#if defined(_host_XMPP)
# if _host_XMPP != SERVER_HOST
// _host_XMPP : 1,
# endif
volatile mapping host2canonical = ([ ]);
volatile object hostsd;
// }}}
// {{{ query_server_ip && myip && register_localhost
#ifndef __HOST_IP_NUMBER__
volatile string myIP;
# define myIP __HOST_IP_NUMBER__
string query_server_ip() { return myIP; }
// take care to always pass a lowercased (virtual) hostname
varargs void register_localhost(string name) { //, string ip) {
//unless (ip) ip = myIP;
localhosts[name] = 1; //ip;
// either we have a static ip, then we already know it, or we
// have a public ip hidden by a firewall or nat, then we can
// find it out using #'set_my_ip - but what if by dsl relogin
// or something like that our public ip address changes? then
// we have an old ip number which by very unlikely circumstance
// could possibly turn into a security problem. but what's worse:
// we might get used having the public ip in here, and then it
// suddenly no longer is (because there is an old one instead)
// i have the impression we are well off if we only know all of
// our virtual host names - we don't need our ip numbers really
//localhosts[ip] = name;
// }}}
#ifndef SANDBOX
// {{{ function: del_queue
void del_queue(string queue) {
// }}}
// {{{ function: legal_host
int legal_host(string ip, int port, string scheme, int udpflag) { // proto.h!
P3(("legal_host %O %O %O %O\n", ip, port, scheme, udpflag))
// do not allow logins during shutdown
// if (shutdown_in_progress) return 0;
// we sincerely hope our kernel will drop udp packets that
// spoof they are coming from localhost.. would be ridiculous if not
// if (ip == "" || ip == "127.1" || ip == "0") return 9;
#ifndef _flag_disable_trust_localhost
if (localhosts[ip]) return 9;
if (ip == myIP || !ip) return 8;
unless (hostsd) hostsd = DAEMON_PATH "hosts" -> load();
P4(("legal_host asks %O\n", hostsd))
return hostsd -> legal_host(ip, port, scheme, udpflag);
// }}}
// {{{ function: legal_domain
int legal_domain(string host, int port, string scheme, int udpflag) {
// we sincerely hope our kernel will drop udp packets that
// spoof they are coming from localhost.. would be ridiculous if not
// TODO: use is_localhost here?
#ifndef _flag_disable_trust_localhost
if (host == "localhost" || host == SERVER_HOST) return 9;
// if (host == myLowerCaseHost) return 8;
// if (lower_case(host) == myLowerCaseHost) return 7;
// unless (hostsd) hostsd = DAEMON_PATH "hosts" -> load();
// return hostsd -> legal_domain(host, port, scheme, udpflag);
return 5; // TODOOOOOO
// }}}
// {{{ function: chost
// {{{ whatis comment
/** provides us with the "canonical" name of a host as given by DNS PTR,
** not to be confused with the aliasing facility "CNAME" - not sure
** about this function name but don't know any better right now.
** this function does NOT do any DNS resolutions itself, it only consults
** a cache which is kept up to date by the dns_*resolve functions.
** it is therefore nice and fast.
// }}}
string chost(string host) {
return host2canonical[host];
// }}}
// {{{ function: same_host
// {{{ whatis comment
/** figures out if two hostnames (aliases or its ip) are the same host.
** this is essentially chost(a) == chost(b) with one function call less.
// }}}
// {{{ remarks
// we should probably lower_case() hosts, as there has been trouble w/
// hostnames once lower_cased() (extracted from unl, probably) and
// !lower_cased() when we were testing _identification w/ pypsycd.
// of course we'd then have to do host = lower_case(host) in register_host(),
// too. }}}
int same_host(string a, string b) {
//mixed c = host2canonical[lower_case(a)];
mixed c = host2canonical[a];
P2(("same_host %O -> %O ==? %O -> %O\n", a, c, b, host2canonical[b]))
//return stringp(c) && c == host2canonical[lower_case(b)];
return stringp(c) && c == host2canonical[b];
// }}}
// {{{ function: register_host
varargs void register_host(string host, mixed canonical) {
P2(("register_host %O, %O.\n", host, canonical))
if (stringp(canonical)) {
if (host2canonical[host] != canonical && host2canonical[host]) {
// 0 was already mapped to "andrack.tobij.de", now points ...
// dunno why that happens, but here we catch it
unless (host) return;
// this probably only happens if the server has been running
// for several weeks.. the fx are probably mostly harmless
// just some dynamic ip which gets reused by someone else
canonical = lower_case(canonical);
if (host2canonical[host] != canonical) {
// with akamai sites this happens all the time and is harmless
#if 0
S("%O was already mapped to %O, now points to %O.",
host, host2canonical[host], canonical));
P1(("%O was already mapped to %O, now points to %O.\n",
host, host2canonical[host], canonical))
else canonical = lower_case(canonical);
host2canonical[host] = canonical;
P3(("%O mapped to %O.\n", host, canonical))
else if (intp(canonical) && canonical < 0) {
if (stringp(host2canonical[host])) {
// we do get to see this message sometimes.. weird thang dns
P1(("%O no longer resolves, we keep it mapped to %O.\n",
host, host2canonical[host]))
// no this doesn't seem to be triggered by timed out dyndns
// as dyndns usually carries around the old ip number
// host did not resolve, let's store this fact
host2canonical[host] = canonical;
// we won't need the lambda-closure because of my ingenious varargs design
// in dns_resolve() and dns_rresolve()
#if 0
dns_resolve(host, #'dns_rresolve, lambda(({ 'canonical }),
({ #'=, ({ CL_INDEX, host2canonical, host }), 'canonical }) ) );
dns_resolve(host, #'dns_rresolve,
(: if (stringp($1)) $2[$3] = $1;
return; :), host2canonical, host);
// }}}
// {{{ function: dns_refresh
/** wild idea of tobi, needs an admin command to trigger it */
void dns_refresh() {
string host;
foreach (host : m_indices(host2canonical)) { register_host(host); }
// }}}
// {{{ usage: dns_*resolve
// we do know that lambda() might be a quite unfamiliar concept to the usual
// coder, so we made dns_resolve() and dns_rresolve() a little more handy.
// you can use inline-closures at the caller side, even if you need some
// "variables" or arguments which cannot be accessed by an unsual inline
// closure (with 3-3 style inline closures that works, but we encourage you
// not to use them for backward compatibility).
// so here is an usage example:
// dns_resolve(hostname, (: sendmsg($2, "_some_mc", $3 + " has been resolved "
// "to " + $1); :), source, hostname);
// $1 will be the dns_resolve result, $2 will be source and $3 will be
// hostname. as you already guessed, $2 and further are just the arguments
// you appended to the dns_resolve() call after the closure, and $1 is, as said,
// the dns_resolve() result.
// this works for any number of extra arguments.
// this is also works for dns_rresolve()
// }}}
// {{{ function: dns_resolve
// {{{ whatis comment
/** sends a request to the erq to resolve a hostname, on reception of the
** reply does the callback where it passes either the ip-number as string
** or -1 for failure, followed by any extra arguments you gave it
*/ // }}}
void dns_resolve(string hostname, closure callback, varargs array(mixed) extra) {
closure c, c2; // proto.h
string queuename;
P4(("dns_resolve called with (%O, %O, %O).\n", hostname, callback, extra))
unless (stringp(hostname)) {
P1(("dns_resolve called with (%O, %O, %O). stopping.\n", hostname, callback, extra))
#ifdef __IDNA__
if (catch(hostname = idna_to_ascii(TO_UTF8(hostname)); nolog)) {
P0(("catch: punycode %O in %O\n", hostname, ME))
if (sizeof(extra)) {
c2 = lambda( ({ 'name }),
({ #'funcall, callback, 'name }) + extra );
} else {
c2 = callback;
// if unnecessary this can move into !__ERQ_MAX_SEND__
switch(hostname) {
// case myLowerCaseHost: // TODO!!
#if defined(SERVER_HOST) && SERVER_HOST != "localhost"
# ifdef __HOST_IP_NUMBER__
funcall(c2, __HOST_IP_NUMBER__, callback);
# else
unless (myIP) break;
funcall(c2, myIP, callback);
# endif
P4(("self rresolution used\n"))
case "localhost":
P3(("localhost rresolution used\n"))
funcall(c2, "", callback);
if (sscanf(hostname,"%~D.%~D.%~D.%~D") == 4) {
// hostname is an IP already. Just call the callback.
funcall(c2, hostname, callback);
#ifdef __ERQ_MAX_SEND__
queuename = "f" + hostname;
if (qExists(queuename)) {
enqueue(queuename, c2);
} else {
qInit(queuename, 1000, 10);
enqueue(queuename, c2);
c = lambda( ({ 'name }), ({
(#'switch), ({ #'sizeof, 'name }),
({ 4 }), // ERQ: name resolved!
({ (#',),
({ (#'=),'name,({ (#'map),'name,#'&,255 }) }),
({ (#'=),'name,
({ CL_INDEX, 'name, 0 }),
({ CL_INDEX, 'name, 1 }),
({ CL_INDEX, 'name, 2 }),
({ CL_INDEX, 'name, 3 })
({ #'while, ({ #'qSize, queuename }), 42,
({ #'catch,
({ #'funcall, ({ #'shift, queuename }),
'name })
({ #'qDel, queuename })
# ifdef XERQ
({ 6 + strlen(hostname) }), // XERQ
({ (#',),
({ (#'=),'name,({ (#'map),'name,#'&,255 }) }),
({ (#'=),'name,
({ CL_INDEX, 'name, 1 }),
({ CL_INDEX, 'name, 2 }),
({ CL_INDEX, 'name, 3 }),
({ CL_INDEX, 'name, 4 })
({ #'while, ({ #'qSize, queuename }), 42,
({ #'catch,
({ #'funcall, ({ #'shift, queuename }),
({ #'qDel, queuename })
# endif
({ #'default }),
# if DEBUG > 0
({ #'debug_message, "ERQ could not resolve \""+ hostname +"\".\n" }),
# endif
// host2canonical[hostname] = 0; <--
({ #'funcall, #'register_host, hostname, -1 }),
({ #'while, ({ #'qSize, queuename }), 42,
/* held sagt: also zuerst sagt er
:* ERQ could not resolve
:* und dann die while whiles sind die queues
:* also angestaute einträge in der queue
:* die er dann mit -1 aufruft
:* nach den while whiles wird die queue gelöscht
:* und der nächste dns_resolve-aufruf geht wieder an den erq
:* ziel der queues ist in diesem falle kein caching, sondern
:* nur lineares aufrufen der callbacks
:* also, fifo
// ({ #'debug_message, "while while "+ hostname + "\n"}),
({ #'catch, ({ #'funcall, ({ #'shift, queuename }),
-1 }) }) }),
({ #'qDel, queuename })
}) );
// this efun was introduced shortly after erq was fixed.. btw what does it do?
# if __EFUN_DEFINED__(reverse)
// we are currently doing too many resolutions.. this is nice for
// dyndns but silly if we have a valid tcp connection to the host
// in question, thus it is proven that the ip hasn't changed.
P3(("resolving "+hostname+"\n"))
unless (send_erq(ERQ_LOOKUP, hostname, c))
# else
// appending the zero byte fixes a bug in erq. sick!
unless (send_erq(ERQ_LOOKUP, to_array(hostname) + ({ 0 }), c))
# endif
// it's all pretty useless if __ERQ_MAX_SEND__ is defined
// even if ldmud was called with -N. what is this, a bug?
P1(("no erq: returning unresolved %O\n", hostname))
P1(("%O failed to ERQ_LOOKUP %O!\n", ME, hostname))
// if we cannot resolve using erq, we'll send back the hostname,
// so the driver can do a blocking resolve itself (needed for
// net_connect())
funcall(c2, hostname, callback);
#ifdef __ERQ_MAX_SEND__
// }}}
// {{{ function: dns_rresolve
// {{{ whatis comment
/** requests a reverse lookup of the given ip address from the erq process,
** on reply calls dns_resolve() to ensure the returned host name does indeed
** point to the ip address (protection against basic DNS spoofing), then
** does the callback, where it passes either the hostname of the ip as given
** by IN PTR, -1 for resolution failure, or -2 for a DNS spoofing attempt.
** extra arguments follow, if you provided any.
*/ // }}}
void dns_rresolve(string ip, closure callback, varargs array(mixed) extra) {
closure rresolve, resolve; // proto.h
int i1, i2, i3, i4;
string queuename;
P4(("dns_rresolve called with (%O, %O, %O).\n", ip, callback, extra))
unless (stringp(ip)) {
P1(("dns_rresolve called with (%O, %O, %O). stopping.\n", ip, callback, extra))
extra = ({ #'funcall, callback, 'host }) + extra;
// if unnecessary this can move into !__ERQ_MAX_SEND__
switch(ip) {
#ifdef __HOST_IP_NUMBER__
# if __HOST_IP_NUMBER__ != ""
case __HOST_IP_NUMBER__:
# else
# ifndef myIP
case myIP:
# else
case 0: // the hostname IS localhost, so this never happens
# endif
# endif
P4(("self resolution used\n"))
if (sizeof(extra)) funcall(lambda( ({ 'host }), extra), SERVER_HOST);
else funcall(callback, SERVER_HOST);
case "":
P3(("localhost resolution used\n"))
if (sizeof(extra)) funcall(lambda( ({ 'host }), extra), "localhost");
else funcall(callback, "localhost");
#ifdef __ERQ_MAX_SEND__
unless (sscanf(ip, "%D.%D.%D.%D", i1, i2, i3, i4) == 4) {
// that is not an ip. what shall we do?
// we're just returning for now. suggestions -> changestodo
P1(("dns_rresolve called with (%O, %O, %O). stopping.\n", ip, callback, extra))
queuename = "r" + ip;
resolve = lambda( ({ 'host, 'ip, 'rip }),
({ #'?,
({ #'==, 'ip, 'rip }),
({ (#',),
({ #'while, ({ #'qSize, queuename }),
({ #'catch,
({ #'funcall, ({ #'shift, queuename }), 'host })
({ #'qDel, queuename }),
({ (#',),
({ #'=, 'host, -2 }), // useless line
({ #'while, ({ #'qSize, queuename }),
({ #'catch,
({ #'funcall, ({ #'shift, queuename }), -2 })
({ #'qDel, queuename })
}) );
if (qExists(queuename)) {
enqueue(queuename, sizeof(extra)
? lambda(({ 'host }), extra)
: callback);
} else {
qInit(queuename, 1000, 10);
enqueue(queuename, sizeof(extra)
? lambda(({ 'host }), extra)
: callback);
rresolve = lambda( ({ 'name }),
({ #'funcall, (:
$1 = to_string($1[4..<2]); // extract hostname from crazy
// erq return format
unless ($1 == "") {
dns_resolve($1, lambda( ({ 'name }),
({ #'funcall, $4, $1, $2, 'name, $3 }) ));
} else {
funcall($4, -1, 0, 0, $3);
return; :), 'name, ip, callback, resolve }) );
unless (send_erq(ERQ_RLOOKUP, ({ i1, i2, i3, i4 }), rresolve))
P1(("no erq: returning unrresolved %O\n", ip))
P1(("%O failed to ERQ_RLOOKUP!\n", ME))
if (sizeof(extra)) {
funcall(lambda( ({ 'host }),
extra), ip);
} else {
funcall(callback, ip);
#ifdef __ERQ_MAX_SEND__
// }}}
// {{{ function: is_localhost
#if 1
int is_localhost(string host) {
// async discovery of virtual hosts is not necessary
// we should know all of our hostnames in advance for
// security anyway
return member(localhosts, lower_case(host));
// that means that we have to restart the server each time
// the dial-up IP changes.. :(
int is_localhost(string host, closure callback, varargs array(mixed) extra) {
host = lower_case(host);
if (member(localhosts, host)) {
funcall(callback, 1, extra);
// this is maybe not enough... we should resolve myIP,.. too
if (sscanf(host, "%~D.%~D.%~D.%~D") == 4) {
// what needs to be done?? rresolve both host and __HOST_IP_NUMBER__ ?
lambda(({ 'hostname }),
({ #'funcall, callback,
({ #'==, 'hostname, SERVER_HOST }) })
+ (sizeof(extra) ? extra : ({ }) )
} else {
# if !defined(__HOST_IP_NUMBER__) || __HOST_IP_NUMBER__ != ""
lambda(({ 'hostname }),
({ #'funcall, callback,
# ifdef __HOST_IP_NUMBER__
({ #'==, 'hostname, __HOST_IP_NUMBER__ })
# else
({ #'==, 'hostname, myIP })
# endif
}) + (sizeof(extra) ? extra : ({ }) )
# else
funcall(callback, 0, extra);
# endif
# if 0
// call either true or false
void if_localhost(string host, closure true, closure false,
varargs array(mixed) extra) {
is_localhost(host, lambda(({ 'bol }),
({ #'funcall,
({ #'?, 'bol, true, false }),
}) + (sizeof(extra) ? extra : ({ }) ) ));
# endif
#endif // if 1
// }}}
// {{{ function: dns_srv_resolve
void dns_srv_resolve(string hostname, string service, string proto, closure callback, varargs array(mixed) extra)
#ifdef __ERQ_MAX_SEND__
string req;
int rc;
// dumme bevormundung. wegen der musste ich jetzt ewig lang suchen:
//unless (proto == "tcp" || proto == "udp") return;
// da wir mit nem String arbeiten muessen
#ifdef __IDNA__
if (catch(hostname = idna_to_ascii(TO_UTF8(hostname)); nolog)) {
P0(("catch: punycode %O in %O\n", hostname, ME))
req = sprintf("_%s._%s.%s", service, proto, hostname);
rc = send_erq(ERQ_LOOKUP_SRV, req, lambda(({ 'wu }),
({ (#',),
({ #'?, ({ #'<, ({ #'sizeof, 'wu }), 3 }),
({ (#',),
# if DEBUG > 1
({ #'debug_message, "Could not srv_resolve _" +service+"._"+proto+"."+ hostname + "\n" }),
# endif
({ #'funcall, callback, -1 }) + extra,
({ #'return, 1 }),
({ #'=, 'i, 0 }),
({ #'=, 'resarr, quote(({ })) }),
({ #'=, 'wu, ({ #'explode, ({ #'to_string, ({ #'[..<], 'wu, 0, 3 }) }), "\n" }) }),
// wieso die if in der condition der while ???
({ #'while, ({ #'?, ({ #'<, 'i, ({ #'sizeof, 'wu }) }) }), 42,
({ (#',),
({ #'+=, 'resarr, ({ #'({, ({ #'({, ({ #'[, 'wu, 'i }), ({ #'to_int, ({ #'[, 'wu, ({ #'+, 'i, 1 }) }) }), ({ #'to_int, ({ #'[, 'wu, ({ #'+, 'i, 2 }) }) }), ({ #'to_int, ({ #'[, 'wu, ({ #'+, 'i, 3 }) }) }) }) }) }),
({ #'=, 'i, ({ #'+, 'i, 4 }) })
// ({ #'funcall, callback, ({ #'sort_array, 'resarr, sortsrv }) }) + extra
({ #'funcall, callback, 'resarr }) + extra
unless (rc) {
P0(("%O failed to ERQ_LOOKUP_SRV!\n", ME))
funcall(callback, -1, extra);
// Rueckgabe vom erq bei Fehlschlag -> empty message wie bei ERQ_RLOOKUP
// callback sollte erwarten:
// ein Array von Arrays jeweils mit name, port, pref, weigth
// oder ein einzelnes Array und man betrachtet jeweils vier Dinger
// waer dufte wenn die lambda das splitten koennte... sonst muss es
// halt nen string sein der zurueckgegeben wird
P1(("no erq: aborting SRV check for %O\n", hostname))
funcall(callback, -1, extra);
// }}}