Fork 0
mirror of git://git.psyced.org/git/psyced synced 2024-08-15 03:25:10 +00:00
2009-01-29 17:31:32 +01:00

433 lines
12 KiB

// $Id: udp.c,v 1.36 2007/09/21 11:05:03 lynx Exp $ // vim:syntax=lpc
#if 0
* this is currently broken and I dont have the time to fix it
#include <net.h>
#include <url.h>
#include <person.h>
#include <dns.h>
#include "sip.h"
* what this is about:
* build a psyc presence aware SIP-Proxy that will only let friends ring
* and only if you're present
* HIGHLY experimental module! use at your own risk
* functionality:
* - registering 70%
* tested with linphonec, kphone, shtoom, sipsak
* - proxying 30%
* remote user to local user 70% (rings, kphone -> linphone works)
* local user to remote user 0%
* - messaging ? sipsak -r 4404 -M -v -s sip:fippo@adamantine -B "lunch time"
* - better integration with core framework, e.g. using sendmsg()
* instead of send_udp
#include <net.h>
#include <url.h>
#include <person.h>
#include "sip.h"
inherit NET_PATH "sip/common";
send_udp_srv2(mixed *hostlist, string domain, string buf) {
if (hostlist == -1) {
send_udp_nonblocking(domain, 5060, buf);
} else {
hostlist[0][DNS_SRV_PORT], buf);
send_udp_srv(domain, service, prot, buf) {
dns_srv_resolve(domain, service, prot, #'send_udp_srv2, domain, buf);
reset() { }
object load() {
return ME;
parseUDP(ip, port, msg) {
string cmdline, headers, data;
mapping v;
string source, nick, target, cmd, prot;
string reply;
mixed *su, *tu;
mixed authuser;
int islocaltarget, authstate;
P4(("sip:parseUDP(%O,%O, ...):\n", ip,port))
sscanf(msg, "%s" CRLF "%s", cmdline, msg);
sscanf(msg, "%s" CRLF CRLF "%.0s", headers, data);
unless(cmdline && headers) {
reply = "SIP/2.0 400 Bad request!" CRLF + msg;
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
sscanf(cmdline, "%s%t%s%t%s", cmd, target, prot);
/* header parsing
v = parseHeaders(headers);
if (v == -1) {
// parsing failed
// TODO: loop detection im via
// do we have to check via headers vs source ip?
/* response handling and generation
if(abbrev("SIP", cmd) && (target = to_int(target))) {
handleResponse(cmd, target, cmdline, v, data);
#if 0
// should not happen as we are proxy
if (stringp(v["via"])) {
PT(("local response, generating 200\n"));
reply = makeResponse(prot, 200, v);
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
if (target) tu = parse_uniform(target);
unless(tu) {
reply = makeResponse(prot, 400, v);
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
islocaltarget = is_localhost(tu[UHost]);
// TODO this may be either local or remote users
if (islocaltarget && tu[UUser]) target = find_person(tu[UUser]);
// TODO works only for online users
#if 0
unless(target) {
// ?
if (v["authorization"]) {
// how to integrate with net/* PSYC
// infrastructure?
// for now we want features and make a dirty
// implementation
mapping a;
string method, auth;
string vname, vvalue;
sscanf(v["authorization"], "%s%t%s", method, auth);
/* parse the string */
a = ([ "_method" : "REGISTER" ]);
while(sscanf(auth, "%s=%s,%t%s",
vname, vvalue, auth) >= 2) {
sscanf(vvalue, "\"%s\"", vvalue);
a["_" + vname] = vvalue;
sscanf(auth, "%s=\"%s\"", vname, vvalue);
sscanf(vvalue, "\"%s\"", vvalue);
a["_" + vname] = vvalue;
a["_password"] = a["_response"];
/* end */
authuser = find_person(a["_username"]);
// TODO: dont call-other 0
// TODO: this is broken as of async checkPassword
// and will need a rewrite as it is getting ugly
authstate = authuser -> checkPassword(a["_response"],
a["_nonce"], a);
// TODO:
if (v["from"]) {
sscanf(v["from"], "%s%.0t<%s>%!s", nick, source);
// TODO what about the extra part?
unless(source) source = v["from"];
P2(("from source %O with nick %O\n", source, nick))
su = parse_uniform(source);
source = 0;
#if 0
if (is_localhost(su[UHost])) {
object o;
o = find_person(su[UUser]);
// TODO: check that source is coming from
// an authorized location!
PT(("location %O, %s:%d\n", o -> qLocation("sip"),
ip, port))
source = o;
unless(source) {
source = SIP + su[UUserAtHost];
#if 0
if (su[UPort] && su[UPort] != 5060)
source += ":" + su[UPort];
P2(("sip cmd %O from %O to %O\n", cmd, source, target))
switch(upper_case(cmd)) {
case "OPTIONS":
reply = makeResponse(prot, 400, v);
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
case "MESSAGE":
if (islocaltarget) {
if (data && data != "")
sendmsg(target, "_message_private", data,
([ "_nick" : objectp(source) ? source -> qName() : ""]), source);
// TODO: should be done via _message_private_echo
// somehow...
if (pointerp(v["via"])) v["via"][0] += ";received=" + __HOST_IP_NUMBER__ + ":" + query_udp_port();
reply = makeResponse(prot, 200, v);
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
// subscribe sip:... SIP/2.0
// ein _request_friendship quasi
// oder ein
if (islocaltarget) {
sendmsg(target, "_notice_presence_here", data, ([
"_INTERNAL_mood_jabber" : "neutral"
]), source);
if (pointerp(v["via"])) v["via"][0] += ";received=" + __HOST_IP_NUMBER__ + ":" + query_udp_port();
reply = makeResponse(prot, 200, v);
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
case "CANCEL":
case "BYE":
if (islocaltarget) {
// TODO: secure that
string branch = ";branch=z9hG4bK" + RANDHEXSTRING;
string ni, tgt, ho, po;
mixed o;
PT(("%O should be directed from %O to %O\n",
cmd, v["from"], v["to"]))
sscanf(v["to"], "%s<%s>%s", ni, tgt, ni);
tu = parse_uniform(tgt);
PT(("going to %O\n", tu))
v["via"] = ({ SIP_UDP " " SERVER_HOST ":4404" + branch, v["via"] });
else if (pointerp(v["via"]))
v["via"] = ({ SIP_UDP " " SERVER_HOST ":4404" + branch }) + v["via"];
reply = cmdline + CRLF +
serialize( ({ "via", "to", "from", "call-id", "cseq",
"max-forwards", "contact" }), v, data);
send_udp_nonblocking("adamantine", 5060, reply);
} else {
PT(("local to remote bye/cancel\n"))
case "INVITE":
case "ACK":
// hier muessen wir zwei cases unterscheiden
// a) ein remote/lokal user will einem unserer user was schicken
// b) ein user von uns will einem remote user etwas
// schicken
// Fall a:
if (islocaltarget) {
string loc;
if (target && (loc = target -> qLocation("sip"))) {
string branch;
tu = parse_uniform(loc);
PT(("should proxy call from %O to %O\n", source, loc))
if (stringp(v["max-forwards"])) v["max-forwards"] = to_int(v["max-forwards"]);
v["max-forwards"] -= 1;
branch = ";branch=z9hG4bK" + RANDHEXSTRING;
v["via"] = ({ SIP_UDP " " SERVER_HOST ":4404" + branch, v["via"] });
else if (pointerp(v["via"]))
v["via"] = ({ SIP_UDP " " SERVER_HOST ":4404" + branch}) + v["via"];
// PSYC integration
#if 0
if (cmd == "INVITE")
sendmsg(target, "_notice_location_sip_ring",
"[_source] is ringing your SIP phone at [_location]",
([ "_source" : source, "_location" : loc ]),
"sip:" + source);
reply = cmd + " " + loc + " " + prot + CRLF +
serialize( ({ "via", "to", "from", "call-id", "cseq",
"max-forwards", "contact" }),
v, data);
send_udp_nonblocking(tu[UHost], to_int(tu[UPort]) || 5060, reply);
} else {
// der Part ist wohl doch zu kompliziert
// magic branch cookie as of RFC 3261,
string branch = ";branch=" SIP_MAGIC_COOKIE;
// Section 16.6
// unless (su) ??
if (su[UHost] != SERVER_HOST) return -1; // remote to remote??
source = find_person(su[UUser]);
PT(("local user %O is calling to %O\n", source, target))
PT(("contact %O\n", v["contact"]))
PT(("authorized? %O == %O\n", source -> qLocation("sip"), "sip:" + ip + ":" + port))
// step 4
if (stringp(v["max-forwards"])) v["max-forwards"] = to_int(v["max-forwards"]);
else v["max-forwards"] = 10;
v["max-forwards"] -= 1;
// step 8
if(stringp(v["via"])) v["via"] = ({ SIP_UDP " " SERVER_HOST ":4404" + branch, v["via"] });
else if (pointerp(v["via"])) v["via"] = ({ SIP_UDP " " SERVER_HOST ":4404" + branch }) + v["via"];
reply = cmd + " " + target + " " SIP_UDP CRLF +
serialize( ({ "via", "to", "from", "call-id", "cseq",
"max-forwards", "contact" }), v, data);
// step 10
PT(("data %O\nreply %O\n", data, reply))
send_udp_srv(tu[UHost], "sip", "udp", reply);
case "REGISTER":
if (authstate) {
int expires;
string loc;
mixed *cu;
expires = to_int(v["expires"]);
P2(("contact(s) %O expires in %d seconds\n", v["contact"], expires))
loc = v["contact"];
if (!v["contact"]) {
// query for all contacts
sscanf(v["contact"], "%!.0s<%s>%!.0s", loc);
cu = parse_uniform(loc);
if (cu) {
loc = SIP + cu[UUserAtHost];
if (stringp(v["via"]))
v["via"] += ";received=" + __HOST_IP_NUMBER__ + ":" + query_udp_port();
else if (pointerp(v["via"]))
v["via"][0] += ";received=" + __HOST_IP_NUMBER__ + ":" + query_udp_port();
reply = makeResponse(prot, 200, v, "");
if (expires!= 0) {
reply += serialize(({ "contact" }), v);
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
/* IF authstate == 1
* expire != 0:
* set users sip-location to v["contact"]
* for expire seconds
* else delete users sip-location
if (expires != 0) {
// TODO: this gets annoying,
// should only be shown if changed
// TODO: how do we deal with expires?
if (authuser -> sLocation("sip", loc))
sendmsg(authuser, "_notice_location_sip",
"Your SIP Phone ([_version_agent]) has registered at "
"[_location_sip] (valid for [_duration] seconds).",
([ "_location_sip" : loc,
"_version_agent" : v["user-agent"],
"_duration" : v["expires"] ]), authuser);
} else {
if (authuser -> sLocation("sip", 0))
sendmsg(authuser, "_notice_location_sip_signoff",
"Your SIP Phone has signed off from [_location_sip].",
([ "_location_sip" : v["contact"] ]), authuser);
} else if (v["authorization"]) {
// authorization failed
reply = makeResponse(prot, 403, v, "");
// reply += "Content-Length: 0" CRLF CRLF;
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
} else {
//v["to"] += ";tag=1234567890abcde"; // ??? TODO
/* need authorization
v["www-authenticate"] = "Digest realm=\"" + SERVER_UNIFORM + "\", nonce=\"" + time() + "\"";
reply = makeResponse(prot, 401, v, "");
// TODO: nonce generation has to be secure
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
reply = makeResponse(prot, 400, v, "");
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
// RFC 3261, figure 1
// [...] This response contains the same To, From, Call-ID, CSeq and
// branch parameter in the via as the invite
reply = makeResponse(prot, 100, v);
reply += "Content-Length: 0" CRLF CRLF;
send_udp(ip, port, reply);
handleResponse(prot, statuscode, cmdline, v, data) {
/* status message, send to topmost via-header
string target, host, tag; // tag == branch???
string reply;
int port;
PT(("via %O\n", v["via"]))
if (stringp(v["via"])) {
// TODO response is addressed to us
PT(("local response code %O\n", statuscode))
sscanf(v["via"][1], "%s%t%s", prot, target);
sscanf(target, "%s;%s", target, tag);
sscanf(target, "%s:%d", host, port);
v["via"] = v["via"][1..];
unless(host) host = target;
unless(port) port = 5060;
PT(("sending status %O to %s:%d\n", statuscode, host, port))
reply = cmdline + CRLF +
serialize( ({ "via", "to", "from", "call-id", "cseq",
"contact" }), v, data);
send_udp_nonblocking(host, port, reply);
msg(source, mc, data, mapping vars, showingLog, target) {
mapping v;
string packet;
PT(("should send %O from %O to %O\nvars %O\n", mc, source, target, vars))
// note: stpeters xmpp2sip work may be - though outdated - useful
#if 0
v = ([ "content-type" : vars["_type_data"] || "text/plain" ]);
packet = "";
switch(mc) {
case "_message_private":
v["via"] = SIP_UDP " " SERVER_HOST ";branch=z9hG4bK"
v["cseq"] = random(__INT_MAX__) + " MESSAGE";
v["to"] = target;
v["from"] = source;
v["call-id"] = RANDHEXSTRING + "@" SERVER_HOST;
packet = "MESSAGE " + target + " SIP/2.0" CRLF +
serialize(({ "to", "from", "via", "call-id", "cseq" }),
v, data);
PT(("packet %O\n", packet))