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// $Id: common.c,v 1.107 2008/04/16 14:21:17 lynx Exp $ // vim:syntax=lpc
// common functions for IRC servers and clients (gateways)
#define MYNICK qName() // common for both server and user
#define NO_INHERIT
#include "irc.h"
//#include "hack.i"
#include "reply.h"
#include <strings.h>
#include <text.h>
virtual inherit NET_PATH "output";
volatile string prefix;
parse(a) {
string t, from, cmd, args, text;
#ifdef _flag_log_sockets_IRC
log_file("RAW_IRC", "%d %O\t<< %s\n", time(), ME, a);
IRCD( D("IRC< '"+a+"'\n"); )
// some clients like ircII like to send trailing spaces
// which may f**k up some parsing. also regular irc servers
// ignore leading spaces, so should we
#if __EFUN_DEFINED__(trim)
//if (a == "") return; // but first make sure there's something at all
//if (a[<1] == ' ' || a[0] == ' ')
a = trim(a, TRIM_BOTH);
// efun probably faster than doing all those checks anyway
// not as efficient as it could be, but we have trim() anyway
if (a == "") return; // first make sure there's something at all
while (a[0] == ' ') a = a[1..];
while (a[<1] == ' ') a = a[0..<2];
if (a == "") return; // don't let " \n" execute "/s"
unless (sscanf(a, ":%s %s", from, t)) t = a;
sscanf(t, "%s :%s", t, text);
unless (sscanf(t, "%s %s", cmd, args)) cmd = t;
if (cmd) ircMsg(from, lower_case(cmd), args, text, a);
return 1;
ircMsg(from, cmd, args, text, all) {
mixed t,t1;
switch(cmd) {
case "motd":
return 1;
case "lusers":
return 1;
case "time":
t = time();
t1 = ctime(t);
write(SERVER_SOURCE "391 " + MYNICK + " " SERVER_HOST " " +
t + "0 :" + isotime(t1, 0) + " -- " + hhmmss(t1) + "\n");
return 1;
case "ping":
// sieht doof aus scheint aber amtlich zu sein
// ne isses nich. man ponged, was der user gepinged hat.
// eine fantasievolle lösung:
+( text || args || MYNICK )+"\n");
return 1;
case "quit":
return 1;
case "userhost":
// kleine clientverarsche
reply(RPL_USERHOST, ":"+args+"=+"+args+"@" SERVER_HOST);
return 1;
// write("421 :Huh?\n");
// D(S("Unknown IRC: %s\n", all));
// log_file("IRCPROT", "[%s] %s\n", query_ip_number(), all);
// return 1;
return 0;
motd() {
string buffer = "";
// sollte alles in der textdb sein statt den reply hack zu verwenden
// ist aber leider ein bisschen tragisch, da sich ne motd abprubt ändern
// können soll... :( - die textdb geht ja eher von statischen inhalten aus.
// was halt ihr sinn ist.
// ok, also nicht die statische textdb - aber es gibt ja auch dynamische
// textdb sachen.. und ausserdem, MOTD sollte doch mehrsprachig sein können!?
emit(sreply(RPL_MOTDSTART, ":- " SERVER_HOST " Message of the Day - "));
#ifdef MOTD_FILE
if (file_size(MOTD_FILE) > 0) {
string motd_file;
// wir machen demnäxt noch n anderes define, dann kommts aus der
// datenbank. hat dann nur immernoch den beieffekt, dass in der datenbank
// direkt das MOTD-prefix stehen muss, und das werden ungefähr 3 leute
// wenn überhaupt verwenden, und alle davon aus dem kreis der muve/psycdevs.
// dummerweise fiel hier im Zuge des neuen emit das '- ' flach - fippo
P3(("MOTD_FILE (%O) found\n", MOTD_FILE))
motd_file = read_file(MOTD_FILE);
emit(sreply(RPL_MOTD, ":" + motd_file));
} else
emit(sreply(RPL_MOTD, ":- [PSYC] will probably make you happier. http://about.psyc.eu/\n"
#if 0
"- We're in public beta testing stage.\n"
"- Usage manuals and legacy transition help on http://help.pages.de/\n"
"- \n"
"- You're the administrator of this server? Save your customized\n"
#ifdef MOTD_FILE
"- MOTD to " MOTD_FILE " in psyced's world/ directory."
"- MOTD to psyced's world/ directory and add\n"
"- #define MOTD_FILE \"<filename>\" to your local/local.h"
emit(sreply(RPL_ENDOFMOTD, ":End of MOTD command"));
return 1;
lusers() {
reply(RPL_LUSERCLIENT, ":There are " + amount_people()
+ " users on this server\n");
qCharset() {}
render(string mc, string data, mapping vars, mixed source) {
string template, output;
mixed t;
P0(("common:render %O %O\n", ME, data));
template = T(mc, 0); // enable textdb inheritance
template = T(mc, "");
<<<<<<< common.c
#ifndef _flag_disable_stamp_time_IRC
t = vars["_time_place"] || vars["_time_log"];
if (t && v("timestamp") != "off" // && abbrev("_message", mc)
&& stringp(data)) {
if (stringp(t)) t = to_int(t); // we need types ;)
if (v("timestamp") == "on") {
string msa = " ";
msa[0] = 0x01; // msa's CTCP character
// should use psyctime instead of unixtime
data = msa +"TS "+ (t - PSYC_EPOCH) +msa+ data;
} else
data = "["+ hhmm(ctime(t)) +"] "+ data; // use T() ?
P3(("%O data is %O\n", ME, data))
>>>>>>> 1.107
P3(("c:r pre ptext: %O %O %O %O\n", template, vars, data, source ));
output = psyctext( template, vars, data, source);
P3(("c:r 1st ptext: %O\n", output));
if (!output || output=="") return D2(D("irc/user: empty output\n"));
#ifndef _flag_disable_stamp_time_IRC
if (t = vars["_time_place"] || vars["_time_log"]) {
PT(("%O got timestamp %O\n", ME, t))
if (t && v("timestamp") != "off" && abbrev("_message", mc)
&& stringp(output)) {
output = v("timestamp")
? output +" ["+ hhmm(ctime(t)) +"]" // use T() ?
: output + "%TS "+ hhmm(ctime(t)) +"%";
if (template == "") {
// der ganze prefix kram is im irc protokoll in der
// tat blödsinn.. muss ma anders machen..
if (abbrev("_prefix", mc)) return prefix = output+" ";
output += "\n";
if (output[0] == '#') output = SERVER_SOURCE + output[1..];
else if (output[0] != ':') {
string t2;
if (prefix) { output = prefix+output; prefix=0; }
// ich wage es mal hier den raumnamen als ziel auszugeben.
// wenn das nicht für alle fälle gut ist, dann mit dem
// if auf _notice_action einschränken. else liegt auch
// schon bereit. alles klar --lynX
// if (abbrev("_notice_action", mc)) {
// output = psyc2irc(mc) +" "+(vars["_nick_place"] ?
// place2channel(vars["_nick_place"]) : MYNICK)
// +" :" + output;
// else
// output = psyc2irc(mc) +" "+MYNICK+" :" + output;
// TODO: in theory, going thru the textdb twice should
// not be necessary, but it is the most straightforward
// solution
t2 = T(mc, data);
if (template != t2) {
output = psyctext( t2, vars, data, source) + "\n";
P3(("c:r 2nd ptext: %O\n", output));
#if DEBUG > 0
} else {
P3(("c:r %O==%O so there is no 2nd ptext for %O.\n"
"see also render(%O,%O,%O,%O)\n",
template, t2, output,
mc, data, vars, source));
unless (trail("\n", output)) {
PT(("(harmless) no IRC template for %O\n", mc))
log_file("IRC_TEXTDB", "%O\n", mc);
// _silent: when casts from a conversation-filtered place
// arrive, which isnt known to the client as a channel, we
// revert to personal notices to not irritate it.
if (
// would be nicer to check if source is a place but
// isn't trivial right here.. looks like joining remote
// xmpp: mucs is affected by this change - you may not
// be able to see history. fippo is looking into this.
// <fippo> i wanted this for the _notice_place_* use case
// i would propose keeping the old way and adding a
// condition with _nick_place && abbrev(_notice_place, mc)
(vars["_nick_place"] || vars["_context"]) &&
vars["_context"] && vars["_nick_place"] &&
(vars["_INTERNAL_control"] != "_silent" ||
v("entersilent") == "off")) {
P2(("irc/user: psyc2irc channel notice (%O)\n", mc))
// psyc2irc is called without source||context here so
// this will be server notices - it is yet to be
// determined if this is appropriate
output = psyc2irc(mc, 0) +" "+ // MYNICK+" "+
place2channel(vars["_nick_place"]) +" :" + output;
} else {
//PT(("irc/user: psyc2irc personal notice (%O) with %O\n", mc, vars))
output = psyc2irc(mc, source) +" "+MYNICK+" :" + output;
else {
// klammern und indent gemacht aus style-gruenden
for (i=strstr(output, "%"); i>=0; i=strstr(output, "%", i)) {
output[i] = 0x01; // support for msa's CTCP char
// i would really love to do it using the textdb, but it is unflexible.
// probably i'll change that somewhen.
if (mc == "_status_place_members_amount") {
// since irc ALWAYS needs to have a namreply, we
// simply give it one that only contains ourselves
w(mc[..<8], 0, ([ "_nick_place" : vars["_nick_place"],
"_members" : vars["_nick_me"] ]));
w(mc[..<8] + "_end", 0, vars);
// server:w() doesnt call this anyway, so we dont need last_prefix
//volatile private string last_prefix;
emit(string output) {
//PT(("common:emit %O %O\n", ME, output));
// misteries of virtual inheritance.. why doesnt this get called
// from gatebot? we need to get this working for 512-split!!
#ifdef _flag_log_sockets_IRC
# define EMIT(OUT) (log_file("RAW_IRC", "%d %O\t>> %s", time(), ME, OUT), ::emit(OUT))
# else
# define EMIT ::emit
#if __EFUN_DEFINED__(convert_charset)
string cs = qCharset();
if (cs && cs != SYSTEM_CHARSET) {
iconv(output, SYSTEM_CHARSET, cs);
P4(("output in %O = %O\n", cs, output))
if (output[<1] != '\n')
return EMIT(output);
if (strlen(output) < MAX_IRC_BYTES)
return EMIT(chomp(output) + "\r\n");
else {
string split_prefix, line;
int cut, t;
cut = strstr(output, " :");
P3(("IRC:emit splitting large line at %O\n%O\n", cut, output))
if (cut >= 0) {
split_prefix = output[..++cut];
output = output[++cut..<2];
if (output[0] == output[<1] && output[0] == 0x01) {
output = chop(output);
} else {
split_prefix = ""; //last_prefix;
output = chop(output);
// because of additional \\\r\n we have to subtract 3
cut = MAX_IRC_BYTES-3 - strlen(split_prefix);
if (cut < 9) {
// happens when 005 messages grows too big
P1(("%O encountered data w/out a decently placed ':' "
"to be able to do 512 splitting\n%O\n", ME, line))
foreach(line : explode(output, "\n")) if (strlen(line)) {
// maybe we should just throw away everything beyond
while (strlen(line) > cut) {
// we shall look for last whitespace instead
t = rindex(line, ' ', cut);
if (t > 9) {
// msa's CTCP character
if (line[0] == 0x01) { // can only be true in
// the very first cycle.
// any realistic ideas
// how to do do this
// just once?
EMIT(split_prefix + line[..t]
+ line[0..0] + "\r\n");
line = line[t+1..];
} else {
EMIT(split_prefix + line[..t]+ "\r\n");
line = line[t+1..];
} else {
P1(("%O encountered data w/out ' ' to "
"allow for a decent IRC 512 split:"
"\n%O\n", ME, line))
// ignore this junk
// we might aswell use the old
// backslash splitting code below here
t = line[cut] == '\r' ? cut-1 : cut;
// msa's CTCP character
if (line[0] == 0x01) { // can only be true in
// the very first cycle.
// any realistic ideas
// how to do do this
// only once?
// inserting stargazer-style backslashes
EMIT(split_prefix + line[..t-1]
+ "\\" + line[0..0] + "\r\n");
line = line[cut..];
} else {
EMIT(split_prefix + line[..t]
+ "\\\r\n");
line = line[cut+1..];
EMIT(split_prefix + line +"\r\n");
return 1;
internalError() {
#ifdef RELAY
// yay. we could "fix" it here by
PT(("crazy experimental autofix in internalError()\n"))
emit("ERROR :Congratulations! you triggered a runtime error in psyced."
" This server will no longer accept input until you reconnect.\n");