
53 lines
1.7 KiB
OpenEdge ABL

// vim:noexpandtab:syntax=lpc
// $Id: header.i,v 1.10 2008/08/05 12:21:33 lynx Exp $
#include <ht/http.h>
volatile int headerDone = 0;
http_ok(string prot, string type, string extra) {
string out;
// yes, this is compatible to pre-HTTP/1.0 browsers. sick, i know.
if (!prot || headerDone++) return;
out = type || extra ? htheaders(type, extra) +"\n"
: "Content-type: " DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE "\n\n";
emit(out = HTTP_SVERS " 200 Sure\n"+ out);
P3(("http_ok: out: %O\s", out))
varargs http_error(string prot, int code, string comment, string html) {
string out;
// apparently there isn't a single app that calls this with "html"
P2(("hterror(%O,%O,%O,%O) in %O\n", prot,code,comment,html, ME))
#if defined(T)
// use the textdb if available
out = psyctext( T("_PAGES_error", "<title>Error [_code]</title><body><h1 id='code'>[_code]</h1><div id='comment'>[_comment]</div>"),
([ "_comment": comment, "_code": code ]) );
// use some hardcoded defaults
out = "<body text='white' bgcolor='black' link='green' vlink='green'>\n";
if (html) out = sprintf("<title>%s</title>\n%s%s", comment, out, html);
else out = sprintf("\
<title>Error %d</title>\n\
<table width=\"100%%\" height=\"90%%\"><tr><th><h1><br/>\n\n\
code, out, comment
// <a href=\"mailto:%s?subject=%s\">%s</a>\n
// yes, this is compatible to pre-HTTP/1.0 browsers. sick, i know.
if (!headerDone++ && prot) {
// I used to output the comment, but Id have to cut out the
// newline from the db
emit(out = sprintf(HTTP_SVERS " 200 Actually %03d but MSIE steals my error page\n%s\n%s", code, htheaders(), out));
} else emit(out);