// vim:foldmethod=marker:syntax=lpc:noexpandtab // // http://localhost:33333/net/twitter/listing shows a list of friends #include #include #include volatile object fetcha; volatile mixed wurst; parse(string body) { #ifndef _flag_disable_fetch_twitter_friends if (!body || body == "") { P1(("%O failed to get its listing.\n", ME)) return; } rm(DATA_PATH "twitter/friends.json"); write_file(DATA_PATH "twitter/friends.json", body); P4((body)) #endif unless (pointerp(wurst = parse_json(body))) { P1(("%O failed to parse its listing.\n", ME)) return; } #ifdef DEVELOPMENT // haha.. (s)printf(): BUFF_SIZE overflowed... //ite_file(DATA_PATH "twitter/friends.parsed", sprintf("%O\n", wurst)); #endif P1(("%O sorting %O subscription names ", ME, sizeof(wurst))) wurst = sort_array(wurst, (: unless (mappingp($1)) return 0; unless (mappingp($2)) return 1; // PT(("%O got %O vs %O\n", ME, $1, $2)) P1((".")) return lower_case($2["screen_name"] || "") > lower_case($1["screen_name"] || ""); :) ); P1((" done!\n")) } htget(prot, query, headers, qs, data, noprocess) { string nick; mapping d; //, s; int i; //sTextPath(query["layout"] || "twitter", query["lang"], "html"); localize(query["lang"], "html"); unless (pointerp(wurst)) { hterror(prot, R_TEMPOVERL, "Haven't successfully retrieved data yet."); return; } htok(prot); // outputs utf-8 header, but.. w("_HTML_listing_head_twitter"); for (i=sizeof(wurst)-1; i>=0; i--) { d = wurst[i]; unless (mappingp(d)) { P1(("%O got a broken entry: %O.\n", ME, d)) continue; } // // user "foebud" has no updates ;) // // s = d["status"]; // unless (mappingp(s)) { // P1(("%O got a statusless entry: %O.\n", ME, d)) // continue; // } unless (nick = d["screen_name"]) { P1(("%O got a nickless tweeter.\n", ME)) continue; } w("_HTML_listing_item_twitter", 0, ([ // should i send text as _action? "_nick": nick, "_amount_updates": d["statuses_count"], // _count_subscribers seems to be better for this // or should it be _recipients? _targets? "_amount_followers": d["followers_count"], "_amount_sources": d["friends_count"], // shows how old listing is.. hmm //"_description_update": s["text"] || "", "_color": "#"+ d["profile_sidebar_fill_color"], "_description": d["description"] || "", "_uniform_context": SERVER_UNIFORM +"@"+ nick, "_page": d["url"] || "", "_name": d["name"] || "", // "_contact_twitter": d["id"], "_reference_reply": d["in_reply_to_screen_name"], // "_twit": d["id"], "_uniform_photo": d["profile_image_url"] || "", "_uniform_photo_background": d["profile_background_image_url"] || "" ])); } w("_HTML_listing_tail_twitter"); return 1; } #ifndef _flag_disable_fetch_twitter_friends fetch() { fetcha -> content( #'parse, 0, 1 ); fetcha -> fetch("http://twitter.com/statuses/friends.json?count=200"); } #endif create() { #ifdef _flag_disable_fetch_twitter_friends string body = read_file(DATA_PATH "twitter/friends.json"); if (body) return parse(body); P1(("\nNo twitter/friends.json found. %O disabled.\n", ME)) destruct(ME); #else mapping config; object o = find_object(CONFIG_PATH "config"); if (o) config = o->qConfig(); if (!config) { P1(("\nNo configuration for twitter gateway found in %O.\n", o)) //destruct(ME); return 1; } // we could even choose to inherit this instead... fetcha = clone_object(NET_PATH "http/fetch"); //fetcha -> sAgent(SERVER_VERSION " builtin Twitter to PSYC gateway"); fetcha -> sAuth(config["nickname"], config["password"]); call_out( #'fetch, 14 ); #endif }