# taken from prosody.im, originally written by zash. MIT license # .DEFAULT: localhost.cert keysize=2048 # How to: # First, `make yourhost.cnf` which creates a openssl config file. # Then edit this file and fill in the details you want it to have, # and add or change hosts and components it should cover. # Then `make yourhost.key` to create your private key, you can # include keysize=number to change the size of the key. # Then you can either `make yourhost.csr` to generate a certificate # signing request that you can submit to a CA, or `make yourhost.cert` # to generate a self signed certificate. .PRECIOUS: %.cnf %.key # To request a cert %.csr: %.cnf %.key openssl req -new -key $(lastword $^) -out $@ -utf8 -config $(firstword $^) # Self signed %.cert: %.cnf %.key openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -key $(lastword $^) -days 365 \ -sha1 -out $@ -utf8 -config $(firstword $^) %.cnf: sed 's,example\.com,$*,g' openssl.cnf > $@ %.key: openssl genrsa $(keysize) > $@ @chmod 400 -c $@