#include #define NAME "PSYC" #define SILENT #define PLACE_HISTORY_EXPORT //#define HISTORY #define HISTORY_METHOD "_notice_update" #define HISTORY_GLIMPSE 4 #ifdef BRAIN //# define ON_ANY if (mayLog(mc)) mymsg(source, mc, data, vars); //# define ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FROM "psyc://fly.symlyn" # define ALLOW_EXTERNAL #else //# define CONNECT_DEFAULT # define REDIRECT "psyc://psyced.org/@welcome" #endif #include #if 0 // def BRAIN // it was a bad idea anyway.. you don't wanna autorelease thru cvs.. #if 0 mymsg(source, mc, data, vars) { if (vars["_module"] == "psyconaut" && strstr(vars["_files"], "psyconaut.exe") != -1) { vars["_origin"] = source || vars["_INTERNAL_source"]; P0(("%O forwarding psyconaut %O\n", ME, vars)) sendmsg("psyc://psyced.org/@psyconaut-release", mc, data, vars); } } #endif qAllowExternal(source, mc, vars) { P3(("qAllowExternal: %O,%O,%O\n", source,mc,vars)) unless (stringp(source)) return 0; source = lower_case(source); // should allow for all hostnames and ips of lectern.. oerks if (abbrev( "psyc://lectern.tobij.de:" , source)) return 1; if (abbrev( "psyc://psyced.org:" , source)) return 1; return 0; } #endif