# how do i check if $ENV{PAGER} is already set? # like this, says ketmar. probably gmake only. PAGER ?= more ############################################################################## ## INSTALLATION install: INSTALL.txt README.txt # @$(PAGER) echo Your environment variable PAGER is not configured! $(PAGER) INSTALL.txt @clear ./install.sh || ksh install.sh test: (cd bin && perl -c edata && perl -c psyconf && perl -c fmt2textdb) clean: -rm INSTALL.txt world/LP_SWAP* world/OBJ_DUMP world/*.log world/log -rm world/WIZLIST world/.methods # find . -follow -name '.*.swp' -print # find . -follow -name '*.b' -print -exec rm {} \; README.txt: lynx -dump http://www.psyced.org/README.html >$@ INSTALL.txt: lynx -dump http://www.psyced.org/INSTALL.html >$@ corpses: find . -name .#\* -print # show me the fingerprint of the certificate i am about to install fp: local/cert.pem openssl x509 -in local/cert.pem -fingerprint -sha1 | head -n 1 ############################################################################## ## USER AND PLACE DATA MAINTAINANCE MTIME = +120 clean.log: (cd data;nice find person -mtime $(MTIME) -print -exec rm {} \;) >$@ wc clean.log preview: (cd data;nice find person -mtime $(MTIME) -exec ls -l {} \;) | $(PAGER) (cd data;nice find place -mtime $(MTIME) -exec ls -l {} \;) | $(PAGER) today: (cd data;nice find person -mtime -1 -print) | wc ############################################################################## ## THE REST OF THE MAKEFILE PROBABLY ISN'T VERY INTERESTING OR USEFUL FOR YOU # generate a file that autoloads all lpc classes.. good only for debugging local/all.ls: (cd world;find . -follow -name '*.c' -print) | grep -vw not >$@ .methods: (cd world;../bin/rmeth net/* pro/*) | sort >$@ .links: (cd world;../bin/findlinks */de/* */en/*) >$@ rights: # how do i tell him to skip .git ? find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; chmod +x bin/* run/* config/psyced.settings install.sh utility/multipatcher openwrt: @echo This generates an openwrt-installable package by deleting @echo large parts of psyced that are not necessary. 3 seconds pause. @sleep 3 mkdir etc mkdir etc/init.d mv config/blueprint/* etc mv config/init.d/psyced-openwrt etc/init.d/psyced mv config/psyced.ini etc rm -r .git* CHANGESTODO install.sh bin/psyked bin/csv* config pike rm -r run/* utility world/drivers/amylaar world/drivers/mudos