// $Id: server.c,v 1.64 2008/05/13 09:51:07 lynx Exp $ // vim:syntax=lpc // // yes, psyced is also a web server, like every decent piece of code. ;) // #include #include #include #include "header.i" volatile string url, qs, prot, method, body; volatile mixed item; volatile mapping headers; volatile int length; qScheme() { return "html"; } quit() { D2(D("««« HTTP done.\n");) destruct(ME); } // gets called from async apps done() { quit(); } parse_nothing(input) { P2(("=== HTTP ignored %O from %O\n", input, query_ip_name(ME))) next_input_to(#'parse_nothing); } parse_body_length(input) { //P4(("parse_body_length(%O)\n", input)) body += input; if (strlen(body) >= length) { process(); next_input_to(#'parse_nothing); } else input_to(#'parse_body_length, INPUT_IGNORE_BANG | INPUT_CHARMODE | INPUT_NO_TELNET); } parse_body_url(input) { qs = input; if (method == "post") method = "get"; // call htget() anyway process(); next_input_to(#'parse_nothing); } parse_body_raw(input) { body += input; next_input_to(#'parse_body_raw); // this loop terminates with TCP disconnected() } disconnected(remainder) { D2(D("««« HTTP got disconnected.\n");) if (stringp(remainder)) { body += remainder; process(); call_out(#'quit, 333); } else quit(); return 1; // expected death of socket } timeout() { // try using incomplete post if (stringp(body) && strlen(body)) process(); quit(); } parse_wait(null) { // waiting to send my error message here if (null == "") { http_error("HTTP/1.0", 405, "Invalid Request (Hello Proxyscanner)"); quit(); } // why wait? we can throw the message on the socket and kill it next_input_to(#'parse_wait); } parse_header(input) { string name, contents; if (input == "") return process_header(); // %.0t = catch zero to endless whitespace characters sscanf(input, "%s:%1.0t%s", name, contents); if (contents) { P3(("headers[%O] = %O\n",name,contents)) headers[lower_case(name)] = contents; } else { // http_error(prot, R_BADREQUEST, // "invalid header '"+ input +"'"); // QUIT; return 1; P1(("Invalid HTTP header %O from %O\n", input, query_ip_name(ME))) } next_input_to(#'parse_header); } process_header() { #if 0 if (method == "post" && (length = to_int(headers["content-length"])) && headers["content-type"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") #else if (length = to_int(headers["content-length"])) #endif { input_to(#'parse_body_length, INPUT_IGNORE_BANG | INPUT_CHARMODE | INPUT_NO_TELNET); } else if (headers["content-type"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { next_input_to(#'parse_body_url); } else if (method == "post" || method == "put") { next_input_to(#'parse_body_raw); } else { process(); } } parse_request(input) { P2(("=== HTTP got: %O from %O\n", input, query_ip_name(ME))) // reset state. in case we support HTTP/1.1. do we? method = item = url = prot = qs = 0; headers = ([]); body = ""; if (!input || input=="") { // should return error? input_to(#'parse_request); // lets just ignore the empty line return 1; } input = explode(input, " "); switch(sizeof(input)) { default: prot = input[2]; next_input_to(#'parse_header); case 2: // earlier HTTP versions have no headers // ok, it's excentric to support HTTP/0.9 but // it is practical for debugging and doesn't // cost us a lot extra effort url = input[1]; unless (sscanf(url, "%s?%s", item, qs)) item = url; method = lower_case(input[0]); break; case 1: // should return error! quit(); } P4(("=== HTTP user requested url: %O\n", url)) if (method == "connect") next_input_to(#'parse_wait); else if (!prot) body(); // HTTP/0.9 has no headers else next_input_to(#'parse_header); } process() { string t, ext; mapping query = ([]); object o; int done = 1; // take defaults from cookie, then override by query string // lynXism cookie behaviour, normal one is below t = headers["cookie"]; P4(("found cookie: %O\n", t)) if (t && sscanf(t, "psyced=\"%s\"", t)) { P3(("got cookie: %O\n", t)) query = url_parse_query(query, t); P4(("parsed cookie: %O\n", query)) } #ifdef GENERIC_COOKIES // we might need them someday..? // if within the same domain other cookies are being used, like // by including google-analytics, then we might be receiving them // here and have no friggin' idea what they are good for. // thus: we *need* a way to ensure a cookie is our own. // FIXME: this is not really compliant else if (t) { mapping cook = ([ ]); string k, v; while(t && sscanf(t, "%s=%s;%t%s", k, v, t) >= 2) { cook[k] = v; } if (sscanf(t, "%s=%s", k, v)) cook[lower_case(k)] = v; // case insensitive cook[0] = headers["cookie"]; // save cookie-string headers["cookie"] = cook; } #endif if (qs) { P3(("got query: %O\n", qs)) query = url_parse_query(query, qs); } if (method == "post" && headers["content-type"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { query = url_parse_query(query, body); } P4(("parsed query: %O\n", query)) switch (item) { case "/favicon.ico": #if 0 htredirect(prot, "http://www.psyced.org/favicon.ico", "This one looks neat", 1); quit(); return 1; #else item = "/static/favicon.ico"; break; #endif case "/": case "": // should we look for text/wml in the accept: and go directly // to /net/wap/index ? // http_ok(prot); sTextPath(0, query["lang"], "html"); write( //T("_HTML_head", "" CHATNAME "\n" // "
") + T("_PAGES_index", "

" "psyced -" " your multicast capable web application server.") ); // T("_HTML_tail", "

")); quit(); return 1; case "/static": // really don't like to do this, but the IE stores directories // (history) without trailing slash, even if the url originaly // has one, at least IIRC. htredirect(prot, "/static/", "use the trailing slash", 1); quit(); return 1; case "/static/": item = "/static/index.html"; break; case "/oauth": object oauth; http_ok(prot); //PT((">>> looking up token %O in shm: %O\n", query["oauth_token"], shared_memory("oauth_request_tokens"))) if (oauth = shared_memory("oauth_request_tokens")[query["oauth_token"]]) { //PT((">>> oauth: %O\n", oauth)) oauth->verified(query["oauth_verifier"]); m_delete(shared_memory("oauth_request_tokens"), query["oauth_token"]); write("OAuth succeeded, you can now return to your client."); } else { write("OAuth failed: token not found"); } quit(); return 1; } string name; switch (item[1]) { case '~': string channel, nick = item[2..]; if (sscanf(item, "/~%s/%s", nick, channel)) { name = "~" + nick + "#" + channel; } else if (o = summon_person(nick, NET_PATH "user")) { o->htinfo(prot, query, headers, qs, channel); quit(); return 1; } //fall thru case '@': unless(name) name = item[2..]; o = find_place(name); break; default: if (abbrev("/static/", item)) { if (file_size(item) > 0) { if (sscanf(item, "%!s.%s", ext)) { while (sscanf(ext, "%!s.%s", ext)) ; } http_ok(prot, content_type(ext), 0); binary_message(read_file(item)); quit(); return 1; } } else if (sscanf(item, "/%s/%s.page", ext, t) == 2) { http_ok(prot); sTextPath(0, query["lang"] || ext, "html"); t = replace(t, "/", "_"); write(T("_HTML_head", "" CHATNAME "\n" "
") + T("_PAGES_"+t, "[no such page]\n") + T("_HTML_tail", "
")); quit(); return 1; } } if (index(item, ':') != -1) { http_error(prot, 501, "Not Implemented. Whatever you are trying " "there, this server won't help you."); quit(); return; } unless (o) o = item -> load(); if (objectp(o) || o = find_object(item)) done = o->htget(prot, query, headers, qs) != HTMORE; if (done) quit(); else remove_call_out(#'timeout); return 1; } emit(a) { return binary_message(a); } logon() { D2(D("»»» HTTP request:\n");) // bigger buffer (for psyc logo) set_buffer_size(32768); // unfortunately limited to a compilation limit // so we would have to push large files in chunks // using heart_beat() or something like that TODO next_input_to(#'parse_request); call_out(#'timeout, 23); }