#!/bin/sh # # new age sh (SUSv2 etc) are supposed to handle our syntax # but if that's not true, try a bash or ksh here. # # we could also use a strategy for finding the best bash or ksh # on this system and re-execing ourselves because an old bourne # shell will not be able to deal with this script completely ####### psyced installation script ####### # # original version 2000-08-22 by Kai 'Oswald' Seidler (oswaldism.de) # heavy improvements by heldensaga and psyc://psyced.org/~lynX # switched from function foo to foo() syntax as suggested by cebewee # ####### # Use 'ldmud' here if you want to use an ldmud rather than a psyclpc' #driver="ldmud" #zip="gz" #zipcmd="gzip" # # psyclpc as obtained from http://lpc.psyc.eu driver="psyclpc" zip="bz2" zipcmd="bzip2" # useful for debugging - see what files it would produce exit="exit 1" rm="rm" #exit="echo [debug] Not exiting." #rm="echo [debug] Not removing" DATA_PERM="700" BASE_PERM="700" CONF_PERM="700" UMASK="7" hi="" lo="" if test -d "/etc/portage" then cat < /dev/null then : else # ok, ich kann die .config nicht touchen if rm -f .config 2>/dev/null then # aber ich kann sie loeschen touch .config else # echt scheisse echo "I need write permissions for this directory. Please!!" $exit fi fi chmod 700 .config arch=`uname -s | tr "A-Z" "a-z"` userid=`id | sed "s/).*//" | sed "s/.*(//"` if test "`echo -n`" = "" then echo="echo -n" echo_nlf="" else echo="echo" echo_nlf="\c" # " fi echo "" yacc=`which yacc` bison=`which bison` if test "$yacc" = "" -a "$bison" = "" then # tjgillies says: on fedora bison doen't symlink to yacc echo "Please install 'yacc' or 'bison' on this system." $exit fi #echo "Using '$bison' or '$yacc' during the compilation process." if test -f "/usr/include/openssl/ssl.h" then tls="y" else tls="n" echo "" echo "${hi}Warning: ${lo}You are apparently missing the OpenSSL header files!" echo "If you're on debian/ubuntu you may have to 'apt-get install libssl-dev' now" echo "or your psyclpc will compile without support for encryption." sleep 2 fi ask() { echo "" eval $echo \"\$1 [\$$2]? $echo_nlf\" read answer if test "$answer" = "" then eval answer="\$$2" fi eval $2=\"$answer\" save "$2" "$answer" } save() { touch .config egrep -v "^$1=" .config > .config.tmp echo "$1=\"$2\"" >> .config.tmp mv .config.tmp .config } get() { touch .config eval `egrep "^$1=" .config` eval tmp=\"\$$1\" if test "$tmp" = "" -a "$2" != "" then eval $1="$2" fi } #uid() { # id|sed 's/uid=// # s/(.*//' #} getuid() { egrep "^$1:" /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $3}' } getgid() { egrep "^$1:" /etc/group | awk -F: '{print $3}' } ############################################################################### # INTERVIEW ############################################################################### echo "" echo "" echo "${hi}PSYCED INSTALLATION WIZARD${lo}" if ! test -e data.tar && ! test -d .git then cat </dev/null |wc -l` -gt 1 then echo "${hi}ATTENTION:${lo} you've got more than one ${driver}-*tar.${zip}" echo "in this directory. Please tidy up before continuing!" $exit else if test `ls -d1 */src 2>/dev/null |wc -l` -gt 1 then echo "${hi}ATTENTION:${lo} you've got more than one ${driver}" echo "(sub)directory in this directory. Please tidy up before continuing!" $exit else if ! test `ls -1 ${driver}-*tar.${zip} 2>/dev/null` then echo "${hi}ATTENTION: ${lo}You have no ${driver}-*.tar.${zip} in this directory." echo "Please obtain one from http://lpc.psyc.eu." # echo "Please obtain one from http://www.psyced.org/ldmud (stable) or" # echo "http://www.bearnip.com/lars/proj/ldmud-dev.html (bleeding edge)," # echo "then restart this script." # echo "If you're interested in LPC, inspect http://lpc.pages.de" ask "Continue without $driver" WITHOUT_DRIVER if ! test $WITHOUT_DRIVER = "y" then # bart meint, man sollte das .config hier loeschen rm -f .config 2>/dev/null $exit fi else echo "I can see you have a ${driver} tar here. That's good." echo "" fi fi fi echo "" echo "${hi}INSTALLATION SPECIFIC QUESTIONS${lo}" echo "" echo "Please specify the directory path where to install the psyced components." echo "userid = $userid" # does `whoami || who am i` work for solaris etc? #if test `whoami` = root if test "x$userid" != "xroot" then BASE_DIR="$HOME/psyced" CONFIG_DIR=$BASE_DIR echo "Since you started the installation not as root, you will see non-root defaults." else if test -d /opt then BASE_DIR="/opt/psyced" else BASE_DIR="/usr/local/psyced" fi CONFIG_DIR="/etc/psyc" CONF_PERM="750" fi get BASE_DIR ask "PSYCED installation directory" BASE_DIR echo "[base directory is set to $BASE_DIR]" if test -f $BASE_DIR then echo "" echo "$BASE_DIR already exists." echo "Please make a backup and remove it or choose another directory." $exit fi # one day we should seperate variable files from static files better LOG_DIR="$BASE_DIR/log" DATA_DIR="$BASE_DIR/data" LIB_DIR="$BASE_DIR/world" echo "" echo "psyconf will automatically search /etc/psyc for psyced.ini." echo "If you plan to put this file anywhere else, you will have to" echo "pass it as the argument to psyconf." get CONFIG_DIR ask "PSYCED configuration directory" CONFIG_DIR echo "[config directory is set to $CONFIG_DIR]" echo "" # setting up ARCH_DIR directly because there is no need to bother the # user with such a detail. if you think we should, then fix all the # 'i have a feeling' places in this file and make psyconf use ARCH_DIR too ARCH_DIR="$BASE_DIR/bin-$arch" echo "[binary directory is $ARCH_DIR]" #echo "Where do you want to install architecture dependent PSYC binaries?" # ## uname -m returns "Power Macintosh" on macosx. very unuseful. ##get ARCH_DIR "$BASE_DIR/bin-`uname -m`" ## why did we call uname twice anyway? uname -s returns such a nice "darwin" ## #get ARCH_DIR "$BASE_DIR/bin-$arch" #ask "Binary installation directory" ARCH_DIR #echo "[binary directory is set to $ARCH_DIR]" echo "" echo "" echo "Hostname would typically be 'psyc' or 'dishwasher' without a domain name" echo "which is going to be the next question. If you want to install psyced as" echo "something like 'example.net' use 'example' here and 'net' on the next" echo "input line." get HOST_NAME `hostname | sed "s/\..*//"` ask "Server host name" HOST_NAME # freebsd does not support -sil, other systems don't even have nslookup #get DOMAIN_NAME `nslookup -sil $HOST_NAME | tail -n 3 | head -n 1 | sed "s/[^.]*\.//"` # this grep isn't safe from having spaces behind the domain name or suchlike get DOMAIN_NAME "" # `grep ^domain /etc/resolv.conf | sed "s/^domain.//"` ask "Your domain name" DOMAIN_NAME #get HOST_IP "" get HOST_IP # `nslookup -sil $HOST_NAME | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed "s/,//"` echo "" echo "If you have a static IP address for your server, please tell me." echo "Otherwise I will resolve my own hostname at runtime in order to get my" echo "current IP address." ask "Server IP address" HOST_IP echo "" get USER "psyc" if test "x$USER" = "xroot"; then echo "" echo "You shouldn't run psyced as root, so what about a 'psyc' user?" # indigo6 thinks we should run useradd here, even if some unices # do not provide that command. we can >/dev/null the error though... echo "If the user doesn't exist yet, please make one." fi #while true #do ask "Which user do you want to run psyced as" USER # if id -u $USER > /dev/null # then # echo "[User $USER selected.]" # break # fi #echo "No such user." # continue #done get GROUP "psyc" #while true #do echo "If such a group doesn't exist yet, please create it now." ask "Which group do you want to run psyced as" GROUP # if `id -Gn $USER | grep $GROUP > /dev/null` # then # echo "[Group $GROUP selected.]" # break # fi # echo "No such group or you are not a member of it." # continue #done if test "x$USER" != "x$userid" -a "x$userid" != "xroot" then echo "You want to install files as $USER. Please change to this user or become root." $exit fi echo "" echo "Where do you want psyced runtime output? For manually started development" echo "servers choose 'console', for background daemon service use 'files'." echo "" echo "['files' for log files, 'console' for server console]" # replace "files" by "buffered" vs. "flushed" .. see also TODO get RUNTIME_OUTPUT "files" while true do ask "Send server runtime output to" RUNTIME_OUTPUT if test "$RUNTIME_OUTPUT" = "console" -o "$RUNTIME_OUTPUT" = "files" then break else echo "Please choose 'files' or 'console' output." fi done #echo "[server output goes to $RUNTIME_OUTPUT]" ## BUG IN ORDER!!! we dont have $PSYC_PORT yet!!!!! TODO!!111 ## also HOST_IP may be empty RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR="$LOG_DIR/$HOST_IP-$PSYC_PORT" RUNTIME_OUTPUT_STDERR="$RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR/stderr" RUNTIME_OUTPUT_STDOUT="$RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR/stdout" if test "$RUNTIME_OUTPUT" = "files" then echo "[runtime output log directory is $RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR/.]" get DEBUG "0" else get DEBUG "1" fi echo "" echo "Debug level 0 gives you minimum output, level 1 gives you interesting" echo "output. Level 2 and more is for real down-to-earth debugging. It gives" echo "you messages that will make you think something is going wrong even if" echo "everything is going fine, so please use level 1 unless you are going" echo "to read the source code for every nervous message you see. ;-)" ask "Debug level (0..2)" DEBUG #echo "[debug level set to $DEBUG]" echo "" echo "" echo "${hi}PSYC SPECIFIC OPTIONS${lo}" echo "" echo "Set the PSYC identification for your server. e.g. psyc.$DOMAIN_NAME." echo "If you are using dial-up internet, you can try out a few things, but" echo "if you want this software to serve a serious purpose you need to have" echo "a dynamic DNS address for this machine installed and provide it here." echo "A static address is even better. See the FIRSTSTEPS document for more." #get SERVER_HOST "$HOST_NAME.$DOMAIN_NAME" SERVER_HOST="$HOST_NAME.$DOMAIN_NAME" ask "Set PSYC hostname to" SERVER_HOST get CHATNAME $HOST_NAME #ask "Name of your chat service" CHATNAME cat < /dev/null 2>&1 # then # TELNET_PORT="2323" # else # if test `whoami` = "root" # then # TELNET_PORT="23" # echo "[According to your /etc/inetd.conf your system doesn't run any" # echo "telnetd on port 23. You may want psyced to use this port!]" # fi # fi get TELNET_PORT 2323 ask "Which port between 2300 and 2399 to use for telnet" TELNET_PORT echo "[telnet access enabled on port $TELNET_PORT (instead of 23).]" fi echo "" echo "HTTP is necessary for the social network functions, the web-based " echo "configuration, various chatroom export features and the WAP gateway.. " get HTTP_YN "y" ask "Enable builtin HTTP daemon" HTTP_YN webconfig="" if test "$HTTP_YN" = "n" then HTTP_PORT="" echo "[HTTP service disabled.]" else get HTTP_PORT 44444 ask "Which port number" HTTP_PORT echo "[HTTP service enabled on port $HTTP_PORT (instead of 80).]" # currently not in use and not configured by install.sh HTTPCONFIG_YN="n" # get HTTPCONFIG_YN "y" # ask "Activate web-based configuration for localhost users" HTTPCONFIG_YN # # if test "$HTTPCONFIG_YN" = "n" # then # echo "[WEB_CONFIGURE disabled.]" # else # echo "[WEB_CONFIGURE enabled.]" # webconfig="#define WEB_CONFIGURE" # fi fi get APPLET_YN "n" ask "Enable applet access" APPLET_YN if test "$APPLET_YN" = "n" then APPLET_PORT="" echo "[applet access disabled.]" else echo "" echo "world/static/index.html configures the applet to use port 2008." echo "Should you want to use an other one, you need to edit that file." echo "" get APPLET_PORT 2008 ask "Which port number " APPLET_PORT echo "[applet access enabled on port $APPLET_PORT.]" fi echo "" echo "" echo "${hi}PSYCED ENCRYPTED PROTOCOL SERVICES${lo}" echo "" #echo "With either openssl or gnutls installed, your driver may provide TLS/SSL." echo "With openssl libs installed, your driver should provide TLS/SSL." echo "If you don't have it installed, you must say 'n' here." echo "Would you like to configure any ports for TLS-enhanced protocols?" get TLS_YN $tls ask "Let's use some TLS cryptography" TLS_YN # das ganze tls-geviech macht nur sinn, wenn man cert und privkey hat # ergo die pfade fuer die abfragen und dann entscheiden, ob... PSYCS_PORT="" IRCS_PORT="" JABBERS_PORT="" SMTPS_PORT="" NNTPS_PORT="" TELNETS_PORT="" if test "$TLS_YN" = "n" then tlso="" echo "[No crypto protocols.]" else tlso="--tls-key $CONFIG_DIR/key.pem --tls-cert $CONFIG_DIR/cert.pem" echo "" echo "Alright. You need to create a key.pem and cert.pem file using" echo "any openssl or gnutls tool, then place them in $CONFIG_DIR." echo "These will be the identity of your new PSYC homeserver." echo "Help needed? http://www.openssl.org/docs/HOWTO/certificates.txt" echo "" echo "PSYC intentionally uses a dedicated TLS port not just for" echo "simplicity, but also because it reduces interserver latency" echo "as we can leave out negotiation." get PSYCS_YN "y" ask "Enable PSYC over TLS" PSYCS_YN if test "$PSYCS_YN" = "n" then echo "[PSYCS access disabled.]" else get PSYCS_PORT "9404" ask "Which port number between 9400 and 9499" PSYCS_PORT echo "[PSYCS access enabled on port $PSYCS_PORT.]" fi get IRCS_YN "y" ask "Enable IRC over TLS" IRCS_YN if test "$IRCS_YN" = "n" then echo "[IRCS access disabled.]" else get IRCS_PORT "9999" ask "Which port number between 9960 and 9999" IRCS_PORT echo "[IRCS access enabled on port $IRCS_PORT (instead of 994).]" fi get JABBERS_YN "y" ask "Enable legacy JABBER client access over TLS" JABBERS_YN # das ist eigentlich nen altmodischer weg, starttls ist toller und braucht # keinen extra-port if test "$JABBERS_YN" = "n" then echo "[JABBERS client access disabled.]" else get JABBERS_PORT "5223" ask "Which port number (5223 or 55223)" JABBERS_PORT echo "[JABBERS client access enabled on port $JABBERS_PORT.]" fi get HTTPS_YN "y" ask "Enable HTTPS daemon" HTTPS_YN if test "$HTTPS_YN" = "n" then HTTPS_PORT="" echo "[HTTPS service disabled.]" else get HTTPS_PORT "4433" ask "Which port number (4433 or 44300 .. 44443)" HTTPS_PORT echo "[HTTPS service enabled on port $HTTPS_PORT (instead of 443).]" fi get SMTPS_YN "n" ask "Enable SMTP over TLS" SMTPS_YN if test "$SMTPS_YN" = "n" then echo "[SMTPS server disabled.]" else get SMTPS_PORT "4656" ask "Which port number between 4650 and 4659" SMTPS_PORT echo "[SMTPS server enabled on port $SMTPS_PORT (instead of 465).]" fi get POP3S_YN "n" ask "Enable POP3 over TLS" POP3S_YN if test "$POP3S_YN" = "n" then echo "[POP3S server disabled.]" else get POP3S_PORT "9950" ask "Official port would be 995. Use" POP3S_PORT echo "[POP3S server enabled on port $POP3S_PORT.]" fi get NNTPS_YN "n" ask "Enable NNTP over TLS" NNTPS_YN if test "$NNTPS_YN" = "n" then echo "[NNTPS reader access disabled.]" else get NNTPS_PORT "5636" ask "Which port number between 5630 and 5639" NNTPS_PORT echo "[NNTPS enabled on port $NNTPS_PORT (instead of 563).]" fi echo "" echo "In theory telnet should negotiate TLS/SSL internally, but we haven't" echo "looked into that yet, so if you want a custom telnets: port.." get TELNETS_YN "n" ask "Enable telnet over TLS" TELNETS_YN if test "$TELNETS_YN" = "n" then echo "[telnet over SSL disabled.]" else get TELNETS_PORT "9992" ask "Which port number (9992 or 9920 .. 9929)" TELNETS_PORT echo "[telnet over SSL enabled on $TELNETS_PORT (instead of 992).]" fi fi if test "$IRCNICK" != ""; then ADMIN_NICKNAME="$IRCNICK" else if test "$USER" != ""; then ADMIN_NICKNAME="$USER" else ADMIN_NICKNAME="`logname`" fi fi echo "" echo "" echo "${hi}MISCELLANEOUS CONFIGURATION SETTINGS${lo}" echo "" get ADMIN_NICKNAME ask "Admin Nickname" ADMIN_NICKNAME get ADMIN_PASSWORD hackme #ask "Admin Password" ADMIN_PASSWORD echo "" echo "psyced can provide all of its system messages in either english or" echo "german as of now. Pick 'de' or 'en' as default language." get DEFLANG en ask "Default Language" DEFLANG get WANT_ERQ "y" echo "" echo "" echo "psyced uses an external program called 'erq' for non-blocking resolution" echo "of IP addresses. Both PSYC and XMPP will not operate correctly without it." # stupid question #ask "Do you want this additional process to be activated?" WANT_ERQ if test "$WANT_ERQ" != "n" then WANT_ERQ="y" echo "[host name resolving enabled (start erq).]" else echo "[host name resolving disabled (don't start erq).]" fi ## TODO, should be disabled when there is no HOST_IP? get WANT_PORTRULES "y" echo "" echo "" echo "Something you may find useful later: I will generate a file for you" echo "which contains suitable rules for an iptables-type firewall, mapping" echo "privileged ports to the ones you have actually chosen for your" echo "non-privileged psyced process (DNAT). You can look at it anytime" echo "you feel ready for it. Say yes here. It's just a file." ask "Do you want some iptable lines?" WANT_PORTRULES PR_FILE="portrules.iptables" if test "$WANT_PORTRULES" = "y" then echo "# typical way of routing privileged ports to a psyced running non-privileged" > $PR_FILE echo "# this file has been generated by psyced's install.sh" >> $PR_FILE echo "" >> $PR_FILE echo "IF_EX=eth0" >> $PR_FILE echo "IP_PSYC=$HOST_IP" >> $PR_FILE echo "IPT=/sbin/iptables" >> $PR_FILE echo "" >> $PR_FILE RULE_BEGIN="\$IPT -t nat -A PREROUTING -i \$IF_EX -d \$IP_PSYC -p tcp --dport" RULE_END="-j DNAT --to :" if test $SMTP_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 25 $RULE_END $SMTP_PORT # SMTP" >> $PR_FILE fi if test $POP3_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 110 ${RULE_END}${POP3_PORT} # POP3" >> $PR_FILE fi if test $NNTP_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 119 ${RULE_END}${NNTP_PORT} # NNTP" >> $PR_FILE fi if test $TELNET_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 23 ${RULE_END}${TELNET_PORT} # TELNET" >> $PR_FILE fi if test $HTTP_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 80 ${RULE_END}${HTTP_PORT} # HTTP" >> $PR_FILE fi # if test $PSYCS_PORT; then # echo "$RULE_BEGIN 18 ${RULE_END}${PSYCS_PORT} # PSYCS" >> $PR_FILE # fi if test $IRCS_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 994 ${RULE_END}${IRCS_PORT} # IRCS" >> $PR_FILE fi if test $HTTPS_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 443 ${RULE_END}${HTTPS_PORT} # HTTPS" >> $PR_FILE fi if test $SMTPS_PORT; then echo ""$RULE_BEGIN 465 ${RULE_END}${SMTPS_PORT} # SMTPS" >> $PR_FILE fi if test $POP3S_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 995 ${RULE_END}${POP3S_PORT} # POP3S" >> $PR_FILE fi if test $NNTPS_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 563 ${RULE_END}${NNTPS_PORT} # NNTPS" >> $PR_FILE fi if test $TELNETS_PORT; then echo "$RULE_BEGIN 992 ${RULE_END}${TELNETS_PORT} # TELNETS" >> $PR_FILE fi echo "[port rules written to '$PR_FILE'.]" else echo "[no port rules written.]" fi #get WANT_CVSUP "n" # # would be soooo smart if we'd ask for update before we even enter # the install.sh interview because frequently there is a better # install.sh in the repo worth running instead. TODO #echo "" #echo "" #echo "The version you are about to install is considered stable," #echo "If you need to run the latest off-the-mill version you can" #echo "update the code tree via CVS. You can choose to do so now or" #echo "anytime later using the -u option of psyced. You can" #echo "even inspect the changes in the code before updating, using" #echo "psyced -d. We think this feature is quite cool." #echo "" #echo "${hi}But be aware, by updating you may be switching" #echo "to an unstable or otherwise unusable version.${lo}" #ask "Update your installation by CVS?" WANT_CVSUP echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "${hi}OKAY!! HERE WE GOOOOO!!!${lo}" echo "" echo "" ############################################################################### # ACTION ############################################################################### echo "Creating configuration files..." if test "$HTTPCONFIG_YN" = "y" then HTTPCONFIG_10="1" else HTTPCONFIG_10="0" fi if test "$RUNTIME_OUTPUT" = "console" then CONSOLE_10="1" else CONSOLE_10="0" fi FILES_10="0" if test "$TLS_YN" = "y" then TLS_10="1" else TLS_10="0" fi # so we essentially have this file twice.. in here and in config/ # what kind of trick could we use to come up with a common template? # # i have a feeling i should put ARCH_DIR into psyced.ini cat << EOT > psyced.ini ; this is the psyced configuration file ; automatically generated by install.sh ; ; after modifying this file you must always run 'psyconf'. ; inspect http://about.psyc.eu/psyced for further instructions. ; ; boolean variables are 0 = false (no) and 1 = true (yes). [_basic] ; Base directory of the psyced installation _path_base = $BASE_DIR ; Configuration directory of this PSYCED installation ; psyconf will automatically search /etc/psyc for psyced.ini. ; If you plan to put this file anywhere else, you will have to pass it ; as argument to psyconf. _path_configuration = $CONFIG_DIR ; Path leading to your private and public TLS keys ; (absolute or relative to _path_configuration) _path_PEM_key = key.pem _path_PEM_certificate = cert.pem ; Path to the TLS trust directory where certs are kept. ; If unset this will default to your system installation's defaults. ;_path_trust = trust ; ; Path to the TLS CRL directory where certificate revocation lists are kept. ; We currently simply use the same one as for the certs. In fact we don't use ; these things yet, but it is a good idea to start doing so. ;_path_revocation = trust ; Do you want psyced to be launched automatically at system startup? ; List of filenames a System V start/stop script shall be generated to. ; Purpose of this is: you can _really_ move the installation ; to another _path_base. ; ; May look like this for a classic System V set-up: ;_list_script_init = /etc/rc.d/psyced /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/K04psyced /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S44psyced ; For a BSD it should be something like this: ;_list_script_init = /etc/init.d/psyced /etc/rc3.d/K04psyced /etc/rc3.d/S44psyced ; or it should look like this for gentoo: ;_list_script_init = /etc/init.d/psyced ; You can simply disable the line to turn off this feature. If you want to ; use this function instead, please make sure your distribution has /bin/sh ; in /etc/shells. Recently Slackware has decided to remove that, which ; probably means it is no longer POSIX compliant ;) ; Maybe it is not the only one.. ; ; Userid to run the psyced as, when started from the init script. _system_user = $USER ; ; Unused as yet: ;_system_group = $GROUP ; Where new users will be sent to _place_default = RendezVous ; How the system speaks to you unless specified. ; de = German, en = English, en_g = English for Geeks _language_default = $DEFLANG ; The externally visible name & domain of your host _host_name = $HOST_NAME _host_domain = $DOMAIN_NAME ; Would you like to bind the server to a specific IP address? ; If you do, you MUST also provide _host_name and _host_domain ; If you leave this empty, psyced will find out at runtime. _host_IP = $HOST_IP ; Nickname for the chatserver. Appears in login message, telnet prompt, ; IRC gateways and some web pages. Will use _host_name if unspecified. _nick_server = $HOST_NAME [_administrators] ; Space-seperated list of administrator user nicknames. _list_nicks = $ADMIN_NICKNAME ; If the administrators have not been registered yet, this password will be ; assigned to them. If you leave this out you will be prompted for each as yet ; unregistered administrator, but you have to run psyconf manually! ;_password_default = $ADMIN_PASSWORD [_protocols] ; if you don't have TLS or SSL simply set this to ; 0 and all the _encrypted ports will be ignored _use_encryption = $TLS_10 [_protocols_port] _PSYC = $PSYC_PORT _PSYC_encrypted = $PSYCS_PORT ; experimental new PSYC syntax ;_SPYC = $PSYC_PORT _telnet = $TELNET_PORT _telnet_encrypted = ${TELNETS_PORT} _jabber_S2S = $INTERJABBER_PORT _jabber_clients = $JABBER_PORT _jabber_clients_encrypted = $JABBERS_PORT _IRC = $IRC_PORT _IRC_encrypted = $IRCS_PORT _HTTP = $HTTP_PORT _HTTP_encrypted = $HTTPS_PORT _applet = $APPLET_PORT _SMTP = $SMTP_PORT _SMTP_encrypted = $SMTPS_PORT ; Experimental protocol services _POP3 = $POP3_PORT _POP3_encrypted = $POP3S_PORT _NNTP = $NNTP_PORT _NNTP_encrypted = $NNTPS_PORT [_optional] ; Enable web-based configuration tool _config_HTTP = ${HTTPCONFIG_10} ; Runtime output can either be in .out and .err files or onto the console ; For development, _console_debug is extremely useful, ; for regular service it is better to have output in files. _console_debug = $CONSOLE_10 ; '0' is tranquility unless something serious happens. best choice. ; '1' gives you slightly interesting output and LPC development debug. ; '2' or '3' is too much and too detailed. don't use it globally, as it ; may even trigger exceptions. use it only with _extra_debug below. _level_debug = $DEBUG ; Advanced extra debug flags for the psyclpc command line. You can debug ; specific parts of psyced like for example the textdb subsystem by adding ; -DDtext=2 here. You can figure out which other parts of psyced are debuggable ; by doing a "grep -r 'define DEBUG D' ." in the world directory. ;_extra_debug = ; We create files that are editable by the psyc group _umask = $UMASK EOT #; Have errors logged to an extra psyced.debug file #_use_file_debug = $FILE_10 # this here is no longer an option.. as PSYC uses UTF-8 on the wire. # #; psyced has its internal data formatted in ISO-8859-15, but it has now #; learned to convert it. so if you expect your system to be used predominantely #; by UTF-8 clients, you may want to run it with a system charset of UTF-8. #; this is a little experimental still, though #_charset_system = ISO-8859-15 #; consider that you can take this decision only once at the beginning of an #; installation, since later all the lastlogs and histories in the .o files #; will be using that encoding, and switching to an other will likely produce #; runtime errors because convert_charset() is unnecessarily intolerant. # paranoidly check again if test "x$USER" != "x$userid" -a "x$userid" != "xroot" then echo "You want to install files as $USER. Please change to this user or become root." $exit fi if test ! -d $BASE_DIR then echo "Creating $BASE_DIR..." if mkdir -m $BASE_PERM -p $BASE_DIR 2> /dev/null then echo ""; # nop? else if test "x$userid" = "xroot" then echo "Couldn't create $BASE_DIR. VERY STRANGE!!" $exit else echo "Couldn't create $BASE_DIR. Do you have the permissions to set up this directory?" $exit fi fi fi if test ! -d $CONFIG_DIR then echo "Creating $CONFIG_DIR..." if mkdir -m $CONF_PERM -p $CONFIG_DIR 2> /dev/null then : else if test "x$userid" = "xroot" then echo "Couldn't create $CONFIG_DIR. VERY STRANGE!!" $exit else echo "Couldn't create $CONFIG_DIR. Do you have the permissions to set up this directory?" $exit fi fi fi echo "Extracting psyced data..." if test -d .git then if ! test `realpath .` = $BASE_DIR then if git clone . $BASE_DIR && cp -a .git/config $BASE_DIR/.git then : else echo "Could not git clone. abort." $exit fi fi elif tar xf data.tar -C $BASE_DIR then : else echo "Could not extract program data. abort." $exit fi # we need to be completely sure these directories exist, # so we just go ahead with brute force :) # mkdir -m $BASE_PERM -p $LOG_DIR 2> /dev/null mkdir -m $BASE_PERM -p $LOG_DIR/place 2> /dev/null mkdir -m $BASE_PERM -p $DATA_DIR 2> /dev/null mkdir -m $BASE_PERM -p $DATA_DIR/person 2> /dev/null mkdir -m $BASE_PERM -p $DATA_DIR/place 2> /dev/null mkdir -p $ARCH_DIR 2>/dev/null if test -d $ARCH_DIR then if test ! -w $ARCH_DIR then echo "Hmm.. couldn't write to $ARCH_DIR! I get lost..." $exit fi if ! test $WITHOUT_DRIVER = "y" then echo "" echo "${hi}COMPILING ${driver}${lo}" echo "" if test -d .git; then git submodule init git submodule update elif test `ls -d1 */src 2>/dev/null |wc -l` -lt 1; then echo "" echo "Extracting $driver source..." echo "" ${zipcmd} -dc `ls -1 ${driver}-*tar.${zip}` 2>/dev/null | tar xf - else echo "" echo "Warning: Re-using extracted $driver source..." echo "" fi src=`ls -d1 */src 2>/dev/null` if test `echo $src |wc -w` -ne 1 then echo "${hi}ATTENTION: ${lo} More than one ${driver}-dir found. Skipping." else ## SPECIAL CASE: currently ldmud erq doesn't support SRV if test -d $src/util/xerq then rm -r $src/util/xerq mv $src/util/erq $src/util/erq-non-srv cp -rp $BASE_DIR/utility/erq $src/util/erq # else: presume erq-srv has already been copied to the # right place by an earlier run of this script # or even better, we are dealing with psyclpc fi if cd $src then cat << EOF > settings/mypsyced #!/bin/sh #----- GENERATED BY install.sh exec ./configure --prefix=$BASE_DIR --bindir=$ARCH_DIR --libdir=$BASE_DIR/world --libexec=$BASE_DIR/run --with-setting=mypsyced \$* exit 1 #----- END OF PART GENERATED BY install.sh #----- now we simply append $BASE_DIR/config/psyced.settings EOF if test -r settings/psyced; then # append settings/psyced instead, if it's a psyclpc cat settings/psyced >> settings/mypsyced else cat $BASE_DIR/config/psyced.settings >> settings/mypsyced fi if chmod u+x settings/mypsyced ; settings/mypsyced ; make then cd ../.. # i have a feeling i should be using ARCH_DIR here if ! test -d bin-$arch then mkdir bin-$arch fi cp "$src/$driver" bin-$arch if test "$WANT_ERQ" = "y" then echo "" echo "${hi}NOW COMPILING erq${lo}" echo "" # (cd "$src" && make utils) (cd "$src/util/erq" && make erq) cp "$src/util/erq/erq" bin-$arch # TODO: check success here!! fi fi fi fi echo "" # # TODO: don't say this if either $driver or erq failed to compile! # echo "${hi}COMPILATION DONE${lo}" echo "" # i have a feeling i should be using ARCH_DIR here if test -d bin-$arch then cd bin-$arch for i in * do cp $i $ARCH_DIR/$i chown $USER $ARCH_DIR/$i chgrp $GROUP $ARCH_DIR/$i chmod $BASE_PERM $ARCH_DIR/$i chmod u+x $ARCH_DIR/$i done cd .. else echo "${hi}WARNING:${lo} Couldn't install architecture dependent binaries because I can't find them!" echo "" fi fi else echo "Hmm.. couldn't create $ARCH_DIR! Aborting." $exit fi if test -r "$CONFIG_DIR/psyced.ini"; then echo "${hi}WARNING:${lo} Renaming your old psyced.ini into psyced-old-$$.ini!" echo "" mv "$CONFIG_DIR/psyced.ini" "$CONFIG_DIR/psyced-old-$$.ini" fi cp -p psyced.ini "$CONFIG_DIR" cp -p .config *.txt "$BASE_DIR" cd "$BASE_DIR" # rerunning install.sh implies redoing your configuration from scratch! # but we give you a chance to keep a backup. should we inform the user # about it? # cp -rp "$BASE_DIR/local" "/tmp/local$$" 2> /dev/null rm -f $BASE_DIR/local 2> /dev/null # we previously tried to use symlinks or even partial symlinks for # unmodified files only, but it can result in cvs collisions and # headaches. so far the plain copy approach is best. # cp -rp "$BASE_DIR/config/blueprint" "$BASE_DIR/local" # # let's make sure it won't happen again ;) #rm -rf "$BASE_DIR/local/CVS" if test "$RUNTIME_OUTPUT" = "files" then if test ! -d $RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR then if mkdir -p $RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR 2> /dev/null then : else echo "ERROR: Couldn't create log directory $RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR" $exit fi fi fi #if ! test "$WANT_CVSUP" = "n" #then # echo "Updating to newest state by using CVS" # echo "Using CVSROOT `cat $BASE_DIR/CVS/Root`" # echo "${hi}ATTENTION: ${lo}Please give an empty password to log in (-> press enter)" # if (cd $BASE_DIR && cvs login && cvs -q update -d && cvs logout) # then # : # else # echo "${hi}Warning: ${lo}Something failed while trying to update. No CVS available?" # echo "The installation should be functioning however, using the stable code." # fi #fi echo "" echo "Setting permissions for program files..." chown -R $USER $BASE_DIR chgrp -R $GROUP $BASE_DIR # does this mark all files executable, even .c? chmod -R $BASE_PERM $BASE_DIR chmod -R u+x $BASE_DIR/bin echo "Setting permissions for data and log files..." chmod -R $DATA_PERM $BASE_DIR/data $BASE_DIR/log echo "Setting $GROUP group on configuration files..." chgrp -R $GROUP $CONFIG_DIR # and now we'll see if perl is installed :) bin/psyconf psyced.ini #echo "" #echo "Installation finished. :)" # (Sieg durch Selbstgefälligkeit) #echo "" echo "You may want to edit psyced.ini and run 'bin/psyconf psyced.ini'" echo "again, to tweak some more detailed settings." echo "" if test "$HTTP_YN" = "y" then echo "Once started you will find usage manuals at" echo "http://$SERVER_HOST:$HTTP_PORT/$DEFLANG/help/index.page" echo "" if test "$HTTPCONFIG_YN" = "y" then echo "And don't forget to inspect the web configurator at" echo "http://127.1:$HTTP_PORT/net/http/configure" echo "" fi fi