// $Id: auto.h,v 1.15 2008/04/18 13:34:39 lynx Exp $ // vim:syntax=lpc:ts=8 #define _INCLUDE_AUTO_H // first identify the driver // then load the driver abstraction kit // #ifdef __PIKE__ # include "../../drivers/pike/include/interface.h" # define ME this #else // PIKE #ifdef MUDOS # define DRIVER_PATH "/drivers/mudos/" # include <interface.h> #else //# if __EFUN_DEFINED__(filter) # ifdef __LDMUD__ // also matches __psyclpc__ //# define LDMUD // we can check for __LDMUD__ instead # ifdef MUD # define DRIVER_PATH "/net/drivers/ldmud/" # else # define DRIVER_PATH "/drivers/ldmud/" # endif # else # define AMYLAAR # define DRIVER_PATH "/drivers/amylaar/" # endif # ifdef DRIVER_PATH # include DRIVER_PATH "sys/input_to.h" // hmm.. wanted to make this DEBUG>1 only, but.. doesn't work.. tant pis # include DRIVER_PATH "sys/debug_info.h" # include DRIVER_PATH "include/interface.h" # endif #endif // useful global macros #define ME this_object() #endif // PIKE // perlisms for readability #define unless(COND) if (!(COND)) #define until(COND) while (!(COND)) // more useful perlisms #define chop(STRING) slice_from_end(STRING, 0, 2) #define chomp(STRING) (char_from_end(STRING, 1) == '\n' ? chop(STRING) : STRING)