// $Id: threads.c,v 1.41 2008/01/05 12:42:17 lynx Exp $ // vim:syntax=lpc // #include #include #include inherit NET_PATH "place/owned"; #ifndef DEFAULT_BACKLOG # define DEFAULT_BACKLOG 5 #endif // datenstruktur für threads? // // bestehende struktur ist: großes array von entries. // // wie wärs mit mapping mit key=threadname und value=array-of-entries // subjects werden abgeschafft: sie sind der name des threads // wer einen thread in seinem reply umnennen will legt in wirklichkeit // einen neuen thread an, meinetwegen mit "was: old thread" // // der nachteil an solch einer struktur wäre, dass man neue comments // in alten threads nicht so schnell findet - man ist auf die notification // angewiesen, was andererseits die stärke von psycblogs ist. // man könnte die notifications zudem noch in die history einspeisen.. // // nachteile an der bestehenden struktur ist: 1. threadname in jeder // entry, 2. threads nur mittels durchlauf des ganzen blogs darstellbar // // momentmal.. das was du "comments" nennst sind doch schon die threads! protected mapping* _thread; volatile int last_modified; volatile string webact; create() { P3((">> threads:create()\n")) ::create(); unless (pointerp(_thread)) _thread = ({ }); } cmd(a, args, b, source, vars) { P3((">> threads:cmd(%O, %O, %O, %O, %O)", a, args, b, source, vars)) // TODO: multiline-sachen irgendwie mapping entry; int i = 0; int num_entries; //unless (source) source = previous_object(); switch (a) { case "entries": num_entries = sizeof(args) >= 2 ? to_int(args[1]) : DEFAULT_BACKLOG; // _thread[<5..] foreach( entry : _thread[ 1){ sendmsg(source, "_warning_usage_entry", "Usage: /entry ", ([ ])); return 1; } int n = to_int(args[1]); entry = _thread[n]; sendmsg(source, "_list_thread_item", "#[_number] [_author][_sep][_thread]: [_text] ([_comments])", ([ "_sep" : strlen(entry["thread"]) ? " - " : "", "_thread" : entry["thread"], "_text" : entry["text"], "_author" : entry["author"], "_date" : entry["date"], "_comments": sizeof(entry["comments"]), "_number" : n, "_nick_place" : MYNICK ]) ); if (entry["comments"]) { foreach(mapping item : entry["comments"]) { sendmsg(source, "_list_thread_comment", "> [_nick]: [_text]", ([ "_nick" : item["nick"], "_text" : item["text"], "_nick_place" : MYNICK ]) ); } } return 1; case "thread": unless (sizeof(args) > 2){ sendmsg(source, "_warning_usage_thread", "Usage: /thread ", ([ ])); return 1; } return setSubject(to_int(args[1]), ARGS(2)); case "comment": unless (sizeof(args) >= 2) { sendmsg(source, "_warning_usage_reply", "Usage: /comment <threadid> <text>", ([ ])); return 1; } return addComment(ARGS(2), SNICKER, to_int(args[1])); case "blog": case "submit": case "addentry": unless (canPost(SNICKER)) return; unless (sizeof(args) >= 1) { sendmsg(source, "_warning_usage_submit", "Usage: /submit <text>", ([ ])); return 1; } return addEntry(ARGS(1), SNICKER); // TODO: append fuer multiline-sachen #if 0 case "iterator": unless (canPost(SNICKER)) return; sendmsg(source, "_notice_thread_iterator", "[_iterator] blog entries have been requested " "since creation.", ([ // i suppose this wasn't intentionally using // MMP _count so i rename it to _iterator "_iterator" : v("iterator") ]) ); return 1; #endif case "deblog": case "delentry": unless (canPost(SNICKER)) return; // ist das ein typecheck ob args ein int is? if (sizeof(regexp( ({ args[1] }) , "^[0-9][0-9]*$"))) { unless (delEntry(to_int(args[1]), source, vars)) { sendmsg(source,"_error_invalid_thread_item", "There is no such thread item.", ([ ])); } else { sendmsg(source, "_notice_thread_item_removed", "Thread item [_number] has been removed.", ([ "_number" : ARGS(1) ]) ); } } return 1; } return ::cmd(a, args, b, source, vars); } msg(source, mc, data, vars){ P3(("thread:msg(%O, %O, %O, %O)", source, mc, data, vars)) // TODO: die source muss hierbei uebereinstimmen mit dem autor if (abbrev("_notice_authentication", mc)){ sendmsg(source, "_notice_place_blog_authentication_success", "([_entry]) has been authenticated", ([ "_entry" : "1" ]) ); return; } if (abbrev("error_invalid_authentication", mc)) { sendmsg(source, "_notice_place_blog_authentication_failure", "Warning, someone pretends to blog as you", ([ ]) ); return; } return ::msg(source, mc, data, vars); } #if 0 listLastEntries(number) { mapping* entries; int i; entries = _thread || ({ }); unless (sizeof(entries)) return 1; i = v("iterator") || 0; vSet("iterator", i + 1); return entries[<number..]; } #endif #if 0 allEntries(source) { mapping* entries; mapping ar; int i = 0; entries = _thread || ({ }); unless (sizeof(entries)) return 1; foreach (ar : entries) { sendmsg(source, "_message_", "([_number]) \"[_topic]\", [_author]", ([ // ?? "_topic" : ar["topic"], "_text" : ar["text"], "_author" : ar["author"], "_date" : ar["date"], "_number" : i++, "_nick_place" : MYNICK ]) ); } return 1; } #endif #if 0 addForum() { // suggested protocol message for the buha forum // (creation of a new thread) :_target psyc://psyced.org/@buha :_encoding utf-8 :_nick_forum morpheus :_category Test-Forum :_thread Test-Thread_ :_page_thread https://www.buha.info/board/showthread.php?t=1 _notice_thread [_nick_forum] hat einen neuen Thread in [_category] erstellt: [_thread] ([_page_thread]) . } #endif setSubject(num, thread) { mapping* entries; entries = _thread || ({ }); // TODO: das hier muss sicherer entries[num]["thread"] = thread; _thread = entries; save(); return 1; } // TODO: topic uebergeben addEntry(text, unick, thread) { mapping* entries; mapping newentry = ([ "text" : text, "author" : unick, "date" : isotime(ctime(), 1), "thread" : thread || "", ]); entries = _thread || ({ }); entries += ({ newentry }); _thread = entries; save(); castmsg(ME, "_notice_thread_item", "[_nick] adds an entry in \"[_thread]\" of [_nick_place].", ([ "_entry" : text, "_thread" : thread, "_nick" : unick, ]) ); return 1; } addComment(text, unick, entry_id) { mapping entry; if (sizeof(_thread) > entry_id) { entry = _thread[entry_id]; unless (entry["comments"]) { entry["comments"] = ({ }); } entry["comments"] += ({ (["text" : text, "nick" : unick ]) }); // vSet("entries", entries); castmsg(ME, "_notice_thread_comment", "[_nick] adds a comment in \"[_thread]\" of [_nick_place].", ([ "_entry" : entry["text"], "_thread" : entry["thread"], "_comment" : text, "_nick" : unick, ]) ); save(); return 1; } return -1; } delEntry(int number, source, vars) { array(string) entries, authors, a; string unick; int size; entries = _thread || ({ }); unless (size = sizeof(entries)) return 0; if (number >= size) return 0; if (canPost(unick = lower_case(SNICKER))) { unless (lower_case(entries[number]["author"]) == unick) return 0; } _thread = entries[0..number-1] + entries[number+1..]; //_thread[number] = 0; save(); return 1; } htget(prot, query, headers, qs, data) { mapping entrymap; mixed target; string nick; int i; int a; mapping* entries; int num_entries = query["last"] ? to_int(query["last"]) : DEFAULT_BACKLOG; unless (webact) webact = PLACE_PATH + MYLOWERNICK; // shouldnt it be "html" here? sTextPath(query["layout"] || MYNICK, query["lang"], "ht"); // Kommentare anzeigen if (query["comments"]) { htok(prot); // kommentare + urspruengliche Nachricht anzeigen displayHeader(); displayComments(_thread[to_int(query["comments"])]); // eingabeformular ohne betreff write("<form action='" + webact + "' method='GET'>\n" "<input type='hidden' name='request' value='post'>\n" "PSYC Uni: <input type='text' name='uni'><br>\n" "<input type='hidden' name='reply' value='" + query["comments"] +"'>\n" "<textarea name='text' rows='14' cols='80'>Enter your text here</textarea><br>\n" "<input type='submit' value='submit'>\n" "</form>\n"); write("<br><hr><br>"); logView(a < 24 ? a : 12, "html", 15); displayFooter(); return 1; } // formularbehandlung if (query["request"] == "post" && query["uni"]) { htok(prot); /* sendmsg uni -> _request_authentication mit thread und text drin dann auf die antwort warten die nen vars mapping mit thread + text hat wieder */ if (nick = legal_name(target = query["uni"])) { target = summon_person(nick); nick = target->qNick(); } else { nick = target; // write("Hello " + query["uni"] + "<br>\n"); // write("Remote auth doesn't work yet. TODO!!!\n"); // return 1; } #ifdef OWNED if (canPost(nick)) { #endif #if 0 sendmsg(target, "_request_authentication", "please auth me!", (["_host_IP" : query_ip_number(), "_blog_thread" : query["thread"], "_blog_text" : query["text"] ])); write("your submit is avaiting authentication by " + query["uni"] + "<br>\n"); #endif // 0 if (target->checkAuthentication(ME, ([ "_host_IP" : query_ip_number() ]) ) > 0) { // check ob reply auf irgendwas ist... if (query["reply"]) { addComment(query["text"], query["uni"], to_int(query["reply"])); } else { addEntry(query["text"], query["uni"], query["thread"]); } write("authentication successful!\n"); } else { write("not authenticated!\n"); } #ifdef OWNED } else { write("You are not owner or aide of this place.\n"); } #endif return 1; } // neuen Eintrag verfassen if (query["request"] == "form") { htok(prot); displayHeader(); write("<form action='" + webact + "' method='GET'>\n" "<input type='hidden' name='request' value='post'>\n" "PSYC Identity:<br><input type='text' name='uni' size=60><br>\n" "Thread:<br><input type='text' name='thread' size=60><br>\n" "Text:<br>\n<textarea name='text' rows='14' cols='64'></textarea><br>\n" "<input type='submit' value='CREATE MESSAGE'>\n" "</form>\n"); displayFooter(); return 1; } ::htget(prot, query, headers, qs, data, 1); // no processing, just info // javascript-export if (query["export"] == "javascript") { // check If-Modified-Since header htok3(prot, "application/x-javascript", "Cache-Control: no-cache\n"); jscriptExport(num_entries); } else if (query["export"] == "rss" || query["export"] == "rdf") { // export als RSS // scheinbar gibt es ein limit von 15 items / channel // htquote auch hier anwenden // check If-Modified-Since header htok3(prot, "text/xml", ""); rssExport(num_entries); } else { // normaler Export P2(("all entries: %O\n", _thread)) htok3(prot, "text/html", "Cache-Control: no-cache\n"); displayHeader(); // display the blog displayMain(num_entries); // display the chatlog logView(a < 24 ? a : 12, "html", 15); displayFooter(); } return 1; } rssExport(last) { int i; int len; len = sizeof(_thread); if (last > len) last = len; write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" SYSTEM_CHARSET "\" ?>\n" "<rdf:RDF\n" "xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"\n" "xmlns=\"http://purl.org/rss/1.0/\">\n\n" "<channel>\n" "\t<title>PSYC - Protocol for Synchronous Conferencing\n" "\thttp://www.psyc.eu\n" "\tNews about the PSYC project\n" "\n"); for (i = len - last; i < len; i++) { write("\n\n" "\t"+ _thread[i]["thread"] +"\n" "\thttp://" + SERVER_HOST + ":33333" + webact + "?comments=" + i + "\n" "\t" + _thread[i]["text"] + "\n" "\t" + _thread[i]["date"] + "\n" "\t" + _thread[i]["author"] + "\n"); write("\n"); } write("\n"); } jscriptExport(last) { mapping item; string buf = ""; // htok3(prot, "application/x-javascript", "Cache-Control: no-cache\n"); write("function Entry(thread, author, date, text) {\n" "\tthis.thread = thread;\n" "\tthis.author = author;\n" "\tthis.date = date;\n" "\tthis.text = text;\n" "}\n\n" "document.blogentries = new Array(\n"); foreach (item : _thread[ len) last = len; P2(("len %d, last %d\n", len, last)) for (i = len - last; i < len; i++) { write("" "" "" "" "
" + _thread[i]["thread"] + "" + _thread[i]["author"] + "" + _thread[i]["date"] + "
" + _thread[i]["text"] + "
"); write("there are " + sizeof(_thread[i]["comments"]) + " comments"); write("
\n"); } } #endif htMain(last) { int i; int len; string t; string ht = ""; len = sizeof(_thread); if (last > len) last = len; // reverse order for (i = len-1; i >= len - last; i--) { P3((">>> _thread[%O]: %O\n", i, _thread[i])) mapping item = _thread[i]; t = htquote(item["text"]); t = replace(t, "\n", "
\n"); t = replace(t, "<", "<"); t = replace(t, ">", ">"); string c = ""; if (item["comments"]) foreach(mapping comment : item["comments"]) c += "
" + comment["nick"] + ": " + comment["text"] + "
\n"; ht += "
\n" "
\n" "" + item["author"] + "\n" "" + htquote(item["thread"]) + "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
" + t + "
\n" "\n" "
\n" "\n" "
\n"; } return "
" + ht + "
"; } htComments(data) { mapping item; string ht = ""; write("" + data["author"] + ": " + data["text"] + "

\n"); if (data["comments"]) { foreach(item : data["comments"]) { ht += "" + item["nick"] + ": " + item["text"] + "
\n"; } } else { ht += "no comments...
\n"; } return ht; } displayMain(last) { write(htMain(last)); } displayComments(data) { write(htComments(data)); } nntpget(cmd, args) { mapping item; int i; P2(("calling nntpget %s with %O\n", cmd, args)) switch(cmd) { case "LIST": write(MYNICK + " 0 1 n\n"); break; case "ARTICLE": i = to_int(args) - 1; P2(("i is: %d\n", i)) P2(("entries: %O\n", _thread)) item = _thread[i]; write(S("220 %d <%s%d@%s> article\n", i + 1, MYNICK, i + 1, SERVER_HOST)); write(S("From: %s\n", item["author"])); write(S("Newsgroups: %s\n", MYNICK)); write(S("Subject: %s\n", item["thread"])); write(S("Date: %s\n", item["date"])); write(S("Xref: %s %s:%d\n", SERVER_HOST, MYNICK, i + 1)); write(S("Message-ID: <%s$%d@%s>\n", MYNICK, i+1, SERVER_HOST)); write("\n"); write(item["text"]); write("\n.\n"); break; case "GROUP": write(S("211 %d 1 %d %s\n", sizeof(_thread), sizeof(_thread), MYNICK)); break; case "XOVER": for (i = 0; i < sizeof(_thread); i++) { item = _thread[i]; P2(("item: %O\n", item)) write(S("%d\t%s\t%s\t%s <%s%d@%s>\t1609\t22\tXref: news.t-online.com\t%s:%d\n", i+1, item["thread"], item["author"], item["date"], MYNICK, i+1, SERVER_HOST, MYNICK, i+1)); } break; default: P2(("unimplemented nntp command: %s\n", cmd)) } } #ifndef STYLESHEET # define STYLESHEET (v("_uniform_style") || "/static/examine.css") #endif // wir können zwei strategien fahren.. die technisch einfachere ist es // die reihenfolge der elemente festzulegen und für jedes ein w(_HTML_xy // auszuspucken. flexibler wär's stattdessen wenn jede seite ein einziges // w(_PAGES_xy ausgeben würde in dem es per [_HTML_list_threads] oder // ähnlichem die blog-elemente per psyctext-vars übergibt ... dann kann // es immernoch per {_HTML_head_threads} header und footer einheitlich // halten. womöglich kann man auch nachträglich plan A in plan B // umwandeln..... hmmm -lynX // displayHeader() { w("_HTML_head_threads", "\n"+ "\n\n"); } displayFooter() { w("_HTML_tail_threads", ""); } canPost(snicker) { return qAide(snicker); }