|shows an overview of people present on this server, sorted by public rooms.
|People in private rooms are listed after [private].
/go <room>
|moves to that room. A new private room is created if a room
|name is given which doesn't exist yet.
|shows a short list of commands.
|closes the chat window and saves the user data.
|People in the room see that you are leaving on purpose,
|instead of seeing messages of temporary unavailability.
|Please do use this command to leave the chat.
/t(ell) <person> <message>
|sends a single message directly to the person. The recipient
|doesn't need to be in the same room.
/t(alk) <name> and /t(alk)
|enters the dialogue mode which sends all of your input to the
|named person, not to the current room. You can still talk to the
|room by typing "/ <text>", in other
|words, by prefixing your input with a slash and a space.
|"/q" terminates this dialogue mode.
/me <description>
|shows an action description. "/me smiles"
|for instance produces the message "JoeCool smiles."
/<your nickname> <description>
|sets such an action description permanently. It will appear
|when people send you private messages and in the output of
|shows the list of people present, which have set such a permanent
|description. The "idle time" of the person is also shown in hours
|and minutes.
/notify <name>
|marks or unmarks a person for automatic notification as soon as you enter the
|chat system. If you're familiar with IRC, be aware that this function works
|exactly the opposite way as in IRC.
/set filter [ s(trangers) | off | d(efault) ]
|permits you to disable private messages from strangers.
|Only friends which are marked for notification using /friend
|will be allowed to talk to you privately. Others will have to
|wait to meet you in a room. "default" resets this value to
|the local default.
/ig(nore) <name>
|suppresses all messages from named person in future.
/display <name>
|makes those messages visible again.
/hi(ghlight) <name>
|makes this person's message appear highlighted.
/reduce <Name> oder /lo <Name>
|makes this person's message appear reduced.
/fr(iend) <Name>
|offers friendship to a person. Should this friendship be acknowledged from
|the other side, then you will in future receive presence updates on the
|other person's availability. Additionally this function gives both sides
|extended access to profile information, unless you make use of the
| /trust command to specify a custom trust level for this person.
/trust <Name> <Digit>|-
|Define a custom trust level value for a person. The trust level must
|be a digit ranging from 0 to 9, or a minus character, which will restore
|the default.
/expose <Name> <Digit>|-
|Define the exposure level for a friend. This factor defines how high the
|trust level a person must be, to be enabled to see your friend listed in
|your profile. By issueing /expose Merlin 0 for instance you can
|ensure that noone shall ever find out, that you are friends with Merlin.
/un(friend) <Name>
|cancels a friendship. You can also use the word /cancel .
|Usually the friendship is cancelled on both sides.
/show [notify|in|out|display|trust|expose|all]
|shows the current state of friendships, display settings, trust or
|exposure levels.
/<State> [<Description>]
|where State is one out of
|realtime, talkative, here, busy, nearby, unavailable, away, vacation, offline
|while Description is an optional
|free form phrase to describe your state better.
|As soon as you enter this, your change of state and description will
|be multicast to all your friends.
/av(ailability) <Digit> [<Description>]
|You can achieve the same also by providing the state numerically.
|The list of states shown above is equivalent to digit values 9 through 1.
/mood <Digit> [<Description>]
|Mood can currently only be set using a digit on the scale from happy to sad
|which is equivalent to the values 9 to 1.
|puts you into dialogue mode with the person you last received
|a message from.
|puts you into dialogue mode with the person you last sent
|a private message to.
|puts you into dialogue mode with the person you last received
|a presence notification from.
/log [<amount or pattern>]
|shows the given amount of messages from the log of last messages,
|or it matches the last log for a pattern you provide.
|For registered users a limited amount of messages is saved
|when you leave.
|deletes your personal log of last messages from memory and
|the server's hard disk.
|brings you to your home room, which you can define using
|"/set home <roomName>".
|Transmitting an empty line simply by hitting ENTER or RETURN
|will clear the screen. Simple but very useful function.
/j(oin) <room>
|enters a room additionally to your current room.
/leave <room>
|leaves a room without entering one.
/sub(scribe) [ <room> [ p(ermanent) ]]
|configures a room to be automatically entered each time you log in.
|Very useful for news feeds or other gateway rooms. The permanent
|setting makes you stay in the room even if you log out. Caution!
/unsub(scribe) <room>
|does what you expect.
/m(sg) <name> <message>
|is the same as /tell, for compatibility to IRC.
|The command was originally introduced on IBM mainframes to
|send a message to an other user, then adapted to work
|across the BITnet/EARN.
/whois <name>
|is the BITnet Relay equivalent for /examine and /x.
/part <room>
|is the IRC equivalent to /leave.
/c(hange) <room>
|works like /go. The command on BITnet relay was actually
|/channel and the channels were numeric like on HAM radio.
|## Jeff Kell probably came up with that analogy.
/q(uery) [<person>]
|is the same as /talk, for compatibility to IRC.
|Jarkko Oikarinen is probably the person who came
|up with this terminus, as if one would always be asking questions.
/la(stlog) [<amount or pattern>]
|is the same as /log, for compatibility to ircII.
|BigCheese introduced this function in 1989.
|works just like /me.
|This notation comes from the world of multi-user adventure games,
|supposedly around 1987. lynX liked it so much, that he introduced it
|in IRC in form of the /me command in 1990.
|You can change the colon character using /set actchar.
|Information request about the software version of your server or somebody
|else's software configuration, which may or may not be given to you however.
/notify <person> [<delay>]
|does the opposite of what IRC /notify does: it actively
|sends presence notification to the person. This is a sort of
|"asymmetric" friendship function. You can provide a delay flag
|which is currently one out of [ d(elayed) | D(elayed more) ],
|this will postpone the presence notification for a certain time
|period after the start of your new session. /nf also allows
|you to delete the notifications to a friend (established using /friend)
|without effectively deleting the friendship.
|is for paranoids only.
/enter <room>
|is just the nicer name for the /join command.
|The PSYC technology is intended to let you communicate with other
|PSYC users worldwide. In some cases you will already have done so
|without noticing, because some rooms you have entered are connected
|to other PSYC servers, or the people contained in a room may have
|come from a distant server.
|You can do these kind of things yourself, using the same commands
|described in the rest of the manual. Whenever a <name> is given
|for a command, you may as well use a PSYC address.
|For instance,
|if you want to talk to me, no matter where your server is, you can
|do /t psyc://psyced.org/~lynX (t as in talk).
|If you want to enter the PSYC
|developers room, you can go for /c psyc://psyced.org/@welcome
|(c as in change, but you can aswell use /go or even /join).
|If you want to flaunt your PSYC address on your business card or email
|signature, you can figure it out using the /x command,
|which examines yourself.
|You can make /friend-ships with
|remote users, /subscribe services across the network, and
|you can even do many of these things with Jabber™ addresses. Just
|prepend xmpp: to the simplistic User@Host syntax they use.
|There are some more commands which are mostly designed for use
|with remote PSYC addresses. Here they are:
/alias <nickname> <identity>
|allows you to define personal shortcuts for remote PSYC users so you no longer
|have to type the complete address. Makes the person also more palpable
|to your IRC client, if you are using one.
/unalias <nickname>
|Do I need to explain this one?
|produces a web address where you can head off surfing along the social
|network of your friends friends. You must give this a try!
/co(nnect) <identity> [<password>]
|Experimental command to switch personality or even connect to a
|PSYC identity on a remote PSYC server.
|psyced supports several ways to access rooms and people on it.
|Many of them also provide the option of TLS/SSL encryption, for your
|enhanced privacy.
|This server accepts
|IRC client
|protocol on the IRC port 6667.
|Try this link.
|You shall find Getting started using IRC with psyced helpful to understand
|how different PSYC is from IRC.
|The minimalist way to access this server: use a telnet program and connect
|to port 2323 (or maybe 23) of the machine running this server.
|Like this.
|You can see who's in the room by sending an empty line.
|This chat server started out as a research project to implement
|the new Protocol for SYnchronous Conferencing. It is used to
|interact with other PSYC servers and services.
|You can access the server using a native PSYC client.
|Software is available for download at the
|PSYC website.
|This server accepts Jabber protocol for clients with or without SSL,
|but it can also communicate with all Jabber servers in the world
|directly, using the xmpp:<nickname>@<server.adresse>
|notation. See also in the menu item on PSYC NETWORK functions.
|Lets you use PSYC to manage your VoIP telephony. Experimental.
|Rooms are programmable in PSYC.
|psyced in particular provides the administrator with standard
|components which can still be enhanced with custom logic and commands.
|In fact commands are being added all the time, and even you could help us
|implement anything we haven't provided yet.
|These are the commands provided by such standard components, leaving out
|only the new THREADS rooms, also known as forum/blog-rooms, which
|are easier to use via the web interface anyway.
/i(nvite) [<person>]
|Invite a person into this room. The room will be informed of this,
|so it can decide wether to let the person in, which is the normal
|behaviour. It may also choose to inform the others of your
|The recipient of an invitation just needs to type /f as in
|/follow to enter the room. If there was no invitation, then
|the last active room is selected.
/top(ic) [<topicAnnouncement>]
|sets a persistent description of the discussion topic.
|This command may be reserved for administrators or owners in public rooms.
/st(atus) or the short form /s
|shows information about the room.
/hist(ory) [<amount or pattern>]
|shows the given amount of messages from the history of last public
|messages in the room, or it matches them for a pattern you provide.
|This function is only available in special public rooms.
/histclear [<amount>]
|may allow you to clear the history of such a public room, depending on
|the configuration of the room. When you provide an amount, only that
|amount of messages is deleted from the room history, otherwise the
|complete history is removed. Should you by mistake keep a private
|conversation in a public room, this may be of help to protect your
|privacy. It is however much safer to keep private conversations
|in private rooms or messages!
/ni(ckname) [<mask>]
|The good ole /nick command allows to change your name
|within the conversation of a specific room. For technical reasons
|of protocol design, IRC clients cannot display these changes.
/mand(ate) [<person>]
|enables the owner of a room to empower other room members
|to additional commands.
|show the list of people you have empowered.
/kick [<person>]
|bans a person from the room. This decision cannot be revised until
|either the room or the server are reset, so use it wisely - not for fun.
/style [<http://<web-address of a CSS file>]
|defines a style sheets for the place. Only real cool
|PSYC clients will show it, however.
|The administrators of a server can define operators - chaps who have
|a few commands more to serve the users better. Among these:
/public [on|off]
|Certain room types allow operators to change the visibility
|of the room on the fly. You can check using /people.
/masq(uerade) [on|off]
|allows the operators to activate the masquerading option,
|that is the /nick command mentioned before.
/silence [presence|conversation|all|none]
|The "presence" filter disables or enables the display of enter and leave
|messages in the room. Very useful in crowded rooms. Whereas the "conversation"
|filter makes the room a non-talking room like you typically need for
|external newsfeeds.
/logging [on|off]
|starts a transcription of public conversation onto the server
|harddisk. The /status command will show if this
|function is currently activated. It is only available in
|predefined permanent public rooms.
|These commands are available to the administrator of the server.
|For room-specific operator commands see ROOM FUNCTIONS.
/yell <message>
|Make a server-wide announcement.
|Technical list of currently active TCP connections.
|Show current memory statistics. Likely to only look good on telnet.
|Memory allocation statistics. Likely to only look good on telnet.
|Generate an ugly table of object statistics in /log/objects.dump.
/warn <nick> [<message>]
|Issue a warning to a local user of your server.
/kill <nick> [<message>]
|If the warning didn't impress, disconnect a local user from your server.
/block <addressMask> <reason>
|This disables access to the server from Internet address numbers
|which start with <addressMask>. To help you remember why you
|did that, you are requested to store a reason along with it.
|For example you could be issueing:
/block 207.46.130. no microserfs on this server!
|It is a good idea to always terminate your masks with a period
|so that 10.10.10 wouldn't match
|Use the same command to unblock a host.
/config <entry> <setting> [<value>]
|Configure a setting for a specific entity, usually remote servers.
|But we are currently not using this function to do any job.
/patch <nick> <setting> [<value>]
|This allows to change a setting for a local user, as if the user entered
|a /set command. But in fact this is currently limited to resetting the
/(re)load <file>
|Recompile an object class. Typically necessary when modifying an existing
|place ( /load place/space ) without restarting the server.
/destruct <object>
|Destruct an object or object class without reloading it. Can be abused
|to disconnect a user without a polite message.
|Shutdown the server. The actual shutdown happens in several phases and
|takes a few seconds for hopefully all connections to be safely closed.
|Restart the server.
|Most of the following functions can also be changed using the /edit
|command, if you are using the web interface.
/set password <newWord> or
| /set password <oldWord> <newWord>
|register or modify a password. Once a password is set your chat name
|can only be accessed by providing such password.
/set email <emailAddress>
|sets your e-mail address. This information is visible to your friends
|only, and to the server administrator if he necessitates to reach you.
|Best of all, it enables the server to forward messages to you by email when
|you're not online.
/set telephone <phoneNumbers>
|is a good place to keep phone numbers for your friends to call you.
/set home <homeRoom>
|sets your "home" room, a room you are sent to when you type /home.
/set publicname <Your Name>
|shows everybody what your real name is.
/set name <yourNickname>
|changes the uppercase/lowercase style in which your name should be
|displayed, so you can be sure your name will always appear in the proper
|way even when people type your name in the wrong case.
/set speakaction <verb>
|lets you speak with a different verb than "says", for instance try
|"whispers" or "yells".
/set visiblespeakaction [ on | off | mixed ]
|if your IRC client shows actions in a nice way, you may want
|to activate them!
/set filter [ s(trangers) | off ]
|disables receiving messages from people that are neither your friends
|nor in the same room with you. You can make friends using the rather
|obvious /friend command.
/set presencefilter [ on | off | all | automatic ]
|helps you limit the choice of friends' presence updates that are shown to you.
|by default, automatic away messages are filtered, whereas other types are
|shown. when this is set to "on", only explicitly manually set away messages
|are shown. by setting this value to "off" you can see any presence message
|while the "all" setting will disable any display of presence messages.
|you can still see who's on or away by looking at your buddy list however.
/set echo [ off | on | automatic ]
|Normally you will see everything you type echoed to your screen
|so you can be sure they arrived safely. But you may prefer not to
|see such echo. If you're using the IRC access port, then you will
|automatically not receive any echo, since that's uncommon on IRC,
|but you can switch it on explicitedly.
/set greeting [ off | on | automatic ]
|When you connect to psyced you are shown your last login data
|which is useful for you to ensure nobody else connected to your
|account in the meantime. You are also informed about your current
|command character and a few other things. You can turn this greeting
|information off using this setting. If you're a Jabber user, then these
|greetings will be off by default, as it is unusual behaviour for Jabber
|servers. In that case you may want to intentionally turn them on to
|improve your safety.
/set multiplace [ on | off ]
|## allows you to enter more than one room at a time in some access forms.
|## An essential feature for advanced users, yet confusing for some beginners.
/set clearscreen [ on | off ]
|only applies to the telnet access. Hitting carriage return without
|any other input will normally clear the terminal screen.
/set visibility [ off | on ]
|makes you invisible from /who or /people commands.
/set exposetime [ off | on ]
|hides the information when you were last active also from your friends.
/set publicpage http://<web-address>
|lets you publish your homepage address. It appears whenever someone
|clicks on your name.
/set privatepage http://<web-address>
|allows you to set up a page just for your chat friends. It will not
|be shown to chatters that haven't exchanged /friend-ship
|with you.
/set photopage http://<web-address>
|A page that shows more photos of you. Will be linked to your
|profile photo.
/set photofile http://<web-address>
|A medium size photo of yours, stored on a web server of your choice.
|The photo appears when you or your friends use /surf to look
|at your profile.
/set miniphotofile http://<web-address>
|A thumbnail size photo of yours, to be used for lists of friends.
/set keyfile http://<web-address>
|invites you to store the address of your public key file,
|allowing for encrypted communication to happen between you and
|your friends, provided you are both using an encryption capable
|PSYC client,
|or at least email.
/set stylefile http://<web-address>
|lets you specify a cascading style sheet file for personalized
|presentation of your profile!
/set commandcharacter <prefix>
|Also accepted as cmdchar this setting allows you to change
|the character that prefixes commands. The cmdchar normally is
|set to / (slash) except for IRC users, for them it is
|a + (plus sign) by default.
/set actioncharacter [ <prefix> | off ]
|Also understood as actchar this setting allows you to change
|or even disable the character that prefixes actions. The actchar normally
|is set to : (colon). You can also produce actions by issuing my
|popular /me command.
/set charset [ <character-set> | - ]
|Some access technologies (telnet, applet, IRC) may need you to set the
|client's character set manually. If your umlauts look all wrong, try
|/set charset latin1. This setting will have no influence on
|other access technologies.
|The system charset on this server is {_VAR_charset}.
/set timestamp [ on | off | - ]
|The normal behaviour is to show timestamps with messages that did not
|happen "just now." When turned "on," IRC clients will receive CTCP
|TS messages instead of plain text timestamps.
/set verbatimuniform [ on | off ]
|## If you run a very polite IRC client, you may find this useful. It
|## stops patching addresses of remote users. But it's even better to
|## use the /alias command.
|Further possible settings are currently listed in the
|Welcome to the user web interface.
|Here you are able to change your settings and profile.
|* settings
|* profile
|psyced user control panel
|Error: Login failed.
|Error: Username/Password can't be empty.
|Please enter your username and password to access your control panel.
|Login successful. continue
|Error: User does not exist.
|Change your settings:
|Settings changed.
|error [_code]
|scratchpad for [_nick_place]@{_VAR_host}
|Room [_name] has been deleted.
|Room [_name] isn't a [_expected] room, but a [_type] room.
|Room [_name] should be of type [_expected], but it isn't.
|ATTENTION: Do not use the reload button of your browser while surfing this page!
List of Blocked IP/Ranges
|The user doesn't exist or is unregistered
|You should propably do a Restart now, to make the Changes effective.
|{_MISC_server_software}: logging into {_VAR_host}
|You are being logged in.
|{_MISC_server_software}: examine profile for [_nick]
|{_MISC_server_software}: examine profile on {_VAR_host}
|## SELF? whatever.. text needs to be intlized
|Command is being executed.
|Sorry, there is no description waiting to be viewed.