#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common START=90 STOP=90 start() { if test ! -r /var/log/psyced then ln -s /opt/psyced/log /var/log/psyced fi echo -n "Starting psyced in background ... " sudo -bHu psyced /bin/sh /opt/psyced/bin/psyced & echo "DONE" } stop() { rm /opt/psyced/world/data/.autorestart if test -r /opt/psyced/world/data/psyclpc.pid then echo -n "Instructing psyced to gently shut down ... " kill -1 `cat /opt/psyced/world/data/psyclpc.pid` rm /opt/psyced/world/data/psyclpc.pid && echo "OK" else echo -n "Killing psyced brutally ... " kill -1 `cat /opt/psyced/world/data/psyclpc.pid` >/dev/null 2>&1 kill -3 `cat /opt/psyced/world/data/psyced.pid` && echo "OK" fi } EXTRA_COMMANDS="prepare" EXTRA_HELP=" prepare First time configurator script. Please run /etc/init.d/psyced prepare in order to set-up your system for first psyced execution" prepare() { if !(cat /etc/group | grep psyc 1>/dev/null) then echo "Adding psyc group to /etc/group ... " echo "psyc:x:4404:" >> /etc/group fi if !(cat /etc/passwd | grep psyc 1>/dev/null) then echo "Adding psyced user to /etc/passwd ... " echo "psyced:KnMFzCSyWjQC.:4404:4404:the PSYC enhanced daemon:/var:/bin/false" >> /etc/passwd fi echo -n "Preparing system ... " chown -R psyced:psyc /opt/psyced echo "done" }