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2009-01-26 20:12:53 +00:00
// $Id: fetch.c,v 1.42 2008/12/10 22:53:33 lynx Exp $ // vim:syntax=lpc
// generic HTTP GET client, mostly used for RSS -
// but we could fetch any page or data with it, really
// tobij even made the object have the URL as its object name. fancy! ;)
#include <ht/http.h>
2009-01-26 20:12:53 +00:00
#include <net.h>
#include <url.h>
#include <services.h>
virtual inherit NET_PATH "output"; // virtual: in case we get inherited..
inherit NET_PATH "connect";
//inherit NET_PATH "place/master";
#ifdef NEW_QUEUE
inherit NET_PATH "queue2";
inherit NET_PATH "queue";
volatile mapping headers, fheaders;
volatile string modificationtime, etag, http_message;
volatile string useragent = SERVER_VERSION;
volatile int http_status, port, fetching, ssl;
volatile string buffer, thehost, url, fetched, host, resource;
volatile string basicauth;
int parse_status(string all);
int parse_header(string all);
int buffer_content(string all);
string qHost() { return thehost; }
void fetch(string murl) {
if (url) return;
url = replace(murl, ":/", "://");
P3(("%O: fetch(%O)\n", ME, url))
object load() { return ME; }
void setHTTPBasicAuth(string user, string password) {
basicauth = "Authorization: Basic " + encode_base64(user + ":" + password) + "\r\n";
string sAgent(string a) {
PT(("sAgent(%O) in %O\n", a, ME))
return useragent = a;
// net/place/news code follows.
void connect() {
mixed t;
fetching = 1;
ssl = 0;
unless (thehost) {
unless (sscanf(url, "http%s://%s/%!s", t, thehost)) {
P0(("%O couldn't parse %O\n", ME, url))
return 0;
thehost = lower_case(thehost);
ssl = t == "s";
P3(("URL, THEHOST: %O, %O\n", url, thehost))
unless (port)
unless (sscanf(thehost, "%s:%d", thehost, port) == 2)
P2(("Resolving %O and connecting.\n", thehost))
::connect(thehost, port);
varargs int real_logon(int arg) {
string scheme;
headers = ([ ]);
http_status = 500;
http_message = "(failure)"; // used by debug only
unless(::logon(arg)) return -1;
unless (url) return -3;
unless (resource) sscanf(url, "%s://%s/%s", scheme, host, resource);
buffer = "";
if (modificationtime)
buffer += "If-Modified-Since: "+ modificationtime + "\r\n";
if (useragent) buffer += "User-Agent: "+ useragent +"\r\n";
//if (etag)
// emit("If-None-Match: " + etag + "\r\n");
// we won't need connection: close w/ http/1.0
//emit("Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
PT(("%O using %O\n", ME, buffer))
emit("GET /"+ resource +" HTTP/1.0\r\n"
"Host: "+ host +"\r\n"
+ buffer +
buffer = "";
return 0; // duh.
varargs int logon(int arg, int sub) {
2009-01-26 20:12:53 +00:00
// net/connect disables telnet for all robots and circuits
#if 0 //__EFUN_DEFINED__(enable_telnet)
// when fetching the spiegel rss feed, telnet_neg() occasionally
// crashes. fixing that would be cool, but why have the telnet
// machine enabled at all?
// when called from xmlrpc.c we can't do TLS anyway
if (sub) return ::logon(arg);
if (ssl) tls_init_connection(ME, #'real_logon);
else real_logon(arg);
return 0; // duh.
int parse_status(string all) {
string prot;
string state;
sscanf(all, "%s%t%s", prot, state);
sscanf(state, "%d%t%s", http_status, http_message);
P3(("%O got %O %O from %O\n", ME, http_status, http_message, host));
2009-01-26 20:12:53 +00:00
if (http_status != R_OK) {
S("http/fetch'ing %O returned %O %O", url || ME,
http_status, http_message));
return 1;
int parse_header(string all) {
string key, val;
D2(D("htroom::parse is: " + all + "\n");)
// TODO: parse status code
if (all != "") {
if (sscanf(all, "%s:%1.0t%s", key, val) == 2) {
headers[lower_case(key)] = val;
// P2(("ht head: %O = %O\n", key, val))
return 1;
} else {
// das wollen wir nur bei status 200
return 1;
return 1;
int buffer_content(string all) {
buffer += all + "\n";
return 1;
disconnected(remainder) {
headers["_fetchtime"] = isotime(ctime(time()), 1);
if (headers["last-modified"])
modificationtime = headers["last-modified"];
if (headers["etag"])
etag = headers["etag"]; // heise does not work with etag
fetched = buffer;
if (remainder) fetched += remainder;
fheaders = headers;
buffer = headers = 0;
switch (http_status) {
case R_OK:
mixed *waiter;
while (qSize(ME)) {
waiter = shift(ME);
funcall(waiter[0], fetched, waiter[1] ? fheaders : copy(fheaders));
2009-01-26 20:12:53 +00:00
// doesn't seem to get here when HTTP returns 301 or 302. strange.
// fall thru
qInit(ME, 150, 5);
fetching = 0;
return 1; // presume this disc was expected
varargs string content(closure cb, int force, int willbehave) {
if (cb) {
if (fetched) {
if (force) {
funcall(cb, fetched, willbehave ? fheaders : copy(fheaders));
} else {
enqueue(ME, ({ cb, willbehave }));
return fetched;
varargs mapping headers(int willbehave) {
return willbehave ? fheaders : copy(fheaders);
string qHeader(mixed key) {
if (mappingp(fheaders)) return fheaders[key];
return 0;
varargs void refetch(closure cb, int willbehave) {
enqueue(ME, ({ cb, willbehave }));
unless (fetching) connect();
protected create() {
qInit(ME, 150, 5);