Fork 0
mirror of git://git.psyc.eu/libpsyc synced 2024-08-15 03:19:02 +00:00
1984-04-04 00:44:06 +00:00

168 lines
8.5 KiB

# 'nettest' is currently broken. testserver is not receiving any of the
# packets that 'nc' is passing to it. this is a bug in the testing suite,
# not in the library. --lynX 2016
# depending on where the pwd is, one of the two should work:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ../lib:lib
OPT = -O2
# compilation fails if -std=c99 is provided!?
# (netdb.h refuses to export struct addrinfo)
CFLAGS = -I../include -I../src -Wall -Wno-unused-result ${OPT}
LDFLAGS = -L../lib
LOADLIBES = -lpsyc -lm
TARGETS = test_psyc test_psyc_speed test_parser test_match test_render test_text var_routing var_type uniform_parse test_packet_id test_index test_update method
O = test.o
DIET = diet
PORT = 4440
NC = nc
DIFF = diff
TEE = tee
ifeq ($(shell uname),SunOS)
LOADLIBES_NET := -lsocket -lnsl
DIFF = gdiff
all: ${TARGETS}
it: all
check: test
#test_psyc_speed: LOADLIBES := ${LOADLIBES_NET}
test_json: LOADLIBES := ${LOADLIBES_NET} -ljson
test_json_glib: CFLAGS := ${CFLAGS} -I/usr/include/json-glib-1.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
test_json_glib: LOADLIBES := ${LOADLIBES_NET} -ljson-glib-1.0
test_strlen: LOADLIBES := ${LOADLIBES_NET}
diet: WRAPPER = ${DIET}
diet: all
debug: CFLAGS += -DDEBUG=${DEBUG} -g
debug: CFLAGS := $(subst ${OPT},-O0,${CFLAGS})
debug: all
rm -f ${TARGETS} $O
test: ${TARGETS}
# ./test_list
# ./test_table
x=0; for f in packets/[0-9]*; do echo ">> $$f"; ./test_psyc -f $$f | ${DIFF} -u $$f -; x=$$((x+$$?)); done; exit $$x
x=0; for f in packets/[0-9]*; do echo ">> $$f"; ./test_psyc -rf $$f | ${DIFF} -u $$f -; x=$$((x+$$?)); done; exit $$x
.NOTPARALLEL: nettestrun
nettest: nettestfull nettestsplit
nettestrun: start pkt stop
${MAKE} nettestrun; x=$$?; pkill -x test_psyc; exit $$x
${MAKE} nettestrun srv_args=-r; x=$$?; pkill -x test_psyc; exit $$x
split_max = 10
x=0; for n in `seq 1 ${split_max}`; do ${MAKE} nettestrun srv_args="-b $$n" && ${MAKE} nettestrun srv_args="-r -b $$n" || break; done; x=$$?; pkill -x test_psyc; exit $$x
x=0; for f in packets/[0-9]*; do echo ">> $$f"; cat $$f | nc localhost ${PORT} | ${DIFF} -u $$f -; x=$$((x+$$?)); done; exit $$x
x=0; for f in packets/[0-9]*; do echo ">> $$f"; ./splittest.pl $$f ${PORT} | ${DIFF} -u $$f -; x=$$((x+$$?)); done; exit $$x
for f in packets/err-*; do echo ">> $$f"; cat $$f | nc localhost ${PORT}; done
pkill -x test_psyc; exit 0
./test_psyc -p ${PORT} -S ${srv_args} -vvv &
pkill -x test_psyc
bench: bench-genpkts bench-psyc bench-psyc-bin bench-json bench-json-bin bench-xml
@mkdir -p ../bench/results
bench-psyc: bench-dir test_strlen test_psyc_speed
for f in ../bench/packets/*.psyc; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo strlen: $$bf; ./test_strlen -sc 1000000 -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf.strlen; done
for f in ../bench/packets/*.psyc; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo libpsyc: $$f; ./test_psyc_speed -sc 1000000 -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf; done
bench-psyc-bin: bench-dir test_strlen test_psyc_speed
for f in `ls ../bench/packets/binary/*.psyc | sort -r`; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo "libpsyc: $$f * 1000000"; ./test_psyc_speed -sc 1000000 -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf; done
c=1000000; for f in `ls ../bench/packets/binary/*.psyc | sort -r`; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo "strlen: $$bf * $$c"; ./test_strlen -sc $$c -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf.strlen; c=$$((c/10)); done
bench-json: bench-dir test_json test_json_glib
# for f in ../bench/packets/*.json; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo strlen: $$bf; ./test_strlen -sc 1000000 -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf.strlen; done
for f in ../bench/packets/*.json; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo json-c: $$bf; ./test_json -snc 1000000 -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf; done
for f in ../bench/packets/*.json; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo json-glib: $$bf; ./test_json_glib -snc 1000000 -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf-glib; done
bench-json-bin: bench-dir test_json test_json_glib
c=1000000; for f in `ls ../bench/packets/binary/*.json | sort -r`; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo "json-c: $$bf * $$c"; ./test_json -snc $$c -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf; c=$$((c/10)); done
c=1000000; for f in `ls ../bench/packets/binary/*.json | sort -r`; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo "json-glib: $$bf * $$c"; ./test_json_glib -snc $$c -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf-glib; c=$$((c/10)); done
bench-xml: bench-dir
@[[ -n "${xmlbench}" ]] || (echo xmlbench path needs to be set with xmlbench=/path/to/xmlbench; exit 1)
# for f in ../bench/packets/*.xml; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo strlen: $$bf; ./test_strlen -sc 1000000 -f $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf.strlen; done
for f in ../bench/packets/*.xml; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo libxml: $$bf; ${xmlbench}/parse/libxml 1000000 $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf-libxml; done
for f in ../bench/packets/*.xml; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo libxml-sax: $$bf; ${xmlbench}/parse/libxml-sax 1000000 $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf-libxml-sax; done
for f in ../bench/packets/*.xml; do bf=`basename $$f`; echo rapidxml: $$bf; ${xmlbench}/parse/rapidxml 1000000 $$f | ${TEE} -a ../bench/results/$$bf-rapidxml; done
@${MAKE} genpkt header=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-header content=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-content bs=7000 of=../bench/packets/binary/7K.psyc
@${MAKE} genpkt header=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-header content=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-content bs=70000 of=../bench/packets/binary/70K.psyc
@${MAKE} genpkt header=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-header content=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-content bs=700000 of=../bench/packets/binary/700K.psyc
@${MAKE} genpkt header=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-header content=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-content bs=7000000 of=../bench/packets/binary/7000K.psyc
@${MAKE} genpkt header=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-header content=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-content bs=7000000 count=10 of=../bench/packets/binary/70000K.psyc
# @${MAKE} genpkt header=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-header content=../bench/packets/binary/psyc-content bs=7000000 count=100 of=../bench/packets/binary/700000K.psyc
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/json-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/json-footer bs=7000 of=../bench/packets/binary/7K.json
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/json-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/json-footer bs=70000 of=../bench/packets/binary/70K.json
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/json-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/json-footer bs=700000 of=../bench/packets/binary/700K.json
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/json-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/json-footer bs=7000000 of=../bench/packets/binary/7000K.json
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/json-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/json-footer bs=7000000 count=10 of=../bench/packets/binary/70000K.json
# @${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/json-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/json-footer bs=7000000 count=100 of=../bench/packets/binary/700000K.json
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/xml-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/xml-footer bs=7000 of=../bench/packets/binary/7K.xml
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/xml-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/xml-footer bs=70000 of=../bench/packets/binary/70K.xml
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/xml-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/xml-footer bs=700000 of=../bench/packets/binary/700K.xml
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/xml-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/xml-footer bs=7000000 of=../bench/packets/binary/7000K.xml
@${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/xml-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/xml-footer bs=7000000 count=10 of=../bench/packets/binary/70000K.xml
# @${MAKE} genb64 header=../bench/packets/binary/xml-header footer=../bench/packets/binary/xml-footer bs=7000000 count=100 of=../bench/packets/binary/700000K.xml
bs = 1
count = 1
@[[ -n "${of}" ]]
[[ -f "${of}" ]] || ( \
cat ${header} >${of}; \
perl -le 'my @se=stat(q('${content}')); print $$se[7] + ${bs} * ${count} + 1' >>${of}; \
cat ${content} >>${of}; \
dd if=/dev/urandom of=${of} bs=${bs} count=${count} oflag=append conv=notrunc; \
echo -ne "\n|\n" >>${of} )
bs = 1
count = 1
@[[ -n "${of}" ]]
[[ -f "${of}" ]] || (cat ${header} >${of}; dd if=/dev/urandom bs=${bs} count=${count} | base64 -w0 >>${of}; cat ${footer} >>${of})