= libpsyc Readme File = libpsyc implements various functions required to use psyc. See http://about.psyc.eu/libpsyc for more information on the library See http://about.psyc.eu/Specification for more information on the new psyc specification See http://about.psyc.eu for information on psyc in general. The plain C API located in the include/psyc directory along with the file psyc.h is primary intended to be used for binding with other languages and frameworks. Available bindings are located in include/ where name is the lanugage or framework. == Directory Overview == doc — where the documentation will be put after generation include — contains all bindings and the core C API for the library lib — where the compiled library will be put src — contains the sourcecode of the library test — contains test sourcecodes and test input files == Compiling libpsyc == Type make and you are done. Other possible targets include: make diet — compile with diet libc make test — compile and run the test make doc — generate the API documentation (will be put in the doc folder) make help — display the possible targets == Contributors And Contribution == The library is being developed by * tg — psyc://psyced.org/~tg xmpp:tg@psyced.org irc://psyced.org/~tg * lynx — psyc://psyced.org/~lynx xmpp:lynx@psyced.org irc://psyced.org/~lynX * Marenz — psyc://supraverse.net/~marenz xmpp:marenz@supraverse.net irc://supraverse.net/~marenz If you created new bindings, patches or anything other that you think should go into the library, contact either anyone of us directly or just join the developement room at psyc://psyced.org/@welcome xmpp:*welcome@psyced.org (jabber is known to have problems sometimes) irc://psyced.org/welcome == Licence == — To be discussed —