#ifndef PSYC_PARSE_H /** * @file psyc/parse.h * @brief Interface for PSYC packet parsing. * * All parsing functions and the definitions they use are defined here. */ /** * @defgroup parse Parsing Functions * * This module contains packet and list parsing functions. * The parser adheres to the definition of a packet found at * * http://about.psyc.eu/Spec:Packet * * and the according terms are used throughout this documentation and in the * return codes. You should be at least * vaguely familiar with differences between "body" and "content" as * well as "routing variable" and "entity variable". * * * To parse a packet you first have to initialize a state: * * @code * PsycParseState state; * psyc_parse_state_init(&state, flags); * @endcode * * With the flags parameter you can fine-tune what * part of the packet should be parsed. @see PsycParseFlag * * Next, you have to tell the parser what it should parse. Assuming the variable * raw_data points to our packet and raw_len contains the length, you can pass * it to the parser as follows: * * @code * char* raw_data; // points to our (possibly incomplete) packet * size_t raw_len; // how many bytes of data * * psyc_parse_buffer_set(&state, raw_data, raw_len); // state is our initialized state from before * @endcode * * Now the the variables that will save the output of the parser need to be * declared: * * @code * PsycString name, // Name of the variable or method * value; // Value of the variable or body * char oper; // operator of the variable (if any) * @endcode * * They will be passed to the parsing function which will set them to * the according positions and lengths. * * Now the real parsing begins. The parsing function needs to be called * repeatedly with various actions in between, depending on the return values. * * A simplified example follows, see test/testPsyc.c for actual code that * handles incomplete packets as well. * * @code * * int ret; * * do // run the parsing in a loop, each time parsing one line * { * name.length = value.length = oper = 0; // reset the output variables * * ret = psyc_parse(&state, &oper, &name, &value); // call the parsing function * * switch (ret) // look at the return value * { * case PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING: // it is a routing variable * case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY: // it is a entity variable * // Name, value and operator of the variable can now be found in the * // respective variables: * printf("Variable: %.*s Value: %.*s Operator: %c\n", * name.length, name.data, * value.length, value.data, * oper); * // Note that the .data member still points at your original buffer. If * // you want to reuse that buffer for the next packet, you better copy it * // before passing it to the parser or you copy each variable now. * break; * case PSYC_PARSE_BODY: // it is the method and the body of the packet. * printf("Method Name: %.*s Body: %.*s\n", * name.length, name.data, // name of the method * value.length, value.data); // value of the body * break; * case PSYC_PARSE_COMPLETE: // parsing of this packet is complete * // You can simply continue parsing till you get the * // PSYC_PARSE_INSUFFICIENT code which means the line is incomplete. * continue; * default: // * perror("Error %i happened :(\n", res); * return res; * } * } * while (ret > 0) * @endcode * * This simple example does not consider some more complex cases when you * receive incomplete packets but still want to access the data. This code would * simply reject incomplete packets as error. A more detailed tutorial for * incomplete packets will follow. In the mean time, have look at the return * codes in PsycParseRC and their explanations. @see PsycParseRC */ /** @{ */ // begin of parser group #include #include #include typedef enum { /// Default Flag. Parse everything. PSYC_PARSE_ALL = 0, /// Parse only the header PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING_ONLY = 1, /// Parse only the content. /// Parsing starts at the content and the content must be complete. PSYC_PARSE_START_AT_CONTENT = 2, } PsycParseFlag; /** * The return value definitions for the packet parsing function. * @see psyc_parse() */ typedef enum { /// Error, packet is not ending with a valid delimiter. PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_END = -8, /// Error, expected NL after the method. PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_METHOD = -7, /// Error, expected NL after a modifier. PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_MOD_NL = -6, /// Error, modifier length is not numeric. PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_MOD_LEN = -5, /// Error, expected TAB before modifier value. PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_MOD_TAB = -4, /// Error, modifier name is missing. PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_MOD_NAME = -3, /// Error, expected NL after the content length. PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_LENGTH = -2, /// Error in packet. PSYC_PARSE_ERROR = -1, /// Buffer contains insufficient amount of data. /// Fill another buffer and concatenate it with the end of the current buffer, /// from the cursor position to the end. PSYC_PARSE_INSUFFICIENT = 1, /// Routing modifier parsing done. /// Operator, name & value contains the respective parts. PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING = 2, /// Start of an incomplete entity modifier. /// Operator & name are complete, value is incomplete. PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_START = 3, /// Continuation of an incomplete entity modifier. PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_CONT = 4, /// End of an incomplete entity modifier. PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END = 5, /// Entity modifier parsing done in one go. /// Operator, name & value contains the respective parts. PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY = 6, /// Start of an incomplete body. /// Name contains method, value contains part of the body. /// Used when packet length is given PSYC_PARSE_BODY_START = 7, /// Continuation of an incomplete body. /// Used when packet length is given PSYC_PARSE_BODY_CONT = 8, /// End of an incomplete body. /// Used when packet length is given PSYC_PARSE_BODY_END = 9, /// Body parsing done in one go, name contains method, value contains body. PSYC_PARSE_BODY = 10, /// Start of an incomplete content, value contains part of content. /// Used when PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING_ONLY is set. PSYC_PARSE_CONTENT_START = 7, /// Continuation of an incomplete content. /// Used when PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING_ONLY is set. PSYC_PARSE_CONTENT_CONT = 8, /// End of an incomplete content. /// Used when PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING_ONLY is set. PSYC_PARSE_CONTENT_END = 9, /// Content parsing done in one go, value contains the whole content. /// Used when PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING_ONLY is set. PSYC_PARSE_CONTENT = 10, /// Finished parsing packet. PSYC_PARSE_COMPLETE = 11, } PsycParseRC; /** * The return value definitions for the list parsing function. * @see psyc_parse_list() */ typedef enum { PSYC_PARSE_LIST_ERROR_DELIM = -4, PSYC_PARSE_LIST_ERROR_LEN = -3, PSYC_PARSE_LIST_ERROR_TYPE = -2, PSYC_PARSE_LIST_ERROR = -1, /// Completed parsing a list element. PSYC_PARSE_LIST_ELEM = 1, /// Reached end of buffer. PSYC_PARSE_LIST_END = 2, /// Binary list is incomplete. PSYC_PARSE_LIST_INCOMPLETE = 3, } PsycParseListRC; /** * Struct for keeping parser state. */ typedef struct { size_t cursor; ///< Current position in buffer. size_t startc; ///< Position where the parsing would be resumed. PsycString buffer; ///< Buffer with data to be parsed. uint8_t flags; ///< Flags for the parser, see PsycParseFlag. PsycPart part; ///< Part of the packet being parsed currently. size_t routingLength; ///< Length of routing part parsed so far. size_t contentParsed; ///< Number of bytes parsed from the content so far. size_t contentLength; ///< Expected length of the content. PsycBool contentLengthFound; ///< Is there a length given for this packet? size_t valueParsed; ///< Number of bytes parsed from the value so far. size_t valueLength; ///< Expected length of the value. PsycBool valueLengthFound; ///< Is there a length given for this modifier? } PsycParseState; /** * Struct for keeping list parser state. */ typedef struct { size_t cursor; ///< Current position in buffer. size_t startc; ///< Line start position. PsycString buffer; ///< Buffer with data to be parsed. PsycListType type; ///< List type. size_t elemParsed; ///< Number of bytes parsed from the elem so far. size_t elemLength; ///< Expected length of the elem. } PsycParseListState; /** * Initializes the state struct. * * @param state Pointer to the state struct that should be initialized. * @param flags Flags to be set for the parser, see PsycParseFlag. * @see PsycParseFlag */ static inline void psyc_parse_state_init (PsycParseState *state, uint8_t flags) { memset(state, 0, sizeof(PsycParseState)); state->flags = flags; if (flags & PSYC_PARSE_START_AT_CONTENT) state->part = PSYC_PART_CONTENT; } /** * Sets a new buffer in the parser state struct with data to be parsed. * * This function does NOT copy the buffer. It will parse whatever is * at the memory pointed to by buffer. * * @param state Pointer to the initialized state of the parser * @param buffer pointer to the data that should be parsed * @param length length of the data in bytes * @see PsycString */ static inline void psyc_parse_buffer_set (PsycParseState *state, char *buffer, size_t length) { state->buffer = (PsycString) {length, buffer}; state->cursor = 0; if (state->flags & PSYC_PARSE_START_AT_CONTENT) { state->contentLength = length; state->contentLengthFound = PSYC_TRUE; } } /** * Initializes the list state struct. * * @param state Pointer to the list state struct that should be initialized. */ static inline void psyc_parse_list_state_init (PsycParseListState *state) { memset(state, 0, sizeof(PsycParseListState)); } /** * Sets a new buffer in the list parser state struct with data to be parsed. */ static inline void psyc_parse_list_buffer_set (PsycParseListState *state, char *buffer, size_t length) { state->buffer = (PsycString) {length, buffer}; state->cursor = 0; } static inline size_t psyc_parse_content_length (PsycParseState *state) { return state->contentLength; } static inline PsycBool psyc_parse_content_length_found (PsycParseState *state) { return state->contentLengthFound; } static inline size_t psyc_parse_value_length (PsycParseState *state) { return state->valueLength; } static inline PsycBool psyc_parse_value_length_found (PsycParseState *state) { return state->valueLengthFound; } static inline size_t psyc_parse_cursor (PsycParseState *state) { return state->cursor; } static inline size_t psyc_parse_buffer_length (PsycParseState *state) { return state->buffer.length; } static inline size_t psyc_parse_remaining_length (PsycParseState *state) { return state->buffer.length - state->cursor; } static inline const char * psyc_parse_remaining_buffer (PsycParseState *state) { return state->buffer.data + state->cursor; } /** * Parse PSYC packets. * * This function parses a full or partial PSYC packet while keeping parsing * state in a state variable that you have to pass in every time, and returns * whenever a modifier or the body is found. See PsycParseRC for the possible * return codes. When it returns oper, name & value will point to the respective * parts of the buffer, no memory allocation is done. * * @param state An initialized PsycParseState. * @param oper In case of a modifier it will be set to the operator. * @param name In case of a modifier it will point to the name, * in case of the body it will point to the method. * @param value In case of a modifier it will point to the value, * in case of the body it will point to the data. */ #ifdef __INLINE_PSYC_PARSE static inline #endif PsycParseRC psyc_parse (PsycParseState *state, char *oper, PsycString *name, PsycString *value); /** * List parser. * * This function parses a _list modifier value and returns one element a time * while keeping parsing state in a state variable that you have to pass in * every time. When it returns elem will point to the next element in value, no * memory allocation is done. * * @param state An initialized PsycParseListState. * @param elem It will point to the next element in the list. */ #ifdef __INLINE_PSYC_PARSE static inline #endif PsycParseListRC psyc_parse_list (PsycParseListState *state, PsycString *elem); static inline PsycBool psyc_parse_number (const char *value, size_t len, int64_t *n) { size_t c = 0; uint8_t neg = 0; if (!value) return PSYC_FALSE; if (value[0] == '-') neg = ++c; *n = 0; while (c < len && value[c] >= '0' && value[c] <= '9') *n = 10 * *n + (value[c++] - '0'); if (c != len) return PSYC_FALSE; if (neg) *n = 0 - *n; return PSYC_TRUE; } static inline PsycBool psyc_parse_number_unsigned (const char *value, size_t len, uint64_t *n) { size_t c = 0; if (!value) return PSYC_FALSE; *n = 0; while (c < len && value[c] >= '0' && value[c] <= '9') *n = 10 * *n + (value[c++] - '0'); return c == len ? PSYC_TRUE : PSYC_FALSE; } static inline PsycBool psyc_parse_time (const char *value, size_t len, time_t *t) { return psyc_parse_number(value, len, t); } static inline PsycBool psyc_parse_date (const char *value, size_t len, time_t *t) { if (psyc_parse_number(value, len, t)) { *t += PSYC_EPOCH; return PSYC_TRUE; } return PSYC_FALSE; } /** * Determines if the argument is a glyph. * Glyphs are: : = + - ? ! */ static inline char psyc_is_glyph (uint8_t g) { switch(g) { case ':': case '=': case '+': case '-': case '?': case '!': return 1; default: return 0; } } /** * Determines if the argument is numeric. */ static inline char psyc_is_numeric (uint8_t c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } /** * Determines if the argument is alphabetic. */ static inline char psyc_is_alpha (uint8_t c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); } /** * Determines if the argument is alphanumeric. */ static inline char psyc_is_alpha_numeric (uint8_t c) { return psyc_is_alpha(c) || psyc_is_numeric(c); } /** * Determines if the argument is a keyword character. * Keyword characters are: alphanumeric and _ */ static inline char psyc_is_kw_char (uint8_t c) { return psyc_is_alpha_numeric(c) || c == '_'; } /** * Determines if the argument is a name character. * Name characters are: see opaque_part in RFC 2396 */ static inline char psyc_is_name_char (uint8_t c) { return psyc_is_alpha(c) || (c >= '$' && c <= ';') || c == '_' || c == '!' || c == '?' || c == '=' || c == '@' || c == '~'; } /** * Determines if the argument is a hostname character. * Hostname characters are: alphanumeric and - */ static inline char psyc_is_host_char (uint8_t c) { return psyc_is_alpha_numeric(c) || c == '.' || c == '-'; } /** @} */ // end of parse group #define PSYC_PARSE_H #endif