#include #include "lib.h" #include #include inline PsycRenderRC psyc_render_elem (PsycElem *elem, char *buffer, size_t buflen) { size_t cur = 0; if (elem->length > buflen) // return error if element doesn't fit in buffer return PSYC_RENDER_ERROR; if (elem->type.length) { buffer[cur++] = '='; memcpy(buffer + cur, PSYC_S2ARG(elem->type)); cur += elem->type.length; } if (elem->value.length && !(elem->flag & PSYC_ELEM_NO_LENGTH)) { if (elem->type.length) buffer[cur++] = ':'; cur += itoa(elem->value.length, buffer + cur, 10); } if (elem->value.length) { buffer[cur++] = ' '; memcpy(buffer + cur, PSYC_S2ARG(elem->value)); cur += elem->value.length; } // Actual length should be equal to pre-calculated length at this point. ASSERT(cur == elem->length); return PSYC_RENDER_SUCCESS; } inline PsycRenderRC psyc_render_dict_key (PsycDictKey *elem, char *buffer, size_t buflen) { size_t cur = 0; if (elem->length > buflen) // return error if element doesn't fit in buffer return PSYC_RENDER_ERROR; if (elem->value.length && !(elem->flag & PSYC_ELEM_NO_LENGTH)) cur += itoa(elem->value.length, buffer + cur, 10); if (elem->value.length) { buffer[cur++] = ' '; memcpy(buffer + cur, PSYC_S2ARG(elem->value)); cur += elem->value.length; } // Actual length should be equal to pre-calculated length at this point. ASSERT(cur == elem->length); return PSYC_RENDER_SUCCESS; } #ifdef __INLINE_PSYC_RENDER static inline #endif PsycRenderRC psyc_render_list (PsycList *list, char *buffer, size_t buflen) { size_t i, cur = 0; if (list->length > buflen) // return error if list doesn't fit in buffer return PSYC_RENDER_ERROR; if (list->type.length) { memcpy(buffer + cur, PSYC_S2ARG(list->type)); cur += list->type.length; } for (i = 0; i < list->num_elems; i++) { buffer[cur++] = '|'; psyc_render_elem(&list->elems[i], buffer + cur, buflen - cur); cur += list->elems[i].length; } // Actual length should be equal to pre-calculated length at this point. ASSERT(cur == list->length); return PSYC_RENDER_SUCCESS; } #ifdef __INLINE_PSYC_RENDER static inline #endif PsycRenderRC psyc_render_dict (PsycDict *dict, char *buffer, size_t buflen) { size_t i, cur = 0; if (dict->length > buflen) // return error if dict doesn't fit in buffer return PSYC_RENDER_ERROR; if (dict->type.length) { memcpy(buffer + cur, PSYC_S2ARG(dict->type)); cur += dict->type.length; } for (i = 0; i < dict->num_elems; i++) { buffer[cur++] = '{'; psyc_render_dict_key(&dict->elems[i].key, buffer + cur, buflen - cur); cur += dict->elems[i].key.length; buffer[cur++] = '}'; psyc_render_elem(&dict->elems[i].value, buffer + cur, buflen - cur); cur += dict->elems[i].value.length; } // Actual length should be equal to pre-calculated length at this point. ASSERT(cur == dict->length); return PSYC_RENDER_SUCCESS; } static inline size_t psyc_render_modifier (PsycModifier *mod, char *buffer) { size_t cur = 0; buffer[cur++] = mod->oper; memcpy(buffer + cur, mod->name.data, mod->name.length); cur += mod->name.length; if (cur == 1) return cur; // error, name can't be empty if (mod->value.length && (mod->flag & PSYC_MODIFIER_NEED_LENGTH || mod->flag == PSYC_MODIFIER_CHECK_LENGTH)) { buffer[cur++] = ' '; cur += itoa(mod->value.length, buffer + cur, 10); } buffer[cur++] = '\t'; memcpy(buffer + cur, mod->value.data, mod->value.length); cur += mod->value.length; buffer[cur++] = '\n'; return cur; } #ifdef __INLINE_PSYC_RENDER static inline #endif PsycRenderRC psyc_render (PsycPacket *p, char *buffer, size_t buflen) { size_t i, cur = 0, len; if (p->length > buflen) // return error if packet doesn't fit in buffer return PSYC_RENDER_ERROR; // render routing modifiers for (i = 0; i < p->routing.lines; i++) { len = psyc_render_modifier(&p->routing.modifiers[i], buffer + cur); cur += len; if (len <= 1) return PSYC_RENDER_ERROR_MODIFIER_NAME_MISSING; } // add length if needed if (p->contentlen && !(p->flag & PSYC_PACKET_NO_LENGTH)) cur += itoa(p->contentlen, buffer + cur, 10); if (p->contentlen) buffer[cur++] = '\n'; // start of content part if there's content or length if (p->content.length) { // render raw content if present memcpy(buffer + cur, p->content.data, p->content.length); cur += p->content.length; } else { if (p->stateop) { buffer[cur++] = p->stateop; buffer[cur++] = '\n'; } // render entity modifiers for (i = 0; i < p->entity.lines; i++) cur += psyc_render_modifier(&p->entity.modifiers[i], buffer + cur); if (p->method.length) { // add method\n memcpy(buffer + cur, p->method.data, p->method.length); cur += p->method.length; buffer[cur++] = '\n'; if (p->data.length) { // add data\n memcpy(buffer + cur, p->data.data, p->data.length); cur += p->data.length; buffer[cur++] = '\n'; } } else if (p->data.length) // error, we have data but no modifier return PSYC_RENDER_ERROR_METHOD_MISSING; } // add packet delimiter buffer[cur++] = PSYC_PACKET_DELIMITER_CHAR; buffer[cur++] = '\n'; // actual length should be equal to pre-calculated length at this point ASSERT(cur == p->length); return PSYC_RENDER_SUCCESS; }