#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test.c" // max size for routing & entity header #define ROUTING_LINES 16 #define ENTITY_LINES 32 // cmd line args char *filename, *port = "4440"; uint8_t verbose, stats; uint8_t multiple, single, routing_only, no_render, quiet, progress; size_t count = 1, recv_buf_size; psycParseState parsers[NUM_PARSERS]; psycPacket packets[NUM_PARSERS]; psycModifier routing[NUM_PARSERS][ROUTING_LINES]; psycModifier entity[NUM_PARSERS][ENTITY_LINES]; int contbytes, exit_code; static inline void resetString (psycString *s, uint8_t freeptr); // initialize parser & packet variables void test_init (int i) { // reset parser state & packet if (routing_only) psyc_initParseState2(&parsers[i], PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING_ONLY); else psyc_initParseState(&parsers[i]); memset(&packets[i], 0, sizeof(psycPacket)); memset(&routing[i], 0, sizeof(psycModifier) * ROUTING_LINES); memset(&entity[i], 0, sizeof(psycModifier) * ENTITY_LINES); packets[i].routing.modifiers = routing[i]; packets[i].entity.modifiers = entity[i]; } // parse & render input int test_input (int i, char *recvbuf, size_t nbytes) { int j, ret, retl, r; char sendbuf[SEND_BUF_SIZE]; char *parsebuf = recvbuf - contbytes; /* We have a buffer with pointers pointing to various parts of it: * *contbuf-vv * buffer: [ ccrrrr] * *recvbuf---^^^^ * *parsebuf-^^^^^^ * * New data is in recvbuf, if it contains an incomplete packet then remaining * unparsed data is copied to contbuf that will be parsed during the next call * to this function together with the new data. */ psycParseState *parser = &parsers[i]; psycPacket *packet = &packets[i]; char oper; psycString name, value, elem; psycString *pname = NULL, *pvalue = NULL; psycModifier *mod = NULL; psycParseListState listState; size_t len; // Set buffer with data for the parser. psyc_setParseBuffer2(parser, parsebuf, contbytes + nbytes); contbytes = 0; oper = 0; name.length = 0; value.length = 0; do { if (verbose >= 3) printf("\n# buffer = [%.*s]\n# part = %d\n", (int)parser->buffer.length, parser->buffer.ptr, parser->part); // Parse the next part of the packet (a routing/entity modifier or the body) ret = exit_code = psyc_parse(parser, &oper, &name, &value); if (verbose >= 2) printf("# ret = %d\n", ret); switch (ret) { case PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING: assert(packet->routing.lines < ROUTING_LINES); mod = &(packet->routing.modifiers[packet->routing.lines]); pname = &mod->name; pvalue = &mod->value; mod->flag = PSYC_MODIFIER_ROUTING; packet->routing.lines++; break; case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_START: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_CONT: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY: assert(packet->entity.lines < ENTITY_LINES); mod = &(packet->entity.modifiers[packet->entity.lines]); pname = &mod->name; pvalue = &mod->value; if (ret == PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY || ret == PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END) { packet->entity.lines++; mod->flag = psyc_isParseValueLengthFound(parser) ? PSYC_MODIFIER_NEED_LENGTH : PSYC_MODIFIER_NO_LENGTH; } break; case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_START: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_CONT: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_END: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY: pname = &(packet->method); pvalue = &(packet->data); break; case PSYC_PARSE_COMPLETE: if (verbose) printf("# Done parsing.\n"); else if (progress) r = write(1, ".", 1); if ((filename && !multiple) || (!filename && single)) ret = -1; if (!no_render) { packet->flag = psyc_isParseContentLengthFound(parser) ? PSYC_PACKET_NEED_LENGTH : PSYC_PACKET_NO_LENGTH; if (routing_only) { packet->content = packet->data; resetString(&(packet->data), 0); } psyc_setPacketLength(packet); if (psyc_render(packet, sendbuf, SEND_BUF_SIZE) == PSYC_RENDER_SUCCESS) { if (!quiet) { if (filename && write(1, sendbuf, packet->length) == -1) { perror("write"); ret = -1; } else if (!filename && send(i, sendbuf, packet->length, 0) == -1) { perror("send"); ret = -1; } } } else { printf("# Render error"); ret = -1; } } // reset packet packet->routingLength = 0; packet->contentLength = 0; packet->length = 0; packet->flag = 0; for (j = 0; j < packet->routing.lines; j++) { resetString(&(packet->routing.modifiers[j].name), 1); resetString(&(packet->routing.modifiers[j].value), 1); } packet->routing.lines = 0; if (routing_only) { resetString(&(packet->content), 1); } else { for (j = 0; j < packet->entity.lines; j++) { resetString(&(packet->entity.modifiers[j].name), 1); resetString(&(packet->entity.modifiers[j].value), 1); } packet->entity.lines = 0; resetString(&(packet->method), 1); resetString(&(packet->data), 1); } break; case PSYC_PARSE_INSUFFICIENT: if (verbose >= 2) printf("# Insufficient data.\n"); contbytes = psyc_getParseRemainingLength(parser); if (contbytes > 0) { // copy end of parsebuf before start of recvbuf if (verbose >= 3) printf("# remaining = [%.*s]\n", (int)contbytes, psyc_getParseRemainingBuffer(parser)); assert(contbytes <= CONT_BUF_SIZE); // make sure it's still in the buffer memmove(recvbuf - contbytes, psyc_getParseRemainingBuffer(parser), contbytes); } ret = 0; break; default: printf("# Error while parsing: %i\n", ret); ret = -1; } switch (ret) { case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_START: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_CONT: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_START: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_CONT: ret = 0; case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END: case PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_END: if (oper) { mod->oper = oper; if (verbose >= 2) printf("%c", oper); } if (name.length) { pname->ptr = malloc(name.length); pname->length = name.length; assert(pname->ptr != NULL); memcpy((void*)pname->ptr, name.ptr, name.length); name.length = 0; if (verbose >= 2) printf("%.*s = ", (int)pname->length, pname->ptr); } if (value.length) { if (!pvalue->length) { if (psyc_isParseValueLengthFound(parser)) len = psyc_getParseValueLength(parser); else len = value.length; pvalue->ptr = malloc(len); } assert(pvalue->ptr != NULL); memcpy((void*)pvalue->ptr + pvalue->length, value.ptr, value.length); pvalue->length += value.length; value.length = 0; if (verbose >= 2) { printf("[%.*s]", (int)pvalue->length, pvalue->ptr); if (parser->valueLength > pvalue->length) printf("..."); printf("\n"); } } else if (verbose) printf("\n"); if (verbose >= 3) printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t# n:%ld v:%ld c:%ld r:%ld\n", pname->length, pvalue->length, parser->contentParsed, parser->routingLength); } switch (ret) { case PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END: oper = 0; name.length = 0; value.length = 0; if (psyc_isListVar(pname)) { if (verbose >= 2) printf("## LIST START\n"); psyc_initParseListState(&listState); psyc_setParseListBuffer(&listState, *pvalue); do { retl = psyc_parseList(&listState, &elem); switch (retl) { case PSYC_PARSE_LIST_END: retl = 0; case PSYC_PARSE_LIST_ELEM: if (verbose >= 2) { printf("|%.*s\n", (int)elem.length, elem.ptr); if (ret == PSYC_PARSE_LIST_END) printf("## LIST END"); } break; default: printf("# Error while parsing list: %i\n", retl); ret = retl = -1; } } while (retl > 0); } } } while (ret > 0); if (progress) r = write(1, " ", 1); return ret; } static inline void resetString (psycString *s, uint8_t freeptr) { if (freeptr && s->length) free((void*)s->ptr); s->ptr = NULL; s->length = 0; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int c; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "f:p:b:c:mnqrsvPSh")) != -1) { switch (c) { CASE_f CASE_p CASE_b CASE_c CASE_m CASE_n CASE_q CASE_r CASE_s CASE_v CASE_S CASE_P case 'h': printf( HELP_FILE("testPsyc", "mnqrSsvP") HELP_PORT("testPsyc", "nqrsvP") HELP_f HELP_p HELP_b HELP_c HELP_m HELP_n HELP_r HELP_q HELP_S HELP_s HELP_v HELP_P HELP_h, port, RECV_BUF_SIZE); exit(0); case '?': exit(-1); default: abort(); } } if (filename) test_file(filename, count, recv_buf_size); else test_server(port, count, recv_buf_size); return exit_code; }