import { ResizeObserver } from '@juggle/resize-observer'; export default { inserted(el, binding, vn) { const query = binding.value; /* const addClassRecursive = (el: Element, cls: string) => { el.classList.add(cls); if (el.children) { for (const child of el.children) { addClassRecursive(child, cls); } } }; const removeClassRecursive = (el: Element, cls: string) => { el.classList.remove(cls); if (el.children) { for (const child of el.children) { removeClassRecursive(child, cls); } } };*/ const addClass = (el: Element, cls: string) => { el.classList.add(cls); }; const removeClass = (el: Element, cls: string) => { el.classList.remove(cls); }; const calc = () => { const width = el.clientWidth; for (const q of query) { if (q.max) { if (width <= q.max) { addClass(el, 'max-width_' + q.max + 'px'); } else { removeClass(el, 'max-width_' + q.max + 'px'); } } if (q.min) { if (width >= q.min) { addClass(el, 'min-width_' + q.min + 'px'); } else { removeClass(el, 'min-width_' + q.min + 'px'); } } } }; calc(); vn.context.$on('hook:activated', calc); const ro = new ResizeObserver((entries, observer) => { calc(); }); ro.observe(el); el._ro_ = ro; }, unbind(el, binding, vn) { el._ro_.unobserve(el); } };